

James Thomson , 1700-1748, the son of a clergyman, was born in Scotland. He studied at the University of Edinburgh, and intended to follow the profession of his father, but never entered upon the duties of the sacred office. In 1724 he went to London, where he spent most of his subsequent life. He had shown some poetical talent when a boy; and, in 1826, he published “Winter,” a part of a longer poem, entitled “The Seasons,” the best known of all his works. He also wrote several plays for the stage; none of them, however, achieved any great success. In the last year of his life, he published his “Castle of Indolence,” the most famous of his works excepting “The Seasons.” Thomson was heavy and dull in his personal appearance, and was indolent in his habits. The moral tone of his writings is always good. This extract is from “The Seasons.”

As from the face of heaven the shattered clouds

Tumultuous rove, the interminable sky

Sublimer swells, and o’er the world expands

A purer azure.

Through the lightened air

A higher luster and a clearer calm,

Diffusive, tremble; while, as if in sign

Of danger past, a glittering robe of joy,

Set off abundant by the yellow ray,

Invests the fields; and nature smiles revived.

’Tis beauty all, and grateful song around,

Joined to the low of kine, and numerous bleat

Of flocks thic-nibbling through the clovered vale:

And shall the hymn be marred by thankless man,

Most favored; who, with voice articulate,

Should lead the chorus of this lower world?

Shall man, so soon forgetful of the Hand

That hushed the thunder, and serenes the sky,

Extinguished fed that spark the tempest waked,

That sense of powers exceeding far his own,

Ere yet his feeble heart has lost its fears?


A. Vocabulary Usage-Read the definitions and answer the questions about the vocabulary words.

1. In the first line of the poem, it says the clouds are shattered . This means they are broken into many pieces. What are some other things that can be shattered ?

2. The sky is described as being azure . This is a very deep blue. What are some other things that are azure ?

3. A bleat is the sound of a goat or sheep. Why are there “numerous” bleats after a storm?

4. If something is marred , it is damaged in some way. How have humans marred the world?

5. A chorus is a kind of song. Why should humans “lead the chorus of the lower world?”

6. Hushed means made something quiet. The poem talks about “... the Hand that hushed the thunder”. Who is this?

B. What do you think? Work with a partner and give your opinion about these questions.

1. After the storm, the sky was azure. What colour do you think the sky was during the storm?

2. Do you like thunderstorms? Why or why not?

3. After a storm, what are some beautiful things you can see?

4. What are some things people like to do during a storm?

5. What do you think is the scariest part of a thunderstorm?

C. Find the word-Using the clues, fill in the missing words Q1Qyvg49vY0cjDcA4pjrh99PKcvuMfErcHeRzmm98cie1AMzagQ8iUF1xPwijUO0
