
第一章 我不是学问家,而是一个思想家1





Confucianism and Buddhism are my basis.

Liang:I mean,in talking with you,I hope that you will understand the sources of my thought.The basis of my thought is Confucianism and Buddhism.This is the most important thing.That is more important than understanding my past.I hope you can know more about Confucianism and Buddhism.I want to tell you all about my Confucianism and Buddhism.I mean,I will put the emphasis in our conversations on this,rather than on my personal affairs or my opinions.Because Confucianism and Buddhism are my basis,if you can understand the basis,that would be best of all,the most important thing.Not only do I hope this for you but also I hope that Europeans and Americans can better understand these two schools of thought:Confucianism and Buddhism.

Alitto:Mr.Liang,has your interest in Buddhism and Buddhist studies been rekindled,or increased,as you have grown older?At the time of the May Fourth Movement,you publicly abandoned Buddhism and converted to Confucianism.

Liang:That is not relevant.You may say I abandoned Buddhism,but I really didn't abandon it.Originally I did want to leave the secular world and become a monk.What I abandoned was my plan for leaving the secular world and becoming a monk.But in my thought,on the philosophical level,I did not abandon Buddhism.

Alitto:Oh,I now understand a bit better.Actually,I also wrote about the same thing in the book [The Last Confucian:Liang Shu—ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity,called The Last Confucian for short hereafter],that is,you hadn't completely abandoned Buddhism,but you felt that the problems of the time didn't need Buddhism as much as Confucianism.So because of this,you began to study Confucianism.

Liang:Let me explain myself.When I was young,around sixteen or seventeen,I wanted to become a monk.I didn't give up this ambition until I reached the age of twenty—nine.If I wanted to become a monk,I could not get married.But a person is not only composed of a brain.He is more than just thought.He cannot leave his corporal body.If I had really followed my ambition early on and had gone to a monastery,there probably would have been no problem,and [my life]would probably have been most congenial,and I would have lived out my life quietly.







But before I could leave the secular world and enter a monastery,I was drawn into Peking University to teach philosophy by Mr.Cai Yuanpei.Because of this,my life underwent a change.What change was this?I didn't go off to a monastery,but instead I scurried off into the world of learning and the company of intellectuals.It is difficult to avoid having a spirit of competition.This desire to excel over others arises from the corporeal.If I had been as I first wanted,very early leaving secular life for a monastery,that could have been peaceful and stable,walking a calm path.But when I got to the university and into the company of a lot of intellectuals,debates developed easily,and created a desire to excel over others.This desire to excel over others arises from the corporeal.The problem of sex easily arises from the corporeal.A monk does not need to get married;he is able to live in a monastery and can completely forget [sex],and can completely want no part of taking a wife.But when I got to the university,and was together with intellectuals,often I had this desire to excel over others.This was a corporeal problem.Once it arose,I also wanted to marry.



The Buddhist attitude toward life

Liang:A person is not just of this one life.A person's real substance is transmitted from the distant past down through time.He has a very long and distant past.So his so—called "fate"is none other than his past and his background.A man's life and destiny is decided by his past.

Alitto:Is this related to Buddhism?

Liang:Yes.Buddhism is……"Life,divided into endless instants,is at best similar and continuous;the meaning of life is neither interrupted nor persistent."It is linked,part of a continuous process.The me of today is like the me of the past,but isn't identical.Strictly speaking,the me of a previous period and the me of the present are different entities.So a person,from the time he is a small child growing up to old age—like me,I'm over 80years old—is changing every instant,different every instant.As for this difference,simply speaking,in one aspect,the body is different;the brain is different;the influence from outside has long been different.So all is different,but within the differences is some similarity.So we call it "similar and continuous."In the phrase "neither interrupted nor persistent,""nor persistent"means "not perpetual as before,"or you could say "not permanent."So "neither interrupted nor persistent"does not mean permanent,but it is still uninterrupted.This is to say that the present me is not the me of just now,they are not the same thing,but there is no interruption either—it still continues on.That life is "similar and continuous"not only means that there is similarity and continuity between the me of one year old and the me of two years old,and the me of three years old;it also means that after death this similarity and continuity is not broken.This is the Buddhist attitude toward life.

