





























1. 单词及词组听写

听力题型是这次改革中变化最小的部分,听力理解主要测试学生获取口头信息的能力。录音材料用标准的英式或美式英语朗读,四级语速约每分钟130词,六级约每分钟150词。听力部分分值比例为35%,其中对话占15%,短文占20%。考试时间为30分钟。调整后的四、六级考试大幅度提高了主观题所占分值比例,之前的四、六级考试中,主观题比例仅占到20%,在新试题中,主观题比例调整为30%。考试时间从过去的120分钟延长到了130分钟。 听力从原来的20%,提高到35%,听力部分的原复合式听写由过去的八个单词和三句话的形式,调整为考察十个单词或短语的形式,短文长度及难度不变。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题,短文播放三遍,每一个空的得分将由过去的不等分值变成每空一分。

2. 长篇阅读


3. 翻译





Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

1. A) The rock band needs more hours of practice.

B) The rock band is going to play here for a month.

C) He appreciates the woman’ s help with the band.

D) Their hard work has resulted in a big success.

2. A) Travel overseas on his own.

B) Join a package tour to Mexico.

C) Go on a diving tour in Europe.

D) Add 300 dollars to his budget.

3. A) Something unexpected has happened.

B) In case some problem should occur.

C) To avoid more work later on.

D) To make better preparations.

4. A) The man is going to renew his membership in a fitness center.

B) The woman asked for a free pass to try out the facilities.

C) The man can try out the facilities before he becomes a member.

D) The woman can give the man a discount if he joins the club now.

5. A) He is not fit to study science.

B) He is not afraid of challenge.

C) He is worried about the test.

D) He is going to drop the physics course.

6. A) Buy something special for Gary.

B) Invite Gary’ s family to dinner.

C) Pay for part of the picnic food.

D) Take some food to the picnic.

7. A) A labor dispute at a bus company.

B) Bus drivers working conditions.

C) A corporate takeover.

D) Public transportation.

8. A) Their sales overseas.

B) The bank statement.

C) The check just deposited.

D) The payment for an order.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) A private secretary.

B) A hotel receptionist.

C) A shop assistant.

D) A sales manager.

10. A) Appearance.

B) Intelligence.

C) Voice.

D) Manners.

11. A) Arrange one more interview.

B) Report the matter to their boss.

C) Offer the job to David Wallace.

D) Hire Barbara Jones on a trial basis.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) He invented the refrigerator.

B) He patented his first invention.

C) He was admitted to university.

D) He got a degree in Mathematics.

13. A) He started to work on refrigeration.

B) He became a professor of Mathematics.

C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.

D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.

14. A) Finding the true nature of subatomic particles.

B) Their discovery of the laws of cause and effect.

C) Laying the foundations of modem mathematics.

D) Their work on very high frequency radio waves.

15. A) To have a three—week holiday.

B) To spend his remaining years.

C) To patent his inventions.

D) To teach at a university.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will he spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) They have fallen prey to wolves.

B) They have become a tourist attraction.

C) They have caused lots of damage to crops.

D) They have become a headache to the community.

17. A) To celebrate their victory.

B) To cheer up the hunters.

C) To scare the wolves.

D) To alert the deer.

18. A) They would help to spread a fatal disease.

B) They would pose a threat to the children.

C) They would endanger domestic animals.

D) They would eventually kill off the deer.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) She is an interpreter.

B) She is a tourist guide.

C) She is a domestic servant.

D) She is from the royal family.

20. A) It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.

B) It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.

C) It was frequently visited by heads of state.

D) It is furnished like one in a royal palace.

21. A) It is elaborately decorated.

B) It has survived some 2,000 years.

C) It is very big, with only six slim legs.

D) It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.

22. A) They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.

B) They do not match the oval table at all.

C) They have lost some of their legs.

D) They are interesting to look at.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A) It in an uncommon infectious disease.

B) It destroys the patient’ s ability to think.

C) It is a disease very difficult to diagnose.

D) It is the biggest crippler of young adults.

24. A) Search for the best cure.

B) Hurry up and live life.

C) Write a book about her life.

D) Exercise more and work harder.

25. A) Aggressive.

B) Adventurous.

C) Sophisticated.

D) Self—centered.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

It’ s difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling, where children are not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents. (26) and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home, and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity. Some states require parents or a home tutor to meet teacher certification standards, and many require parents to complete legal forms to verify that their children are receiving (27) in state—approved curricula.

