
Introduction to the Authors

Chen Guangzhong Lifelong Professor at China University of Political Science and Law,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Former President of China University of Political Science and Law,Vice Director of Academic Committee at China Law Society and Honorary Chairman of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute,member of Social Science Committee and convener of the Legal Science Department at Ministry of Education,Vice Chairman of Legal Group at National Fund Evaluation Committee of Philosophical and Social Science. Representative Publications: Judicial System of Ancient China(Chief Author),Preliminary Version for Revision of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China and Its Annotations (Chief Editor),Research on the Fundamental Theoretical Issues of Judicial System in China(Chen Guangzhong etc.),Chen Guangzhong: Selected Works on Law(Three Volumes),etc.

Other co-authors:

Zuo Weimin Professor at Law School of Sichuan University,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Executive Vice Dean of Graduate School at Sichuan University,Director of Research Center of China Judicial Reform at Sichuan University,Council member of China Law Society,Vice Chairman of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute and One of Ten Outstanding Young Jurists of Fourth Session at China Law Society. Representative Publications: Value and Structure—Bi-Review on the Criminal Procedure,Between Right and Power: Recently research of China Justice,Research on Criminal Procedural Issues,Chinese Prospect of Criminal Procedure,Empirical Research of Working System of Chinese Criminal Procedure 1,2(Zuo Weimin etc.),etc.

Liu Mei Professor at China University of Political Science and Law,supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Director of Institute of Criminal Procedure Law at China University of Political Science and Law,Executive Member of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute.Representative Publications: Comparison of Criminal Justice Systems in Mainland China and Hong Kong,Hearsay Rule and Its Application in Criminal Procedure of China,Criminal Procedure Law (Chief Editor),Foreign Criminal Procedure Law (Co-authored),etc.

Liu Genju Professor at China University of Political Science and Law,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates. Representative Publications: Research on Filing a Criminal Case,Research on Hot Issues of Criminal Procedure Law and Lawyer’s System,Innovations in Criminal Justice(Liu Genju etc.),Multiple Perspectives on the Reform of Criminal Procedure(Liu Genju etc.),etc.

Wang Jiancheng Professor at Law School of Peking University,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Vice Dean of Law Shool,Vice Chairman of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute,member of Advisory Committee at the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China. Representative Publications: New Research on Criminal Procedure Law,Conflict and Balance: New Perspectives on Criminal Procedure Theories,Ideal and Reality: New Exploration of Criminal Evidence Theories,etc.

Wang Haiyan Professor at China University of Political Science and Law,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates and Council member of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute. Representative Publications: The Evolution of Criminal Procedural Model Introduction,Research on Basic Issues of Criminal Evidence(Co-authored),Selection of Criminal Procedural Model in China,Criminal procedure law(Chief Editor),etc.

Zhang Jianwei Professor at Law School of Tsinghua University,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Vice Dean of Law Shool and Executive member of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute. Representative Publications: Principles of Criminal Justice Machinery,Criminal Justice: Values and Institutions,Judicial Adversarilism,The Essence of the Evdience Law,etc.

Chen Ruihua Professor at Law School of Peking University,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Cheung Kong Scholar of Ministry of Education and One of Ten Outstanding Young Jurists of Fourth Session at China Law Society. Representative Publications: On Principles of Criminal Justice,Theory on Procedural Sanction,Emerging Issues in Criminal Procedure,Chinese Pattern of the Criminal Procedure,Theorical issues of Sentencing Procedure,etc.

Zhen Zhen Professor at Law School of Renmin University of China,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates and Deputy procurator-general of the People’s Procuratorate of Beijing. Representative Publications: Comparative Research on Procuratorial system(Zhen Zhen etc.),On Legal Supervision(Zhen Zhen etc.),Modern Science of Criminal Procedure Law,Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong,General Description of Criminal Procedure Law Research (chief editor),etc.

Tan Shigui Professor at Law School of Zhejiang Gongshang University,Supervisor of Ph. D. candidates,Director of Research Center of Procedural Law at Zhejiang Gongshang University and Vice Chairman of Chinese Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute and One of Ten Outstanding Young Jurists of Fourth Session at China Law Society. Representative Publications: Criminal Procedure Law(Chief Editor),Theory and Reform of Criminal Procedure(Chief Editor),Theory of Justice in China(Chief Editor),Research on the Judicial Reform in China(Chief Editor),etc. a0bV7M3GSqYeb6JshGkbFYDqPmXSOq1klJV7/TehidInJuhctVD3NeT5iXdlj0mX
