


1. The boys have come out on the porch to blow bubbles. The old cat is asleep on the mat by the door.

2. “Ha! ha!” laughs Robert, as a bubble comes down softly on the old cat’s back, and does not burst.

3. Willie tries to make his bubble do the same. This time it comes down on the cat’s face, and makes her sneeze.

4. “She would rather wash her face without soap,” says Harry, “Now let us see who can make the biggest bubble.”

5. “Mine is the biggest, ” says Robert, “See how high it floats in the air! I can see—ah! it has burst.”

6. “I can see the house and the trees and the sky in mine, ” says Willie, “and such beautiful colors.”

7. “How many, Willie?”

8. “Red, one; blue, two; there—they are all out. Let us try again.”

9. “I know how many colors there are,” says Harry, “Just as many as there are in the rainbow.”

10. “Do you know how many that is?”


A. Sound Work—Rewrite the following words, with the vowels in italics.

Example: beautiful b eau t i f u l

B. Word Work—Find and circle the word that is spelled incorrectly and correct it on the line provided.

1. Willie tries to make his buble do the same. __________

2. She would rather wash her face without sope. __________

3. Myne is the biggest. __________

4. Read, one; blue, two; there—they are all out. __________

5. I know how menee colours there are. __________

C. Sentence Work—Put the words in the sentence in the correct order to make a sentence from your lesson. Read the text again before you do it.

1. have out come The boys the porch on blow bubbles to .____________________________________________________

2. makes down time sneeze This comes it and on her cat’s the face .____________________________________________________

3. the biggest bubble who let see us can make Now .____________________________________________________

4. many Willie How ?____________________________________________________

5. many as are as Just rainbow the there in .____________________________________________________

D. Picture Work—Write a sentence using some of your list words to describe the picture.


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