Supports of home education claim that it’ s less expensive and far more (28) than mass public education. Moreover, they cite several advantages: alleviation of school overcrowding, strengthened family relationships, lower (29) rates, the fact that students are allowed to learn at their own rate, increased (30) , higher standardized test scores, and reduced (31) problems.

Critics of the home schooling movement (32) that it creates as many problems as it solves. They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages. Some parents who withdraw their children from the schools (33) homeschooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children. Typically, parents have fewer technological resources (34) than do schools. However, the relatively inexpensive computer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way (35) more highly structured classroom education.





26. Legislation27. instruction28. efficient29. dropout30. motivation.

31. discipline32. contend33. in favor of34. at their disposal35. inferior to.


Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

1. W: What a wonderful performance! Your rock band has never sounded better.

M: Many thanks. I guess all those hours of practice in the past month are finally paying off.

Q: What does the man mean?

2. M: I can’ t decide what to do for my summer vacation. I either want to go on a bike tour of Europe or go diving in Mexico.

W: Well, we’ re offering an all—inclusive two—week trip to Mexico for only 300 dollars.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do for his vacation?

3. W: How long do you think this project might take?

M: I’ d say about three months, but it could take longer if something unexpected happened. Maybe we’ d better allow an extra month, so we won’ t have to worry about being late.

Q: Why does the man say extra time should be allowed for the project?

4. M: I’ m thinking about becoming a member here, and I’ d like some information.

W: Sure. A three—month membership costs 150 dollars, and that includes use of the wait—room, sauna and pool. I’ ll give you a free path so that you can try out the facilities before you decide.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

5. W: I’ m sorry to hear that you failed the Physics course, Ted.

M: Let’ s face it. I’ m just not cut out to be a scientist.

Q: What does the man mean?

6. M: Gary insisted on buying the food for the picnic.

W: That’ s pretty generous of him. But shouldn’ t we at least offer to share the expenses? He has a big family to support.

Q: What does the woman suggest they do?

7. W: Did you see the headlines in the paper this morning?

M: Yea. Apparently the bus company will be laying off its employees if they can’ t reach an agreement on wages by midnight.

Q: What did the man read about?

8. W: Have we received payment for the overseas order we delivered last month?

M: Yes. The check came in yesterday afternoon. I’ ll be depositing it when I go the bank today.

Q: What is the woman concerned about?

Now you will hear the two long conversations.

Conversations One:

W: OK, that’ s it. Now we have to make a decision. We might as well do that now, don’ t you think?

M: Sure, let’ s see. First we saw Frank Brisenski. What did you think of him?

W: Well, he’ s certainly a very polite young man.

M: And very relaxed, too.

W: But his appearance……

M: En……He wasn’ t well dressed. He wasn’ t even wearing a tie.

W: But he did have a nice voice. He sounded good on the telephone.

M: True. And I thought he seemed very intelligent. He answered Dona’ s questions very well.

W: That’ s true, but dressing well is important. Well, let’ s think about the others. Now what about Barber Jones? She had a nice voice, too. She sounded good on the telephone, and she was well dressed, too.

M: En…… She did look very neat, very nicely dressed, but……

W: But so shy. She wouldn’ t be very good at talking to people at the front desk.

M: En……OK. Now who was the next? Ar……Yes, David Wallace. I thought he was very good, had a lot of potential. What do you think?

W: En…… He seemed like a very bright guy. He dressed very nicely, too. And he had a really nice appearance.

M: He seemed relaxed to me, the type of person people feel comfortable with right away.

W: He was polite, but also very friendly and relaxed as you say. I think he’ ll be good with the guests at the front desk.

M: He had a very pleasant voice, too.

W: That’ s right. OK, good! I guess we have our receptionist then, don’ t you?

M: Yes, I think so. We’ ll just offer the job to……

Question 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9: What are the speakers looking for?

10: What is Frank Brisenski’ s weakness?

11: What do the speakers decide to do?

Conversations Two:

W: Hello.

M: Hello. Is that the reference library?

W: Yes, can I help you?

M: I hope so. I ran earlier and asked for some information about Dennis Hutton, the scientist. You asked me to ring back.

W: Oh, yes. I have found something.

M: Good. I’ ve got a pencil and paper. Perhaps you could read out what it says.

