

The Adventure of the Englishman

In the morning all was bustle in the inn at Terracina. The procaccio had departed at daybreak on its route towards Rome, but the Englishman was yet to start, and the departure of an English equipage is always enough to keep an inn in a bustle. On this occasion there was more than usual stir, for the Englishman, having much property about him, and having been convinced of the real danger of the road, had applied to the police, and obtained, by dint of liberal pay, an escort of eight dragoons and twelve foot soldiers, as far as Fondi. Perhaps, too, there might have been a little ostentation at bottom, though, to say the truth, he had nothing of it in his manner. He moved about, taciturn and reserved as usual, among the gaping crowd; gave laconic orders to John, as he packed away the thousand and one indispensable conveniences of the night; double loaded his pistols with great sang froid, and deposited them in the pockets of the carriage, taking no notice of a pair of keen eyes gazing on him from among the herd of loitering idlers.


The fair Venetian now came up with a request, made in her dulcet tones, that he would permit their carriage to proceed under protection of his escort. The Englishman, who was busy loading another pair of pistols for his servant, and held the ramrod between his teeth, nodded assent, as a matter of course, but without lifting up his eyes. The fair Venetian was a little piqued at what she supposed indifference; "ODio! " ejaculated she softly, as she retired, "quanta sono insensibili questi Inglesi. " At length, off they set in gallant style. The eight dragoons prancing in front, the twelve foot soldiers marching in rear, and the carriage moving slowly in the centre, to enable the infantry to keep pace with them. They had proceeded but a few hundred yards, when it was discovered that some indispensable article had been left behind. In fact, the Englishman's purse was missing, and John was despatched to the inn to search for it. This occasioned a little delay, and the carriage of the Venetians drove slowly on. John came back out of breath and out of humour. The purse was not to be found. His master was irritated: he recollected the very place where it lay: he had not a doubt that the Italian servant had pocketed it. John was again sent back. He returned once more without the purse, but with the landlord and the whole household at his heels. A thousand ejaculations and protestations, accompanied by all sorts of grimaces and contortions— “No purse had been seen—his eccellenza must be mistaken.”

此刻,一位漂亮的威尼斯妇人走上前来,用甜美的声音请求英国人,他的护送车队能护送他们的马车。英国人正忙着为他仆人装另两支手枪的子弹,用嘴咬着推弹杆。点了一下头表示同意,但自然连眼皮也没抬一下。这位漂亮的威尼斯妇人觉得英国人态度冷淡,有点儿生气。 “噢,天啊!” 离开时,她突然轻声说道, “这些英国人真是太冷漠了。” 最后,他们声势浩大地出发了。八个骑兵昂首阔步地跑在最前面,十二个步兵垫后,马车在中间缓缓前行,确保步兵跟上他们的步伐。他们只走了几百码路,就发现落下了一件必不可少的东西。实际上,英国人的钱袋不见了,他派约翰回旅馆去找。这样因此耽误了一些时间,而威尼斯人的马车则继续缓缓前行。约翰气喘吁吁、垂头丧气地跑了回来。他没找到钱袋。他的主人火了,想起了放钱袋的地方,确信意大利仆人已经把钱袋放进口袋了。他叫约翰回去再找。约翰回来时还是没有找到钱袋,但身后紧跟着旅馆老板和他所有的家人和仆人。伴着各种怪异和扭曲的表情,他们突然大声喊叫,抗议道: “没看到钱袋,一定是阁下弄错了。”

"No—his eccellenza was not mistaken—the purse lay on the marble table, under the mirror, a green purse, half full of gold and silver. " Again a thousand grimaces and contortions, and vows by San Gennaro, that no purse of the kind had been seen.

