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I firmly believe that to understand the world today,you have to understand the rapid pace of globalisation,its effects and China's very significant place within it.

As I sit down to write this foreword,news reaches me that China has just become the second largest economy in the world.Unthinkable to many just a couple of decades ago.Yet,this news will no doubt feel dated by the time you pick up this book:that's how fast events develop and breaking news becomes received wisdom.

When you understand this,you can reap the benefits of this rapid change.Fu Ying appreciates this and so too should leaders and nations across the globe.

Ambassador Fu has dedicated herself to introducing and opening up China to the rest of the world.And she does so equipped with a willingness to engage and learn from others alongside an acute awareness of the many lessons other nations can learn from China.

When I was Prime Minister,I could see the accelerating pace of China's continued emergence as a major power.I gave speeches about China,I understood it analytically.But I did not feel it emotionally and therefore did not fully understand it politically.

Since leaving office I have visited many times.People ask me,sometimes out of fear,what the future holds in a world where power is shifting East.I see it as an enormous opportunity that can only enrich our own lives.Take the Beijing Olympics:that breathtaking showcase of what China is capable of was arguably 21st—century China's greatest exercise of engagement with the outside world.Those Games were evidence of China's willingness to open up and to move forward as part of our global community.

The moment of the Games that made the biggest impression on me came during an informal visit just before the Games to one of the new Chinese Internet companies,and in conversation with some of the younger Chinese entrepreneurs.

These people,men and women,were smart,sharp,forthright,unafraid to express their views about China and its future.Above all,there was a confidence,an optimism,a lack of the cynical,and a presence of the spirit of get up and go,that reminded me greatly of the U.S.at its best and any country on its way forward.

These people weren't living in fear,but looking forward in hope.And for all the millions still in poverty in China,for all the sweep of issues—political,social and economic—still to be addressed,that was the spirit of China during this festival of sport,and that is the spirit that will define its future.

The great engagement legacy of the Beijing Olympics was that ignorance and fear of China is steadily declining as the reality of modern China becomes more apparent to the rest of the world.

The problem for the West is that China often thinks of itself as a developing nation,and it is a developing nation,but it is also today a world power.And here is my very crude theory of international relations:when people in the West look at a developing nation,they say,"Isn't that nice—that poor developing nation—how can we help?"But when they look at another nation and they say,"That's a power,"then they say,"What does that mean for us?"And this is the dual situation:China is a developing nation;it is also a power.And so,when I was asked yesterday by someone,"Do people in the West regard China as a threat?"the answer is some,possibly.But for most people in the West,they just ask,"What does it mean?"

For centuries,the power has resided in the West,with various European powers including the British Empire and then,in the 20th century,the U.S.Now the West must come to terms with a world in which the power is shared with the Far East.I wonder if we quite understand what that means,we whose culture (not just our politics and economies)has dominated for so long.It will be a rather strange,possibly unnerving experience for some.Personally,I think it will be incredibly enriching.New experiences,new ways of thinking liberate creative energy.

Essentially what I'm saying,and what Ambassador Fu has been saying for many years,is that we should not fear the new and unfamiliar.People and nations excel when they're willing to learn from and respect each other.That is the way of the 21st century and that is the way China and the West must engage.Reading this book and knowing this extraordinary woman,you'll find that Fu Ying has been working on this for many years.

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


The first decade of the 21st century saw a steady rise in China's position in the world.This has placed China under a global spotlight with scrutiny from the world over as never before.The impact of China's rise has been felt in Western countries wherever one goes,from being woken up by a Made—in—China alarm clock in the morning,to the television they watch in the evening.Someone living in a Western society is likely to be surrounded by products made in China all day long.But what kind of country is China?Why is it so different?And how can it generate such explosive productivity?These questions are often baffling,if not downright mysterious,to Westerners.

Soon after the birth of the People's Republic,China was subjected to a Western blockade.And for a long time during the Cold War,China and the West were on opposite sides of the "Bamboo Curtain."Some of China's actions at times did not help matters either and it was only towards the end of the Cold War when the international environment improved sufficiently to enable China to embark on the path of reform and opening up.This has led to more than 30years of growing dialogue and interdependence between China and the West.The thick barrier of icy suspicion that used to separate the two sides has started to thaw.However,the wave of China—bashing in the lead—up to the 2008Beijing Olympics once again revealed widespread understanding deficits and prejudice towards China in Western countries.

During my terms as China's Ambassador to Australia and subsequently to the United Kingdom,I was often troubled by the fog of stereotyping that stubbornly shrouds China's image in Western countries.It is not only hurting China's image,but has also hindered the deepening of relations between China and some Western countries,making our relations vulnerable at any sign of trouble,and it was these issues that I addressed in my speeches.

A nation's image and soft power is mainly built up through its own efforts and progress.China is not perfect.There are many problems waiting to be resolved as we move ahead with our reforms.However,there is sometimes frustration in China that our efforts and progress often go unappreciated and the myriad of challenges we face poorly understood.This may also be attributed to China's unique historical and cultural traditions,a political configuration easily distinguishable from that of the West,and even the language barrier.

Therefore,we need to work even harder to project a true image of China and send our message to the world,calmly and in plain language,just like "the spring drizzle moistening the parched earth."Chinese ambassadors around the world are working very hard in this respect and many splendid pieces have been collected,compiled and published.Of course we cannot expect to dispel the fog with one speech,or ten speeches,or even a hundred of them,but it is a must—do if we are ever to help shape a world of harmony in diversity.

I feel a little uneasy about this book coming out,since speeches are often made by invitation and prepared in a hurry down to the last minute,to say nothing of my belief that I was often not an expert on the issues I tried to address.So there will inevitably be flaws and inaccuracies.Besides,most speeches included were prepared in English in the first place and their translation may seem not "Chinese"enough to native Chinese speakers.Nevertheless,thanks to encouragement from my seniors,friends and colleagues,I still wish to publish this collection,in the hope that this humble effort will encourage more like—minded people to move towards greater understanding between China and the West. LRa8lPwvWAINeoPRSqe4YHOwZ89g6TJcSvmAc5AsViu1hkt9rgPw2oMf5exzTkvx
