

pretend dull indeed town Half Chick polite bank pity worse mind waste dying became answer flow ready rude freely cook steeple kick trouble broth pot church palace


Once there was a hen which had ten chickens. Nine of them were fine little follows.

But the youngest was not like his brothers and sisters. He was only half as large as a chicken should be; so his mother called him Half Chick. She was very sad when she looked at him. She said, “My youngest child can never grow up to be tall and fine looking like his brothers. They will go out and make their way in the world, but this poor little thing will always have to stay at home with me. ”

But Half Chick’s mother soon found that he was not willing to stay at home under her wing.

He was as unlike his brothers and sisters in his ways as he was in his looks. They were good chickens. When their mother called them, they chirped and ran to her side.

But Half Chick would hop far away. When his mother called him home, he would pretend that he could not hear.


As he grew older, he became worse. He was often very rude to his mother and to the other chickens.

One day he went up to his mother with the queer little hop and kick which was his way of walking.

He cocked his eye at her and said, “Mother, I am tired of this dull life. I am off to the palace to see the king.”

“To the palace, Half Chick!” said his mother. “Why, my dear, that would be a long way even for me to go. A poor little thing like you would be tired before you went half the way. Stay at home with me. Some day when you are bigger, we will take a nice long walk together.”

But Half Chick had made up his mind to go, and he would not listen to his mother. So with a hop and a kick away he went.

“Be sure that you are kind and polite to everyone you meet,” his mother called after him. But he was in such haste to be off that he did not stop to answer.


As he went through a field, he passed a stream. The stream was filled up with weeds and water-plants, so that its water could not flow freely.

“O Half Chick,” it cried, as Half Chick hopped along its banks, “do come and help me! Please take away these weeds that are so much in my way.”

“Help you, indeed!” said Half Chick with a toss of his head. “Do you think I have nothing to do but to waste my time with you? Help yourself, and don’t trouble me. I am off to the palace to see the king.”

And with a hop and a kick on he went.

A little later he came to a fire, which some men had left in a wood. It was burning very low and would soon be out.

“O Half Chick,” cried the fire as he came near, “in a little while I shall die if some one does not help me. Do give me some dry leaves and sticks.”

“Help you, indeed!” said Half Chick. “I have other things to do. Get dry leaves and sticks for yourself, and don’t trouble me. I am off to the palace to see the king.” And with a hop and a kick on went Half Chick.

The next morning, as he was getting near the palace, he passed a big oak tree. The wind was caught in its branches.

“O Half Chick,” cried the wind, “do hop up here and help me to get free from these branches. I cannot get away.”

“Then you ought not to have gone there,” said Half Chick. “I can’t waste all my morning in helping you. Get yourself free the best way you can, and don’t trouble me. I am off to the palace to see the king.”

With a hop and a kick off went Half Chick faster than ever.

The king’s palace was now in sight. Half Chick thought he would go to the door and wait there till the king came out.

But as he was hopping by one of the back windows, the king’s cook saw him.

“Here is the very thing I want to make the king’s broth,” cried the cook. And he caught Half Chick by the leg and threw him into the broth pot.


Half Chick did not like this at all, and he cried, “Water, water! Have pity upon me. Do not wet me like this.”

“Ah! Half Chick,” said the water, “you would not help me when I was a little stream away in the field. Now I cannot help you.”

Then the fire began to burn. Half Chick hopped from one side of the pot to the other, trying to get away from the heat.

“Fire, fire!” he cried. “Do not burn me like this. You don’t know how it hurts.”

“Half Chick,” answered the fi re, “you would not help me when I was dying in the wood. Now I cannot help you.”

At last the cook came to see if the broth was ready for the king’s dinner.

“Look here!” he cried. “This chicken is burnt up. It is not fi t to eat.” So he threw Half Chick out of the window.

The wind caught him and dashed him through the air so fast that he could hardly breathe.

“Oh! wind,” he cried, “if you take me along so fast you will kill me. Do let me rest a little while.”

“Ah! Half Chick,” said the wind, “when I was caught in the oak tree, you would not help me. Now I cannot help you.”

And he carried Half Chick over the roofs of the houses till they came to the highest church in town.

Then he left him on the top of the steeple. And there stands Half Chick to this day.










































1. Find in this story a word that means big ; one that means small .

2. What word means the opposite of wet ; of short ?

3. Write a sentence telling who asked Half Chick for help.

4. Make a drawing to show where Half Chick is now. vgMuIeyaRFuLYsU6feZvR/ocUSV/uwz9QaZ65cIp+VW9nDD56PP95yAi8FTShZJQ