“不,阁下是不会弄错的。钱包就放在镜子下面的大理石桌上,是个绿袋子,装了半袋金子和银子。” 又出现了许多怪异和扭曲的面孔,他们以圣热纳罗的名义发誓,根本没看到那样的钱袋。

The Englishman became furious. "The waiter had pocketed it—the landlord was a knave—the inn a den of thieves—it was a vile country—he had been cheated and plundered from one end of it to the other —but he'd have satisfaction—he'd drive right off to the police. " He was on the point of ordering the postilions to turn back, when, on rising, he displaced the cushion of the carriage, and the purse of money fell chinking to the floor. All the blood in his body seemed to rush into his face— "Curse the purse, " said he, as he snatched it up. He dashed a handful of money on the ground before the pale cringing waiter— "There—be off! " cried he. "John, order the postilions to drive on. "

英国人怒不可遏。 “是侍者将钱袋放进口袋里的,旅馆老板是无赖,旅馆是贼窝。这是一个邪恶的国家,我被骗了,到处遭人盗窃,但我不会善罢甘休,我要马上赶往警察局。” 他正要命令左马驭者往回走,起身时动了下马车坐垫,钱袋哐当一声掉在了地上。他身上所有的血似乎都涌到了脸上, “该死的钱袋!” 他一边说道,一边捡起钱袋。他抓起一把钱扔到脸色苍白、畏畏缩缩的侍者面前的地上, “好,开路!” 他叫道, “约翰,命令左马驭者继续前行。”

Above half an hour had been exhausted in this altercation. The Venetian carriage had loitered along; its passengers looking out from time to time, and expecting the escort every moment to follow. They had gradually turned an angle of the road that shut them out of sight. The little army was again in motion, and made a very picturesque appearance as it wound along at the bottom of the rocks; the morning sunshine beaming upon the weapons of the soldiery.


The Englishman lolled back in his carriage, vexed with himself at what had passed, and consequently out of humour with all the world. As this, however, is no uncommon case with gentlemen who travel for their pleasure, it is hardly worthy of remark. They had wound up from the coast among the hills, and came to a part of the road that admitted of some prospect ahead.


"I see nothing of the lady's carriage, sir, " said John, leaning down from the coach—box. — "Pish! " said the Englishman, testily— "don't plague me about the lady's carriage; must I be continually pestered with the concerns of strangers? " John said not another word, for he understood his master's mood.

“看不到威尼斯女士的马车了,先生。” 约翰从马车座位上探身说道。 “呸!” 英国人烦躁地说道, “别拿女士的马车来烦我,难道我就应该不停地为那些陌生人的事烦恼吗?” 约翰没敢再说一个字,因为他很了解主人的脾气。

The road grew more wild and lonely; they were slowly proceeding on a foot pace up a hill; the dragoons were some distance ahead, and had just reached the summit of the hill, when they uttered an exclamation, or rather shout, and galloped forward. The Englishman was roused from his sulky reverie. He stretched his head from the carriage, which had attained the brow of the hill. Before him extended a long hollow defile, commanded on one side by rugged precipitous heights, covered with bushes and scanty forests. At some distance he beheld the carriage of the Venetians overturned; a numerous gang of desperadoes were rifling it; the young man and his servant were overpowered, and partly stripped, and the lady was in the hands of two of the ruffians. The Englishman seized his pistols, sprang from the carriage, and called upon John to follow him.


In the mean time, as the dragoons came forward, the robbers, who were busy with the carriage, quitted their spoil, formed themselves in the middle of the road, and, taking a deliberate aim, fired.


One of the dragoons fell, another was wounded, and the whole were for a moment checked and thrown in confusion. The robbers loaded again in an instant. The dragoons discharged their carbines, but without apparent effect. They received another volley, which, though none fell, threw them again into confusion. The robbers were loading a second time, when they saw the foot soldiers at hand. — "Scampa via! " was the word: they abandoned their prey, and retreated up the rocks, the soldiers after them. They fought from cliff to cliff, and bush to bush, the robbers turning every now and then, to fire upon their pursuers; the soldiers scrambling after them, and discharging their muskets whenever they could get a chance. Sometimes a soldier or a robber was shot down, and came tumbling among the cliffs. The dragoons kept firing from below, whenever a robber came in sight.

