
Unit 1 Hosting visitors接待来客

Lesson 1

Dialogue 1: Meeting an American businessperson at the airport (1)

C: You must be Mr Jones from the United States?

F: That's right. I am Timothy Jones. You are……?

C: My name is Wang Ning. I 'm from the Ministry of Commerce1. This is Mr Zhang Ping, from the China National Arts&Crafts (Group)Corporation2.

F: How are you, Mr Wang? I 'm very pleased to meet both of you. Thanks for coming to the airport to meet me. Where are we heading now?

C: We're going to accompany you to the Beijing Friendship Hotel. Is the luggage all here, Mr Jones4? The car is just out there in the parking lot.

Dialogue 2: Meeting an American businessperson at the airport (2)

C: Hello, My name is Zhao Xinmin. I represent the Oriental Trading Company. Welcome to Beijing.

F: Thank you. I 'm Brian Reeves. I' m very happy to meet you.

C: Our company has assigned me to host you here in Beijing.

F: Thank you, Mr Zhao.

C: How's your flight, Mr Reeves?

F: Fine. I got on the plane at San Francisco and it took about 17hours to get here. But it was a smooth flight.

C: That was really kind of long in the airplane, wasn't it? I hope you'll feel rested after a night of good sleep.

Dialogue 3: Introducing5oneself and each other

C: Are you the US—China Business Council Delegation6?

F: Yes, we are. I 'm Douglas Harrinton, the Delegation Leader.

C: My name is Lu Hai. I represent the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade7. This is my name card.

F: I 'm very pleased to meet you, Mr Lu. This is Mr Giles Schmid, Vice President of the US—China Business Council.

C: Welcome to Beijing, Mr Schmid, Mr Harrinton.

Target Vocabulary

head v. 朝……走

accompany v. 陪同

parking lot停车场

represent v. 代表

Oriental adj. 东方的

assign v. 分派,指派

host v. 接待

smooth adj. 平稳的

feel rested觉得休息好了


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

I represent the Oriental Trading Company. Welcome to……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

Harbin Tianjin Shanghai Guangzhou

Urumqi Hohhot Lhasa Inner Mongolia

Drill 2

……has assigned me to host you here in Beijing.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—The President of our university

—The General Manager of our company

—The Foreign Affairs Office of our university

—Mr Chen, the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Drill 3

Let me introduce……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—the host

—today's guests

—our company's executives

—our new friends in the visiting delegation

Drill 4

……I'd like you to meet our company's Vice President, Mr Wu Baohua.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—Mr Mark Young

—Ms Anna Schmid

—Mr Lee Stoltman

Drill 5

Have you met……?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—our Project Advisor, Mr Wadely

—the General Manager, Mr Lynwood

—the Sales Representative, Mr Huggins

2. Translation Exercises






3. Dialogue Situations

(1)You are assigned to meet an American businessperson—Ronald Wannburg, the Marketing Manager of a wholesaler, Valley View Company—at the airport. You and Wannberg have never met each other before, so you have a sign board in your hand. After you meet each other, you say greetings, ask him how his flight was and show him to the car. Now you act this out with another student in the class.

(2)You're here at the airport to meet a client of yours—Mr Axel Foley. After you meet each other, you introduce yourself, ask him about the journey and accompany him to the hotel. On the way to the hotel, you talk about the weather now in Beijing and give him a brief introduction to the city. For example, you can tell your guest about Beijing's population, traffic, culture, food, hotels, buildings and etc. You can talk about a lot of things that cross your mind to keep the conversation going.

(3)You are the Assistant Manager of Lenovo Group Limited (联想集团有限公司)。Your boss, the General Manager, has asked you to go to the airport to meet an important customer of your company, Mr Darren Miller from the Silicon Valley (硅谷),California, the United States. You have never met Mr Miller before, and now you're at the airport waiting for him with a sign board. When you meet each other, you identify yourself, say hello to him and start an informal talk about his flight, about the weather in Beijing, and so forth.


1. Ministry of Commerce: 商务部

2. China National Arts&Crafts (Group)Corporation: 中国工艺品(集团)公司

3. How are you: 见面时的问候语,不仅用在熟人之间,也用在初次见面时。

4. Mr Jones: 初次见面时应尽量以Mr……Ms……或Mrs……加上对方的family name (last name)相称。称呼对方的first name要在对方告诉你Please call me……以后再说。


5. introduce: 把对方介绍给某人时可以说:

—Let me introduce you to some of my friends.


—May I introduce myself? My name is……


—Glad to meet you.

