
My Mother Audrey Hepburn

By David Wigg 译 / 张晓敏


Audrey Hepburn had come a long way from her early days as a chorus girl in a 1950 musical called Sauce Piquante at London's Cambridge Theatre. Her take-home pay then was a modest £8 a week, but she had gone on to become the toast of Broadway in Gigi, won an Oscar for her first big Hollywood ovie Roman Holiday and played a string of other major roles in films such as Breakfast at Tiffany's and M Fair Lady.

In short, she'd become a millionaire and a world star. But in private, she lived a simple life with her husband, Italian psychiatrist Andrea Dotti, and to her five-year-old son Luca she was just Mama



My Mother Is a "Bad" Mother

"So imagine my surprise," recalls Luca, now 43, "when I saw her on TV kissing a strange man. I didn't know she was an actress. I didn't even know what an actress was. All I knew was that Mama was doing something I was sure was wrong. I ran to my father and told him what I'd seen. 'You must be very upset,' I said. But he just laughed and swept me up in his arms. 'Don't worry,' he told me. 'Your mother is just acting.' I didn't understand, but if Papa didn't mind, it must be all right. And as I grew older I realised why I'd been so confused—the real Mama who took me to school, cooked my supper and read me a bedtime story was exactly like the Mama I had seen on the screen. She was perfectly natural on and off it.There was nothing forced or actressy about her whatever she did."



I Have a Special Mother

With her elfi face, big brown eyes, high cheek bones, swan-like neck and slim figure, AudreyHepburn became a fashion icon as much as she was a movie star. Not that Luca realised.

"We would only see her in jeans and a top. The glamorous side of her life was something that she never flaunte . Eventually I realised she was special, because photographers would follow her around, and strangers would call out compliments in the street. It took me some time to see that this didn't happen to everyone's mama, just mine. When I asked her about it, she would laugh and play it down .

"She didn't like clothes that were over the top , because she was aware of what she regarded as her defects. She'd never wear revealing dresses, saying 'I'm too skinny. Not enough breasts'. She thought her nose and feet were too big and sometimes she'd look in the mirror and say, 'I don't understand why some people say I'm beautiful.'"

The discovery that his mother was a famous film star opened up whole new world for Luca. "Until then, I'd never realised her friends who used to visit us were famous. There would be people like Gregory Peck, Cary Grant, James Stewart and the designers Givenchy and Valentino.

"She helped me and my brother with our homework and would come to school to speak with teachers, who sometimes got unsettled. One teacher was busy dealing with one parent after another, and then she looked up and there was Audrey Hepburn. She was speechless, as my mother said, 'Hello, I'm here to talk about my son.'

"That sort of thing has followed me all my life. Once, when I had to fill in a tax form in France, I had a meeting with this lady official, and where I was asked fomother's name I of course wrote Audrey Hepburn. She said, 'What is this? Are you making fun of me?' It's something people didn't believe."








My Mother Will Never Be a Baddie

The level of his mother's fame hit home when Luca met Sean Connery, who was playing Robin Hood to her Maid Marion in the film Robin And Marion. "Mama took me to the set because she didn'twant to be apart from us. I was very excited to meet Sean because for me he was James Bond. He was nice to me, but apparently I was a pain, because I wanted to have a sword and helmet like the men in the movie. Mama told me of . Not so much with words, but with her eyes. I could see that she was upset with me."

Luca shocked his mother by suggesting she should play a Bond villain. "I told her, 'Your films are boring and you should change this impeccable image and be the one in the Bond movies who wants to destroy the world.' She said, 'You have to understand that I lived through World War II and I saw people dying. I don't want to be the one who does anything like that.' But in a way I'd still have liked her to be a baddie!"

Born in 1929, Audrey was ten and had moved to Holland from Kent when war broke out, as her family thought Holland would remain neutral. But, surrounded by Nazis, they were often close to starvation. Her elder brother was taken to a slave camp in Germany and her uncle was shot by the Nazis in reprisal for a troop train being blown up. "These are things you never forget," she told Luca.





My Mother Is in Love with Rome

Audrey was born in Brussels, but had British citizenship through her banker father and went to school in the Kent village of Elham.

She fell in love with Rome at the age of 24 while making what was to become the classic movie Roman Holiday in 1953, and it later became her home for more than 20 years.

"She always described herself as a Roman mother. One thing she discovered there was pasta and she became a real pasta addict. I remember many times we were going to restaurants and waiters wanted to make her happy and would say, 'Madam, what can I do for you, something special?' She would tell them she'd just love a simple spaghetti with tomato sauce. And they were really surprised. Even when she travelled abroad she'd carry dried pasta along with her in her suitcase."





My Mother Has Her Own Life Philosophy

Luca says all the praise and respect and worldwide fame made no difference to her outlook. "She never had bodyguards or travelled in cars with blacked-out windows like celebrities do today. She would say 'No, I'm perfectly able to walk. Keep it for the years to come when I'm old and frail'." Fame meant nothing to her, says Luca, unless it could be used for something positive, which is why she spent her final years working for the children's charity UNICEF . "She would tell us, 'The human obligation is to help children who are suffering. The rest is luxury.

"Mama always talked about her work as a profession, a way to provide for her family. Her firstcareer, she always said, was being a mother and her second one was her work for UNICEF. She never saw herself as a movie star.

"She wasn't afraid of growing old. She was looking forward to sitting around the fire and tellingstories to the grandchildren. She always saw life as seasons—'I have been young, I've been a mother, and now I am old.' So to her the aging process was normal."

She died from cancer in 1993 at age 63, after returning from a trip to Somalia on behalf of UNICEF. sadly,"-hhdhkandfirsttheydidn'tthebutitSaysSLucaatspoteecancer,veryaaccup,was had told us go, it I am meant to. Every aggressiveandshequickly.Shething,'IfIwentverymeans right time.' hilosophy throug thendthatherhoutherlife."Atcomesawasp


卢卡说,所有的赞誉、尊敬和享誉世界的知名度并没有对赫本的人生观造成什么影响。“她从来没有像现在的那些名人那样雇佣保镖或者乘坐贴了黑色窗膜的车出行。她会说:‘不用了,我完全可以自己走路。等我将来年老体弱的时候再说吧。’” 卢卡说,名气对她而言毫无意义,除非名气可以用来做点积极的事,所以在她生命的最后几年里,她一直在做联合国儿童基金会儿童慈善工作。“她常常告诉我们:‘人的义务就是帮助那些正在受苦的孩子。其余的都是奢侈品。’





《罗马假日》改变了奥黛丽·赫本的一生。她一直认为自己能出演《罗马假日》很大一部分原因要归功于运气。当时制片方本来想找伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)出演安妮公主一角,因为泰勒从小就开始演戏,当时已经是一位巨星。但是导演威廉·惠勒(William Wyler)坚持要让赫本出演,理由是她的表演太自然了。在赫本试镜的时候,工作人员并没有告诉她摄像机是一直开着的,所以她在做剧本以外的事情时也被拍摄了下来。导演看过之后说她太完美了。

电影开拍以后,制片方本来打算把男主演也就是巨星格里高利·派克(Gregory Peck)的名字放在电影海报的最上方,并且最先出现在电影上。但派克坚持让赫本的名字跟自己的名字一起作为领衔主演出现。在当时自私自利、暗箭伤人无处不在的好莱坞,派克的这一举动毫无疑问是无比慷慨的,这更促使赫本一跃成为好莱坞的顶级新星。 wHAOkBsS8hyvx/3lyv0odj7CToYkTiVC/pIBa0wjH+bVcdgbiAN1oOodumWyrZAG