There are three realms (trailokya)talked about in the Buddhist scriptures.This is the Buddhist attitude toward life.The first is called "the realm of sensuous desire"(kamadhatu)—the primal wants for food,drink and sex.This is all desire.The second is called "the realm of form"(rupadhatu).The third realm is called "the formless realm of pure spirit"(arupadhatu).The Buddhist scriptures have it this way,but it seems that this is not a theory created by the Buddhist scriptures.Rather,it seems that this is a common belief in India;it is commonly held that there are these three realms.The primal desires exist only in the realm of sensuous desire.It does not exist in the realm of form.In the realm of form there is still gender difference,but no food or drink,no intercourse between male and female.In the formless realm of pure spirit,there is nothing at all.The Buddhist scriptures contain such a theory.







Hinayana is leaving the secular world.

Liang:We were just talking about my desire,when I was young,to become a monk,so I can be considered a Buddhist in certain respects.But a Buddhist must be viewed from two aspects and,you could say,must be discussed in two parts.Primitive Buddhism,which we can call Hinayana,emphasized leaving the secular world.What does "leaving the secular world"mean?"To leave the secular world"means to leave "Production and Annihilation"(or Birth and Death;utpadanirodha).What do we mean by the "world"(the finite,impermanent world)?That is,the endless cycle of birth and death.In Buddhist terminology this is called the "Wheel of Transmigration"(samsara),meaning that this life is all similar and continuous.

The Hinayana school laid down three conditions.The first condition is all phenomena (sarva dharma)are impermanent (anitya).That is,there are no permanent,constant things.Everything is in constant flux.The second point is that all dharmas are non—self;they have no ego.All phenomena and all dharmas are different.The first point is—"Whatever is phenomenal is impermanent."All are flowing,in flux.That is,the cycle of life is like flowing water,in continuous flux.So,they say,"Whatever is phenomenal is impermanent."The second is that no dharma has an ego.There are two kinds of dharma.One is effective or phenomenal dharma (Samskrta Dharma).The other is dharma not subject to causation,condition or dependence (Asamskrta Dharma).The first is the dharma of birth and death (utpadanirodha).The second is the eternal,supramundane dharma,"immortal—neither dying nor being reborn"(anirodhanupada).Some people ask,"Can the finite impermanent world have something permanent and eternal in it?"The Buddhist answer is that if there are the birth/death cycle there would be something that neither is born nor dies.Birth—Death and No—Birth No—Death are a single thing,not two separate entities.That is to say,the dharma of birth and death and the dharma of the eternal are reducible to each other.




The first condition is all phenomena (sarva dharma)are impermanent (anitya).The second point is that all dharmas are non—self.No matter which of the two is concerned,there is no ego.Man is one of "all living beings"(sattva).From the lowest organism—the most primitive amoeba—to man,all develop from having "egos."All must eat.All must take from the environment.All organisms,from the most primitive right up to man (as the highest),all share something.What is it?They all seek satisfaction from the external,from the environment.In the Buddhist view,this is a mistake,a loss of their basic nature.What is the basic nature?That is "satisfied and content with their own nature,with no dissatisfactions."This is Buddha.Don't regard Buddha as a god or a ruler.It's not like that.So what is Buddha?Buddha is the thing—in—itself of the universe.The nomenon of the universe can be said to have all inside.All things are inside.The phenomena are all inclusive.Since everything is inside,it has nothing.Nothingness.According to Buddhist doctrines,there are two aspects.One is embracing all phenomena in the cosmos;but all the same it is ultimate nothingness.These are two aspects of the same thing.The Buddha is to leave the world.The mundane world is an endless cycle of birth and death,and this,together with the eternal,perpetual aspect of the world,although seemingly two entities,in reality is the same thing.Didn't I just mention the Hinayana Primitive Buddhist doctrine,the doctrine that "all phenomena are impermanent"and that "nothing has an ego"?The third doctrine is Nirvana—calm and quiet,free from temptation and distress.This is Hinayana.The three Hinayana principles are the only complete Buddhadharma (the law preached by the Buddha).