W: Certainly. Hutton Dennis, born Darlington, 1836, died New York, 1920.

M: Yes, got that.

W: Inventor and physicist, the son of a farm worker. He was admitted to the University of London at the age of 15.

M: Yes.

W: He graduated at 17 with the first class degree in physics and mathematics. All right?

M: Yes, all right.

W: He made his first notable achievement at the age of 18. It was a method of refrigeration which rolls from his work in low temperature physics. He became professor of mathematics at the University of Manchester at 24, where he remained for twelve years. During that time, he married one of his students, Natasha Willoughby.

M: Yes, go on.

W: Later working together in London, they laid the foundations of modern physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles. For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1910, and did so again in 1912 for their work on very high frequency radio waves. In his lifetime, Hutton patented 244 inventions. Do you want any more?

M: Yes, when did he go to America?

W: Let me see. In 1920 he went to teach in New York and died there suddenly after only three weeks. Still he was a good age.

M: Yes, I suppose so. Well, thanks.

Question 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12: What do we learn about Dennis Hutton when he was 15?

13: What did Dennis Hutton do at the age of 24?

14: For what were Dennis Hutton and his wife awarded the Nobel Prize a second time?

15: Why did Dennis Hutton go to New York?

Section B

Passage One

In America, white tailed deer are more numerous than ever before, so abundant in fact that they’ ve become a suburban nuisance and a health hazard.

Why can’ t the herd be thinned the old—fashioned way? The small community of North Haven on Long Island is home to some six hundred to seven hundred deer. The department of Environmental Conservation estimates the optimum population at 60. The town has been browsed bare of vegetation except where gardens and shrubs are protected by high fences.

Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made it a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies. Some people in the town have become ill from deer transmitted diseases. On the occasions when hunting has been tried, local animal rights people have worked to secure court orders against the hunts. And when that is failed, they stop the hunters, banging on pots and pans to alert the deer. Town meetings called to discuss the problem inevitably dissolved into confrontations.

The activists believe simply that the deer are not the problem. Some communities have even discussed the possibility of bringing wolves back into the ecological mix. That means wolves in the suburbs of New York. It is almost too wonderful not to try it. The wolves would kill deer of course. They would also terrorize and kill dogs and cats which is not what the suburban dwellers have in mind.

Question 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. What do we learn about white—tailed deer in North Haven?

17. Why do local animal rights people bang on pots and pans?

18. What would happen if wolves were brought back into the ecological mix?

Passage Two

And now, if you’ ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’ re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their formal dinner parties and even occasionally entertain heads of state and royalty. However, they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate. And I think you’ ll agree. It has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit. The curtains were never drawn, even at night, so guests got a view of the lake and fountains outside which were lit up at night — a very attractive sight. As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the guests were seated very informally around this oval table, which would add to the relaxed atmosphere. The table dates from the 18th century and is made from Spanish oak. It’ s rather remarkable for the fact that although it’ s extremely big, it’ s supported by just six rather slim legs. However, it seems to have survived like that for 200 years. So it’ s probably going to last a bit longer. The chairs which go with the table are not a complete set. There were originally six of them. They are interesting for the fact that they are very plain and undecorated for the time, with only one plain central panel at the back and no armrests. I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past. And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’ d like to follow me into the great hall……

Question 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. What do we learn about the speaker?

20. What does the speaker say about the room they are visiting?

21. What is said about the oval table in the room?

22. What does the speaker say about the chairs?

Passage Three

Janet James was 22 years old when she was diagnosed with MS—a disease that attacks the body’ s nerves. She has just graduated from college and got a job at an advertising agency when she began to sense that something strange was going on inside her body. When James realized how severe her illness was, she knew she had better hurry up and live life. MS is the biggest crippler of young adults. And although she didn’ t have many symptoms, she knew it was just a matter of time. First on her agenda was to pursue her dream of hosting a pop music program. She worked at a radio station for a year, always aware that her body was degenerating. Then her best friend moved away. And one night James began screaming, “I got to go! I got to go!” Two weeks later, she arrived at Alaska, thousands of miles from her friends, her family and her past. “Everything fell into a place” , she recalls. A 23—year—old girl with an incurable disease can fly to Alaska and everything can work out. The MS attacks came and went. And most of the time they hardly slowed her down. James hiked, fished, learnt to sail and experimented with hot air ballooning. “I lived for adventure” , she says. “Nobody ever had a better time or did more exotic strange things than I did in an 80—year period.” Inevitably however, the day came when she was so weakened that she had to return to Pittsburgh, her home town. There she began relieving her adventures by writing a book about them. Her book was published in 1993.

