
第一个月 基础篇(1)






一般来说,正确答案不会是直接听到的数字,而往往是在意思上与这相同或相近,或换了一种表达方式,或要求对听到的数字进行简单的四则运算。做这类题时,听清这些数字和它们之间的关系是解题的关键。这些数字之间的关系往往用 “more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after” 之类的形容词、副词或介词短语来表示,多为时间题。


1. 十几、几十的读音

2. 分数的说法

3. 小数的说法

4. 大数字的说法

5. 钱的问题


discount, discount rate, on sale, 50% off, clearance


cent, nickel, dime, quarter, fifty cents, dollar, buck


1. 超前

earlier, ahead of time, in advance

2. 准时

be on time, be on schedule

3. 推迟

behind schedule, late, delay, put off, postpone


M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?

W: Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours from 6:30 a.m. but on weekends it starts half an hour later.

Q: When did the second bus leave on Saturday?

A) 7:30

B) 8:00

C) 8:30

D) 9:00

答案D)。这是一道较为复杂的转换题。考生应听懂对话中的every two hours from 6:30和half an hour later两处,同时还要细心,捕捉到问题中的the second bus和Saturday。


W: Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday?

M: Yes. The newspaper said six crew members and sixty four passengers were killed, and fifteen others were injured.

Q: How many people suffered in the air crash?





这是一道简单的数字运算题,解题的关键是要听懂问句中的 “suffer” 一词,受害者应包括死者和伤者,故答案应为6+64+15=85,A)。


W: Sorry,Mr. Smith is not in. May I have him return your call?

M: Yes, thank you. I’ m at 6330872……Sorry, it’ s 6338720.

Q: What’ s the man’ s telephone number?

A) 6330872.


C) 6338720.


这道题要注意的是电话号码在口语中的读法。6338720的最常见的读法是:six double three eight seven two zero (或o)。另外还要注意不要受干扰信息的影响,如本题中的6330872以及其后的话语停顿。




选项通常由(介词+)地点名词构成,提问可分为两种情况。第一种问对话发生在何处,选项的形式通常为表示方位的介词(如in, at等)加上一个地点名词构成;第二种问的是方向,选项的形式通常为表示方向的介词(如to, from, out of等)加上一个地点名词或者只有地点名词构成。


1. 首先要根据卷面线索判断出试题的类型。对于第一种试题,要重点听对话中的与特定地点有关的常用词或词组(即关键词),例如听到reserve,check in,check out,room之类的词的话即可判断对话是发生在旅馆里,听到size,color,pay,discount之类的词即可判断对话地点是在商店等。

2. 与方向有关的词和词组并不多,所提出的问题在形式上也可能比较简单,但是这类问题出现时,往往需要几经思考才能得出答案。在这类问题中,务必要注意录音中的内容细节,不要单凭从对话中获得的孤立信息来确定答案。建议在听音的同时用笔在纸上画一些草图以帮助理解。

3. 与时间题不同,有的地点题可通过逻辑判断猜出正确的答案,平时要注意这方面能力的培养。


M: Good afternoon. This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center. I’ d like to speak to Mr. Adams, please.

W: Mr. Miller, my husband isn’ t at home, but I can give you his business phone if you’ d like to call him at work.

Q: Where is Mr. Adams now?

A) At the Sun Valley.

B) At the Health Center.

C) At home.

D) At Work.

答案D)。本题表面是很简单,因为对话中有直接提示词At work,它与D)项完全相同。此外,his business phone(他的办公电话)也能给我们一定的提示。


M:I’ ve just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroom was dirty.

W: Sorry about that but it’ s not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

A) At the airport.

B) In a travel agency.

C) In a hotel.

D) At home.

此题对话中虽有地点名词出现(hotel),但明显不是答案。本题考的是推理能力。根据hotel等关键词,可推断对话的话题与旅行有关。而从W的话中的arrange, contract等词,可以判断出这是一家旅行社(B)。本题说明,在听对话时,要对关键词特别注意,但又不能认为关键词就是答案。


M: Now, Miss, do you feel all right now? What happened?

W: Yes, I’ m fine now. I was just at the motorway. I was driving along the main road when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street. I didn’ t see him until he hit me.

