
Unit 2 Making Inquiries1询价1

Lesson 5

Dialogue 1: At the fair (1)

C: What products are you interested in, sir?

F: I 'm interested in your hand—made woven articles. In addition to bamboo and rattan products, I'd like to take a look at your hand—made rugs.

C: Okay. Bamboo and rattan products are considered to be "arts and crafts" items, and they are handled by our corporation. But rugs are handled by the China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Imp. &Exp. Corp. Please contact them directly for this sort of business.

F: Okay. Then, do you mind if I take a look at the catalogue and introductory literature on your hand—made woven products?

C: No, not at all. They are all here, sir.

Dialogue 2: At the fair (2)

C: Yes, sir. Is there anything that I can do for you?

F: Well, I 'm thinking of purchasing some Chinese jasmine tea and, if the price is good, maybe some other kinds of goods as well.

C: Sure. Would you like to look at these samples first? If you are interested, I could arrange a meeting and we can talk about it.

F: (after looking at the samples)These are fine. Could you arrange a meeting at 10:00tomorrow morning then?

C: Okay. Let me check my schedule first. (after checking his schedule)Sorry, sir. Tomorrow morning is all taken. 3What about tomorrow afternoon between 3∶00and 4∶00? That is the only time available tomorrow.

F: That's okay. Let's make it at 3∶00pm then. 4Thank you.

C: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Dialogue 3: At the fair (3)

(The following is a conversation between a Chinese exporter and a shrewd foreign businessperson who actually doesn't want to buy anything but to find out some information about the corn the Chinese exporter deals in. )

C: Because we didn't have an appointment in advance and I was busy talking to another client, I apologize if I have kept you waiting for long.

F: You're most kind to say so. As a matter of fact, the purpose of my trip this time is to talk to you about your export of corn.

C: Can you be more specific then? Which regard are you interested in? 5

F: I represent a company in Southeast Asia, and I want to sell Chinese corn to Filipinos.

C: The address on your name card is Hong Kong?

F: Yeah. Our headquarters are in Hong Kong, but we have business contacts with the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

C: We do have direct business contact with these places except Indonesia.

F: They're willing to make the purchase through us. 6

C: Sure. This is perfectly normal7. How much do you want to order? And what date of shipment do you desire?

F: Well, first of all, I think that should depend on how much you can supply.

C: Judging from the present situation, we're unable to sign any new contracts.

F: How much do you export this year?

C: Frankly, I 'm not sure about that myself.

F: But you're the salesman in charge of the sales of corn, aren't you?

C: Certainly I 'm the salesman. But I have no right to decide how much corn should be exported.

F: But surely you know the quantity you've exported this year, don't you?

C: It looks like it's the export quantity of corn that you're more concerned with. I dare say you must be an information analyst of the international corn market.

F: No, not really. I just want to know something about your export quantity of corn.

C: The largest corn export country in the world is the United States. China's export quantity of corn is not even in proportion to that of the U.S. 8How much do you think China can export?

F: China's export quantity has been increasing these years.

C: You said it. 9This means you even know more than I do. Now please tell me what you know.

F: Oh, no, no. I've just overheard this. 10

C: Oh, come on. I mean it. I really want to hear it.

F: Tell you the truth, that indeed is just what I have overheard. Really I don't know much about the real situation.

C: You don't want to tell me, right? You just want to find out some information from me, and at the same time keep it secret, right? I know now. You only want to get information free. No. No way. That's not the way it works. 11You can only get information through exchanging.

F: (embarrassed)No. It's not like that.

C: I was joking. Don't take it seriously. You've made a special trip to Beijing, and you have to have something to report to your boss when you go back. Let me tell you about it this way then: our export quantity per month averages between 100, 000tons to 300, 000tons, and you can figure out how much we export in a year yourself12.

Target Vocabulary

hand—made adj. 手工的

woven adj. 编织的

article n. 物品

in addition to除……之外

rattan n. 藤条

rug n. 小地毯

contact v. 联系

catalogue n. 产品目录

literature n. 宣传品

purchase v. 购买

sample n. 样品

available adj. 有空的

shrewd adj. 精明的

client n. 客户

depend on视……而定

in charge of负责

information analyst信息分析专家


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

What/Which……are you interested in?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:


—kind of car

—type of material

—category of commodities

Drill 2

In addition to bamboo and rattan products, I'd like to take a look at your……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:



—porcelain ware

—arts and crafts items

Drill 3

……are considered to be arts and crafts items.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—Silk rugs