Question 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. What does the speaker say about MS?

24. What did Janet James decide to do after her disease was diagnosed?

25. What sort of person can we infer Janet James is?


听力部分包括短对话,长对话,短文理解和短文听写四个部分。听力测试的分值占总分值的35%,录音播放时间为30分钟左右。如何在半小时左右的时间里,有效地对听力短对话精细理解,对长对话和短文的信息进行提取. 以及短文听写中对单词的瞬间把握,都是需要考生在平时的训练中区分对待的。熟悉各个部分的题型及掌握一定的听力技巧对提高听力水平将会有很大帮助。

(一) 对话

1. 题型介绍:

听力对话包括短对话和长对话两个部分,主要涉及人们日常生活中的话题,对话中的句子结构、成分、主题一般都非常简单。短对话共8组,每组为一轮对话和一个问题,问题一般都是特殊疑问句;长对话有2组,每组为7—8轮对话,后面有3—4个问题。对话部分共15题。每段对话均朗读一遍,语速基本稳定在每分钟150 — 160个单词,每个问题后留有13—15秒的答题时间,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出—个最佳答案。

2. 答题技巧

1) “看” ,有效利用播放考试说明的时间浏览一下题目的四个选项,画出关键词,这是做好听力题目的必要前提。考生通过分析四个选项,猜问题,对涉及的话题有个大体的了解,听时会有侧重地去听,由此使自己处于主动地位。

2) “听” ,眼耳兼顾,听音与读题两不误,把握关键词和关键句。短对话可以通过某个或某些词或短语判断出答案,只要能捕捉到对话中与该话题相关的关键词,往往就可以判断出对话谈论的内容。而长对话是围绕一个中心展开话题的,因此抓住中心很重要。尤其注意表示因果关系、转折关系、对比或对照等方面的词或短语。其次要注意听关键句,判断相关场景,在固定的场景中,其词汇和表达也相对比较固定,所以同学们应在平时注意多积累一些场景中的高频词汇和习惯表达,以提高听力理解能力。另外,提示性的信息也可以是语音语调。

3) “记” , 在听力应试过程中,作些简短的记录,对答题会有所帮助。所记的重点应放在对话中出现的数字、时间、地点、人名上,这些关键信息经常是考题的考点所在。遇到内容较复杂的谈话时,记在不同选项旁的关键词可以帮助我们很快找到正确答案。

4) “选” ,根据以上的 “看” 、 “听” 、 “记” 所获得的信息,快速做出选择。相信听后的第一印象,运用常识,做出合理推断,听清问题,避免 “答非所问” 。


1. 题型介绍:短文理解部分通常由3篇文章组成,每篇大约240—260个单词,语速约为每分钟150—190词左右,每篇后面有3—4个题目,共10道题,所占分值为10%,每个问题后有13秒的答题时间。短文内容和问题只读一遍。 短文题材多样:天文、地理、科幻、科学、文化、教育、风俗、历史、人物、日常生活。体裁:记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文。

2. 技巧:





1. 题型介绍


2. 技巧

l) 预读须先行。因为文章具有一致性和连贯性的特点,听音前对文字材料的快速浏览对完成听写内容是大有裨益的。尤其要关注所给材料的首尾部分以及空格前后的部分,推测空格要求填写单词的词性、单复数以及时态语态及可能的词义。

2) 听第一遍录音,第一遍录音播放时,尽量对短文形成一个整体印象。听为主,记为辅,单词可采用缩写或只记录开头字母的方式。听第二遍录音,快速记录所缺单词,尽量将其填写完整。听第三遍录音,补全未填部分,核对已填内容。




本书由上海第二工业大学外国语学院韩笑担任主编,毛婷、刘青青、李霜担任副主编。他们都具有多年的大学英语一线教学经验和四六级考试辅导经验。本书如有不足之处,敬请广大四六级考生批评指正。 nTvI32tkiNbDf9WgKjUphgAFHWZm8vU5Hbh5Q1K1VSfvhW73vajqFWA3kDYsbXyv
