
Dutch Courage


"Just our luck!"


Gus Lafee finished wiping his hands and sullenly threw the towel upon the rocks. His attitude was one of deep dejection. The light seemed gone out of the day and the glory from the golden sun. Even the keen mountain air was devoid of relish,and the early morning no longer yielded its customary zest.


"Just our luck!" Gus repeated,this time avowedly for the edification of another young fellow who was busily engaged in sousing his head in the water of the lake.

“太倒霉了!” 格斯重复道,这一次他明显是说给另外一个年轻人听的,那人正忙着把头浸在湖水里洗呢。

"What are you grumbling about,anyway?" Hazard Van Dorn lifted a soap—rimmed face questioningly. His eyes were shut. "What's our luck?"

“你到底在嘟囔什么啊?” 哈泽德·范多恩抬起沾满肥皂泡的脸问道。他的眼睛闭着。 “我们怎么倒霉了?”

"Look there!" Gus threw a moody glance skyward. "Some duffer's got ahead of us. We've been scooped,that's all!"

“看那里!” 格斯闷闷不乐地朝天空瞥了一眼。 “有个笨蛋已经在我们前面了。我们被超过去了,就是这样!”

Hazard opened his eyes,and caught a fleeting glimpse of a white flag waving arrogantly on the edge of a wall of rock nearly a mile above his head. Then his eyes closed with a snap,and his face wrinkled spasmodically. Gus threw him the towel,and uncommiseratingly watched him wipe out the offending soap. He felt too blue himself to take stock in trivialities.


Hazard groaned.


"Does it hurt—much?" Gus queried,coldly,without interest,as if it were no more than his duty to ask after the welfare of his comrade.

“很疼吗?” 格斯冷冷地问道,丝毫不带兴趣,好像询问自己伙伴的状况只是他的义务。

"I guess it does," responded the suffering one.

“我想是的。” 痛苦的哈泽德回答道。

"Soap's pretty strong,eh?—Noticed it myself. "


"'Tisn't the soap. It 's—it's that!" He opened his reddened eyes and pointed toward the innocent white little flag. That's what hurts.

“不是肥皂。它是——是那个!” 他睁开泛红的双眼,指着那面无辜的小白旗。 “我是因为那个难受。”

Gus Lafee did not reply,but turned away to start the fire and begin cooking breakfast. His disappointment and grief were too deep for anything but silence,and Hazard,who felt likewise,never opened his mouth as he fed the horses,nor once laid his head against their arching necks or passed caressing fingers through their manes. The two boys were blind,also,to the manifold glories of Mirror Lake which reposed at their very feet. Nine times,had they chosen to move along its margin the short distance of a hundred yards,could they have seen the sunrise repeated;nine times,from behind as many successive peaks,could they have seen the great orb rear his blazing rim;and nine times,had they but looked into the waters of the lake,could they have seen the phenomena reflected faithfully and vividly. But all the Titanic grandeur of the scene was lost to them. They had been robbed of the chief pleasure of their trip to Yosemite Valley. They had been frustrated in their long—cherished design upon Half Dome,and hence were rendered disconsolate and blind to the beauties and the wonders of the place.


Half Dome rears its ice—scarred head fully five thousand feet above the level floor of Yosemite Valley. In the name itself of this great rock lies an accurate and complete description. Nothing more nor less is it than a cyclopean,rounded dome,split in half as cleanly as an apple that is divided by a knife. It is,perhaps,quite needless to state that but one—half remains,hence its name,the other half having been carried away by the great ice—river in the stormy time of the Glacial Period. In that dim day one of those frigid rivers gouged a mighty channel from out the solid rock. This channel to—day is Yosemite Valley. But to return to the Half Dome. On its northeastern side,by circuitous trails and stiff climbing,one may gain the Saddle. Against the slope of the Dome the Saddle leans like a gigantic slab,and from the top of this slab,one thousand feet in length,curves the great circle to the summit of the Dome. A few degrees too steep for unaided climbing,these one thousand feet defied for years the adventurous spirits who fixed yearning eyes upon the crest above.


