


reschedule 重新设定,重新安排

poll 调查

reveal 显示,揭示


savings account 储蓄存款账户


apply for申请(职位,活动等)




traffic jam交通拥堵

rush hours交通高峰期




open an account 开立账户

a current account 活期储蓄账户

a twin—bedded room双人房间

a single room with bath带浴室的单人间

literature course 文学课程


it gives us a clear picture清楚地表明某事




be faced with面临,面对



opposite 在对面

multi—storey 多层的

petrol station 加油站

motorway 汽车高速公路

roar 汽车呼啸而过

overlook 俯瞰

football ground 足球场

main—road 主路

car park 停车场

rush hour 高峰时期

pedestrian 步行者

vehicle 车辆

lorry 卡车

van 有篷卡车

turning 转弯处

intersection 十字路口

T—junction 丁字路口

crossroad 交叉路口

sidewalk 人行道

metropolis 大都市

shopping mall 购物中心

municipality 市政当局

municipal 市政的

district 街区

residential area 居民区



outskirts 市郊

slum 贫民区

sprawl 城市无计划扩张

skyscraper 摩天楼

flat 公寓

department stores 百货商店

bazaar 集市

market 市场

junk shop 旧货店

newsstand 杂志摊

town hall 市政厅

cathedral 大教堂

chapel 小礼堂

cemetery 公墓

theatre 剧院

museum 博物馆

fairground 露天广场

stadium 体育馆

art gallery 美术馆

botanical garden 植物园

monument 纪念碑

traffic lights 红绿灯


(1)老师与学生(teacher and students)

homework作业textbook课本hand in交

page页lecture讲座take courses上课




(2)医生与病人(doctor and patient)



pills药片have a rest休息stay in bed卧床


(3)售货员与顾客(assistants and shoppers)

on sale减价cheap便宜expensive昂贵

fit well合适fashion流行new style新款式




(4)侍者和客人(waiters and customers)






(5)邮局、银行职员和顾客(clerks and clients)

letter信mail邮件zip code邮政编码



currency货币credit card信用卡account账目

cash现金exchange rate汇率

(6)老板和秘书(boss and secretary)


letter信件fill in form填表file文件


(7)图书馆管理员和学生(library staff and student)

book shelf书架novel小说periodical杂志


overdue到期未付on time按时

(8)司机和乘客(driver and passenger)

taxi出租车fare车费get off下车

get on上车change零钱station车站









长对话中,对话双方往往出现多个一问一答,而这恰恰是长对话的一个出题重点,对话后面问题往往就是对话原文中问题的照搬或是同义转述,因此其答案就是对话中紧接问题之后的答语,而且一般不会有同音或近音词的干扰,因此对于这类题目答案的基本原则就是 “听到什么选什么” 。










在没有听原文之前我们只能通过几个题的选项来 “串” 对话,猜测对话内容。根据各题选项中出现的相同或相关词语,可以推测出短文的大致主题,从而更容易、更准确地理解短文内容,并且可以有助于主旨题的解答。






【例】(710分样卷—Conversation One)

19. A)To interview a few job applicants.

B)To fill a vacancy in the company.

C)To advertise for a junior sales manager.

D)To apply for a job in a major newspaper.

20. A)A hard working ambitious young man.

B)A young man good at managing his time.

C)A college graduate with practical working experience.

D)A young man with his own idea of what is important.

21. A)Not clearly specified.

B)Not likely to be met.

C)Reasonable enough.

D)Apparently sexist.





19题选项均为不定式短语,故问题很可能与某种行为有关。A)、C)是关于招聘工作(interview,advertise),B)、D)则是关于申请工作(fill,apply for),故听音时应首先搞清对话是关于招聘还是应聘,然后注意抓取选项中出现的关键词。

20题选项均为具有不同特点的人才,故可推知本题考查的是对于招聘人员的要求。因此,听音时应重点关注对人才要求的描述,并留意选项中的关键词语:hard working ,ambitious,good at managing his time ,working experience等。

21题选项均是对某事物的评价,而根据specified(具体)和be met(得到满足)以及对对话主题的猜测,可推测本题很可能是考查对招聘要求的评价或看法。故听音时应注意那些带评论性质的词语或句子。




W:Good morning,Mr. Browning.