Mahayana—why I am both a Buddhist and a Confucian

Liang:The Mahayana school,building on the foundation of the Hinayana,had a great reversal,a major revision.The Hinayana is the Way of the Arhat (the perfect man of Hinayana).The Mahayana is the Way of Bodhisattva.The Mahayana does not escape from the mundane world.The Mahayana doctrine are these two principles:"non—abandonment of sentient beings"and "non—residence in Nirvana."What does this call for?The doctrine is that the Buddha will return to the mundane world.The Hinayana wants to avoid the trouble of endless cycle of birth and death.The Mahayana has already transcended the endless cycle of birth and death,and so could enter the eternal realm.But that seems,to quote a Confucian saying,"to attend to one's own virtue in solitude—to protect oneself,but alone."The Bodhisattva and the Arhat are different.The Arhat solves the problem for himself,and strives for purity and salvation for himself.The Bodhisattva does not abandon the rest of living things.The Bodhisattva wants to return to the mundane world and already has the possibility of not being born nor dying.But the Bodhisattva still wants to return to the world.Why?Because of non—abandonment of living things...That is to say,the Hinayana rule is to go beyond this world;the Mahayana,given a choice,still returns to this world.This is the Mahayana Way.




So,in my own case,I admit to being a follower of Buddhism;I would not deny being a follower of Confucius either.Why?Why don't I deny it?Because this Way of the Mahayana Bodhisattva—I want to follow the Way of the Bodhisattva—is "not to abandon sentient beings"and "not to reside in Nirvana."So I want to go into the world.Because of this,all through my life,for example,everyone knows that I worked in rural reconstruction,or rural movement,and that I worked in politics as a mediator between the two parties (that is,national affairs),especially when Japan invaded China,so would this be considered "leaving the mundane world"or not?This [activity]does not in the slightest go against "leaving the mundane world."Because this is what?It is the Way of the Bodhisattva.[1]This is not Hinayana.Hinayana wants to go into the mountains,to some monastery and not emerge.Mahayana is "non—abandonment of sentient beings"and "non—residence in Nirvana."You can say that I am a Confucian,a follower of Confucius,and you can say that I am a follower of Siddhartha,because there is no conflict or contradiction [between the two].

Alitto:No conflict between the two.This is a relatively new way of putting it.For example,during the Tang Dynasty,or before then when Buddhism had just reached China,there was conflict between the two.So you are saying……

Liang:Insufficient understanding.The enlightened person has no problem.So,it seems that the Song Confucians had rejected Buddhism and Daoism.I think that it was a question of insufficient understanding.For the wise,enlightened person,there is no obstruction to understand;he sees everything clearly.If there is obstruction,it is that you create an obstruction for yourself.But as a matter of fact,it is not necessary.The enlightened person transcends this.Quite a few of the Song Dynasty Confucians like Master Zhu (Zhu Xi)rejected Buddhism and Daoism.




Discipline,meditation,wisdom &the stories of "Stick"and "Shout"in Chan School

Alitto:Yesterday you said that you were a Buddhist all along.[2]

Liang:Because very early when I was quite young,a teenager,I wanted to become a monk.

Alitto:Thereupon to the present you have preserved your original……

Liang:It's still that way,but now I don't have to become a monk.In fact,I still want to.If I would be allowed to go live in a mountain monastery,I would be quite happy.

Alitto:Yes.Do you still meditate or do Buddhist cultivation……?

Liang:The basic way involves three words (Liang writes out the words for Alitto to see):discipline (sila),meditation (dhyana)and wisdom (praj?a).These are disciplines that must be maintained.There are many rules of discipline.For example,one cannot marry.If you have already married,you must leave home and become a monk.Killing is forbidden,eating meat is forbidden,and so on.There are many prohibitions.Only after observing these prohibitions can you achieve meditation (referring to the trance state that we just mentioned).So only after you have observed the prohibitions can you achieve Samadhi.Only through this can you achieve wisdom.Buddhism does not hold what we commonly regard as intelligence and wisdom to be "wisdom."Buddhism regards that kind of intelligence as merely a kind cleverness and perceptiveness,not genuine wisdom,not the Great Wisdom.Great Wisdom comes only through Samadhi,and through it one has a breakthrough in consciousness.