One day,a couple of clear—headed mountaineers had proceeded to insert iron eye—bolts into holes which they drilled into the rock every few feet apart. But when they found themselves three hundred feet above the Saddle,clinging like flies to the precarious wall with on either hand a yawning abyss,their nerves failed them and they abandoned the enterprise. So it remained for an indomitable Scotchman,one George Anderson,finally to achieve the feat. Beginning where they had left off,drilling and climbing for a week,he had at last set foot upon that awful summit and gazed down into the depths where Mirror Lake reposed,nearly a mile beneath.


In the years which followed,many bold men took advantage of the huge rope ladder which he had put in place;but one winter ladder,cables and all were carried away by the snow and ice. True,most of the eye—bolts,twisted and bent,remained. But few men had since essayed the hazardous undertaking,and of those few more than one gave up his life on the treacherous heights,and not one succeeded.


But Gus Lafee and Hazard Van Dorn had left the smiling valley—land of California and journeyed into the high Sierras,intent on the great adventure. And thus it was that their disappointment was deep and grievous when they awoke on this morning to receive the forestalling message of the little white flag.


"Camped at the foot of the Saddle last night and went up at the first peep of day," Hazard ventured,long after the silent breakfast had been tucked away and the dishes washed.

“他肯定是昨晚在鞍状山脊脚下宿营,今早天刚亮就登山了。” 哈泽德试着说道,从吃完早饭到把餐盘洗完后很长时间两人就一直沉默着。

Gus nodded. It was not in the nature of things that a youth's spirits should long remain at low ebb,and his tongue was beginning to loosen.


"Guess he's down by now,lying in camp and feeling as big as Alexander," the other went on. "And I don't blame him,either;only I wish it were we. "

“我猜他现在已经下山了,正躺在帐篷里,感觉自己和亚历山大一样伟大。” 另外一个接着说道。 “我也不怪他,我只是希望做到的是我们。”

"You can be sure he's down," Gus spoke up at last. "It's mighty warm on that naked rock with the sun beating down on it at this time of year. That was our plan,you know,to go up early and come down early. And any man,sensible enough to get to the top,is bound to have sense enough to do it before the rock gets hot and his hands sweaty. "

“你可以确定他已经下山了,” 格斯最后大声地说, “每年的这个时候,太阳都会把那块裸露的石头照得很热。你知道的,我们的计划就是早些上山再早些下山。任何一个足够理智爬到山顶的人,肯定也会理智地在那块石头变烫、双手出汗之前下山。”

“而且你可以确定他没有带着鞋子。” 哈泽德翻过身来躺着,懒洋洋地注视着那个缩成了一点的旗子,那面旗子在陡峭的悬崖边上轻快地飘扬着。 “喂!” 他猛地坐起来, “那是什么?”

A metallic ray of light flashed out from the summit of Half Dome,then a second and a third. The heads of both boys were craned backward on the instant,agog with excitement.


"What a duffer!" Gus cried. "Why didn't he come down when it was cool?"

“真是个笨蛋!” 格斯叫喊道, “他为什么不趁凉快下山啊?”

Hazard shook his head slowly,as if the question were too deep for immediate answer and they had better defer judgment.


The flashes continued,and as the boys soon noted,at irregular intervals of duration and disappearance. Now they were long,now short;and again they came and went with great rapidity,or ceased altogether for several moments at a time.


"I have it!" Hazard's face lighted up with the coming of understanding. "I have it!That fellow up there is trying to talk to us. He's flashing the sunlight down to us on a pocket—mirror—dot,dash;dot,dash;don't you see?"

“我明白啦!” 弄明白这些后,哈泽德脸上洋溢着光彩, “我明白啦!上面的那个家伙正试图和我们说话。他正用小镜子把太阳光给我们反射下来——点,划;点,划;你看到了吗?”