M:Er,did you put that ad in yesterday?

W:Yes,yesterday afternoon.

M:The ad for a junior sales manager,I mean.

W:Yes,it went into the Standard and the Evening News.

M:That’ s good. Erm,well……

W:What kind of person have you got in mind for this job?

M:Oh,well,somebody fairly young,you know,twenty something,like 21,or 25. A man,I think.

W:A man?

M:We really need a man for the position. Yes,I mean,it’ s really demanding. The sort of situations they get into are much too difficult for a young woman to deal with,erm……

W:Erm,what sort of a young man have you got in mind?

M:Oh,you know,a good education,polite,responsible,and easy to get along with. What I don’ t want is one of those young men just out of university,with exaggerated ideas of his own importance.

W:Yes,erm,what sort of education are you actually looking for?

M:Well,you know,a couple of A levels. Must master English,of course.

W:Yes,I think you’ re asking quite a lot. I mean you’ re not really prepared to pay all……

M:No,I’ m not prepared to give him a big salary to start with. Nevertheless,I want someone with plenty of ambition,plenty of drive. You know,not looking at the clock all the time.

W:Well sir,I wish you the best of luck and hope you have some very successful interviews.


W:Because I think you’ re asking an awful lot.


19. What did Mr. Browning ask Brenda to do?

根据原文中did you put that ad in yesterday?和The ad for a junior sales manager可知Mr. Browning是要求Brenda在报纸上刊登一则招聘广告。本题只需抓住ad一词(advertisement的缩写)即可确定答案为C)

20. What kind of person will meet the job requirements?

根据原文中fairly young,plenty of ambition,plenty of drive等关键词可知,招聘者想要寻找的是一个工作努力、有抱负的年轻小伙子,故答案为A)

21. What does Brenda think of the qualifications Mr. Browning insists on?

根据原文中女士话中you’ re asking quite a lot 以及you’ re asking an awful lot可推知她认为Mr. Browning的要求太多太高,不大可能会得到满足,故答案为B)



Directions:In this section,you will hear 2long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C),and D),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1to 3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)A storywriterB)A policemanC)A reporter

2. A)A shop robbery (抢劫)B)A personal experienceC)A film

3. A)In the morningB)In the afternoonC)In the evening

Questions 4to 6are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. A)A walletB)A book C)A bag of wool

5. A)A waiter B)A policeman C)The woman’ s husband

6. A)In the restroom B)Under the tableC)On the table


1. B)该对话为警察与失窃者之间的对话。男士为警察。

2. A)选项A)中robbery为本对话关键词。

3. C)从 “this afternoon” 及 “It must be three hours ago,that was about four o’ clock.” 可知,对话发生时间大约为晚上7点。

4. A)这篇对话发生在钱包丢失后,故选wallet。

5. B)由女士钱包丢失后向男士汇报,可得男士为警察。

6. A)从 “We found it in the restroom.” 一句可知。


Conversation 1

M:So,you say you had your handbag stolen this afternoon at about what time?

W:It must be three hours ago,that was about four o’ clock. I was doing my shopping when this fellow suddenly seized my bag and ran off.

M:Was there anything valuable inside the bag?

W:Not really,but the bag itself was an expensive one —it cost me about $500.

M:And are you able to recognize the man?

W:I did get a quick look at him. I remember he was tall,bearded and he had dark brown hair. I’ m sure I’ d recognize him if I saw him again.

M:OK. I just need to find out a few more details before we take action.

Questions 1—3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. Who is the man?

2. What are the two speakers talking about?

3. When does this conversation take place?

Conversation 2

W:I think my wallet was stolen,sir.

M:Do you have any reason to believe that your wallet was stolen?

