


比如,林语堂的《吾国与吾民》(My Country and My People)以幽默风趣的笔调和睿智流畅的语言,将中国人的道德精神、生活情趣和中国社会文化的方方面面娓娓道来,在美国引起巨大反响——林语堂也以其中国主题系列作品赢得世界文坛的尊重,并获得诺贝尔文学奖的提名;再比如,梁思成在抗战的烽火中以英文写就《图像中国建筑史》文稿,经其挚友费慰梅女士(费正清夫人)等人的奔走和努力,英文版《图像中国建筑史》(A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture)于1984年由麻省理工学院出版社出版,该出版社也因此获得美国出版联合会颁发的“专业暨学术书籍金奖”;又比如,1939年,费孝通在伦敦政治经济学院的博士论文以Peasant Life in China—A Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley为名在英国劳特利奇书局(Routledge)出版,后以《江村经济》作为中译本书名——《江村经济》使得靠桑蚕为生的“开弦弓村”获得了世界性的声誉,成为国际社会学界研究中国农村的首选之地。

此外,一些中国主题的经典人文社科作品经海外汉学家和中国学者的如椽译笔,在英语世界也深受读者喜爱。比如,艾恺将他1980年用中文访问梁漱溟的《这个世界会好吗——梁漱溟晚年口述》一书译成英文(Has Man a Future?—Dialogues with the Last Confucian),备受海内外读者关注;此类作品还有徐中约英译的梁启超著作《清代学术概论》、狄百瑞英译的黄宗羲著作《明夷待访录》,等等。


博雅,乃是该系列的出版立意。博雅教育(Liberal Education)早在古希腊时代就得以提倡,旨在培养具有广博知识和优雅气质的人,提高人文素质,培养健康人格,中国儒家六艺“礼、乐、射、御、书、数”亦有此功用。









I am honored to be able to write a preface to this volume.

First I want to explain how this dialogue between Mr.Liang Shuming and me came about.

I became interested in Mr.Liang's life and career as a graduate student at Harvard University,and took it as the subject of my Ph.D.dissertation.I gathered materials in Taiwan and Hong Kong,as well as sought out and interviewed many of his old friends and acquaintances.Because of the Sino—American political situation at the time,I never had an opportunity to go to Chinese Mainland and meet personally the subject of my research,Mr.Liang.

In the first part of 1973I had my first opportunity to go to Chinese Mainland.For an American to be able to go to Chinese Mainland at that time was still extremely unusual.Why was I able to make the trip?After President Nixon visited China,several Chinese delegations visited the United States in succession,and I served as their interpreter,and so became a channel of communication between the two countries.So in 1973,my wife and I had this rare opportunity to visit Chinese Mainland.At the time,the first request I made of the Chinese was that I hoped I could meet with Mr.Liang.But because it was the time of the Cultural Revolution,and a very sensitive time,my wishes to pay my respects to Mr.Liang were not answered,so I could only return regretfully to America.

In 1979,at the same time as my study of Liang Shuming The Last Confucian was published,the Chinese political situation underwent a tremendous change.This current of reform and openness also changed Mr.Liang's life.He had originally been living with his wife in a small room,but then he was moved by his unit,the People's Political Consultative Conference,into Building Number 22,called the "Ministers'Mansion,"where many celebrities such as the writer Ding Ling also lived.Having more comfortable quarters,Mr.Liang felt that it was more appropriate for receiving visitors,and immediately thought of ways of contacting me.

One day I suddenly received a phone call from a stranger;it was from an octogenarian named Shi who had been Mr.Liang's student in the 1920s at Peking University.He had just come from Beijing and was delivering a verbal message to me at Mr.Liang's request.It was that Mr.Liang already knew of the publication of The Last Confucian,and hoped that he could meet me.A few months passed,and after class one day,a Chinese student suddenly came to see me.She had just come recently from Beijing to join her father in the United States.She gave me Mr.Liang's address,and told me that she had been a neighbor of "Uncle Liang,"and that he very much hoped to be able to see me,and to see the work on him that I had published. AGiHKkAi6rDXpFOlCReKTdyRXIwO7YNKyItG4E4wg9v3/6ML08vmyuwI/iuMp1t1