—Ivory items


—Chinese snuff bottles

Drill 4

Do you mind if I……?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—ask a question

—take a copy of this catalogue

—move this stuff out of your way

—take a closer look at this sample

2. Translation Exercises






3. Situation Dialogues

(1)You sell pure cotton, woollen, trueran—cotton (涤棉),pure yarn and blended yarn goods (纯纺纱和混纺纱产品)。Now a businessperson from Chicago, the United States inquires about your products CIFC 3%New York, and the earliest date of delivery, for which you have the following quotation:

pure cotton goods: $35.00per 100yards

woollen goods: $170.00per 100yards

trueran cotton goods: $47.00per 100yards

pure&blended yarn goods: $70.00per 100yards

earliest date of delivery: in 7weeks

Now you discuss this deal with him. You begin from the inquiry, and proceed to offer and counter offer (suggested bargaining margin: 3%to 5%)and finally you settle on prices and the date of delivery.

(2)You sell dried fruits, salted and dehydrated vegetables, bee honey, starch and various kinds of canned vegetables. You also sell pet birds such as parrots. Now a businessperson from Scotland has made an inquiry about your products CFR Liverpool (利物浦),for which you have the following quotation:

dried fruits (different kinds): $1, 750per metric ton

canned vegetables:

(small tins): $55.00per 100tins

(medium—sized tins): $110.00per 100tins

(large tins): $190.00per 100tins

In addition, he'd also like to know your price on your cute parrots, for which your quotation is $50each. Now you discuss the deal with him. You start from the inquiry, and proceed to offer and counter offer (suggested bargaining margin: 5%to 7%),and finally you settle on the price.

(3)You are the Sales Manager of Shanghai Medical Instrument Co,Ltd (上海医疗器械股份有限公司)。You sell wet and dry bulb thermometers (干湿球温度计),Grade II standard mercury thermometers (二等标准水银温度计),solid stem clinical thermometers and enclosed scale clinical thermometers (直棒式体温计和内标式体温计)。Now a businessperson from Italy is interested in your products, for which you have the following quotation:

clinical thermometer: $84per dozen FOB Huangpu

wet and dry bulb thermometer: $108dozen FOB Huangpu

earliest date of delivery: in 60days

Now you discuss the deal with him. You begin from the inquiry, and proceed to offer and counter offer (suggested bargaining margin: 2%to 3%)。Finally you settle on the price and the date of delivery.

(4)You sell bed sheet sets, table cloths, aprons, cushions (靠垫),towels (毛巾),toast covers (面包巾),luncheon sets, curtains and laces (蕾丝)。Now a businessperson from Argentina asks about your products DES Buenos Aires (布宜诺斯艾利斯),for which you have the following quotation:

bed sheet sets: $420per dozen

table cloths: $220per dozen

luncheon sets: $180per dozen

curtains and laces: $30to $150each

Now you discuss with him about the deal. You begin from the inquiry, and proceed to offer and counter offer (a deduction of 3%—5%negotiable)。Finally you settle on the price and the date of delivery.


1. make inquires: 询价,贸易磋商中的第一个环节,一方向另一方询问有无买进或卖出某种商品的意图,以及对方要求什么样的交易条件。

2. Please……business: 有关这一类的业务请和他们直接联系。(this sort of business: 这一类的业务)

3. Tomorrow……taken: 明天早晨都排满了。

4. Let 's……then: 那我们就定在下午3点吧。

5. Can you……interested in: 您能不能说得更具体一点?您对哪一方面感兴趣?

6. They 're……us: 他们愿意通过我们来订购。

7. perfectly normal: 很正常的。

8. China 's……the U.S.: 中国的玉米出口量与美国的相比甚至都不成比例。

9. You said it: 您说对了。

10. I 've……this: 我只是听人这么说。

11. That 's……works: 事情不是这么办的。

12. you can……yourself: 您自己可以算出来我们一年出口多少。(figure out: 算出来)

Lesson 6

Dialogue 1: At the trade fair (1)

C: If you have any questions about our samples displayed here, I'd be glad to answer them for you.

F: I can't resist commenting on the fact that the variety of your products has increased tremendously this year.

C: Oh, yes, that's true. As a matter of fact, in the past year our corporation opened up more businesses in coastal areas and in the special economic zones. Many of the products displayed here today are contributed by those enterprises.

F: I see. (handing a copy of inquiry over to C)Here is a price inquiry of our company. I hope you can quote us your most favourable price.

C: Thank you, and we'll certainly do that.

Dialogue 2: At the trade fair (2)

F: We have our price inquiry here, but we are not sure if you have all of them.