W:Yes,I left it on the table half an hour ago,but when I came back from the restroom,it was gone.

M:Are you sure you left your wallet on the table?

W:Of course,sir. I planned to pay the bill before I went to the restroom.

M:Is this your wallet?We found it in the restroom.

W:Yes,it is. I must have left it there and I forgot. Sorry.

Questions 4to 6are based on the passage you have just heard.

4. What did the man think was stolen?

5. Who might the man be?

6. Where was the wallet found?


Directions:In this section,you will hear 2long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1to 3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)Start her further education.

B)Start her career.

C)Start her English training.

2. A)Very important when you are walking in Hong Kong.

B)Very important in many international trade centres there.

C)Very important for you to live and work in Hong Kong.

3. A)She is a student.

B)She is a businesswoman.

C)She is a teacher.

Questions 4to 7are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. A)The woman’ s school

B)The woman’ s family

C)The woman’ s plan

5. A)She will go to college

B)She will become an actress

C)She will become a singer.

6. A)They are proud of it.

B)They are not completely pleased with it.

C)They don’ t care.

7. A)She is a woman of character.

B)She is a middle school student.

C)She is a good actress.


1. B)从对话可知,女士打算 “take up business as a career” 而且准备在香港practise,所以应选B。

2. C)对女士 “I think it will be very useful in many ways because there’ s a lot about business written in English. Besides,Hong Kong is an international trade centre. English is useful in almost all walks of life.” 一句话的总结即得答案C)

3. A)从 “I began my studies at the beginning of this term.” 一句可知,女士现为一名学生。

4. C)对话中,两人谈论的是女士离开学校后的计划。

5. C)从 “But I usually get my own way in the end.” 一句及女士喜欢唱歌可知,女士可能最终选择唱歌。

6. B)从 “They don't quite agree with my idea.” 一句可知,女士父母不满意。

7. A)从 “But I usually get my own way in the end.” 一句可知,女士是个有主见的人。


Conversation 1

M:Hi,Mary. Haven’ t seen you for ages!

W:Hi,Mr. Jones. Yes,it has been such a long time since we met.

M:Have you made up your mind to take up business as a career?

W:Yes. Actually,I’ ve already started. I began my studies at the beginning of this term.

M:Very glad to hear that. Then what are you going to do when you finish?

W:Oh,I shall go to Hong Kong to practise there.

M:That’ s a good idea. It must be easy to find a job in Hong Kong.

W:Oh,I think so. You know there are a large number of opportunities for business there.

M:And English is very useful in your job.

W:I think it will be very useful in many ways because there’ s a lot about business written in English. Besides,Hong Kong is an international trade centre. English is useful in almost all walks of life.

M:Then you will be a very promising businesswoman there.

W:That’ s my wish. But I have to suffer now.

M:No problem. You can do it well,I’ m sure.

W:I hope so.

Questions 1—3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. What does Mary want to do in Hong Kong?

2. How does Mary find English in Hong Kong?

3. What does Mary do now?

Conversation 2

M:Jane,I hear that you are leaving school now. What do you want to do?Have you made up your mind yet?

W:No,not yet. But I think I 'm going to take up singing.

M:Any special reasons?

W:Yes. It's because I am good at singing songs. All my classmates say so. Besides,singing is quite interesting,so I will meet a lot of people.

M:And you will have to please them too.

W:Well,you do in any job,don't you?

M:And what do your parents think about it?

W:They don't quite agree with my idea. That's the only trouble.

M:Have they got any other plans for you,then?

W:Yes,er……they'll try to send me to an art college because they want me to be an actress.

M:Then what will you do?

W:Er……I haven't decided yet. But I usually get my own way in the end.

Questions 4—7are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. What are the two speakers talking about?

5. What will Jane most probably do in the end?

6. What is Jane’ s parents’ attitude towards her choice?

7. What can we know from what Jane said?


Directions:In this section,you will hear 2long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B)and C),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1to 3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)He heard its ad on the radio.

