
To the Man on the Trail


"Dump it in. "


"But I say,Kid,isn't that going it a little too strong?Whiskey and alcohol's bad enough;but when it comes to brandy and pepper—sauce and—"


"Dump it in. Who's making this punch,anyway?" And Malemute Kid smiled benignantly through the clouds of steam. "By the time you've been in this country as long as I have,my son,and lived on rabbit—tracks and salmon—belly,you'll learn that Christmas comes only once per annum. And a Christmas without punch is sinking a hole to bedrock with nary a pay—streak. "

“倒进来。究竟是谁在调潘趣酒啊?” 马尔穆特·基德透过雾气腾腾的水汽亲切地笑着。 “我的孩子,等你在这一带住得跟我一样久,一样靠打兔子、钓鲑鱼为生的时候,你就会知道,圣诞节一年只有一次。而没有潘趣酒的圣诞节就像挖矿挖到了岩床,却连一条富矿线都没找到一样。”

"Stack up on that fer a high card," approved Big Jim Belden,who had come down from his claim on Mazy May to spend Christmas,and who,as every one knew,had been living the two months past on straight moose—meat. "Hain't fergot the hooch we—uns made on the Tanana,hev yeh?"

“说得对极啦,” 大吉姆·贝尔登表示赞同,他是从自己在马齐·梅的矿场来这儿过圣诞节的。谁都知道,在过去的两个月里他完全只靠吃驼鹿肉过活。 “没忘了我们在塔纳纳河边一块儿配的那种酒吧?”

"Well,I guess yes. Boys,it would have done your hearts good to see that whole tribe fighting drunk—and all because of a glorious ferment of sugar and sour dough. That was before your time," Malemute Kid said as he turned to Stanley Prince,a young mining expert who had been in two years. "No white women in the country then,and Mason wanted to get married. Ruth's father was chief of the Tananas,and objected,like the rest of the tribe. Stiff?Why,I used my last pound of sugar;finest work in that line I ever did in my life. You should have seen the chase,down the river and across the portage. "

“嗯,没忘掉。伙计们,要是你们看到整个部落的人都在醉酒闹事——却只是为了一种用糖和酸面团发酵酿成的好酒,一定会觉得很高兴。这是你们出生前的事了。” 马尔穆特·基德转过身来对斯坦利·普林斯说道。普林斯是个年轻的采矿能手,已经在那里干了两年了。 “当时这一带没有白种女人,可梅森想结婚。鲁丝的父亲是塔纳纳族的酋长。跟部落里的其他人一样,他反对这桩婚事。酒烈吧?嘿,我用上了自己最后的一磅糖,这是我这辈子酿的最好的酒了。你们真应该看看那次追击,沿着河,穿过了陆上运输线。”

"But the squaw?" asked Louis Savoy,the tall French—Canadian,becoming interested;for he had heard of this wild deed,when at Forty Mile the preceding winter.

“可是那个印第安女人呢?” 路易·萨瓦问道,这个高个子的法国裔加拿大人听得津津有味,因为去年冬天他在四十里站时,就听说过这一疯狂事迹。

Then Malemute Kid,who was a born raconteur,told the unvarnished tale of the Northland Lochinvar. More than one rough adventurer of the North felt his heartstrings draw closer,and experienced vague yearnings for the sunnier pastures of the Southland,where life promised something more than a barren struggle with cold and death.


"We struck the Yukon just behind the first ice—run," he concluded, "and the tribe only a quarter of an hour behind. But that saved us;for the second run broke the jam above and shut them out. When they finally got into Nuklukyeto,the whole Post was ready for them. And as to the foregathering,ask Father Roubeau here:he performed the ceremony. "

“我们正好在第一块冰融化时来到了育空河,” 基德总结说, “而她部落的人只比我们晚了一刻钟。不过这样我们就得救了,因为第二次融冰冲破了上游的淤塞,他们被拦在河对岸了。当他们最终赶到奴克鲁克托的时候,整个贸易站的人都准备好迎接他们了。至于结婚的事情,问这里的鲁勃神父吧,是他主持的婚礼。”

The Jesuit took the pipe from his lips,but could only express his gratification with patriarchal smiles,while Protestant and Catholic vigorously applauded.