6. US—China Business Council Delegation: 美中贸易全国委员会代表团

7. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade: 中国国际贸易促进委员会

Lesson 2

Dialogue 1: On the way to the hotel

C: You'll be here for three days, right?

F: That's right. I'll be here for three days and then I'll go to Guangzhou.

C: Is there any place you'd like to visit in particular? I could help you arrange that.

F: Well, I'd like to make a field tour to a factory, if possible1.

C: Okay. I'll have it set up for you and let you know this evening.

F: That will be terrific. Thank you.

C: My pleasure.

Dialogue 2: At the hotel

C: Please go through the registration procedure. Here, please fill out this card.

F: Thanks. (after filling out the card)I must say this hotel is really nice. It's very impressive. I gather it's a joint venture business?

C: Yes, you're right. In fact, this hotel is considered one of the best in Beijing. There're many star hotels like this in Beijing.

F: Is this hotel a joint venture business with an American company?

C: No. It's a Sino—Japanese investment. One thing is obvious. No matter where you go in the country today, you can see all these star hotels everywhere. I guess they're all part of the basic facility construction resulting from the reform and opening—up policy.

Target Vocabulary

visit v. 游览,参观

in particular特别

arrange v. 安排

field tour实地参观

have sth. set up把……准备好

terrific adj. 极好的

gather v. 猜想

joint venture合资企业

consider v. 认为

Sino—adj. 中国的

investment n. 投资

obvious adj. 明显的

facility n. 设施

construction n. 建设

result from是……的结果

reform n. 改革


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

I'd like to……if possible.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—visit your factory

—take part in your seminar

—have a copy of the schedule

—interview some of the factory workers

Drill 2

I was wondering if you could……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—send us a sample of your latest product

—take some time out to look into this matter

—help arrange a meeting between the two companies

—close this business on hand first and then start another project

Drill 3

I hope you don't mind my asking, but could you……?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—give us some samples

—show me your itinerary

—tell me your phone number

—give me a copy of your catalogue

Drill 4

In fact, this……is considered one of the best in Beijing.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:




Drill 5

One thing is obvious. You can see……everywhere.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—economic vitality

—imported commodities

—joint venture enterprises

—a great variety of businesses prospering

2. Translation Exercises







3. Dialogue Situations

(1)Now you're at the airport to meet a client of yours—Mr Joe Feigan from Minnesota (明尼苏达州),the United States. After you meet each other, you introduce yourself, ask him about the journey and accompany him to the hotel—the Tiantan Hotel (天坛饭店)。You also help him go through the hotel registration procedure. After that you discuss with him about his itinerary in Beijing briefly.

(2)An American business delegation of seven people will be visiting your company to negotiate a power station project in Shanghai Pudong District. They are scheduled to stay in Beijing for four days. Now your Division Chief(处长)asks you to make a reservation of one suite and six single rooms plus a conference room at the China World Hotel (中国大饭店),located near the China World Trade Center (中国国贸中心)。He also wants you to find out the rate. Now you follow his instructions and make the call. Your friend plays the role of a front desk receptionist, who answers the call.

(3)A business client of yours from the United States is now in Beijing visiting your company. He asks you if you could arrange a field tour for him to your export base at Antaibu (安太堡),Shanxi Province (山西)。Your Division Chief agrees, so now you're working out a specific schedule with him. You have two different routes to get there: you could either go from Beijing to Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan or you could go from Beijing to Datong to Taiyuan. Since you're going there with him, you two discuss which route to take, how long you're planning to stay there and so forth.

(4)As a new gas field has been found in the Tarim Basin (塔里木盆地),your company is looking for ways to further step up the exploitation of the country's vast oil reserves with the $1.2billion loan provided by the Bank of China. Now a group of Japanese oil business people have arrived in Beijing and your company assigns you to accompany them to make a field tour to the Tarim Basin gas field. The purpose of this tour is to help determine the kind and scale of the cooperation projects. You will have to stay there for at least two weeks, so now you draft an itinerary, bring it to the head of the Japanese delegation and talk about it.


1. if possible: 口语中用来使语气变得婉转的一种表达法,特别用于请求时。比如:

—If possible, I'd like to have an extra copy of this paper.

—If possible, could you arrange that evening flight for me?

Lesson 3

Dialogue 1: Calling the guest1(1)

F: (The phone is ringing and F answers it. )Christopher Adams.

C: Hi, Mr Adams. Zhang here. How are you?

F: Oh, hi, Mr Zhang! I 'm fine. Thank you. How about you?