The light also began to break in Gus's face. "Ah,I know!It's what they do in war—time—signaling. They call it heliographing,don't they?Same thing as telegraphing,only it's done without wires. And they use the same dots and dashes,too. "

格斯也开始露出领悟的表情。 “啊,我明白了!人们在战争年代就是用这个——发信号。他们称它为日光反射信号,对吧?它和电报其实是一回事,只是它不用电线就能完成。他们用的也是同样的点和划。”

"Yes,the Morse alphabet. Wish I knew it. "


"Same here. He surely must have something to say to us,or he wouldn't be kicking up all that rumpus. "


Still the flashes came and went persistently,till Gus exclaimed: "That chap's in trouble,that's what's the matter with him!Most likely he's hurt himself or something or other. "

光束仍然持续地出现又消失,直到格斯惊呼道: “那个家伙遇到麻烦了,这就是他的问题!很有可能是他自己受伤了或者别的什么事情。”

"Go on!" Hazard scouted.

“继续啊!” 哈泽德表示不信。

Gus got out the shotgun and fired both barrels three times in rapid succession. A perfect flutter of flashes came back before the echoes had ceased their antics. So unmistakable was the message that even doubting Hazard was convinced that the man who had forestalled them stood in some grave danger.


"Quick,Gus," he cried, "and pack!I'll see to the horses. Our trip hasn't come to nothing,after all. We've got to go right up Half Dome and rescue him. Where's the map?How do we get to the Saddle?"

“快点,格斯,” 他喊道, “你打包东西!我去牵马。我们这次旅行终究没有白来。我们必须得马上登到半圆顶山上救他。地图在哪里?我们要怎么才能到鞍状山脊?”

“ ‘Taking the horse—trail below the Vernal Falls,’” Gus read from the guide—book, “ ‘one mile of brisk traveling brings the tourist to the world—famed Nevada Fall. Close by,rising up in all its pomp and glory,the Cap of Liberty stands guard—”

“ ‘沿弗纳尔瀑布下的小路走’ ,” 格斯照旅游手册读着, “ ‘快行一英里,您就会到达举世闻名的内华达瀑布。在瀑布旁,自由之帽像站岗一般,它拔地而起雄伟而壮丽——”

"Skip all that!" Hazard impatiently interrupted. "The trail's what we want. "

“跳过那些!” 哈泽德不耐烦地打断道, “那条小路就是我们要找的。”

"Oh,here it is! 'Following the trail up the side of the fall will bring you to the forks. The left one leads to Little Yosemite Valley,Cloud's Rest,and other points.’ "

“哦,它在这里! ‘沿着瀑布一侧的小路往上爬,你会看到岔路口。左边那条路通向小约塞米蒂山谷、云歇处和其它景点。’”

"Hold on;that'll do!I've got it on the map now," again interrupted Hazard. "From the Cloud's Rest trail a dotted line leads off to Half Dome. That shows the trail's abandoned. We'll have to look sharp to find it. It's a day's journey. "

“停一下,这些就够了!我已经在地图上找到它了,” 哈泽德再次插嘴道, “从云歇处的路上有一条虚线通往半圆顶山。这说明那条小路被废弃了。我们必须得仔细看看才能找到它。那要走上一天呢。”

"And to think of all that traveling,when right here we're at the bottom of the Dome!" Gus complained,staring up wistfully at the goal.

“想想我们来的这一路,现在我们已经在半圆顶山的山脚下了!” 格斯抱怨着,渴望地盯着目标。

"That's because this is Yosemite,and all the more reason for us to hurry. Come on!Be lively,now!"


Well used as they were to trail life,but few minutes sufficed to see the camp equipage on the backs of the packhorses and the boys in the saddle. In the late twilight of that evening they hobbled their animals in a tiny mountain meadow,and cooked coffee and bacon for themselves at the very base of the Saddle. Here,also,before they turned into their blankets,they found the camp of the unlucky stranger who was destined to spend the night on the naked roof of the Dome.


Dawn was brightening into day when the panting lads threw themselves down at the summit of the Saddle and began taking off their shoes. Looking down from the great height,they seemed perched upon the ridge—pole of the world,and even the snow—crowned Sierra peaks seemed beneath them. Directly below,on the one hand,lay Little Yosemite Valley,half a mile deep;on the other hand,Big Yosemite,a mile. Already the sun's rays were striking about the adventurers,but the darkness of night still shrouded the two great gulfs into which they peered. And above them,bathed in the full day,rose only the majestic curve of the Dome.


