
Roman Holiday

1953 )【美】


[Ann complains all the things to Countess.]

Ann: I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns. And I hate all my underwear too.

Countess: My dear, you have lovely things.

Ann: But I'm not two hundred years old! Why can't I sleep in pyjamas?

Countess: Pyjamas!

Ann: Just the top half. Did you know there are people who sleep with absolutely nothing on at all?

Countess: I rejoice to say that I did not.

Ann: Listen.

Countess: Oh, and your slippers. Please put on your slippers and come away at the window. Your milk and crackers.

Ann: Everything we do is so wholesome.

Countess: They'll help you to sleep.

Ann: I'm too tired to sleep can't sleep a wink.

Countess: Now my dear, if you don't mind tomorrow's schedule or schedule whichever you prefer both are correct. Eight thirty, breakfast here with the Embassy staff; nine o clock, we leave for the Polinory Automotive Works where you'll be presented with a small car.

Ann: Thank you.

Countess: Which you will not accept?

Ann: No, thank you.

Countess: Ten thirty-five, inspection of Food and Agricultural Organization will present you with an olive tree.

Ann: No, thank you.

Countess: Which you will accept?

Ann: Thank you.

Countess: Ten fifty-five, the Newfoundling Home For Orphans. You will preside over the laying of the cornerstone; same speech as last Monday.

Ann: Trade relations?

Countess: Yes.

Ann: For the orphans?

Countess: No, no, the other one.

Ann: Youth and progress .

Countess: Precisely. Eleven forty-five, back here to rest. No, that's wrong...eleven forty-five, conference here with the press.

Ann: Sweetness and decency .

Countess: One o'clock sharp, lunch with the Foreign Ministry. You will wear your white lace and carry a small bouquet of very small pink roses. Three-o-five, presentation of a plaque. Four-ten, review special guard of Police. Four forty-five, back here to change to your uniform to meet the international ……

Ann: Stop! Please stop! Stop...!

Countess: It's alright, dear, it didn't spill.

Ann: I don't care if it's spilled or not. I don't care if I'm drown in it!

Countess: My dear, you're ill. I'll send for Doctor Bonnachoven.

Ann: I don't want Doctor Bonnachoven; please let me die in peace!

Countess: You're not dying.

Ann: Leave me.

Countess: It's nerves, control yourself, Ann.

Ann: I don't want to!

Countess: Your Highness. I'll get Doctor Bonnachoven.

Ann: It's no use, I'll be dead before he gets here.


[The first time Ann met Joe on the street.]

Joe: Hey! Hey, hey Hey, wake up!

Ann: Thank you very much, delighted.

Joe: Wake up.

Ann: No, thank you. Charmed.

Joe: Charmed too.

Ann: You may sit down.

Joe: I think you d better sit up, much too young to get picked up by the police.

Ann: Police?

Joe: Yep, police.

Ann: Two-fifteen and back here to change. Two forty-five..

Joe: You know, people who can't handle liquor shouldn't drink it.

Ann: If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice beneath the sod my heart of dust would still rejoice. Do you know that poem?

Joe: Huh, what do you know? You're well-read, well-dressed; you're snoozing away in a public street. Would you care to make a statement?

Ann: What the world needs is a return to sweetness and decency in the souls of its young men and ……

Joe: Yeah, I er, couldn't agree with you more, but erm

Joe: Get yourself some coffee, you'll be alright. Look, you take the cab.

Joe: Come on, climb in the cab and go home.


[Ann expresses her inner voice to Joe on the press conference.]

Master of ceremonies: Ladies and Gentlemen: Her Royal Highness will now answer your questions.

Chief of correspondents: I believe at the outset, Your Highness, that I should express the pleasure of all of us at your recovery from the recent illness.

Ann: Thank you.

American correspondent: Does Your Highness believe that Federation would be a possible solution to Europe's economic problems?

Ann: I am in favour of any measure which would lead to closer cooperation in Europe.

Correspondent: And what, in the opinion of Your Highness, is the outlook for Friendship Among Nations?

Ann: I have every faith in it as I have faith in relations between people.

Joe: May I say, speaking for my own press service, we believe that Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified.

Ann: I am so glad to hear you say it.

Correspondents: Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most?

Ann: Each in its own way was...unforgettable. It would be difficult to Rome, by all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here, in memory, as long as I live.



【场景 1


安妮: 我讨厌这件睡袍。我讨厌所有的睡袍。我还讨厌我所有的内衣。

伯爵夫人: 亲爱的,你有很多可爱的东西。

安妮: 但我可没有两百岁!为什么我不能穿着松睡衣睡觉?