一个骑兵倒下了,另一个也受伤了,整个部队一时间突然停住,乱成一团。强盗们马上又装起货来。骑兵们用卡宾枪射击,但却没有明显效果。他们又遭到一轮袭子弹齐射,尽管没人倒下,却让他们又陷入了混乱。强盗们再一次装起掠夺品,就在此时,他们看见步兵即将赶到。强盗们叫道: “撤退!” 他们丢下掠夺品,撤退到了岩石上,众士兵紧追不舍。他们从悬崖打到悬崖,从灌木丛打到灌木丛。强盗们时不时转身,向追击他们的士兵开枪,士兵们跟着他们向上攀爬,一有机会就开步枪回击。有时,一个士兵或者一个强盗被击倒了,摔下悬崖去。强盗只要一露脸,士兵就从下向上射击。

The Englishman had hastened to the scene of action, and the balls discharged at the dragoons had whistled past him as he advanced. One object, however, engrossed his attention. It was the beautiful Venetian lady in the hands of two of the robbers, who, during the confusion of the fight, carried her shrieking up the mountain. He saw her dress gleaming among the bushes, and he sprang up the rocks to intercept the robbers as they bore off their prey. The ruggedness of the steep, and the entanglements of the bushes, delayed and impeded him. He lost sight of the lady, but was still guided by her cries, which grew fainter and fainter. They were off to the left, while the reports of muskets showed that the battle was raging to the right. At length he came upon what appeared to be a rugged footpath, faintly worn in a gully of the rocks, and beheld the ruffians at some distance hurrying the lady up the defile. One of them, hearing his approach, let go his prey, advanced towards him, and levelling the carbine, which had been slung 'on his back, fired. The ball whizzed through the Englishman's hat, and carried with it some of his hair. He returned the fire with one of his pistols, and the robber fell. The other brigand now dropped the lady, and drawing a long pistol from his belt, fired on his adversary with deliberate aim. The ball passed between his left arm and his side, slightly wounding the arm. The Englishman advanced, and discharged his remaining pistol, which wounded the robber, but not severely.

英国人匆忙赶到战场,当他向前狂跑时,射向士兵们的子弹从他身边嗖嗖飞过。即使如此,还是有一件事引起了他的注意。那就是落入两个强盗手里的那位漂亮的威尼斯夫人,混战中尖叫着被那两个强盗向山上拖去。他看到她的衣服在灌木丛中闪现不定,于是他跳上岩石去阻挡强盗偷偷带走他们的 “胜利品” 。陡峭的悬崖和缠绕的灌木耽搁和阻碍他的前进。虽然他看不见夫人,但仍能听见她渐弱的哭喊声,于是寻声追赶。他们带着夫人逃向左边,但枪声表明激战却在右边。最后,英国人追到岩石溪谷中一条被踩出的崎岖小路上,发现不远处,强盗正拖着夫人匆忙地向峡谷里逃窜。一个强盗听他走近,放开夫人就朝他奔来,端起挂在背上的卡宾枪向他开火。子弹从英国人的帽子上飕地飞过,扫走了他的几根头发。他用一支手枪还击,强盗被射倒了。另一个强盗也放下夫人,从腰带上拔出一把长手枪,不慌不忙地朝他开火。子弹从英国人的左臂下穿过,稍稍擦伤了皮。英国人冲上前去,拿起另一只手枪反击,击伤了强盗,但强盗伤得并不重。

The brigand drew a stiletto and rushed upon his adversary, who eluded the blow, receiving merely a slight wound, and defended himself with his pistol, which had a spring bayonet. They closed with one another, and a desperate struggle ensued. The robber was a square—built, thick—set man, powerful, muscular, and active. The Englishman, though of larger frame and greater strength, was less active and less accustomed to athletic exercises and feats of hardihood, but he showed himself practised and skilled in the arts of defence. They were on a craggy height, and the Englishman perceived that his antagonist was striving to press him to the edge. A side—glance showed him also the robber whom he had first wounded, scrambling up to the assistance of his comrade, stiletto in hand. He had in fact attained the summit of the cliff, he was within a few steps, and the Englishman felt that his case was desperate, when he heard suddenly the report of a pistol, and the ruffian fell. The shot came from John, who had arrived just in time to save his master.