Q: Where was the car before it hit the woman?

A) In the side street.

B) At the crossroads.

C) On the main road

D) On the motorway.

本题属于较为特殊的地点题,考生不仅要听懂对话发生的地点,而且要能理解I met the car came out at the side street这句语法上有错误的话并推断出在汽车撞上W之前,它正在the side street (A)中。其他选项在对话中都曾出现过,但它们都是描述W本人所在的位置,而非肇事车辆所处的位置。



1. 夫妻、恋人常用亲昵温柔的语气:

dear darling

2. 店员与顾客常用的客气的语气:

sir madam

Can I……? What would you like to have?

3. 下属对老板常用恭敬伏贴的语气:

Mr. Mrs.

Ok, Could you please……?

4. 亲朋好友常用简洁随便的语气:

Hi! What’ s up?

Some water?

5. 父母、老师教训子女、学生常用严厉的语气:

Don’ t you remember……? What are you doing?

6. 医生询问病人的语气:

You need take…… What’ s the trouble with you?

【例1】 2003.1 CET4

W: John. What are you doing on your computer? Don’ t you remember your promise?

M: This is not a game. It’ s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A) Colleagues

B) Husband and wife

C) Employer and employee

D) Mother and son

【解析】 播音之前考生需对选项(colleagues, husband and wife, employer and employee, mother and son)提前作好预测原文内容的信息词汇准备。这题需掌握对话双方的特殊身份语言及口气:原文中 “扩大我的词汇量” 明显提示说话者是学生,根据女士的话及含有教训的口气 “不记得你作的保证?” 可推知其身份为家长,所以两者的关系应为母子。选择D。

【例2】 2001.6 CET 4

W: I heard you got full marks in the maths exam. Congratulations!

M: Thanks! I’ m sure you also did a good job.

Q: What’ s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A) A math teacher and his colleague

B) A teacher and his student

C) A student and his classmate

D) A librarian and a student

【解析】 通过选项可以断定原文内容是发生在学校里,留意对话双方的口气线索尤为重要。女士说她听说男士在数学考试中得了满分,男士说 “you also did a good job.” 指的是女士考得也不错,抓住关键提示词 “also” ,便可判断其关系是同学。答案为C。


M: I’ ve just brought your ladder back. Thanks for lending it to me. Where shall I leave it?

W: Just lean it against the wall there. Use the ladder again any time.

Q: What’ s the probable relationship between these two speakers?

A) Relatives.

B) Roommates.

C) Colleagues.

D) Neighbors.

【解析】 首先抓住关键词 “ladder” ,借用梯子,一般发生在邻里之间或楼管、物业那里。由此便可判断关系为邻居。答案为D。

Exercise 1

1. A) George’ s brother.

B) George’ s wife.

C) George’ s father.

D) George’ s father—in—law.

2. A) Five lessons.

B) Three lessons.

C) Twelve lessons.

D) Fifteen lessons.

3. A) 5:00.

B) 5:15.

C) 5:30.

D) 5:45.

4. A) To the school.

B) To a friend’ s house.

C) To the post office.

D) Home.

5. A) At home.

B) At the riverside.

C) At the health center.

D) At his office.

6. A) More than an hour and a half.

B) Not more than half an hour.

C) More than two hours.

D) Less than an hour and a half.

7. A) At a restaurant.

B) In a fish shop.

C) At a clinic.

D) On a fishing boat.

8. A) In a bike parking lot.

B) At a bike repair shop.

C) In a bike showroom.

D) In a bike factory.


