

◎ Aristotle

To begin with the Youthful type of character. Young men have strong passions, and tend to gratify them indiscriminately . They are changeable and fickle in their desires, which are violent while they last, but quickly over: their impulses are keen but not deep-rooted, and are like sick people’s attacks of hunger and thirst. They are hot-tempered, and quick-tempered, and apt to give way to their anger; bad temper often gets the better of them, for owing to their love of honour they cannot bear being slighted, and are indignant if they imagine themselves unfairly treated. While they love honour, they love victory still more; for youth is eager for superiority over others, and victory is one form of this. They love both more than they love money, which indeed they love very little, not having yet learnt what it means to be without it—this is the point of Pittancus, remark about Amphiaraus. They look at the good side rather than the bad, not having yet witnessed many instances of wickedness. They trust others readily, because they have not yet often been cheated.

They are sanguine ; nature warms their blood as though with excess of wine; and besides that, they have as yet met with few disappointments. Their lives are mainly spent not in memory but in expectation; for expectation refers to the future, memory to the past, and youth has a long future before it and a short past behind it: on the first day of one’s life one has nothing at all to remember, and can only look forward.

They are easily cheated, owing to the sanguine disposition just mentioned. Their hot tempers and hopeful dispositions make them more courageous than older men are; the hot temper prevents fear, and the hopeful disposition creates confidence; we cannot feel tear so long as we are feeling angry, and any expectation of good makes us confident.

They are shy, accepting the rules of society in which they have been trained, and not yet believing in any other standard of honor. They have exalted notions, because they have not yet been humbled by life or learnt its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning; and whereas reasoning leads us to choose what is useful, moral goodness leads us to choose what is noble.

They are fonder of their friends, intimates, and companions than older men are, because they like spending their days in the company of others, and have not yet come to value either their friends or anything else by their usefulness to themselves. All their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently . They disobey Chilon’s precept by overdoing everything, they love too much and hate too much, and the same thing with everything else. They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it; this, in fact, is why they overdo everything... They are ready to pity others, because they think everyone an honest man, or anyhow better than he is: they judge their neighbor by their own harmless natures, and so cannot think he deserves to be treated in that way. They are fond of fun and therefore witty, wit being well-bred insolence.

One day I passed, one day I missed...one day left, I gotta grasp it.






和老年人相比,他们更喜欢自己的朋友、密友和伙伴,因为有人相伴的日子才是他们的最爱,而且不论是朋友或是其他东西,都不以其实用性作为价值的判断标准。他们所犯的错,都是因为做事过度或者过猛。他们不遵守齐隆法则,凡事做得太过头,他们不是爱得太深,就是恨得太多,做其他事也是如此。他们总觉得自己无所不知,而且自信满满。实际上,这就是他们行事过头的症结所在……他们随时准备着同情别人,因为他们觉得每个人都是诚实的,或者要比自己的为人好——他们用自己的善良本性来判断邻里,总觉得自己不该得到这样的对待。他们喜欢玩乐,因而非常机智幽默——这就是一种低调的傲慢。 ph3oa7o0yzE8gk/vImpWWpPrifqzuozf3XG2ZKBLvjhr54PP6lNIxus1W+Vxi/78