The remaining robber, exhausted by loss of blood and the violence of the contest, showed signs of faltering. The Englishman pursued his advantage, pressed on him, and, as his strength relaxed, dashed him headlong from the precipice. He looked after him, and saw him lying motionless among the rocks below.


The Englishman now sought the fair Venetian. He found her senseless on the ground. With his servant's assistance he bore her down to the road, where her husband was raving like one distracted. He had sought her in vain, and had given her over for lost; and when he beheld her thus brought back in safety, his joy was equally wild and ungovernable. He would have caught her insensible form to his bosom had not the Englishman restrained him. The latter, now really aroused, displayed a true tenderness and manly gallantry, which one would not have expected from his habitual phlegm. His kindness, however, was practical, not wasted in words.


He despatched John to the carriage for restoratives of all kinds, and, totally thoughtless of himself, was anxious only about his lovely charge. The occasional discharge of 6re—arms along the height, showed that a retreating fight was still kept up by the robbers. The lady gave signs of reviving animation. The Englishman, eager to get her from this place of danger, conveyed her to his own carriage, and committing her to the care of her husband, ordered the dragoons to escort them to Fondi. The Venetian would have insisted on the Englishman's getting into the carriage, but the latter refused. He poured forth a torrent of thanks and benedictions; but the Englishman beckoned to the postilions to drive on.


John now dressed his master's wounds, which were found not to be serious, though he was faint with loss of blood. The Venetian carriage had been righted, and the baggage replaced; and, getting into it, they set out on their way towards Fondi, leaving the foot soldiers still engaged in ferreting out the banditti.


Before arriving at Fondi, the fair Venetian had completely recovered from her swoon. She made the usual question— "Where was she? " — "In the Englishman's carriage. " — "How had she escaped from the robbers? " — "The Englishman had rescued her. "

车还没到丰迪,漂亮的威尼斯夫人就已完全苏醒了。她问了几个习惯性的问题: “我在哪儿?” “在英国人的马车上。” “我是怎么从强盗那脱险的?” “是英国人救了你。”

Her transports were unbounded; and mingled with them were enthusiastic ejaculations of gratitude to her deliverer. A thousand times did she reproach herself for having accused him of coldness and insensibility. The moment she saw him she rushed into his arms with the vivacity of her nation, and hung about his neck in a speechless transport of gratitude. Never was man more embarrassed by the embraces of a fine woman.


"Tut—tut! " said the Englishman. — "You are wounded! " shrieked the fair Venetian, as she saw blood upon his clothes. — "Pooh! nothing at all! " — "My deliverer! —my angel! " exclaimed she, clasping him again round the neck, and sobbing on his bosom. — "Pish! " said the Englishman, with a good—humoured tone, but looking somewhat foolish, "this is all humbug. "

“嘘!嘘!” 英国人说道。 “你受伤了!” 看到衣服上的血迹,威尼斯夫人尖叫起来。 “噢!没关系!” “我的救命恩人啊!我的天使!” 她又紧搂住他的脖子,在他怀里抽泣。 “嘘!” 英国人开心地说着,不过看上去有点儿可笑, “这没什么。”

The fair Venetian, however, has never since accused the English of insensibility.

不过从那以后,漂亮的威尼斯夫人再也不指责英国人冷漠无情了。 d4ImSPqZXbRNIyEkKskBYXkIH7qccrN6kv6pzcyAkkcCfF7QYqLGK9qColuaFSyA