1. C

2. B计算题计算题在四六级英语听力中属于比较难的题型,要求同学们不仅能分辨不同的时间、金钱等数量概念,还应能将听到的各个数量联系起来进行加减运算。这是最简单的计算题,只要同学们不将答案误认为是C或D,就不会出错。

3. B此题中的考点在于是否能听懂That only leaves us 15 minutes to go, 从而判断与5:30的前后关系。从男士的回答中得知,现在只剩下15分钟办理通关、行李检查手续了,而出发时间是5:30,那么谈话发生的时间应该是两个数字相减,即5:15。另外,还要注意的是5:30与5:13的区别,15分钟和50分钟的区别。带有—ty的单词的重音在第一个音节,第二个音节弱读,是短音/i/。带有—teen单词是双重音,第一和第二个音节都重读,第二个音节是长音/i:/。数字计算题的关键在于听懂数字之间的关系并进行运算。

4. C本题借助registered mail设题,答案是C. 但这里同样也有地点的辨析问题,要求同学们能听出是 “首先到……地方” 。

5. D

6. D

7. A) At a restaurant这是道场景题,较为简单。从对话中可知,女士希望向男士推荐一道菜,从首句中即可推断出该对话最有可能发生在餐馆中,男士说,他过敏,不吃贝壳类海鲜,可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。

8. [B]。由选项均为地点可知,本题考查对话地点或场所。对话中女士提到the brake hasn’ t worked well(刹车不灵了),选项[B]中的repair与女士的话对应,故[B]为答案。sth. doesn’ t work well意为 “某物坏了” 。


1. M: I wish I could see George here.

W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago, his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.

Q: Who was ill?

1993/6 CET4

2. W: Professor Clark said that the mid—term exam would cover the first 15 lessons?

M: Really? I thought it only included the first 12 lessons. Then I must spend the weekend to go over the rest of the lessons.

Q: How many lessons must the man review over the weekend?


3. M: What’ s the time for departure?

W: 5:30. That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.

Q: At what time did the conversation take place?

4. M: Can you stay for dinner?

W: I’ d love to , but I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school.

Q: Where will the woman go first?


5. M: Hello, this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health Center. I’ d like to speak to Mr. Jones.

W: I’ m sorry, Mr. Hopkins, my husband isn’ t at home. But I can give you his office phone number. He won’ t be back until 6 o’ clock.

Q: Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now?


6. W: How much time did you have for writing the paper?

M: We were given three hours, but I finished in less than half the time.

Q: How long did it take the man to write his paper?

7. W: May I make a recommendation, sir? Our seafood with this special sauce is very good.

M: Thank you, but I don’ t eat shellfish. I’ m allergic to it.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


8. W: Could you have my bike ready before ten? Recently the brake hasn’ t worked well.

M: Sure, I’ ll check it. That won’ t be a big problem. You may come and pick it up before ten o’ clock.

Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

Exercise 2

1. A) At the airport.

B) At the hotel reception.

C) In a restaurant.

D) In a booking office.

2. A) On a train.

B) On a plane.

C) In a theater.

D) In a restaurant.

3. A) At 2:35.

B) At 2:45.

C) At 3:00.

D) At 3:15.

4. A) To the bank.

B) To bookstore.

C) To a shoe store.

D) To the grocer’ s.

5. A) Near the station.

B) In the country.

C) In the city.

D) Near her work place.

6. A) At a cigarette store.

B) At a bus station.

C) At a gas station.

D) At Aunt Mary’ s.

7. A) Policeman and driver.

B) Policeman and thief.

C) Teacher and pupil.

D) Director and actress.

8. A) At a bookstore.

B) In a workshop

C) At an art gallery

D) In a department store


1. 选B。由选项均为地点可知,本题考查对话地点或场所。对话中男士提到关键词reserved a room,得知答案选B。

2. 答案C

3. B。我们除了要听清supposed to start at 2:30和15 minutes之外,还要听懂delayed这个词才能选出正确答案B)。

4. 答案选D。

5. 答案选B。

6. 答案选C。这是一道地点混淆的题目,三个选项在对话中都有出现,但问题问的是女士将在哪里停留。根据对话可知,她的目的地是Aunt Mary家,但她会在途中到gas station 为他买香烟。

7. 答案选A。从signal, stop, pay a fine可以看出,说话者之间的关系为警察和司机的关系。

8. 答案C。本题中的关键词是oil painting 油画,work 作品,catalogue 目录,所以对话应该发生在美术馆。提前积累地点(bookstore, workshop, art gallery, department store)相关信息词汇。


1. W: We don’ t seem to have a reservation for you, sir. I’ m sorry.

M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


2. W: May I see you ticket, please? I think you’ re sitting in my seat.

M: Oh, you’ re right. My seat is in the balcony. I’ m terribly sorry.

