





如一开始就领初入门者看下面这段短文,或许会吓退他们。此文是2004年美国大选期间共和和民主两党候选人George W.Bush和John Kerry竞选团队,相互诋毁,针对读者来函谈专题报道读后感,Newsweek作出回复,文字很短,初入门者不熟悉的词语和背景知识却不少。


Mudslinging 2 and the Race for the White House

Readers responding to our cover story 3 on the viciousness of the presidential campaign urged the candidates to tone it down.One said John Kerry and George W.Bush should“learn to behave with a little more pride, dignity and honor.”But some said equating the attacks on Bush with those on Kerry is unfair.“Severely criticizing Bush's policies is not the same as lying about Kerry's record in Vietnam 4 ,”said one reader.Others thought we were wrong in proclaiming all 527 organizations 5 suspect.“Legitimate 527s level the playing field 6 , providing a way for regular folks like me to put our wallets where our mouths are 7 , just like the big contributors,”a reader wrote.Others think the mudslinging only obscures the bigger picture:“I want to know how we are going to deal with the health-care crisis, educating our children and creating and keeping American jobs.It's not what happened in Vietnam, stupid 8 .”

(2004/10/4, Newsweek)

1.reply to mail

2.slime slinging or negative campaigning

3.见第一节“ 扩大若干常见词的词义面 ”“story”

4.见“ 读报知识 ”“总统选举”


6.be equal or fair

7.take action to support our statement or opinion(即不能光说而不做)如不知wallet即money会抓瞎。put one's money where one's mouth is 本来就是informal, 改为wallet则更是用俗了。



Carter, himself a critic of Bush, was 78 when he won the prize 1 .But Gore is just 59 and an active presence 2 in American politics, if only as a large thorn in Bush's side—and in the side of Democrats worried that he might challenge 3 them for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.Gore, who lost the 2000 election to Bush after a bitter electoral dispute that had to be resolved by the Supreme Court, has regularly said that he will not run for president again.But Friday's announcement touched off renewed interest in his plans…

“We would encourage all countries, including the big countries, and challenge 4 them to think again and to say what they can do to conquer global warming,”Mjoes said in a news conference in Oslo.“The bigger the powers, the better that they come in front of this.”(2007/10/12 International Herald Tribune)

1.Former US president Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace prize at 78 in 2002, and former Vice President Al Gore and the UN climate panel shared the peace Prize for climate work in 2007.

2.here referring to prominent political figure

3.compete against




1.a high-profile military presence .

2.Sir Keith himself would agree that industrial policy now begins and ends with the treasury:an economic policy designed to foster the“ enterprise culture ”.(The Economist)

3.Terrorists might hit American interests abroad.(VOA)

4.At the root of the problem is money.As a poor nation, China has few resources left over for cultural conservation after struggling to overhaul its command economy, dampen rising unemployment, take care of an aging population, put in infrastructure and modernize its massive military.(Los Angeles Times)

5.Even as Harper was carrying out his espionage tasks, America's Polish mole was discussing the case with Harper's own Polish case officer.Later,he passed on the entire story to U.S.agents,including word that the Poles had received congratulations from Yuri Andropov, the late Soviet President and former KGB chief.(U.S.News & World Report)

以上这五例是否都能将多义词对号入座,译为“存在”、“企业文化”、“利益”、“资源”、“故事”呢?显然不妥,那样会显得生硬,不合乎汉语的习惯表达法,甚至会闹笑话。 OX17u8L/oOAEupz/0vzGjogzkbNqWdpcUujTXnXAr1acWZBQvut4OH5I5nXTPXrY
