
Jane Eyre

2006 )【英】


[Jane and Rochester shows their affection to each other.]

Jane: Must I leave, sir? Must I leave Thornfield.

Rochester: Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you must.

Jane: You're to be married?

Rochester: Exactly. Precisely. As you with your usual acuteness have already predicted, when I do marry Adel must find a school and you must find a ne situation.

Jane: Yes, sir, I'll advertise immediately.

Rochester: No, you won't. I've already found you a place.

Jane: Ireland is a long way away, sir. From Thornfield.It is a long way away from you, sir.

Rochester: We've been good friends, haven't we, Jane?

Rochester: It's difficult to part from a friend and know you'll never meet him again. And you and I, it's like we were a pair of Ashton's twins. Bound together in some unworldly way, sharing a spirit or so the like. When we are parted, when you leave me, I believe that bond will snap, and I will bleed inwardly. But you will forget me after a while.

Jane: I would never forget you! How can you imagine that? What do you think I am? I wish I d never been born, I wish I d never come here. I wish I d never grow to love Thornfield. I love Thornfield. I love it because I have lived a full life I've not been trampled on. I've been treated as an equal. You have treated me as an equal. You are the best person I know and I cannot bear the thought of having to leave you.

Rochester: Must you leave me, Jane?

Jane: Oh, of course, I must, because you have a wife.

Rochester: What do you mean?

Jane: Blanche Ingram, of course, you're as good as married to her. You've promised, sir.

Rochester: I have not promised Blanche anything.

Jane: It's a someone who is inferior to you. Someone who you have no sympathy with. Of course I must go.

Do you think that I am a machine? That I can bear it? Do you think because I am poor, plain, obscure and little, that I have no heart? That I'm without soul? I have as much heart as you and as much soul. And if god had given me some beauty and wealth, I would make it as hard for you to leave me as it is for me to leave you.

Rochester: You'll not leave me, Jane.

Jane: Let me go.

Rochester: Jane, don't struggle so.

Jane: I'm a free person, and I'll go and do as I please.

Rochester: Yes, yes you will. You will decide your own destiny. Jane, I offer you my hand, my heart and all my possessions.

Jane: You laugh at me.

Rochester: No, no. Jane, I want you to live with me. To pass through life as my second self. My best earthly companion. Jane, have you not faith in me?

Jane: None, whatsoever.

Rochester: You doubt me?

Jane: Absolutely!

Rochester: Jane, you know I don't love Blanche. I love you, as my own flesh. Jane, say that you will marry me. Say it quickly. Jane, do you accept me?

Jane: Are you in earnest? I can hardly believe you.

Rochester: I swear.

Jane: Then sir

Rochester: Call me by my name, call me Edward.

Jane: Then Edward, I will marry you.

Rochester: God, forgive me. And let no man meddle with me. I am to keep her.



【场景 1


简: 我一定要离开吗,先生?我一定要离开桑菲尔德?

罗切斯特: 是的,我很抱歉,但恐怕你一定得离开。

简: 你要结婚了?

罗切斯特: 没错。的确如此。正如你向来精准的直觉预知到的,当我真的结婚时,阿黛尔必须得找个学校,你也必须得换个工作了。

简: 是的,先生,我会尽快登广告的。

罗切斯特: 不,不用了。我已经替你找好了一个地方。

简: 爱尔兰离这里太远了,先生。离桑菲尔德太远了。离你太远了,先生。

罗切斯特: 我们是好朋友,对吧,简?

罗切斯特: 跟一个好朋友分离,并且知道你永远不会再见到他,这是件非常痛苦的事。你和我,就像阿什顿说的是对双胞胎。与世无争地绑在一起,分享精神与思想。当我们分开了,当你……离开我,我相信,这种凝聚力会突然断裂,我的心会流血。但你很快就会忘记我了。

简: 我永远不会忘记你!你怎么会这样想?你以为我是什么人?我真希望自己没有生在这个世界上,我真希望我从来没有来到这里。我希望我从来都没有爱上过桑菲尔德!我爱桑菲尔德。我爱它,因为我在这里过着充实的生活……我没有被践踏。我被平等对待。你平等地对待我。你是我见过最好的人,我没办法忍受必须离开你的念头。

罗切斯特: 你一定要离开我吗,简?

简: 噢,我当然要,因为你要有个妻子了。

罗切斯特: 你是什么意思?

简: 当然是布兰奇·英格兰姆,你要跟她结婚了。你已经承诺了,先生。

罗切斯特: 我从来没给过布兰奇任何承诺。

简: 那就是某个配不上你的人。某个你并不同情的人。当然,我必须得走。你认为我就是个机器吗?我能忍受吗?你以为,因为我贫穷,普通,卑微,矮小,我就没有心,就没有灵魂吗?我与你有一样的心,有一样的灵魂。如果上帝能给我一些财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像现在我难以离开你一样。

罗切斯特: 你不会离开我的,简。

简: 让我走。

罗切斯特: 简,不要这样拼命挣扎。

简: 我是个自由的人,我要走,去做我想做的事。

罗切斯特: 是的,是的你会的。你可以决定你自己的命运。简,我把我的手,我的心,我全部的财产都给你。

简: 你在嘲笑我。

罗切斯特: 不,不。简,我想要你同我一起生活。如另一个我自己,伴我走过一生。我最好的人生伴侣。简,你不相信我吗?

简: 一点也不。

罗切斯特: 你怀疑我吗?

简: 没错!

罗切斯特: 简,你知道我不爱布兰奇。我爱你,就像我自己的血肉。简,说你会嫁给我。快说。简,你愿意嫁给我吗?

简: 你是认真的吗?我几乎没办法相信你。

罗切斯特: 我发誓。

简: 那么先生……

罗切斯特: 叫我的名字,叫我爱德华。

简: 那爱德华,我愿意嫁给你。

罗切斯特: 上帝,宽恕我吧。不要让任何人来干涉我。我要守护她。 kfQlGWcPH56vLMsaEZga65RlGYU7uaF1Jhxqbo/DpyHzTDWjJbgxG4u8Rc5fe1cv