C: (after going through the price inquiry)Basically there is no problem, but the stock level of Item No. 3seems to be getting low.

F: Does this mean we can't have this category of goods this time?

C: I can't tell you for sure now, because recently we've had too many orders for this item. But let me check this with our manufacturers first.

F: When can you give me a definite answer then?

C: I'll call them right now. I'll be back with you in a minute. (hurrying off to make the phone call )

F: Thanks.

Dialogue 3: Are you telling the truth?

(The following is an example between a Chinese exporter and a seemingly nice businessperson, who actually turns out to be very cunning and not as nice as he seems at the first sight at all4. )

F: What you said about the world market situation is true. But you've overlooked quite a number of unfavourable factors, which will surely have an adverse effect on your future sales price.

C: For example?

F: For example, the general stock level of the feed grain on the world market has indeed decreased, but the overall consumption capacity has also dropped. With these two factors cancelling each other out, it's obvious the supply still exceeds the demand.

C: I'd like to learn more about this "overall dropped consumption capacity" you're referring to, if you don't mind.

F: The largest consumer is Europe, right? However, the raising of livestock in Europe is now in a slump8. The European Union is planning to reduce the number of livestock sharply. So my suggestion is that if you have goods in stock, sell them fast. Maybe you'll still be able to get a good price. Really, I think the present price won't last very long.

C: Any other unfavourable factors in addition to this?

F: Sure. Haven't you heard that the oil producing countries are planning to further lower the oil price?

C: Oh, really? But what I've heard is that they plan to increase the price.

F: That piece of news is outdated. See? (handing A some papers and newspaper clippings)。Here is the latest inside information. It says the oil price will be lowered and the news has been confirmed. What this means to us is that the price of grain will be affected, right? In addition, the wrong estimate of corn yield in the United States has been corrected9. The corrected figure is, not surprisingly, a lot higher than the original estimate.

C: What do you suggest?

F: If I were you, I'd sell my stock at the present market price. I dare not hope I could sell my products at a better price. More importantly, I wouldn't wait.

C: I thank you for your information and suggestion.

F: I've got an idea. We happen to have plenty of unoccupied storage space. If you want to sell at a good price, you could sell your entire stock to us at the price slightly lower than the present market price.

C: According to what you analyzed just now, the market prospect doesn't seem to be optimistic at all. Under such circumstances, usually the buyer will wait and see instead of buying; but what you're doing now is just the opposite—you're making the purchase in advance. I can't understand.

F: The main reason I do this is that we know China has an abundant source of supply. If you exported early, you could not only sell your goods at a good price but also receive payment early. Just sitting and waiting for the improvement of the market may not work to your advantage at all. 11Our situation is different. We deal in futures. We're "immunized" against losses through hedging.

C: You're most kind. I feel obliged. But in reality, we don't have "an abundant source of supply" as you said. Our source of supply is in a strained condition.

F: Oh come on, "China is having a bumper corn harvest", that's the news in your newspaper. You can't fool me.

C: I 'm just telling you the truth. And the truth is that a bumper harvest does not mean we can export more. On the other hand, you know our country is basically an agricultural country and lots of things rely on grains, livestock, for example. So corn is indispensable in developing the raising of livestock and the demand for corn here on the domestic market is already too enormous to be met. My personal opinion is that it's not likely that our source of supply will continue to increase, but just the contrary, it may drop.

F: Then how much can you export this year?

C: I don't have the least idea.

F: Both the import and export are carried out with plans, right?

C: That is only a general goal, a general framework. The specific amount can only be computed on a monthly basis.

F: Then how large is this "general framework"?

C: Anywhere between several hundred tons to several million tons.

F: And what do you think of my suggestion?

C: I think your suggestion is very good. Personally, I'd like to do what you suggested. But according to our present condition of source of supply, it makes no difference if we export in large quantity or in small quantity. 16I'll certainly remember what you've said to me. If our market is developing in that direction and our source of supply has become really abundant, I'll definitely let you know.

Target Vocabulary

sample n. 样品

display v. 展示

tremendously adv. 大量地

coastal area沿海地区

special economic zone经济特区

enterprise n. 企业

favourable adj. 优惠的

item n. 一件

manufacturer n. 厂家

feed grain饲料粮

outdated adj. 过时的

confirm v. 证实

future n. 期货

immunize v. 使免疫

indispensable adj. 不可缺少的


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

I can't resist commenting on the fact that……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—your trade fair is satisfactory.

—you have so many more varieties this year.