"By gar!" ejaculated Louis Savoy,who seemed overcome by the romance of it. "La petite squaw;mon Mason brav. By gar!" Then,as the first tin cups of punch went round,Bettles the Unquenchable sprang to his feet and struck up his favorite drinking song:

“我的天!” 路易·萨瓦突然叫了起来,他似乎被这段浪漫的爱情故事折服了。 “小小的印第安女人,我们勇敢的梅森。我的天!” 接着,随着第一巡用马口铁杯盛着的酒传开来,躁动不安的贝特尔斯跳了起来,唱起他心爱的祝酒歌:

"There's Henry Ward Beecher And Sunday—school teachers,All drink of the sassafras root;But you bet all the same,If it had its right name,It's the juice of the forbidden fruit. "


"O the juice of the forbidden fruit,"


roared out the Bacchanalian chorus:


"O the juice of the forbidden fruit;But you bet all the same,If it had its right name,It's the juice of the forbidden fruit. "


Malemute Kid's frightful concoction did its work;the men of the camps and trails unbent in its genial glow,and jest and song and tales of past adventure went round the board. Aliens from a dozen lands,they toasted each and all. It was the Englishman,Prince,who pledged "Uncle Sam,the precocious infant of the New World;" the Yankee,Bettles,who drank to "The Queen,God bless her;" and together,Savoy and Meyers,the German trader,clanged their cups to Alsace and Lorraine.

马尔穆特·基德这可怕的混合酒确实发挥了作用:宿营地的人和过路的人都在那令人振奋的热酒作用下放松了下来,围着餐桌说起了笑话、唱起了歌、讲起了过去的冒险经历。来自十多个国家的异乡人都举起了酒杯,彼此敬酒。英国人普林斯为 “山姆大叔这个新世界的早熟稚子” 干了一杯;美国佬贝特尔斯举杯 “祝愿上帝赐福于女王陛下” ;萨瓦同德国商人迈尔斯为阿尔萨斯和洛林推杯换盏。

Then Malemute Kid arose,cup in hand,and glanced at the greased—paper window,where the frost stood full three inches thick. "A health to the man on trail this night;may his grub hold out;may his dogs keep their legs;may his matches never miss fire. "

接着,马尔穆特·基德站起身来,手持酒杯,看了看油纸窗。窗子上结的冰霜都有三英寸厚了。 “为今晚赶路的人干杯,愿他身体康健;愿他的干粮能维持久久;愿他的狗群站稳不跌倒;愿他的火柴一划就着。”

Crack!Crack!—they heard the familiar music of the dogwhip,the whining howl of the Malemutes,and the crunch of a sled as it drew up to the cabin. Conversation languished while they waited the issue.


"An old—timer;cares for his dogs and then himself," whispered Malemute Kid to Prince,as they listened to the snapping jaws and the wolfish snarls and yelps of pain which proclaimed to their practiced ears that the stranger was beating back their dogs while he fed his own.

“是个老手啊,先顾狗,再顾自己。” 马尔穆特·基德悄声对普林斯说道。他们听到狗咬东西的声音、像狼一样的嚎叫声和疼痛引起的咆哮声。这样的声音一传到这些有经验的人耳朵里,他们便知道是那个陌生人在喂自己的狗,同时打退别人的狗。

