
Emma Watson:A Perfectionist

By Amanda Foreman 译 / 徐国宏


It's the pixie -cut hair and flawless skin that give her away. Emma Watson is dressed unobtrusivel in a cotton flower-print French Connection dress and beig sandals, but she is unmistakable. Fans have accosted her five times in the past half hour alone. Today is the actress's twenty-first birthday, an she is determined to spend it as she pleases—which means a leisurely mid-morning latte followed by a stroll through the Joan Miró exhibition at London's Tate Modern. Emma just ignores the stares and chats animatedly about every picture on the wall with me. As a raucous band of teenagers turns around and heads straight toward her, "It's time to go," she says. And we head swiftly for the nearest exit. Outside, a photographer in a tree starts snapping away until she is inside the car and driving away.

As we drive through London, a completely different Emma emerges from the smiling girl who met me for coffee two hours earlier. This Emma is passionate and vulnerable. She describes a recent turning point when she read Just Kids, Patti Smith's 2010 memoir, in which she writes of discovering that her true calling lay in "three chords merged with the power of the word". Patti's willingness to embrace the highs and lows of a creative life touched something in Emma. "I want to live like Patti. I want to write like Patti," she says. "The book was so honest and brave. I loved the way she sees the world. I really felt that life was more beautiful after I read it, and I felt more hopeful."

Conscious that her words might sound odd or a slightly self-regarding coming from one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, Emma goes quiet for a moment. The hands stop moving, and her elfi25features crumple2627. "I have had no control over my life," she blurts out. "I have lived in a complete bubble. They found me and picked me for the part. And now I'm desperately trying to find my waythrough it."

She gives me a quizzical look that clearly says, "Can I trust you?" Taking a deep breath, she invites me back to her house so that we can talk without fear of interruption and she can explain what she means by the "bubble".

是那修剪如顽童的短发和完美无瑕的皮肤暴露了她。艾玛·沃特森穿得并不引人注意——一条French Connection的棉料印花连衣裙和一双米色凉鞋,但她从不会被认错。仅在刚才的半个小时里她就被粉丝搭讪了五次。今天是这位女演员的21岁(编注:本文写于2011年)生日,她决意按自己喜欢的方式度过,而这意味着在上午10点左右悠闲地喝一杯拿铁,然后在伦敦泰特现代美术馆里漫步欣赏胡安·米罗的画展。艾玛只是忽略周围人对她的注视,兴致勃勃地和我聊着墙上的每一幅作品。当一群喧闹的青少年转过身径直朝她走过来时,她说:“该走了。”于是我们迅速走向最近的出口。外面,一位藏在树上的摄影师手里的快门开始咔嚓咔嚓响个不停,直到她坐到车里开车离开。




Emma was only nine years old when her love for stories, and for one in particular about the adventures of a boy wizard and his two best friends, drove her to audition for producer David Heyman. One minute she was living an ordinary existence in the picturesque university town of Oxford with her mother and younger brother, Alex; the next she was enclosed behind the gates of a converted factory near London, inside a fantasy world that was, to echo Patti Smith's description of the Chelsea Hotel, "like a doll's house in The Twilight Zone".

Nothing prepared Emma or her parents, who divorced when she was five, for the all-encompassing commitment demanded by the Harry Potter franchise as its success took off. Acting the part ofHermione was not simply a matter of taking the odd hiatus from normal life; the constant filming and promoting of the movies became normal life. All the rituals of adolescence, from dyeing her hair to trawling the mall in search of boys, had to be sacrificed on the altar f work.

In time, the crew on the set of Harry Potter became Emma's surrogate family. It was not just about bonding with her costars Daniel Radcliff and Rupert Grint : Heyman's emphasis on continuity ensured that year after year the same driver took Emma to and from Leavesden Studios, the same cafeteria lady take food for her, and the same hairdressers combed her famous brown curly hair. Emma grew close to the head of makeup, Amanda Knight, and would while away the hours experimenting in the makeup trailer. "That was my playground. I would sit and play with lipsticks and eye shadows; and every now and then Amanda would let me do the extras' face paint for the Quidditch matches."

But in 2007 Emma turned seventeen, and the "doll's house" began to feel less like an alternate universe and more like an ordinary prison. "She is really, really bright," says Heyman. "She is curious and interested in everything: in fashion, culture, and literature. She questioned things more than Dan and Rupert. There were things that she needed to figure out for herself.





As Emma takes me on a tour of her house, the extraordinary depth and breadth to her talents become obvious. Every room is framed around a beautiful artifact and her artworks show that she can both paint and draw exquisitely. One picture stands out: it is a self-portrait of Emma holding a camera. The lens is aimed threateningly at the viewer, like the barrel of a gun, a neat illustration of what we had just experienced at the Tate.