"What's that for?" Gus asked,pointing to a leather—shielded flask which Hazard was securely fastening in his shirt pocket.

“那东西有什么用啊?” 哈泽德之前在衬衣口袋里牢牢固定了一个皮套包着的酒瓶,格斯指着那个酒瓶问道。

"Dutch courage,of course," was the reply. "We'll need all our nerve in this undertaking,and a little bit more,and," he tapped the flask significantly, "here's the little bit more. "

哈泽德回答道: “当然是酒后之勇了。” “在这次探险中我们需要鼓足所有勇气,还多需要一点点,而这个,” 他意味深长地敲了一下酒瓶, “就是我们需要的那额外的一点点。”

"Good idea," Gus commented.

“真是个好主意。” 格斯评论道。

How they had ever come possessed of this erroneous idea,it would be hard to discover;but they were young yet,and there remained for them many uncut pages of life. Believers,also,in the efficacy of whisky as a remedy for snake—bite,they had brought with them a fair supply of medicine—chest liquor. As yet they had not touched it.


"Have some before we start?" Hazard asked.

“在开始之前要不要来点?” 哈泽德问道。

Gus looked into the gulf and shook his head. "Better wait till we get up higher and the climbing is more ticklish. "

格斯朝深渊看了看,然后摇了摇头。 “我们最好还是等到爬到高一些,攀岩更加困难的时候再喝吧。”

Some seventy feet above them projected the first eye—bolt. The winter accumulations of ice had twisted and bent it down till it did not stand more than a bare inch and a half above the rock—a most difficult object to lasso at such a distance. Time and again Hazard coiled his lariat in true cowboy fashion and made the cast,and time and again was he baffled by the elusive peg. Nor could Gus do better. Taking advantage of inequalities in the surface,they scrambled twenty feet up the Dome and found they could rest in a shallow crevice. The cleft side of the Dome was so near that they could look over its edge from the crevice and gaze down the smooth,vertical wall for nearly two thousand feet. It was yet too dark down below for them to see farther.


The peg was now fifty feet away,but the path they must cover to get to it was quite smooth,and ran at an inclination of nearly fifty degrees. It seemed impossible,in that intervening space,to find a resting—place. Either the climber must keep going up,or he must slide down;he could not stop. But just here rose the danger. The Dome was sphere—shaped,and if he should begin to slide,his course would be,not to the point from which he had started and where the Saddle would catch him,but off to the south toward Little Yosemite. This meant a plunge of half a mile.


"I'll try it," Gus said simply.

“我来试试。” 格斯简单地说了一句。

They knotted the two lariats together,so that they had over a hundred feet of rope between them;and then each boy tied an end to his waist.


"If I slide," Gus cautioned, "come in on the slack and brace yourself. If you don' t ,you'll follow me,that's all!"

“如果我滑下去,” 格斯提醒道, “你就把绳子拉紧而且要让自己站稳。如果你没有做到,你就会跟着我滑下去,就全完了!”

"Ay,ay!" was the confident response. "Better take a nip before you start?"

“行,行!” 哈泽德信心十足地回答道, “你在出发之前要不要先喝一小口?”

Gus glanced at the proffered bottle. He knew himself and of what he was capable. "Wait till I make the peg and you join me. All ready?"

格斯瞥了一眼递过来的酒瓶。他了解自己,也清楚自己的能力。 “等到我套上钉子,你跟上我的时候再喝吧。准备好了吗?”

"Ay. "


He struck out like a cat,on all fours,clawing energetically as he urged his upward progress,his comrade paying out the rope carefully. At first his speed was good,but gradually it dwindled. Now he was fifteen feet from the peg,now ten,now eight—but going,oh,so slowly!Hazard,looking up from his crevice,felt a contempt for him and disappointment in him. It did look easy. Now Gus was five feet away,and after a painful effort,four feet. But when only a yard intervened,he came to a standstill—not exactly a standstill,for,like a squirrel in a wheel,he maintained his position on the face of the Dome by the most desperate clawing.