Then came the expected knock,sharp and confident,and the stranger entered. Dazzled by the light,he hesitated a moment at the door,giving to all a chance for scrutiny. He was a striking personage,and a most picturesque one,in his Arctic dress of wool and fur. Standing six foot two or three,with proportionate breadth of shoulders and depth of chest,his smooth—shaven face nipped by the cold to a gleaming pink,his long lashes and eyebrows white with ice,and the ear and neck flaps of his great wolf skin cap loosely raised,he seemed,of a verity,the Frost King,just stepped in out of the night. 胡子被剃得干干净净的表达生硬,用主动语态即可Clasped outside his mackinaw jacket,a beaded belt held two large Colt's revolvers and a hunting—knife,while he carried,in addition to the inevitable dog whip,a smokeless rifle of the largest bore and latest pattern. As he came forward,for all his step was firm and elastic,they could see that fatigue bore heavily upon him.


An awkward silence had fallen,but his hearty "What cheer,my lads?" put them quickly at ease,and the next instant Malemute Kid and he had gripped hands. Though they had never met,each had heard of the other,and the recognition was mutual. A sweeping introduction and a mug of punch were forced upon him before he could explain his errand.

房间里出现了一阵尴尬的沉默。但他亲切友好地喊了一声 “伙计们,你们好啊!” 让大家很快又自在起来。接着,马尔穆特·基德立即和他紧紧握了握手。尽管他们从未谋面,但是彼此都有所耳闻,便互相认出了对方。客人还没有说明来意,主人就开始给大家互相进行了介绍,并且塞给了他一大杯潘趣酒。

"How long since that basket—sled,with three men and eight dogs,passed?" he asked.

“一辆有三个人赶着八只狗的筐式雪橇,他们过去多久了?” 他问道。

"An even two days ahead. Are you after them?"


"Yes;my team. Run them off under my very nose,the cusses. I've gained two days on them already,—pick them up on the next run. "


"Reckon they'll show spunk?" asked Belden,in order to keep up the conversation,for Malemute Kid already had the coffee—pot on and was busily frying bacon and moose—meat.

“估计他们会跟你拼斗一番吧?” 为了让谈话继续,贝尔登问道,因为马尔穆特·基德已经把咖啡壶放到炉子上,同时忙着煎熏猪肉和驼鹿肉了。

The stranger significantly tapped his revolvers.


"When'd yeh leave Dawson?"


"Twelve o'clock. "


"Last night?" —as a matter of course.

“昨夜?” ——贝尔登以为这是必然的。

"To—day. "


A murmur of surprise passed round the circle. And well it might;for it was just midnight,and seventy—five miles of rough river trail was not to be sneered at for a twelve hours' run.


The talk soon became impersonal,however,harking back to the trails of childhood. As the young stranger ate of the rude fare,Malemute Kid attentively studied his face. Nor was he long in deciding that it was fair,honest,and open,and that he liked it. Still youthful,the lines had been firmly traced by toil and hardship. Though genial in conversation,and mild when at rest,the blue eyes gave promise of the hard steel—glitter which comes when called into action,especially against odds. The heavy jaw and square—cut chin demonstrated rugged pertinacity and indomitability. Nor,though the attributes of the lion were there,was there wanting the certain softness,the hint of womanliness,which bespoke the emotional nature.


"So thet's how me an' t he ol 'woman got spliced," said Belden,concluding the exciting tale of his courtship. “' Here we be,dad, 'sez she. An' may yeh be damned, 'sez he to her,an' t hen to me,Jim,yeh—yeh git outen them good duds o' yourn;I want a right peart slice o' t het forty acre ploughed 'fore dinner.’ An' t hen he turns on her an' sez, 'An' yeh,Sal;yeh sail inter them dishes.’ An' t hen he sort o 'sniffled an' kissed her. An 'I was thet happy,—but he seen me an' roars out, 'Yeh,Jim!' An 'yeh bet I dusted fer the barn.”