C: Fine, thanks. I 'm calling to let you know that there is a minor change in tomorrow's schedule. We can't use the Beijing Hotel2for our meeting. We'll have to change our meeting to the Shangri—La Hotel3. I hope that will be alright for you.

F: Oh, yes. It's alright. No problem.

C: Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow at 10:00am in the hotel lobby.

F: Okay. Thanks for calling. I'll see you tomorrow.

C: Bye.

F: Bye.

Dialogue 2: Calling the guest (2)

F: Hello?

C: Hello. Can I speak to Mr William Brownson please?

F: This is he.

C: Hi, Mr Brownson! This is Mr Zhang from the Liaohua Foreign Trade.

F: Oh, hi, Mr Zhang! How are you?

C: Fine, thanks. I 'm calling about your schedule. We've arranged a field tour for you to an oil refinery. Are you interested?

F: Yes, I am. When is it going to be?

C: Tomorrow morning at 9:00. Would that be alright for you?

F: Oh yes. That's fine. What about the seminar? Is there any change?

C: No, no change about that. We're looking forward to it. (half jokingly)Be prepared, we've got a lot of questions to ask you, too.

F: That's okay. I guess I'll see you soon then.

C: Right. See you. Bye.

F: Bye.

Target Vocabulary

minor adj. 小的;不很重要的

change n. 变动

schedule n. 时间表

hotel lobby饭店前厅

oil refinery炼油厂

seminar n. 研讨会


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

Can I speak to……please?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:



—Sue Imada

—Mr Mikrut

Drill 2

……I'll see if he's in.

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—Just a minute

—Just a second

—Hold on a second

—One moment, please

Drill 3

I 'm afraid……is not here. Would you like to leave a message?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—Helen Panaro

—David Podlas

—Albert Dugan

—Barry Cherouski

Drill 4

Yes, would you tell him……phoned?

Complete the above sentence by using the following:


—George Wood

—Mrs Johnson

—Robert Cummings

Drill 5

I really appreciate your……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—solving the problem for us

—providing us with the loan

—contributing your own share

—setting up this training course

2. Translation Exercises






3. Situation Dialogues

(1)Your Division Chief wants you to call a client of yours, Mr Michael Rand, in California, the United States. You first figure out what time you should make the call because of the time lag between Beijing and California, then you make the call. When you are through, Rand is not there. His secretary answers the phone for him. You leave the message, and ask the secretary to tell Mr Rand to ring back. It's something very urgent and important.

(2)Your guests from the US—China Business Council (美中贸易全国委员会)are staying at the Beijing Landmark Towers (亮马河大厦)。You call your guests, and Mr Douglas Harrinton answers the call. You tell him the Vice President of your Council will be at their place in 30minutes. It's just a courtesy meeting.

(3)Your company has a visitor from the US, Mr Stanley Lathan, who has just arrived in Beijing and is now staying at the Capital Hotel (首都大酒店)。You call him, tell him who you are and tell him that you'll be going to Jinzhou (锦州)where your company is located, together with him by car. You plan to leave early tomorrow morning at 6o'clock, so you'll get to his hotel at 5:50.

(4)You represent the Bank of China (中国银行)。The Vice President of the Bank of America (美国银行)is now visiting Beijing. He's staying at the Grand Hotel Beijing (北京贵宾楼饭店)。Since a Vice Premier (副总理)would like to meet him and the meeting is scheduled this evening at the Great Hall of the People (人民大会堂)with a following banquet, you will have to inform him of this arrangement immediately. Now you pick up the phone and try to reach him. His secretary answers the phone, and you tell her that you'll be waiting for him in the hotel lobby at 5:30pm.


1. call the guest: 英语中打电话的方式不同于汉语。主要有以下几方面区别:



—John Keller.

—Good morning, this is Dr Keller's office.



—This is he/she.


—I 'm afraid he's not available. Would you like to leave a message?



—Is John there?

—May I speak to Mr DePierce, please?


—Hi, John! Zhang here.

—Mr DePierce? This is Zhang.

2. Beijing Hotel: 北京饭店

3. Shangri—La Hotel: 香格里拉酒店

Lesson 4

Dialogue 1: At the banquet (1)

F: We thank you very much for your preparing such a sumptuous banquet for us today.

C: For guests from a distant place, this is our pleasure.

F: China's foreign trade is now growing very rapidly—I believe your company must have been quite busy.

C: That's right. Since our government decides to adopt a more flexible approach in foreign trade, our import and export business has been more active than ever before.

Dialogue 2: At the banquet (2)

C: Here! Let me propose a toast to the further development of our cooperation and to our guest's health.

F: Thank you. I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to the success of our negotiations.