伯爵夫人: 松睡衣!

安妮: 只穿上衣。你知道有些人睡觉是完全不穿衣服的吗?

伯爵夫人: 我很庆幸我不知道。

安妮: 听。

伯爵夫人: 嗨,你的拖鞋。快穿上拖鞋,离开窗户。你的牛奶和饼干在这儿。

安妮: 我们所做的一切都那么有益健康。

伯爵夫人: 它们有助于你的睡眠。

安妮: 我累得睡不着,一点儿都睡不着。

伯爵夫人: 哦,亲爱的,你喜欢明天的日程安排吗——或者说你喜欢哪个——两个都不错。 8 点半,和使馆人员在此共进早餐; 9 点,前往波利若里汽车工厂参观,你将获赠一部小汽车。

安妮: 谢谢。

伯爵夫人: 你会拒绝哪一个?

安妮: 不,谢谢。

伯爵夫人: 10 35 ,视察粮农组织,你会获赠一棵橄榄树。

安妮: 不,谢谢。

伯爵夫人: 你答应吗?

安妮: 谢谢。

伯爵夫人: 10 55 ,到新建孤儿院。你将主持奠基典礼,和上周一一样的演讲。

安妮: 贸易关系?

伯爵夫人: 对。

安妮: 为孤儿讲这个?

伯爵夫人: 不,不是,另一个。

安妮: “青少年与发展”。

伯爵夫人: 很对。 11 45 分,回到这里休息。哦,弄错了…… 11 45 分在这里举行记者招待会。

安妮: “甜美与优雅”。

伯爵夫人: 1 点整,和外交大臣共进午餐。你将戴上你的白色项链,捧着一束粉红色的玫瑰。 3 05 分,授匾。 4 10 分,检阅特别护卫队。 4 45 分,回来这里换上制服,接见国际……

安妮: 停下!请停下来!别说了!

伯爵夫人: 做得好,亲爱的,牛奶没有溢出来。

安妮: 我不在乎它溢没溢出来。我不介意在这溺死!

伯爵夫人: 亲爱的,你生病了,我会叫鲍那乔文医生过来。

安妮: 我不想见鲍那乔文医生;让我安静地死去吧!

伯爵夫人: 你不会死的。

安妮: 别理我。

伯爵夫人: 你一定是神经紧张,镇静点,安妮。

安妮: 我不想!

伯爵夫人: 公主殿下。我去叫鲍那乔文医生。

安妮: 没用的。在他来之前我就会死掉。

【场景 2


乔: 嗨!嗨……嗨,醒醒!

安妮: 谢谢你,真高兴。

乔: 醒醒。

安妮: 不,谢谢。幸会。

乔: 很荣幸。

安妮: 你可以坐下来。

乔: 我想你最好坐起来,警察不会把你抓起来的,你太小了。

安妮: 警察?

乔: 是的,警察。

安妮: 2 15 分回来换装。 2 45 分……

乔: 你知道,没什么酒量的人就不该喝酒。

安妮: “哪怕我已死去,被安葬,尘土之下的心也会为听到你的声音而喜悦。”你知道这首诗吗?

乔: 呃,你知道吗?你博学多才,衣着华丽,却一个人睡在大街上。你能否对此解释一下?

安妮: 这世界需要甜美和高雅重新回到年轻一代的灵魂之中……

乔: 对,我呢,完全同意你的说法,不过——

乔: 喝杯咖啡,你就会没事的。瞧,你该坐这辆的士回去。

乔: 来,你也上车,我们回家。

【场景 3


招待会主持: 女士们,先生们,现在你们可以向公主殿下提问了。

记者代表: 公主殿下,首先我想代表全体人员对公主康复表达欢欣之情。

安妮: 谢谢!

美国记者: 公主殿下是否认为,联盟化将是解决欧洲经济问题的可行方案?

安妮: 我赞成一切能够促进欧洲各国之间合作的举措。

记者: 那么殿下,你认为欧洲各国关系的发展前景如何?

安妮: 我对此充满信心——就像我对人们之间的情谊充满信心一样。

乔: 请允许我,代表我的新闻社发言,我们相信殿下的信心是毋庸置疑的。

安妮: 我很高兴听你这么说。

记者: 公主殿下所访问过的城市中,最喜欢哪一个?

安妮: 每个城市都有自己的特色……令人难忘。很难说——罗马,无疑是罗马。我会永生永世珍惜这里的记忆! tkfrURO/5xfD3ZuQ+N530nW9H2y6K6mzhywImwJT6JtevGPm9Wvci99sLtla3wjJ