“我和我老婆就这样结婚了。” 贝尔登结束了他激动人心的求婚故事。 “她说: ‘爸爸,我们来啦。’ 他父亲对她说: ‘你这该死的。’ 然后他又对我说: ‘你,吉姆,你——你把那套好衣服换下来,吃饭之前去把我那四十亩地犁好。’ 接着,他扭头跟他女儿说: ‘萨尔,你,你赶紧去洗盘子。’ 然后,他好像用鼻子嗤了一声,又吻了她。我真高兴啊——可是他一见我就立刻大吼一声: ‘你,吉姆!’ 我立刻就跑到谷仓里去啦。”

"Any kids waiting for you back in the States?" asked the stranger.

“有孩子在美国等着你回去吗?” 陌生人问道。

"Nope;Sal died 'fore any come. Thet's why I' m here. " Belden abstractedly began to light his pipe,which had failed to go out,and then brightened up with, "How 'bout yerself,stranger,—married man?"

“没有了,萨尔还没有生孩子就死了。所以我才在这儿。” 贝尔登开始心不在焉地点烟斗,而烟斗还没有灭呢。接着,他又高兴起来说: “陌生人,你怎么样,结婚了没有?”

For reply,he opened his watch,slipped it from the thong which served for a chain,and passed it over. Belden pricked up the slush—lamp,surveyed the inside of the case critically,and swearing admiringly to himself,handed it over to Louis Savoy. With numerous "By gars!" he finally surrendered it to Prince,and they noticed that his hands trembled and his eyes took on a peculiar softness. And so it passed from horny hand to horny hand—the pasted photograph of a woman,the clinging kind that such men fancy,with a babe at the breast. Those who had not yet seen the wonder were keen with curiosity;those who had,became silent and retrospective. They could face the pinch of famine,the grip of scurvy,or the quick death by field or flood;but the pictured semblance of a stranger woman and child made women and children of them all.

陌生人打开自己的怀表,把表从充当表链的皮带上解下来,递了过去,以示回答。贝尔登捻亮了油灯,细细地看着表壳里面,自顾自地称赞着,之后把表传给路易·萨瓦。萨瓦连喊了无数声 “我的天!” ,终于把表传给了普林斯。他们注意到普林斯的手在发抖,眼睛里露出了一种异乎寻常的温柔神情。这块表就这样从一只粗糙的手传到另一只粗糙的手中——表壳里嵌着一个女人的照片,她怀里抱着个孩子,这正是这些男人幻想中难以割舍的画面。那些没看过这个稀奇物件的人都充满了强烈的好奇心,而看过的人则开始一声不响地回忆起往事来。他们能面对饥饿带来的苦痛,坏血病带来的折磨,能直面会迅速置人于死地的战场和洪水;可是照片上这个陌生女子和孩子的模样,让他们都变成了女人和孩子。

"Never have seen the youngster yet,—he's a boy,she says,and two years old," said the stranger as he received the treasure back. A lingering moment he gazed upon it,then snapped the case and turned away,but not quick enough to hide the restrained rush of tears.

“我还没有见过孩子呢——据她说,是个男孩子,都两岁啦。” 陌生人收回他的宝贝时说道。他又依依不舍地看了一会儿表里的照片才合上表壳,随即转过脸去,可没来得及掩饰住他强忍着却还是涌出了的泪水。

Malemute Kid led him to a bunk and bade him turn in.


"Call me at four,sharp. Don't fail me," were his last words,and a moment later he was breathing in the heaviness of exhausted sleep.

“四点整的时候叫我。可别误了我的事。” 他说完最后几句话,一会儿就筋疲力尽地沉沉睡着了。

"By Jove!he's a plucky chap," commented Prince. "Three hours 'sleep after seventy—five miles with the dogs,and then the trail again. Who is he,Kid?"

“我的天!真是个有勇气的家伙!” 普林斯评论道。 “赶了七十五英里的路之后只睡三个小时,又要赶路。基德,他是谁啊?”