He had failed,that was evident. The question now was,how to save himself. With a sudden,catlike movement he whirled over on his back,caught his heel in a tiny,saucer—shaped depression and sat up. Then his courage failed him. Day had at last penetrated to the floor of the valley,and he was appalled at the frightful distance.


"Go ahead and make it!" Hazard ordered;but Gus merely shook his head.

“继续去完成它!” 哈泽德命令道,但是格斯只是摇头。

"Then come down!"


Again he shook his head. This was his ordeal,to sit,nerveless and insecure,on the brink of the precipice. But Hazard,lying safely in his crevice,now had to face his own ordeal,but one of a different nature. When Gus began to slide—as he soon must—would he,Hazard,be able to take in the slack and then meet the shock as the other tautened the rope and darted toward the plunge?It seemed doubtful. And there he lay,apparently safe,but in reality harnessed to death. Then rose the temptation. Why not cast off the rope about his waist?He would be safe at all events. It was a simple way out of the difficulty. There was no need that two should perish. But it was impossible for such temptation to overcome his pride of race,and his own pride in himself and in his honor. So the rope remained about him.


"Come down!" he ordered;but Gus seemed to have become petrified.

“下来啊!” 他命令道,但是格斯看起来已经吓呆了。

"Come down," he threatened, "or I'll drag you down!" He pulled on the rope to show he was in earnest.

“下来,” 哈泽德威胁道, “不然我就拉你下来了!” 他拉了拉套索以显示他是认真的。

"Don't you dare!" Gus articulated through his clenched teeth.

“你敢!” 格斯从咬紧的牙缝中清楚地挤出这句话。

"Sure I will,if you don't come!" Again he jerked the rope.

“你要是不下来,我肯定会拉的!” 哈泽德又猛地拉了一下套索。

With a despairing gurgle Gus started,doing his best to work sideways from the plunge. Hazard,every sense on the alert,almost exulting in his perfect coolness,took in the slack with deft rapidity. Then,as the rope began to tighten,he braced himself. The shock drew him half out of the crevice;but he held firm and served as the center of the circle,while Gus,with the rope as a radius,described the circumference and ended up on the extreme southern edge of the Saddle. A few moments later Hazard was offering him the flask.


"Take some yourself," Gus said.

“你自己喝点吧。” 格斯说道。

"No;you. I don't need it. "


"And I 'm past needing it. " Evidently Gus was dubious of the bottle and its contents.

“我现在也用不着它了。” 很明显格斯对那酒瓶和里面装的东西心存疑惑。

Hazard put it away in his pocket. "Are you game," he asked, "or are you going to give it up?"

哈泽德将它放回自己的衣兜里。 “你是愿意尝试,” 他问道, “还是打算放弃呢?”

"Never!" Gus protested. "I am game. No Lafee ever showed the white feather yet. And if I did lose my grit up there,it was only for the moment—sort of like seasickness. I 'm all right now,and I' m going to the top. "

“我不会放弃的!” 格斯拒绝道, “我愿意尝试。还从来没有一个莱夫家的人表现出懦弱过呢。如果我在那上面没了勇气,那也只是暂时的——有些像晕船一样的感觉。我现在好了,我要爬到山顶去。”

"Good!" encouraged Hazard. "You lie in the crevice this time,and I'll show you how easy it is. "

“好样的!” 哈泽德鼓励道, “这次你躺在裂缝处,我来让你见识一下这件事是多么容易。”

But Gus refused. He held that it was easier and safer for him to try again,arguing that it was less difficult for his one hundred and sixteen pounds to cling to the smooth rock than for Hazard's one hundred and sixty—five;also that it was easier for one hundred and sixty—five pounds to bring a sliding one hundred and sixteen to a stop than vice versa. And further,that he had the benefit of his previous experience. Hazard saw the justice of this,although it was with great reluctance that he gave in.