B)He saw its ad on TV.

C)He read its ad in the newspaper.

2. A)Size 42.

B)Size 41

C)Size 40.

3. A)$49.



Questions 4to 6are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. A)He wants to book some tickets.

B)He asks when the concert will start.

C)He asks if the concert is popular.

5. A)At 8:00on Sunday night.

B)On the night of September 4th.

C)On the night of September 14th.

6. A)By 7:30p. m.

B)By 8:00p. m.

C)By 9:00p. m.


1. B)从 “I saw your advertisement on TV” 一句可知答案为B)

2. B)从 “You’ d better have a 41” 一句可知,应为Size 41。

3. C)从 “It’ s 29dollars,very cheap.” 可知价格。

4. A)对话中,男士希望订演唱会的门票。book tickets 订票。

5. C)从 “on Saturday night” 及 “on the 14th of September” 可知,应选C)

6. A)从 “We’ ll hold the tickets at the door until 7:30.” 一句可知。


Conversation 1

W:Hello. Harling’ s Shopping Centre. Can I help you?

M:Hello. This is Mr. Anderson speaking. I saw your advertisement on TV that you have got some good things on men’ s suits this week.


M:What I’ d like to buy is a dark,business type suit. Something in wool,I think.

W:We have some excellent pure wool suits. Wool has the best of everything,comfort,quality,value. What size do you want?

M:Usually I’ m a 40regular,but I’ ve gained a little weight lately.

W:Oh,you’ d better have a 41. What colour?

M:I’ d like something dark gray,or navy blue,or even black. And I prefer a solid colour.

W:You’ ll be satisfied,sir. By the way,we have a fine selection of ties to go with the suits. Maybe you would like to come and have a look.

M:Oh. And how much is it?

W:It’ s 29dollars,very cheap.

M:OK. I’ ll come over and have a look at it. Thank you. Good—bye.

W:Thank you for calling. Good—bye.

Questions 1—3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. How did Mr. Anderson know that Harling’ s Shopping Centre has some good things?

2. What size will suit Mr. Anderson?

3. How much is the tie?

Conversation 2

W:Good morning. Cambridge Theater. Can I help you?

M:Good morning. Have you got any tickets for the pop concert on Saturday night?

W:Certainly,sir. You want to have tickets for the pop concert?

M:Yes,that’ s right.

W:And that’ s on the 14th of September?

M:I’ m not sure. Is Saturday the 14th?

W:Yes,it is.

M:What time does the concert start?

W:At 8:00p. m. How many tickets would you like?

M:My wife,I and my son. Three tickets,please.

W:What’ s your name?

M:Peter Brown.

W:Could I have your phone number,sir?

M:Of course. You can reach me in London. The number is 7867254.


M:How much would that cost?

W:64dollars all together,sir.


W:We’ ll hold the tickets at the door until 7:30.

M:Thank you very much. Good—bye.


Questions 4—6are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. What is the man talking about?

5. When will the concert be on?

6. When will the man get to the theatre?


Exercise 1

Directions:In this section,you will hear 4long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1—3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)A teacher.

B)A leader.

C)A headmaster.

2. A)Shy.



3. A)Because of the students.

B)Because of her parents.

C)Because of the headmaster.

Questions 4—6are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. A)A training coach.

B)A trading adviser.

C)A professional manager.

D)A financial trader.

5. A)He can save on living expenses.

B)He considers cooking creative.

C)He can enjoy healthier food.

D)He thinks take—away is tasteless.

6. A)It is something inevitable.

B)It is frustrating sometimes.

C)It takes patience to manage.

D)It can be a good thing.

Questions 7—9are based on the conversation you have just heard.

7. A)The weather.

B)Life in the country.

C)Holiday in the country.

8. A)In a farmer’ s house.

B)In the open air.

C)At a friend’ s home.

9. A)It was fine.

B)It was rainy.

C)It was terrible.

Questions 10—12are based on the conversation you have just heard.

10. A)He will return to his hometown.

B)He will play tennis.