Q: Where does conversation most probably take place?


3. M: Did you go to the football match last Saturday?

W: Oh,yes. It was supposed to start at 2:30,but it was delayed fifteen minutes.

Q: When did the football match start?


4. M: What do you want me to get? I’ m leaving now.

W: Pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread, please.

Q: Where is the man probably going?


5. M: If I were you, I’ d live in the city instead of going to work by train.

W: But the country is so beautiful in spring and fall.

Q: Where does the woman prefer to live?


6. M: Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.

W: I’ m not going to any store. I’ m going to see Aunt Mary. But I will get them for you at the gas station.

Q: Where will the woman stop on her way?


7. M: Why didn’ t you stop when we first signaled?

W: I’ m sorry. Will I have to pay a fine?

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?


8. M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?

W: Sorry, I don’ t know for sure. But I guess it’ s an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalogue.

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


Exercise 3

1. A) Husband and wife.

B) Father and daughter.

C) Doctor and patient.

D) Teacher and student.

2. A) The man wants to go to Los Angeles.

B) The man wants to go to San Francisco.

C) There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.

D) There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the next two hours.

3. A) 7:30.

B) 8:00.

C) 8:30.

D) 9:00

4. A) A bus station

B) A highway

C) An airport

D) A railway station

5. A) Librarian and student.

B) Operator and caller.

C) Boss and secretary.

D) Customer and repairman.

6. A) Shop assistant and customer

B) Waitress and customer

C) Employee and manager

D) Boss and employee

7. A) From upstairs.

B) From next door.

C) From the Nelsons’ house.

D) From the back door.

8. A) At 10:30.

B) At 10:25.

C) At 10:40.

D) At 10:45.


1. C

2. A本题应该还是比较简单,涉及到了一个机场场景。希望大家一起来记住一些机场有关的场景词:direct flight 直航 / transfer 转机/ board 登机/ flight 班机,航班。

3. 预读选项可知,这是一道时间题,而且逐个选项之间相隔半个小时。预测题目可能会涉及增减计算,因而对录音中的时间表达及相应信息要用心听。比赛9点开始,现在还剩一个小时(there’ s still one left 中省略了hour),所以现在应该是8点,即B。

4. 四个选项都是地点名词,听音时要善于抓住关键词。本题的关键词是jets,而且女士提到 “喷气式飞机在他们家上空飞行” ,可见他们住在机场附近。因此答案C。

5. D

6. A

7. A

8. 数字信息题。本题是问火车什么时候离开。这类题往往是通过一次 “加” 或 “减” 得出答案C。


1. W: Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?

M: Not yet. I am still examining. I’ ll let you know the result next week.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?


2. M: Excuse me , would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?

W: Sure , the next flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco, you can board now.

Q: What do you learn from this conversation?


3. M: Hurry up, the game starts at nine and we have a long way to go.

W: Take it easy. We need half an hour to get there and there’ s still one left.

Q: What time is it now?

4. W: How do Jane and Bill like their new house?

M: It’ s really comfortable, but they’ re tired of having to hear the jets go over their house at all hours.

Q: What is located close to Jane and Bill’ s new house?

5. W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?

M: I’ ll call you when it’ s ready. But it shouldnt take longer than a week.

Q: what is the probable relationship between the speakers?

1995/6 CET 4

6. W: Can I help you , sir?

M: Well, I’ d like to buy a pair of shoes. How much are they?

Q: What’ s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

7. M: What’ s all that noise? It sounds as if it’ s coming from next door, The Nelson aren’ t back yet, are they?

W: I don’ t think so. It must be the window cleaner working upstairs.

Q: Where does the woman think the noise is coming from?


8. M: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’ t wait here forever.

W: It’ s 10:30 already. They’ re supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.

Q: When is the train leaving?




单就长对话而言,长对话作为六级听力改革后的新题型体现了命题组对于考试改革的诉求——强调在实际环境中的语言运用能力。涉及到的对话场景内容非常广泛,从校园生活到生活中的各种场景。学生可以通过抓住 “信号词” 来判断具体场景。经常涉及到的场景有:旅游(飞机,机场,出行准备等),校园,工作面试,访谈等。


22. A) Organizing protests.

B) Recruiting members.

