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Speech at AVCC Dinner

Sydney,8November 2004

The Australian Vice—Chancellors'Committee (AVCC)was formed at a conference of Australia's then six universities,held in Sydney in May 1920,with the aim of advancing higher education through voluntary,cooperative and coordinated action.The organisation has ultimately become Universities Australia in 2007,representing Australia's 39universities in the public interest,both nationally and internationally.

Professor Di Yerbury,

Professor Gerard Sutton,

Mr.John Mullarvey,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

One rule for diplomats is to avoid speaking in front of academics,because diplomats don't like to engage in debates,but academics are professional critiques.My husband is an anthropologist,which I hope could keep me safe today.(Laughter)

I have 25minutes to talk about a big topic:the Changing World and the Changing China.I thought I would take a shortcut to cover the topic by giving you a beginning and then directly jumping to the end.

Let me start by the year 1979.China was a typical shortage economy.Most consumer goods,including food,were rationed on a monthly basis.It was also the year I was taking my first overseas posting to Romania.I received RMB 500yuan in "clothing subsidy"from the Foreign Ministry.At today's exchange rate it would be less than 100Australian dollars.I spent half of them and gave the rest to my mother as thanks from a grateful daughter.

1979was an interesting year in the history of international politics.It was in that year Mrs.Thatcher was elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and she soon joined President Regan in leading a market revolution that swept through the Western world.In the same year,the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.It is seen as the beginning of the decline of that superpower.It was also the year of the Iranian revolution led by Ayatollah Khomeini,which signalled the resurgence of the modern Islamic movement.In this important year,China,with the biggest population in the world,unleashed its reform and opened to the outside world with a momentum and determination never before seen in its long history.

Those events did not seem to have much relevance to each other 25years ago.But many of the profound changes we see today can be traced back to them.

Today,the "iron curtain"no longer exists and countries are not blocked against each other.For the first time the world order is being reshaped without a major war amongst nation states.And countries like the United States,China,Russia,Japan and Australia have become partners for cooperation.With the market economy model being extensively accepted,the world is in a full—fledged globalisation drive.For the first time,China has a relatively friendly external environment for it to focus on its development.Once again,China is at the threshold of industrialisation.

In 25years,China has come a long way from where it was in 1979.Gone are the chaotic and fanatic upheavals of class struggle or preparation against foreign invasion.The theme in China now is of developing the economy and improving the living standard of the ordinary people.Life is much better off and supplies are no longer in scarcity.My daughter and her generation have no interest in my no—longer—relevant stories of the shortages.

Let me use six figures to illustrate the current status of China in the world.

—China ranks first among developing countries in terms of foreign direct investment.

—China has the second largest foreign exchange reserve.

—China is the third largest market in the world.

—China is the fourth largest exporting country.

—China is the fifth biggest investor in the world.

—China has the world's sixth largest economy.

China's economy is closely plugged into the world.For example,Boeing got the first order from China for ten 707s in 1972.Now it has gained a 60%share of the Chinese market.70%of Boeing aircrafts sold around the world carry vertical tail fins made in China.China's foreign trade already tops one trillion US dollars and its average tariff level has dropped to 11%after its entry into the World Trade Organisation.China now produces 40%of the world's air conditioners and 50%of TV sets and refrigerators.

Although China's GDP has grown many folds in the meantime,its per capita GDP of 1,100US dollars is still only in the league of medium and low income countries.For a big country like China,there is still great potential for economic growth.

People are wondering:How long will China keep its rapid development?In the past 25years,China maintained a growth rate of over 9%,perhaps only paralleled by Japan and ROK in their 20years of high growth between the 1960s and 1980s.By comparison,China is endowed with a bigger domestic market,abundant supply of human resources and ever—deepening reform measures.Most importantly,given its size,China's industrialisation would probably need longer.Therefore,it is widely believed in the business community that China could maintain high—speed growth for another 25years.

Having said that,I do not deny that there are serious challenges:the gap between income growth in the rural and urban areas,corruption amongst some government officials and environmental pollution,to name a few.But to meet the challenges,the government is laying greater emphasis on the quality of development instead of only pursuing a high growth rate.The objective of the government is to achieve coordinated economic,political,cultural and social development,and address the imbalances of development between the urban and rural areas and between different regions in China.

The fast changes in the economy and social structure have further shifted the priority of governments at all levels to the social and human dimension for greater security and well—being of the Chinese public.

There is also growing access to information,with over 600million telephone users,including 300million cell phone subscribers and 87million Internet users.Every week 780million emails are sent.And although there are a great number of newspapers,many people count on the Internet as the primary source of information.

Political restructuring is gradually moving forward in China.Direct elections,for example,have been introduced in rural China at grass—root level.Scrutiny by the media and the general public enables better—developed policies and greater transparency.

With its development,China is also contributing to the region and the world.In 2003,for the first time,China became the largest buyer from Asian countries.In the newly published World Economic Situation and Prospects by the United Nations,China and the United States were named as the two major engines for world growth.The world is talking about the rise of China.But we in China are keenly aware that the rise will be a long,challenging process.When compared with Australia,our per capita GDP is less than 4%of yours.

Australia is regarded in China as an important partner for cooperation.When President Hu Jintao visited Australia last year,he said,"China views our relations with Australia from a strategic perspective."We aim to build up our political trust,develop comprehensive cooperation and work together with Australia to maintain peace and stability in the region.

I have recently accompanied the Chief of Staff of the People's Liberation Army General Liang Guanglie during his visit to Australia.On our visits to military camps and installations in Sydney and Darwin,I noticed that we share common views on the security situation in the region and on the need to combat terrorism,as well as on promoting development.

Our two economies are very complementary.Australia is rich in energy,mineral resources and knowledge.China on the other hand,has a massive and fast—growing manufacturing sector.So our cooperation will work to the benefit of the two peoples.

Education is one important area of cooperation where China would like to see further expansion of our cooperation in higher learning and on—campus research.We are pleased with the successful results of the shadowing programme,which is now in its fourth round.I understand many of the universities represented here have already set up relationships with universities in China.There are still many more waiting for your outreach.I hope you will explore further and set up more linkages.

Last year in Sydney,President Hu Jintao witnessed the signing of the agreement on mutual recognition of university degrees.We hope we can make one step further and move into mutual recognition of university credits.This would enable more students from both countries to benefit from the exchange programmes and I understand that a number of universities are already working on it.

Before I left China,Vice Minister of Education Zhang Xinsheng asked me to encourage inter—university cooperation on packaged programmes for training,research and production.We have had some success in this area,which helped introducing agricultural and industrial technologies into China.But now,an industrialising China has a great need for technologies.This is also a new opportunity for Australian research institutions.

I have been here for eight months and I am feeling very lucky to be appointed as the Ambassador to Australia at a time when our relations are growing with such momentum.I see my role as helping to advance China—Australia relations in all fields.But I cannot fulfil my task without your support,so the Chinese Embassy and I are always here ready to assist you and work with you to promote our friendship and cooperation.

Thank you. gYNKFlCgPFiXap0H4Nx5jx1Od1OwOtaSWVFTcRm7OAXsbwaq+jr29A1fxRo/Zu77