She talks in fighting metaphors. "I have felt for the last ten ears I have had this battle; I've been fighting so hard to have an education. It's been this uphill stuggle," she says, clenching her hands as she speaks. "I was Warner Bros.' pain in the butt . I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult." Finally, Emma took the brave step of announcing that she would not renew her contract fo the last two films unless changes were made to accommodate her esire to go to university. Warner Bros. agreed to do everything humanly possible, and, she says, "I just realized at one point that I can't fighteverything. I have to move in the direction of it—and go with it."

But being the perfectionist she is, Emma couldn't just "go with it". Once she had agreed to commit herself to four more years, "I decided I would do it well." The change became apparent in all areas of her life. Critics noticed a new energy to her acting. "As the role of Hermione became more interesting," says David Yates, the director of the last four Potter films, "Emma became more engaged. She is an incredibly intuitive and instinctive actor. She can dig deep to find an emotion and bring it to the scene." The Deathly Hallows parts one and two are the darkest of all the Potter movies, the innocence of the previous films replaced by a grim meditation on the nature of terror. The more complex material in the final allowed Emma to stretch her wings. But, insists Yates, "she hasn't had a role yet to show how she can really shine. There is a very serious and interesting acting brain in there that will surprise everybody."

With all this going on, Emma somehow managed to find the time to enroll at Brown University in 2009. "I want to be normal," she said at the time. "I really want anonymity ." Contrary to some media reports, she says this is exactly what happened: she lived in a freshman dorm with a shared bathroom at the end of the corridor. No one hassled her or shouted out "Three points for Gryffindor" if she answer a question in class. Emma was able to fit right in, wearing fliflops to lectures and finishing her paper at four in the morning like everyone else. Only she wasn't like them, because they didn't have to take two weeks off here and there to shoot scenes or attend a junke , and then return tired and jet-lagged in time for finals. Briefly meeting the actor James Fran , then studying at Rhode Island School of Design, was helpful. "It was such a relief to speak to someone who is trying to do the same thing I'm doing. I talked to him about juggling studying and making films and going backward and forward. He'snot afraid or limited by what he fears people will say about it."



但作为一个完美主义者,艾玛不会只是 “相伴而行”。一旦她同意全力以赴再拍上四年,“我就下决心要把它做好。”她的变化在生活的各个方面都变得明显起来。评论家们注意到她在表演中融入了一股新的能量。《哈利·波特》系列电影最后四部的导演大卫·叶慈说:“随着赫敏的角色变得越发有趣,艾玛也开始越来越投入。她有着不可思议的直觉,是天生的演员。她能深入钻研去寻找一种情绪,并且在镜头前表现出来。”《死亡圣器》上下两部是整个《哈利·波特》系列电影中最为黑暗的两部,对恐怖本性严肃的深思取代了前几部戏里的天真无邪。这终结篇中更为复杂的剧情让艾玛可以尽情发挥。但是,叶慈强调:“目前她还没有一个角色可以让她真正展现自己的光芒。她有着极为严肃认真又充满趣味的表演天赋,足以让所有人大吃一惊。”


Emma struggled bravely to fit everything into her life. "For soeone of her age, she is relentless in what she does. Even when we were shooting The Deathly Hallows, on her day off I would see her doing press for a fashion house or having meetings about her fashion line. And I would say to her, 'Emma, do you ever stop? You've just got to stop.'" recalled Yates.

In 2008 she enrolled at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art for a course on Shakespeare, and last year took an acting class at Brown. Having played the same character for ten years, Emma could not help falling prey to self-doubt. "Hermione is so close to who I am as a person that I've never really had to research a role," she says. "I'm literally rediscovering what it means to be an actress."

"Now," says Heyman, "I think she is at a crossroads and is trying to determine what direction to take. She can, if she chooses to, do many things." Which brings us back to the question confronting Emma as she enters full-fledged adulthood—"What kind of artist am I?

Parched from an afternoon of nonstop conversation, she pauses to boil the kettle for a cup of tea. As she leans against the wooden counter in her kitchen holding the drink in her hands, her body language changes yet again, and Emma finally seems to relax. Her chin coes up in a defian tilt. "I've probably earned the right to screw up a few times," she says. "I don't want the fear of failure to stop me from doing what I really care about."




我们不间断地聊了一个下午,口渴的她停下来去烧水泡茶。她倚着厨房的木头台面拿起茶杯时,她的肢体语言再次变了,艾玛终于看起来放松了。她的下巴以发起挑战的斜度扬起。“或许我已经赢得了把事情弄糟几次的权利,”她说,“我不想让对失败的恐惧阻止我做自己真正在意的事情。” FR5bxudVL+3zB3JOmh4ny47+Vi0ON0lC+7QI6wQKhJ/GcauHS+0Cnb8NtDCuS6M+