C)He will join the woman for dinner.

D)He will go to a coffee shop with the woman.

11. A)Because she doesn't drink coffee.

B)Because she has a plane to catch.

C)Because she has to go to a lesson.

D)Because she doesn't like the man.

12. A)He will postpone the trip.

B)He will marry the woman.

C)He will cook dinner for the woman.

D)He will take tennis lessons.

Exercise 2

Directions:In this section,you will hear 4long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1—4are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)He prefers the smaller evening classes.

B)He has signed up for a day course.

C)He has to work during the day.

D)He finds the evening course cheaper.

2. A)Learn a computer language.

B)Learn data processing.

C)Buy some computer software.

D)Buy a few course books.

3. A)Thursday evening,from 7:00to 9:45.

B)From September 1to New Year’ s Eve.

C)Every Monday,lasting for 12weeks.

D)Three hours a week,45hours in total.

4. A)What to bring for registration.

B)Where to attend the class.

C)How he can get to Frost Hall.

D)Whether he can use a check.

Questions 5—7are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A)A novel about a president.

B)A political science book.

C)A listing of election results.

D)A text for one of his courses.

6. A)To the manager’ s office.

B)To the paperback section.

C)To the textbook area.

D)To the publishers’ indexes.

7. A)Only those used in the university.

B)Only those printed at the university.

C)Only those currently available from publishers.

D)Only those in the field of political science.

Questions 8—11are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A)The woman is helping the man study for his class.

B)They are visiting a factory Kahn designed.

C)The woman is deciding whether to take history of architecture.

D)The woman is researching Kahn’ s work.

9. A)Inventing the assembly line.

B)Building modern factories.

C)Designing early automobiles.

D)Reviving classical architecture.

10. A)Steel manufacturing.

B)Coal mining.



11. A)They were a fire hazard.

B)They were too spread out.

C)They were designed for efficiency rather than for beauty.

D)They were difficult to heat.

Questions 12—15are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A)When to move.

B)Where to live the following year.

C)How much time to spend at home.

D)Whose house to visit.

13. A)Take some money to the housing office.

B)Inform the director of student housing in a letter.

C)Fill out a form in the library.

D)Maintain a high grade average.

14. A)Both live on campus.

B)Both live off campus.

C)The man lives on campus;the woman lives off campus.

D)The woman lives on campus;the man lives off campus.

15. A)Grades.




Exercise 3

Directions:In this section,you will hear 4long conversations. At the end of each conversation,several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.

Questions 1—3are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)In a college bookstore.

B)In a lecture hall.

C)In a library.

D)In a domitory.

2. A)English.


C)Introduction to English Literature.

D)A required course.

3. A)He lives on the 10th floor of Butler Hall.

B)He never wants to listen to students.

C)He used to teach biology.

D)He is an excellent professor.

Questions 4—6are based on the conversation you have just heard.

4. A)That the library opens at 8:00.

B)That no one else has read the articles.

C)That none of the material he needs is available.

D)That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.

5. A)He is not cooperative.

B)He will be in his office all afternoon.

C)He has not read any of the articles himself.

D)He already brought in extra copies of the articles.

6. A)Return early the next day.

B)Photocopy the articles he needs.

C)Ask professor Grand for a copy of the articles.

D)Wait until the girl has finished with her articles.

Questions 7—10are based on the conversation you have just heard.

7. A)The election for senator.

B)The election for treasurer.

C)The election for secretary.

D)The election for president.

8. A)They are competing against each other in an election.

B)The man is writing the woman's speech.

C)The man is interviewing the woman.

D)The woman is planning the man's campaign.

9. A)Make posters.

B)Write a speech.

C)Answer questions.

D)Study chemistry.

10. A)Compare their lectures.

B)Review the man's talk.

C)Prepare questions to ask candidates.

D)Vote in the school election.

Questions 11—14are based on the conversation you have just heard.

11. A)How to arrange for a trip.

B)How to book a satisfactory room.