C) Acting as its spokesman.

D) Saving endangered animals.

23. A) Anti—animal—abuse demonstrations.

B) Anti—nuclear campaigns.

C) Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floor.

D) Removing industrial waste.

24. A) By harassing them.

B) By appealing to the public.

C) By taking legal action.

D) By resorting to force.

25. A) Doubtful.

B) Reserved.

C) Indifferent.

D) Supportive.


22. A 通过这两句话I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization. I’ m the action organizer and arrange any protests. 我在Green Peace中主要负责抗议策划和组织。本题也符合视听基本一致原则。

23. B根据视听一致原则。Well, recently we’ ve been involved in anti—nuclear campaigns. 可以比较容易选出答案。

24. A本题的考法是长对话中最典型的一种,就是针对动作行为进行发问,考点在于考生需要听明白人物发出的动作是什么,原文的动词harass和选项的harass是一摸一样,属于最简单的考法,而且原文重复两次,因此考生对此即便是不知道harass是什么意思也能选对。

25. D 本题的考法是一贯的长对话结尾题,往往以态度判断和结论作为考察对象,此题选项均为态度词,很容易判断,另外,注意到选项呈现 “三负一正” 的格局,因此答案是显然的。本段长对话的几个特色词汇也需要注意:harass指 “骚扰” ,绿色和平组织采取 “和平骚扰” 的方式,影响那些倾倒核废料(dumping nuclear waste)的人们,而没有采取诉诸武力(resorting force)的方式。


W: Right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview spot is Peter Wilson. Peter works for Green Peace. So, Peter, welcome.

M: Thanks a lot. It’ s good to be here.

W: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you can tell us something about Green Peace and your job there.

M: Sure. Well, I’ ll start by telling you roughly what Green Peace is all about. I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization. We’ ve been going for a few decades and we’ re a non—violent, non—political organization. We’ re involved in anti—nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco—system. I’ m the action organizer and arrange any protests.

W: Right! A pretty important role. Peter. What sort of protest would you organize?

M: Well, recently we’ ve been involved in anti—nuclear campaigns. I, personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean. We’ ve got a few small Green Peace boats that we harass the dumping ship with.

W: Say? Hold on, Peter. I thought you said your organization was non—violent. What do you mean by “harass” ?

M: Well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea. We talk to the men and try to change, you know, yell at them to stop. We generally make ourselves as much of a nuisance as possible.

M: Well, people may think differently of your methods, but there’ s no doubt you’ re doing a great job, keep it up and good luck. And thanks for talking with us.

W: Thanks for having me.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Q22. What is the man’ s chief responsibility in the Green Peace organization?

Q23. What has Green Peace been involved in recently?

Q24. How does Green Peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?

Q25. What is the woman’ s attitude towards the Green Peace’ s campaigns?


22. A) By reading a newspaper ad.

B) By seeing a commercial on TV.

C) By listening to the morning news.

D) By calling an employment service.

23. A) She could improve her foreign languages.

B) She could work close to her family.

C) She could travel overseas frequently.

D) She could use her previous experiences.

24. A) Taking management courses.

B) Teaching English at a university.

C) Working as a secretary.

D) Studying for a degree in French.

25. A) Prepare for an interview in a couple of days.

B) Read the advertisement again for more details.

C) Send in a written application as soon as possible.

D) Get to know the candidates on the short list.

22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?

【答案】A. By reading a newspaper ad.

【解析】 job vacancy指空缺的职位。在对话一开始,女士就说到她的目的:I’ m calling about the job that was in the paper last night. 从这句话中可以看出她得知职位信息的来源是the paper last night,对应A选项。

23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?

【答案】B. She could work close to her family.

【解析】本题关键词是appealing,意为引起兴趣的。女士提到她喜欢这份工作的原因是be near to the family,close是near的同义替换词,因此选择B选项。

24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?

【答案】C. Working as a secretary.