Success vindicated Gus's contention. The second time,just as it seemed as if his slide would be repeated,he made a last supreme effort and gripped the coveted peg. By means of the rope,Hazard quickly joined him. The next peg was nearly sixty feet away;but for nearly half that distance the base of some glacier in the forgotten past had ground a shallow furrow. Taking advantage of this,it was easy for Gus to lasso the eye—bolt. And it seemed,as was really the case,that the hardest part of the task was over. True,the curve steepened to nearly sixty degrees above them,but a comparatively unbroken line of eye—bolts,six feet apart,awaited the lads. They no longer had even to use the lasso. Standing on one peg it was child's play to throw the bight of the rope over the next and to draw themselves up to it.


A bronzed and bearded man met them at the top and gripped their hands in hearty fellowship.


"Talk about your Mont Blancs!" he exclaimed,pausing in the midst of greeting them to survey the mighty panorama. "But there's nothing on all the earth,nor over it,nor under it,to compare with this!" Then he recollected himself and thanked them for coming to his aid. No,he was not hurt or injured in any way. Simply because of his own carelessness,just as he had arrived at the top the previous day,he had dropped his climbing rope. Of course it was impossible to descend without it. Did they understand heliographing?No?That was strange!How did they。

“讲讲你们的勃朗峰!” 正当他招呼两个男孩去俯视那壮丽的景象时,他突然停下来兴奋地嚷道, “不论地上、天上,哪怕是地底下,都没有一样东西可以和这个相媲美!” 然后他回过神来,感谢两个男孩赶来救他。事实上,他既没有感到疼痛也没有受一点伤。只是因为自己的粗心大意,昨天他刚爬到山顶时,登山用的套索就掉下山去了。当然了,没有套索是不可能下山的。他们懂得日光反射信号吗?不懂?那太奇怪了!那他们是怎么。

"Oh,we knew something was the matter," Gus interrupted, "from the way you flashed when we fired off the shotgun. "

“哦,我们知道你有麻烦,” 格斯插嘴道, “我们是根据你在我们打响猎枪后反射日光的方式知道的。”

"Find it pretty cold last night without blankets?" Hazard queried.

“昨晚没盖毯子很冷吧?” 哈泽德问道。

"I should say so. I've hardly thawed out yet. "


"Have some of this. " Hazard shoved the flask over to him.

“喝点这个吧。” 哈泽德把酒瓶递给他。

The stranger regarded him quite seriously for a moment,then said, "My dear fellow,do you see that row of pegs?Since it is my honest intention to climb down them very shortly,I am forced to decline. No,I don't think I'll have any,though I thank you just the same. "

这个陌生的人很严肃地看了他一会儿,然后说道: “好兄弟,你见到那排钉子了吗?因为我确实很想沿着它们尽快下山,所以我不得不拒绝你的好意。不,我觉得自己还是不喝了,不过还是要谢谢你。”

Hazard glanced at Gus and then put the flask back in his pocket. But when they pulled the doubled rope through the last eye—bolt and set foot on the Saddle,he again drew out the bottle.


"Now that we're down,we don't need it," he remarked,pithily. "And I've about come to the conclusion that there isn't very much in Dutch courage,after all. " He gazed up the great curve of the Dome. "Look at what we've done without it!"

“既然我们已经下来了,就不再需要它了,” 他简练地说了句, “我大概得出一个结论,那就是酒后的勇气还是不大。” 他向上凝视着圆顶山的巨大曲线。 “你看我们没有喝酒不也做到了嘛!”

Several seconds thereafter a party of tourists,gathered at the margin of Mirror Lake,were astounded at the unwonted phenomenon of a whisky flask descending upon them like a comet out of a clear sky;and all the way back to the hotel they marveled greatly at the wonders of nature,especially meteorites.

数秒钟后,一群聚在镜湖湖畔的旅游者看到一个威士忌酒瓶像是晴天里的一颗彗星似的朝他们降下来,这个不寻常的现象令他们震惊不已。在回旅馆的路上,他们都在为大自然的奇观感到非常震撼,尤其是陨星。 /oNUQZvzN2Y8pPbx7g0MS6dAnfkhLyWC3GbyK+gbnXTo5sVENLP3Rpt/JKzAqrxF