"Jack Westondale. Been in going on three years,with nothing but the name of working like a horse,and any amount of bad luck to his credit. I never knew him,but Sitka Charley told me about him. "


"It seems hard that a man with a sweet young wife like his should be putting in his years in this God—forsaken hole,where every year counts two on the outside. "


"The trouble with him is clean grit and stubbornness. He's cleaned up twice with a stake,but lost it both times. "


Here the conversation was broken off by an uproar from Bettles,for the effect had begun to wear away. And soon the bleak years of monotonous grub and deadening toil were being forgotten in rough merriment. Malemute Kid alone seemed unable to lose himself,and cast many an anxious look at his watch. Once he put on his mittens and beaver—skin cap,and leaving the cabin,fell to rummaging about in the cache.


Nor could he wait the hour designated;for he was fifteen minutes ahead of time in rousing his guest. The young giant had stiffened badly,and brisk rubbing was necessary to bring him to his feet. He tottered painfully out of the cabin,to find his dogs harnessed and everything ready for the start. The company wished him good luck and a short chase,while Father Roubeau,hurriedly blessing him,led the stampede for the cabin;and small wonder,for it is not good to face seventy—four degrees below zero with naked ears and hands.


Malemute Kid saw him to the main trail,and there,gripping his hand heartily,gave him advice.


"You'll find a hundred pounds of salmon—eggs on the sled," he said. "The dogs will go as far on that as with one hundred and fifty of fish,and you can't get dog—food at Pelly,as you probably expected. " The stranger started,and his eyes flashed,but he did not interrupt. "You can't get an ounce of food for dog or man till you reach Five Fingers,and that's a stiff two hundred miles. Watch out for open water on the Thirty Mile River,and be sure you take the big cut—off above Le Barge. "

“雪橇上有一百磅的鲑鱼子,” 基德说道, “狗吃这个走的路程,能顶得上吃一百五十磅鱼走的路程。可能你想着到佩利买狗粮,但你买不到。” 陌生人吃了一惊,眼睛闪了一下,但是他没有从中打断。 “不到五指河,你是买不到哪怕一盎司的人食或者狗粮的。这两百英里的路非常难走。到了三十英里河,要留神没有结冰的水面,一定要走巴尔杰湖上的那条重要捷径。”

"How did you know it?Surely the news can't be ahead of me already?"


"I don't know it;and what's more,I don't want to know it. But you never owned that team you're chasing. Sitka Charley sold it to them last spring. But he sized you up to me as square once,and believe him. I've seen your face;I like it. And I've seen—why,damn you,hit the high places for salt water and that wife of yours,and—" Here the Kid unmittened and jerked out his sack.

“我不知道什么消息,而且,我也不想知道。但是你追的那支雪橇队根本就不是你的。塞特卡·查利去年春天把狗卖给他们的。但是他有一次跟我品评过你,说你为人正派,我相信他。我观察了你的脸,我喜欢。而且我看得出——算啦,该死,你还是快赶路到海水那一边的高地,回到你老婆那儿去吧,还有——” 说到这儿,基德摘下手套,猛地一下掏出了他的粗布袋。

"No;I don't need it," and the tears froze on his cheeks as he convulsively gripped Malemute Kid's hand.

“不,我不需要。” 泪水冻结在陌生人的脸上,他抽搐着紧紧握住了马尔穆特·基德的手。

"Then don't spare the dogs;cut them out of the traces as fast as they drop;buy them,and think they're cheap at ten dollars a pound. You can get them at Five Fingers,Little Salmon,and the Hootalinqua. And watch out for wet feet," was his parting advice. "Keep a—traveling up to twenty—five,but if it gets below that,build a fire and change your socks. "

“别舍不得狗,只要它们一倒下就要切断绳子;再买几条狗,就是十块钱一磅也要觉得那是便宜的。在五指河、小鲑鱼河和胡塔林卡可以买到狗。千万注意不要把脚弄湿了。” 他临别嘱咐着, “赶路的时速保持在二十五英里以上,如果低于这个数,你就生堆火换换袜子。”

Fifteen minutes had barely elapsed when the jingle of bells announced new arrivals. The door opened,and a mounted policeman of the Northwest Territory entered,followed by two half—breed dog—drivers. Like Westondale,they were heavily armed and showed signs of fatigue. The half—breeds had been born to the trail,and bore it easily;but the young policeman was badly exhausted. Still,the dogged obstinacy of his race held him to the pace he had set,and would hold him till he dropped in his tracks.