【解析】女士提到她在日内瓦做了一些secretarial work,也就是选项C中的secretary。虽然她也提到之前在大学学习,但是她取得的学位是a degree in English,而非选项D中的a degree in French.

25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?

【答案】C. Send in a written application as soon as possible.

【解析】对话中女士希望得到面试机会,但是男士要求先要递交书面申请(reply a writing to the advertisement),并不是所有人都能得到面试机会,因此选择答案C。


W: Good morning, I’ m calling about the job that was in the paper last night.

M: Well, could you tell me your name?

W: Candider Forsett.

M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?

W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.

M: Really? Um…… Could you tell me a little about yourself?

W: Yes. I’ m 23. I’ ve been working abroad.

M: Where exactly have you been working?

W: In Geneva.

M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?

W: Secretarial work. Previous to that, I was at university.

M: Which university was that?

W: The University of Manchester. I’ ve got a degree in English.

M: You said you’ ve been working in Geneva. Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?

W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the family.

M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?

W: Well, I’ m ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me eventually into management.

M: I see. You have foreign languages?

W: French and Italian.

M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is to reply a writing to the advertisement.

W: Can’ t I arrange for an interview now?

M: Well, I’ m afraid we must wait until all the applications are in, in writing, and we’ ll then decide on the short list. If you are on the short list, of course we should see you.

W: Oh, I see.

M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two.

W: Oh, yes, yes, certainly.

M: Ok, thank you very much. Goodbye.

W: Thank you. Goodbye.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?

23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?

24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?

25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?



19. A) She was a bank manager.

B) She was a victim of the robbery.

C) She was a defense lawyer.

D) She was a witness to the crime.

20. A) A tall man with dark hair and a moustache.

B) A youth with a distinguishing mark on his face.

C) A thirty—year—old guy wearing a light sweater.

D) A medium—sized young man carrying a gun.

21. A) Identify the suspect from pictures.

B) Go upstairs to sign some document.

C) Have her photo taken for their files.

D) Verify the record of what she had said.

19. What do we learn about the woman?

【答案】D. She was a witness to the crime.

【解析】文中男士需要女士描述一下抢劫银行的人(describe the man who robbed the bank)。选项中B提到了robbery,但是对话中没有说明女士是受害者(victim);D选项提到了她目击了某个犯罪经过,robbery显然是crime的一种。

20. What did the suspect look like?

【答案】A. A tall man with dark hair and a moustache.

【解析】原文中提到The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache,对应选项A。

21. What did the man finally asked the woman to do?

【答案】A. Identify the suspect from pictures.

【解析】对话结尾处,男士要求女士look at some photographs,很显然,他的目的是让女士通过照片来辨别嫌疑人。因此选择A。


M: Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some of the things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank.

W: All right.

M: Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that we’ re filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.

W: Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.

M: That’ s all right.

W: The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.

M: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks?

W: Um, no, none that I can remember.

M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?

W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years.

M: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?

W: Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.

M: OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?

W: I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. Yes, yes.

M: All right. Mrs. Dawson, I really appreciate what you’ ve been through today. I’ m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’ t mind. It won’ t take very long. Can you do that for me?

W: Oh, of course.

M: Would you like to step this way with me, please?

W: OK, sure.

M: Thank you.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What do we learn about the woman?

20. What did the suspect look like?

21. What did the man finally asked the woman to do?


Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) The country.

B) Another country.

C) Cornfield.

D) Birmingham.

20. A) He might get his passport.

B) He might get some money and clothes.

C) He might make himself armed.

D) He might make a call.

21. A) He will meet her in another country.

B) They will go to another country together.

C) He will leave her in the country.

D) He will appear somewhere near her.

22. A) By air.

B) By car.

C) By sea.

D) By train.