C)When the shop will be closed.

D)What the weather is like.

12. A)Because there is an excellent bus service.

B)Because there is an excellent railway service.

C)Because there is an excellent subway system.

D)Because taxi system there isn't convenient.

13. A)Usually warm but sometimes very cold and wet.

B)Always warm.

C)Usually cold and wet but sometimes warm.

D)Always cold.

14. A)At once.

B)Fifteen days later.

C)By the 15th of this month.

D)In the middle of this year.


Exercise 1

1. What is the woman?


2. What are those students like?

【解析】B)从 “They are also very active. No one is shy.” 一句可得选项。

3. Why does the woman have to go?

【解析】B)从 “But I have to because of my parents.” 一句可得答案。

4. What is the man’ s job?

【解析】D)本题为本长对话的第一题,出题点必从对话开始,由选项可知,本题涉及职业,对于职业的考查也是前几年四级考试的重点。男士在文中明确提及trading in financial markets,根据同义推断原理,可推断该男士的职业是financial trader.

5. Why does the man prefer to cook a meal rather than have a take—away?

【解析】B)预览选项,可知选项A与其他三项明显不同,可初步排除。本题与食物或烹饪有关。所以在听音过程中,如提及cooking或food,应多加注意,适时记录。听音过程中听到此句 “I always cook a meal rather than have a take—away” ,即可知答案就在附近,接下来的一句 “To do something my brain will regard as creative” 中,出现了关键词creative,选项B与之相符,故选择B选项。

6. What does the man say about an element of stress in his job?

【解析】A)本题是细节加评论题,关键要弄清楚各选项中it所指代的内容。本文出现频率最多的词是stress,可大胆推测,此题考查的是对stress的评述。本题又是此长对话的最后一题,答案应在听力对话的后两句。 “I do actually enjoy an element of uncertainty”. 只要抓住此句中的一个关键词 “uncertainty” ,此题便可轻易而解,选项A正确。

7. What is the topic of the conversation?


8. Where did Jane spend the nights in the country?

【解析】B)从 “We cooked all meals ourselves and ate in the open air.” 一句可知。

9. What was the weather like in the country?

【解析】A)从 “It was sunny every day.” 一句可知。

10. What will the man do tonight?

【解析】A)由选项可知本题是对男士将要发生的动作进行判断。寒暄后,女士提出dinner tonight,男士回答 “I’ d love to,but……” 委婉拒绝了邀请。But提示后面为原因, “I’ m taking off for Miami” ,后又补充说是 “going home” ,故答案为A)其后的rain check是 “延期” 的意思。

11. Why can’ t the woman join the man for coffee?

【解析】C)由选项预测本题是对原因提问。由上题可知男士无法与女士共进晚餐,因而提出了 “go to the coffee shop and chat for a while” 的建议,女士回答: “I really wish I could,but……” 同样委婉拒绝了邀请,并提示后面的原因,即 “I’ m on my way to the tennis courts. I’ m taking lessons.” 与C)相符。

12. Which of the following did the man agree to do?

【解析】D)由选项可知本题同样是对男士的行为进行判断。抓住关键句I’ ll join you in taking lessons. 即可推断出答案为D)

Exercise 2

1. Why does the man choose to take an evening course?

【解析】C)预览选项,选项A、D讨论evening class,选项B讲述day course,立刻可推测此长对话与课程有关,且该课程有day class和evening class之分。从这四个选项暗含的意义推测,男士应偏重于evening class,可初步推测,此题考查男士选择evening class的原因。原文中男士明确说明it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day,关键词在于since,正所谓 “因果必考” ,选项C与原文相符。

2. What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming?

【解析】B)行为动作考查题,根据19题推测,本对话涉及报班,由本题四个选项可知,所报课程与电脑有关,因为前三项均与computer有关。可知选项D与其他三项明显不同,可初步排除。本题也为一细节题,在听力过程中,应适时记录相关信息。女士先提到了Have you taken any courses in data processing,在其后紧跟着又对其进行了解释data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming。对于data processing在对话中重复出现,且与问题相符,故选择B选项。