"When did Westondale pull out?" he asked. "He stopped here,didn't he?" This was supererogatory,for the tracks told their own tale too well.

“威斯顿德尔什么时候走的?” 他问道。 “他在这儿歇过脚,是吧?” 这问题是多余的,路上雪橇的痕迹早就清楚地说明了一切。

Malemute Kid had caught Belden's eye,and he,scenting the wind,replied evasively, "A right part while back. "

马尔穆特·基德看到了贝尔登的眼色,觉察到其中之意,他搪塞着说: “走了一会儿啦。”

"Come,my man;speak up," the policeman admonished.

“得了,伙计,快说吧。” 警察告诫他。

"Yeh seem to want him right smart. Hez he ben gittin 'cantankerous down Dawson way?"


"Held up Harry McFarland's for forty thousand;exchanged it at the P.C. store for a check on Seattle;and who's to stop the cashing of it if we don't overtake him?When did he pull out?"


Every eye suppressed its excitement,for Malemute Kid had given the cue,and the young officer encountered wooden faces on every hand.


Striding over to Prince,he put the question to him. Though it hurt him,gazing into the frank,earnest face of his fellow countryman,he replied inconsequentially on the state of the trail.


Then he espied Father Roubeau,who could not lie. "A quarter of an hour ago," the priest answered; "but he had four hours' rest for himself and dogs. "

接着,警察突然发现了鲁勃神父,他是不能撒谎的。 “已经走了十五分钟了,” 神父回答说, “但是他和他的狗是休息了四个钟头后出发的。”

"Fifteen minutes 'start,and he's fresh!My God!" The poor fellow staggered back,half fainting from exhaustion and disappointment,murmuring something about the run from Dawson in ten hours and the dogs being played out.

“走了十五分钟了,而且他精力充沛!上帝啊!” 可怜的家伙踉踉跄跄地后退了几步,几乎要因为疲惫和失望而晕倒了,然后他低声抱怨着从道森赶到这里费了十小时的功夫,那群狗都累坏了。

Malemute Kid forced a mug of punch upon him;then he turned for the door,ordering the dog—drivers to follow. But the warmth and promise of rest were too tempting,and they objected strenuously. The Kid was conversant with their French patois,and followed it anxiously.


They swore that the dogs were gone up;that Siwash and Babette would have to be shot before the first mile was covered;that the rest were almost as bad;and that it would be better for all hands to rest up.


"Lend me five dogs?" he asked,turning to Malemute Kid.

“借给我五条狗吧?” 他转向马尔穆特·基德问道。

But the Kid shook his head.


"I'll sign a check on Captain Constantine for five thousand,—here's my papers,—I 'm authorized to draw at my own discretion. "


Again the silent refusal.


"Then I'll requisition them in the name of the Queen. "


Smiling incredulously,the Kid glanced at his well—stocked arsenal,and the Englishman,realizing his impotency,turned for the door. But the dog—drivers still objecting,he whirled upon them fiercely,calling them women and curs. The swart face of the older half—breed flushed angrily,as he drew himself up and promised in good,round terms that he would travel his leader off his legs,and would then be delighted to plant him in the snow.


The young officer—and it required his whole will—walked steadily to the door,exhibiting a freshness he did not possess. But they all knew and appreciated his proud effort;nor could he veil the twinges of agony that shot across his face. Covered with frost,the dogs were curled up in the snow,and it was almost impossible to get them to their feet. The poor brutes whined under the stinging lash,for the dog—drivers were angry and cruel;nor till Babette,the leader,was cut from the traces,could they break out the sled and get under way.