预览四道题各选项,由选项中的country, get his passport, By air等可知,对话与国家、护照等有关。

19. According to the woman, where might the wanted man first go?

【解析】选[D]。对话开头男士问嫌疑犯可能去了什么地方,女士认为嫌疑犯暂时不会逃到国外,他会先从Cornfield 那里拿护照,并搞些钱和衣服。Cornfield为人名,住在Birmingham,故答案为[D]。

【点睛】解答本题的关键是区分Cornfield和Birmingham。make for意为 “前往,走向” 。

20. How will the wanted man probably get in touch with Cornfield according to the women?

【解析】选[D]。对话中女士分析嫌疑犯不会show up there in person(亲自),而是probably use a telephone(可能会打电话),故[D]为答案。

【点睛】[D]中的make a call是对话中use a telephone的同义转述。

21. What will the wanted man deal with his wife?

【解析】选[A]。对话中男士询问What about his wife?女士回答:他不会出现在他妻子附近,而是等他离开这个国家后让他妻子和他会合,故答案为[A]。

【点睛】join sb. 在此意为 “与某人会合” 。[D]He will appear somewhere near her是根据对话中I shouldn’ t think he’ ll go anywhere near her设的干扰项。

22. According to the police, how will the wanted man try to leave the country?

【解析】选[A]。预览选项可知,本题考查交通方式。对话中女士说,keep an eye on the private airfields,可见女士猜测他会乘坐私人飞机逃跑,故答案为[A]。


W: No luck then, John?

M: I’ m afraid not, ma’ am. Not yet, anyhow. We’ re still checking on stolen cars.

W: Mm.

M: Where do you think he’ ll head for, ma’ am?

W: Well, he definitely won’ t try to leave the country yet. He may try to get a passport, and he’ ll certainly need clothes and money. He’ ll probably get in touch with Cornfield for those, so I expect he’ ll make for Birmingham.

M: Right. I’ ll put some men on the house.

W: Yes, do that. Mind you, I doubt if he’ ll show up there in person. Hammond’ s no fool, you know. I should think he’ ll probably use a telephone.

M: What about his wife?

W: Mm. I shouldn’ t think he’ ll go anywhere near her — though he might get her to join him after he’ s left the country. And when he does leave, he probably won’ t use a major airport, either. So you’ d better notify the coastguard, and keep an eye on the private airfields.

M: Right, ma’ am. I’ d better get his description circulated.

W: Yes. He may change his appearance, of course. And John — be careful. He could be armed. And if I know Hammond, he certainly won’ t give himself up without a fight.


Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A)The man’ s pay raise.

B)A career ladder for the man.

C)The man’ s education.

D)A new chance for everyone to be promoted.

20. A)Three years.

B)Four years.

C)Five years.

D)Six years.

21. A)The person who has the strong will.

B)The person who has attended the adult school.

C)The person who can pass the test of arithmetic.

D)The person who can work at computers quickly after a two—day training.

22. A)The man is eager to attend the training.

B)The man is not very interested in this chance for promotion.

C)The man has been training for computer work since last year.

D)The man is not confident in his chance to be promoted to the Grade 7.


预览四道题各选项,由选项中的career ladder, pay raise, training等可知,对话可能与职业升迁、加薪和培训有关。

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is mainly discussed in the conversation?

【解析】选[B]。选项均为概括性强的名词短语表明,本题可能考查对话主旨。对话开头简短的问候之后,女士直接说明谈话目的review what you’ ve done so far(回顾一下你的工作历程),后面提到现在又有一个晋升机会(move up the ladder),由此可知,对话的主要内容就是男士的职业提升,故答案为[B]。


20. How many years did it take the man to move up to Grade 5?



21. Who can get the chance to go to school for more training?

【解析】选[D]。对话中女士说掌握较快(learn quickly)的人能去学校接受进一步培训(more training),故答案为[D]。

【点睛】[D]是对We will give everybody two days of training和The people who learn quickly can go to school for more training的综合表述。

22. What can be inferred from the conversation?

【解析】选[B]。选项均以The man开头,其中涉及男士对培训的态度。对话后面提男士到, I’ d like to think about it for a few days(他要考虑几天),但Maybe I should stay where I am now(可能会留在原职位),由此可推断出,他对这次脱产培训带来的升迁机会不是很感兴趣,故答案为[B]。

【点睛】听音时应注意表示观点态度的词汇(例如对话中的Maybe I should表不确定性),从而推断出说话者的态度。 AMvtAR6W30o/zhapY3B/vO0zfLIYdH1ojE4YTGJLsPS2BiuIkh7Tpda7dtNsuAK7
