


1. Puss, with her three kittens, had lived in the coal cellar; but one day she thought she would carry them to the attic.

2. The servant thought that was not the proper place for them; so she carried them back to the cellar.

3. Puss was certain that she wanted them in the attic; so she carried them there again and again, five, six, seven, —yes, a dozen times; for each time the servant took them back to the cellar.

4. Poor puss was nearly tired out, and could carry them no longer.

5. Suddenly she went away. Where do you think she went?

6. She was gone a long time. When she returned, she had a strange cat with her that we had never seen before.

7. She seemed to tell him all about her great trouble, and he listened to her story.

8. Then the strange cat took the little kittens, one by one, and carried them to the attic. After this he went away, and we have never seen him since.

9. The servant then left the kittens in the attic, for she saw how anxious puss was to have them stay there.

10. Was not the strange cat kind to puss? This lesson should teach children to be ever ready to help one another.


A. Sound Work—Unscramble the words into one of your list words.

B. Word Work—Find the list word that:

1. means a group of 12? __________

2. begins with an “s” and has a double “d”? __________

3. is a number? Two answers! __________ __________

4. ends with “ly”? __________

5. begins with an “s” and has a double “e”? __________

C. Sentence Work—Replace the word in the sentence that is missing. Use your list words.

1. Puss, with her three kittens, had __________ in the _______ cellar.

2. The _________ thought that was not the _________ place for them.

3. Puss was _________that she wanted them in the _________.

4. Poor Puss was _________ ________ out, and could carry them no longer.

5. _____________ she went away.

6. The servant then left the kittens in the attic, for she saw how ____________ puss was to have them stay there.

D. Game—Can you find the list words in the following lines

1. i e o a a t t i c e q a d f j k

2. g r t e w s t r a n g e p i e w

3. i t y r e t u r n e d q a d e e

4. s i n c e l w d s w a f e w s s r

5. l o i e l i v e d s r w f s q g r d

6. u e s e r v a n t e w u t l q e c

7. i f i v e f r d e c q h t b r y n y

8. e d c e r t a i n e b r y w f t v

9. p o u t r o u b l e r b t u a u f

10. i o e o a n x i o u s p l i o i j f i7VWRvA9Lqq58hvh8Vr7Q5KVN+JGqCzK/HCQ7LqKDmsiYD7v95AOXOn127bLcx0d