—the quality of many of your products is improved.

—the cooperation between our two companies in the past year is successful.

Drill 2

I can't tell you for sure now, because……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—we have too many orders on hand.

—there is a short supply of this item.

—we haven't heard anything from the manufacturer yet.

—we have sent out an inquiry already, but there's no answer yet.

Drill 3

I'll have to confirm this with……

Complete the above sentence by using the following: —the wholesaler

—the supply department

—the university president's office

Drill 4

Please make your quotation on the……basis.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—EXW (工厂交货)

—FCA (交至承运人)

—FOB (船上交货)

—FAS (船边交货)

2. Translation Exercises






3. Situation Dialogue

(1)Role play: Work in groups of two. One plays the role of a Chinese businessperson; the other as a foreign businessperson.

Your role:

You've just gotten a job at a very large import and export company—the China Minmetals Corporation. Since this is your first time and the first day working at the fair—Guangzhou Trade Fair, you are a bit nervous and you are being very careful in answering questions. On your table, there is a copy of introductions to the commodities that are available in your warehouse. But the stock of some of the items is limited. For example, copper and zinc are among them. There are just about 1, 000tons of each available.

Your friend's role:

You are also a green hand at import and export business. And since this is your first time to come to the Guangzhou Trade Fair, you are not very sure what kind of business deals you will be able to make. But the goods you want to purchase are copper and zinc. You want to buy 1, 500tons of each. Since this is your first day to come to the fair, you are looking around and asking a lot of questions.

(2)You sell peach, lychee, and orange bonbons (夹心糖); citron peel candies (陈皮梅糖)and cream prune drops (奶油话梅糖)。Now a businessperson from India has made an inquiry about your bonbons and candies. He'd like to know your CFR Calcutta (加尔各答),for which you have the following quotation:

peach, lychee and orange bonbons: $1.10per pack

citron peel candies or cream prune drops: $0.80per pack

earliest date of delivery: in 60days

cost of transportation: $205per 100kgs

Now you discuss the deal with him. You begin from the inquiry, then proceed to offer and counter offer (the price is not negotiable, but the date of delivery might be advanced for a week)。

(3)You sell seeds and kernels (核仁)。Now a Japanese businessperson makes an inquiry about your seeds and kernels, CFR Yokohama (横滨),for which you have the following quotation:

raisins (葡萄干): $1.6per kg

walnut kernels (核桃仁): $0.98per kg

pumpkin seeds (南瓜籽): $0.79per kg

pine nut kernels (松子果仁): $0.94per kg

Now you talk to this Japanese businessperson about this deal. You begin from the inquiry, and proceed to offer and counter offer (suggested margin of bargaining: 2%)。Finally you settle on the price and the date of delivery.


1. I can't ……this year: 我忍不住想就评论一下,你们今年的产品品种增加了很多。

2. I hope you……price: 希望您能给我们报最优惠的价格。

3. but……low: 但3号商品的库存量好像不太多了。(get low: 减少)

4. a……at all: 一个貌似善良的商人,但实事证明他很奸猾,完全不像一开始看上去的那样。

5. But……price: 但您忽视了若干不利因素,这必定会对你们将来的销售价格带来不利影响。

6. With……demand: 两个因素相互抵消,很明显,供还是大于求。

7. I 'd……mind: 您要是不介意的话,我倒是想多了解一下您所说的 “消费量的整体下降” 。

8. the raising of……a slump: 欧洲的牲畜饲养业现在不景气。(slump: n. 萧条;衰退)

9. the wrong estimate……corrected: 对美国玉米产量的错误估计已得到了纠正。

10. We happen to……space: 我们正好有不少闲着的贮存空间。(happen to: 正好)

11. Just sitting……at all: 坐等行市的好转对你们不会有任何好处。(work to sb's advantage: 对某人有利)

12. We deal in……hedging: 我们经营的是期货,通过套期保值,我们不会亏。(hedging: n. 套期保值,指利用期货合同对需要买进商品的价格进行保值的活动)

13. But in reality……condition: 但实际上,我们并不像您说的那样货源充足。我们的货源还是很紧张的。

14. I don't ……idea: 我一点儿也不知道。

15. The specific……basis: 具体的数量都是在每个月的出口额基础上计算的。

16. But……quantity: 但依我们现在的供货情况来看,出口多少并没有什么不同。(make no difference: 没什么两样,没什么不同) waWmrTNmTmEmqoNveK3HCuHhE1dp6Skw0IgrFlPxQzQG+NWkQSAtoOFdkFOq6D/L