C: Please try this dish (placeing a bit of the dish on the American's plate with chopsticks)。

F: Thank you very much.

Dialogue 3: At the banquet (3)

F: Since our arrival in Beijing, we have been warmly treated by our Chinese hosts. I'd like to thank every one of you.

C: Because we are very busy, we may not have been as thoughtful as we should have been. Please let us know if there is anything you need.

F: Thank you very much indeed. And here let's all drink a toast to the success of our future negotiations.

C: Cheers!

Speech: At the banquet (4)

(Sample of a formal welcome speech given at the dinner table)

Dear Mr Bowen, Mr Dewy, Miss Cade, and my dear colleagues:

We're very happy to have Mr Bowen and his party here with us tonight. Confucius once said, "What a joy it is to have friends coming from afar! "

Mr Bowen is an old friend of ours. He and his party come from the other side of the earth, so our joy tonight is beyond expression.

Mr Bowen is a pioneer in the US trade with China. He was among the first American businessmen who came to China. Since then, we've signed six contracts with the Oriental Imports. Though there have been ups and downs in the trade volume, we've developed a mutually beneficial and therefore very solid relationship. 3And we're very proud of this.

As our present contract is expiring next month, we're very pleased to have you here to work with us on a new contract. I firmly believe that through our mutual efforts, the new contract will further strengthen the ties between our two companies and make both of us more prosperous.

Our negotiations will begin the day after tomorrow. I'd like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the success of the negotiations, and to the prosperity of our two companies. Bottoms up!

Target Vocabulary

sumptuous adj. 丰盛的

distant adj. 遥远的

pleasure n. 愉快

rapidly adv. 迅速地

flexible adj. 灵活的

approach n. 方式,方法

propose v. 提议

toast n. 祝酒

further adj. 进一步的

cooperation n. 合作

success n. 成功

negotiation n. 谈判

arrival n. 到达

warmly adv. 热情地

treat v. 招待

thoughtful adj. 周到的

cheers int. 干杯

trade volume贸易额

mutually adv. 相互地

beneficial adj. 有益的

solid adj. 坚实的

strengthen v. 加强

prosperous adj. 繁荣的


1. Substitution Exercises

Drill 1

Now please allow me to propose a toast. This is to……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—the pleasant cooperation between us

—the good beginning of our partnership

—the further development of our business

—the friendship between our two companies

Drill 2

I'd like to ask you to join me in a toast to the……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—success of our negotiations

—broad prospects of our business future

—further development of our relationship

—good feelings between our two companies

Drill 3

Let's drink to the……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—smooth start of our business

—long term friendship between us

—project that brings us together

—good beginning of our cooperation

Drill 4

That calls for a drink. Here is to……

Complete the above sentence by using the following:

—your new job

—your promotion

—your trip to the Great Wall

—your remarkable progress in Chinese

Drill 5

(serving the food)

Let me help you to the……

May I help you to the……?

Help yourself to the……

Complete the above sentences by using the following:

—Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭)

—Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁)

—Moo Shu Pork (木须肉)

2. Translation Exercises






3. Speech Exercises

(1)Practice reading the above welcome speech aloud for 3to 5times, and make sure your pronunciation and intonation are basically correct. Write down the main idea of the speech on a separate piece of paper. On another piece of paper, write down the words and expressions that you think are good and useful. But don't write down too many of them, just as few as possible.

(2)Close your book, and now try to give a welcome speech by looking at the main idea and the words and expressions. This step should be repeated until you feel very sure and confident.

(3)Get a watch ready, and try to give your welcome speech within two and half minutes and without looking at your outline and notes.


1. Confucius once said……afar ": 孔子曰: “有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!” (afar: adv. 在远处,从远处)

2. He……expression: 他和他的代表团来自地球的另一端,今晚我们的喜悦之情难以言表。(beyond expression: 难以用语言表达)

3. Though……relationship: 尽管我们的贸易额有起伏,但我们却发展了互惠的,因而也是非常坚实的关系。(ups and downs: 起伏,起落)

4. I firmly believe……prosperous: 我坚信,通过我们双方的努力,新的合同会进一步加强我们两家公司之间的关系,并使我们共同繁荣。(mutual efforts: 共同的努力)

5. I'd like……Bottoms up: 我愿借此机会举杯预祝我们的会谈成功,并祝我们两家公司更加繁荣昌盛。干杯!(propose a toast to: 为……祝酒) A9fTshnHXhfys1L2QGgoLt3F7sXmAYCaLfhkYTqrvKnjt4ynfKjRdpC+9YZMrXnC