"A dirty scoundrel and a liar!" "By gar!him no good!" "A thief!" "Worse than an Indian!" It was evident that they were angry—first,at the way they had been deceived;and second,at the outraged ethics of the Northland,where honesty,above all,was man's prime jewel. "An 'we gave the cuss a hand,after knowin' what he'd did. " All eyes were turned accusingly upon Malemute Kid,who rose from the corner where he had been making Babette comfortable,and silently emptied the bowl for a final round of punch. "It's a cold night,boys,—a bitter cold night," was the irrelevant commencement of his defense. "You've all traveled trail,and know what that stands for. Don't jump a dog when he's down. You've only heard one side. A whiter man than Jack Westondale never ate from the same pot nor stretched blanket with you or me. Last fall he gave his whole clean—up,forty thousand,to Joe Castrell,to buy in on Dominion. To—day he'd be a millionaire. But while he stayed behind at Circle City,taking care of his partner with the scurvy,what does Castrell do?Goes into McFarland 's,jumps the limit,and drops the whole sack. Found him dead in the snow the next day. And poor Jack laying his plans to go out this winter to his wife and the boy he's never seen. You'll notice he took exactly what his partner lost,—forty thousand. Well,he's gone out;and what are you going to do about it?"

“无耻的恶棍,骗子!” “我的天!他根本就不是个好人!” “是贼!” “比印第安人还坏呢!” 显然大家都愤怒了——首先,因为大家都受骗了;再者,在北方,诚实是最宝贵的品德,而现在,这样的道德标准也遭到了玷污。 “而且我们明知道这家伙干了坏事,还要帮他。” 所有谴责的目光都落到了马尔穆特·基德的身上。为了让巴比特舒服一点,他把这条领头狗安置在房间的角落里。这时他站起身,默默地把大杯倒空,给大家斟上最后一巡潘趣酒。 “今天晚上真冷啊,伙计们——真是冷得刺骨。” 他说着这些不相关的话,作为他辩护的开场白。 “大家都赶过路,我们知道那代表着什么。不要打落水狗。大家只听到了一面之词。这个跟咱们喝一壶酒,盖一床毯子的杰克·威斯顿德尔,没有比他再清白的了。去年秋天,他把自己赚的全部家当——四万块钱交给了乔·卡斯特尔,买英联邦自治领的股票。今天,他本来会是个百万富翁的。可是当时,他留在环城照顾一个得了坏血病的同伴。可是,卡斯特尔拿钱做了什么呢?他去了麦克法兰的赌场里,把赌注押到最大,然后把钱全输光了。第二天,大家在雪地里发现他已经死了。可怜的杰克本打算今年冬天回家看老婆和没有见过面的孩子。你们注意,他只拿走了四万块钱,正好是他那个同伴输掉的数目。好吧,他已经走了,你们打算怎么办?”

The Kid glanced round the circle of his judges,noted the softening of their faces,then raised his mug aloft. "So a health to the man on trail this night;may his grub hold out;may his dogs keep their legs;may his matches never miss fire. God prosper him;good luck go with him;and—"

基德扫视了一番周围审判他的这些人,注意到他们的脸色渐渐缓和了下来,于是他高高举起了酒杯。 “为今晚赶路的人干杯,愿他身体康健;愿他的干粮能维持久久;愿他的狗群站稳不跌倒;愿他的火柴一划就着。” 上帝保佑他,祝他好运,还有——”

"Confusion to the Mounted Police!" interpolated Bettles,to the crash of the empty cups.

贝特尔斯和大家碰着空杯子,接茬说道: “让那个骑警见鬼去吧!” sZV9H87oTuLMYb6mPstaDYDzXQ7N8RntZtvnSoPht1BVkcm2MjhVSGfWFiS27u6P
