2008年3月,重要的国际心理学组织之一美国心理科学协会(Association for Psychological Science,以下简称APS)组成了一个代表团访问中国。代表团一行在中国期间,访问了中国顶尖大学的心理学系与心理学研究机构,并与众多心理学教授及学生进行了交流。随后不久,访问的详情被发表在了APS的期刊《观察者》( Observer )上,在中国的所见所闻给代表团成员们留下了深刻的印象。代表团中的一位心理学家说,“我高兴地看到了心理科学在中国取得了惊人的进步”,另一位心理学家则说,“毋庸置疑的是,心理学在中国扎下了根,并且在迅速地茁壮成长着”。
丹尼尔·夏克特(Daniel L.Schacter)
丹尼尔·吉尔伯特(Daniel T.Gilbert)
马修·诺克(Matthew K.Nock)
In March 2008,a delegation of psychologists from one of the major international organizations of psychology,the Association for Psychological Science,visited China.The group met with students and professors in the psychology departments of several leading Chinese universities and research institutes.As reported in an article published in the Association for Psychological Science’s Observer soon after the visit,the visitors were impressed by what they saw.“I was excited to see the amazing developments in psychological science in China,” said one psychologist,and another concluded that “One thing is clear: Psychology in China is happening and happening fast.”
We are extremely pleased that with the publication of the Chinese translation of the third edition of our textbook, Psychology ,we can be part of these exciting developments.We hope that our text conveys to Chinese readers our passion for the field of psychology,helps to spark the interest of students,and contributes in a small way to the continuing development of psychology in China.
Daniel L.Schacter
Daniel T.Gilbert
Matthew K.Nock
Cambridge,February 2015