Of course,everyone knows that in the past there were thirteen different schools of Buddhism in China;an important and well—developed one was Chan.[3]In Chan Buddhism there is a saying that expresses its special feature or characteristic.What was the Chan school's special feature?It's "not relying upon language for explanation."So,language and writing are not needed;it is not based upon language and writing.The Chan school was quite well—developed.There was a book called Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp.Later there were many more Sequels to Records of the Transmission of the Lamp.Altogether there were five books combined to constitute the Five Lamps Combined.All tell Chan school stories.Laymen can't understand these stories.









For example,a famous successful Chan master is called "Most Virtuous"(Bhadanta).So one Chan Buddhist went to see the "Most Virtuous."As soon as he saw him,the Most Virtuous struck him with a stick,and he understood.The man understood.Other people don't understand this matter.This is a Chan story.This is called the "Stick."There is another called the "Shout."A pilgrim went to the Chan Most Virtuous for instruction.He didn't say a word,but gave a great shout.The pilgrim also understood.These kinds of stories are in the Records of the Transmission of the Lamp…….The Chan school does not rely upon language or writing,and two sides can influence each other.An old successful monk who has achieved enlightenment can have influence on a newly arrived person,and make him able to achieve enlightenment,but he does not use language.An enlightenment of language is still on the conscious level.Only [an enlightenment]that is life—changing in a fundamental way can be considered true enlightenment.

The supreme liberation is becoming Buddha.

Liang:The learning of the ancient India was not really something you could talk about,or something the brain could comprehend,or something that resides in consciousness.The basic nature of their learning was to fundamentally transform one's life.It is not a kind of idle talk for the mouth and brain.They have something called "yoga,"in Chinese called yujia.Each school's yoga,although on the surface similar,is different.What is the similarity?It is to achieve liberation or release from the life of this mundane world.It causes one to undergo a basic transformation so that one is no longer an ordinary person.This is called zhengguo—the fruits or rewards of each stage of attainment.Each school has its own zhengguo.Each is similar in form,but different in actual content.

So,as for my own view,as a Buddhist,I would say that Buddhism,in terms of the fruits or attainments,has never gone astray,and has always reached the supreme liberation.What is the supreme liberation?Becoming Buddha.So,Buddhist books and sutras are different from the writings in which we ordinarily record our thoughts,our consciousness.They have hard content,practical things,i.e.,transformation of one's life.A human is no longer human.There are various stages,the highest being transformation into Buddha,Buddhahood.From the bottom to the top there are ten stages.Each of the ten stages is called a di.[4]So,of Buddhist scriptures and sutras,there is one very famous and very important:the Yogacarabhumi,a work of more than 100volumes.The message is,to reach Buddhahood,you must practice yoga.Someone who practices yoga is called a yujiashi.Each stage,one after another,advances upward.The eighth stage is a Bodhisattva.The tenth stage is Buddhahood.





Yesterday we talked about the three things:discipline (sila),meditation (dhyana),wisdom (praj?a).You must first observe the disciplines,for only then is it possible to enter into meditation.Only by doing this can you achieve wisdom.These are only three things.Usually they say there are six paramitas [almsgiving,patience,zealous progress,discipline,meditation,wisdom].That is,aside from discipline,meditation and wisdom,there are three others.One is dana (almsgiving),which means you can give everything away,not retaining anything.One is called virya (zealous progress).The sixth is praj?a (wisdom,banruo).[Mr.Liang was speaking of the six paramitas,and left out "patience"(k?anti)in the listing:almsgiving,patience,zealous progress,discipline,meditation and wisdom;he repeated wisdom (hui),that is,banruo.]One must practice the six paramitas.Afterwards,your life is transformed.So,the important essential significance of all of this is transformation,or elevation of one's life.Complete transformation is,level by level,attained at the eighth stage,[5]which is the eighth stage of the Yogacarabhumi,and at the eighth stage one can become a Bodhisattva.Attaining the tenth stage,one can become Buddha.[6] Uczm9k1Oi/rc7xeOmAJbM3VcDbY4FjIusVOy25EmCHg+srWRXPFCC8WanRIOuvvq