3. What do we learn about the schedule of evening course?

【解析】C)由选项即可知本题考查数字的细节题,且考查的数字为持续的时间,初步推测为某一课程所持续的时间。所以如在听力过程中涉及数字都要作笔记,且应注意数字的上下文场景。对该问题的回答,信息较分散,最初提到了every Monday,from 7to 9:45。接下来在let me see停顿之后出现答案12weeks,from September 1to Christmas Eve. 整合以上信息,应选C。选项A错在Thursday evening,原文中明确给出应该是Monday evening。选项B中的New Year’ s Eve也是偷梁换柱,应为Christmas Eve。选项D涉及小计算,每晚3小时,持续12周,应大约总共36小时才正确。

4. What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation?

【解析】A)根据 “前二后二必考” 原则,本题又为本对话的最后一题,此题必在文章后面出题。由四选项的形式可初步推测,本题考查的是问题的内容。本题的问题直截了当,在原文中男士给出了明确的提问, “Is there anything that I should bring with me?” 与选项A同义。许多考生按照常理或主观臆测选定选项B,此项在原文中恰恰没有提到。原文中男士也明确表明 “I know how to get there,” 选项C是多余的。文中虽提到checkbook,是女士对男士问题的回答,而非男士的发问,故排除。

5. What is the man looking for?

【解析】B)男士说 “I’ m looking for a book on the presidential election system……” ,后来说到 “I’ ve already looked through all the political science books” ,由此可以推断,a book on the presidential election system属于the political science books。因此,他要寻找的是B)A political science book。

6. Where does the woman first direct the man to?

【解析】C)当男士说需要一本关于总统选举体制的书时,女士以为他说的是textbook,于是马上说 “all of our textbooks are……in the back of the store” 。因此,选项C)符合题干要求。

7. What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print?

【解析】C)女士说 “you should try looking in Books in Print” ,在男士不知道什么是Books in Print的情况下,女士解释说,Books in Print是 “an index that lists all of the books currently available from publishers” ,选项C)符合题干要求。注意,in print是指 “(books)currently available from publishers,正在出售的” ;out of print是它的反义词组,表示 “已售完” ,也很常用。

8. Why are the students discussing Albert Kahn?

【解析】D)由女士所说的……I have to do some research……I need to read up on kahn’ s factories可以推知,女士在研究卡恩的作品,整个对话就此展开。

9. In which is Albert Kahn best known for?

【解析】B)听音时注意和Kahn 相关的信息: “the modern building he is famous for” 以及 “best known for his factory。” 问题问Kahn因为什么最有名,B)为该细节的同义转述。

10. To what industry did Albert Kahn make a major contribution?

【解析】D)听音时注意提到的行业。根据 “especially the auto plants” (汽车车间)及 “So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant。” 可推出答案为D) “运输行业” 。

11. According to the talk,what was one problem with factories before Kahn’ s time?

【解析】A)听音时注意和建筑缺点相关的信息,对话中男士提到 “there were fire hazards too。” 问题问卡恩时代之前的汽车工厂存在的问题,A)为细节再现。

12. What are the speakers discussing?


13. What must a person do in order to live in a university house?

【解析】A)对话中男士说 “You’ d better hurry up if you want a room next September” ,而从前面的对话内容 “make my dormitory deposit for next year” 可知男士说的hurry up指的是赶紧去交dormitory deposit,由此可知如果要住学校的房子,就要付一些钱给housing office,故选A)

14. Where do the two speakers live now?


15. What does the man seem to be concerned about?

【解析】D)从男士的话 “Think of the money you’ d save” 可以判断他关心的是money,因此答案选D)A)Grades是女士关心的问题。B)和C)两项对话中未谈及。 85B87heJU7Kf0PJuSOEQcA8/EkFPt8ewEOh3NY8Ec7cyE5y0H2aGKRwIRNGRK2da
