


1. James White has two dogs. One is a Newfoundland dog, and the other is a Scotch terrier.

2. The Newfoundland is a large, noble fellow. He is black, with a white spot, and with long, shaggy hair. His name is Sport.

3. Sport is a good watchdog, and a kind playfellow. Every night he guards the house while James and his father are asleep.

4. In the daytime, James often uses Sport for his horse. He has a little wagon, and a set of small harness which just fits the dog.

5. He hitches Sport to this wagon, and drives over the country. In this way, he can go almost as fast as his father with the old family horse.

6. The name of James’s Scotch terrier is Dodger. He is called Dodger because he jumps about so friskily. He is up on a chair, under the table, behind the door, down cellar, and out in the yard, —all in a minute.

7. Dodger has very bright eyes, and he does many funny things. He likes to put his paws up on the crib, and watch the baby.

8. The other day he took baby’s red stocking, and had great fun with it; but he spoiled it in his play, and James had to scold him.

9. Everyone likes to see James White with his two dogs. They always seem very happy together.


A. Sound Work—Find the list word in the string of letters. Circle each word you find. Write down how many you found


bb be hindddd he behindii in nn behind hhheeeebe hind nnndddbehind 5

1. cccribbbbcribiiicribbrrcribbr _____

2. gggoowagonwwaawagonaaoowagonnggwagonnwwagonoo _____

3. tinminutessstminutesnutnutminutesintinmin _____

4. guardsuauaguardsssddgguardsrraaguguardssguards _____

5. yyyydddrayarddrayyyardddrayarddddrrryyyaa _____

B. Word Work—When we add an “s” to some words they indicate more than one or become plural. Can you make these words into plurals?

Example: “s” was added to the end of the root word “dog” to indicate there was more than one dog. One “dog” or two “dogs”.

C. Sentence Work—Use the words provided to write your own sentence. You can use the sentences in the lesson for ideas.

1. fellow noble ____________________________________________

2. harness fits _____________________________________________

3. Dodger friskily __________________________________________

4. cellar yard ______________________________________________

5. together guards __________________________________________

D. Game—Unscramble the words. KyM/D97wz8zFX+ClmH+eIQSCDQVrQW9KbWruAfIc5RKlaWCKo2FSq8QtHRDY6JzP
