
Pride and Prejudice

2005 )【英】


[In Aunt Catherine's house, Catherine asks Lizzie about her family.]

Catherine: Do you play the pianoforte, Miss Bennet?

Lizzie: A little, ma'am, and very poorly.

Catherine: Do you draw?

Lizzie: No, not at all.

Catherine: Your sisters, do they draw?

Lizzie: Not one.

Catherine: That's very strange. I suppose you had no opportunity. Your mother should've taken you to town for the benefit of the masters

Lizzie: My mother wouldn't have minded, but my father hates town.

Catherine: Has your governess left you?

Lizzie: We never had a governess.

Catherine: No governess? Five daughters brought up at home without a governess? I never heard such a thing. Your mother must've been a slave to your education.

Lizzie: Not at all, Lady Catherine.

Catherine: Younger sisters, are they out in society?

Lizzie: Yes, ma am, all.

Catherine: All? What, all five out at once? That's very odd. And you second. The younger ones out before the elders are married? Your youngest sisters must be very young.

Lizzie: Yes, my youngest is not 16. But it would be hard on younger sisters not to have their amusement because the elder is still unmarried. It would hardly encourage sisterly affection.

Catherine: Upon my word, you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person. Pray, what is your age?

Lizzie: With three younger sisters grown up, you can hardly expect me to own to it.


[In a heavy rainy day, Lizzie refuses Darcy's propose.]

Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you...I had to see you. I've fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation...the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance all those things...but I'm willing to put them aside...and ask you to end my agony.

Lizzie: I don't understand.

Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.

Lizzie: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.

Darcy: Is this your reply?

Lizzie: Yes, sir.

Darcy: Are you laughing at me?

Lizzie: No!

Darcy: Are you rejecting me?

Lizzie: I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me, have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it.

Darcy: Might I ask why, with so little endeavor at civility, I am thus repulsed?

Lizzie: I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgment. If I was uncivil, that was some excuse

Darcy: Believe me, I didn't mean.

Lizzie: But I have other reasons, you know I have!

Darcy: What reasons?

Lizzie: Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, perhaps forever, the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny it, Mr. Darcy? That you've separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice, and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind?

Darcy: I do not deny it.

Lizzie: How could you do it?

Darcy: Because I believed your sister indifferent to him.

Lizzie: Indifferent?

Darcy: I watched them most carefully, and realized his attachment was much deeper than hers.

Lizzie: That's because she's shy!

Darcy: Bingley too is modest, and was persuaded that she didn't feel strongly for him.

Lizzie: Because you suggested it!

Darcy: I did it for his own good.

Lizzie: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! I suppose you suspect that his fortune had same bearing on the matter?

Darcy: No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonor. Though it was suggested

Lizzie: What was?

Darcy: It was made perfectly clear that....an advantageous marriage ……

Lizzie: Did my sister give that impression?

Darcy: No! There was, however, I have to admit...the matter of your family.

Lizzie: Our want of connection? Mr. Bingley didn't vex himself about that!

Darcy: No, it was more than that.

Lizzie: How, sir?

Darcy: It pains me to say this, but it was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters even, on occasion, your father. Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this ……



【场景 1


凯瑟琳: 你会弹钢琴吗,班纳特小姐?

伊丽莎白 一点点,夫人,而且非常差劲。

凯瑟琳: 你会绘画吗?

伊丽莎白: 不,一点儿也不会。

凯瑟琳: 你的姐妹们呢?她们会绘画吗?

伊丽莎白: 没有一个会。

凯瑟琳: 这倒很古怪。我猜你们是没机会学吧。你们的母亲应该带你们去城里投名师才对。

伊丽莎白: 我母亲是没什么意见,不过我父亲讨厌城里。

凯瑟琳: 你们的女家庭教师走了吗?

伊丽莎白: 我们从来就没有请过女家庭教师。

凯瑟琳: 没有女家庭教师?家里养着五个女儿,却不请个女家庭教师?我从来都没有听说过这种事情,你母亲简直是要做牛做马地教育你们。

伊丽莎白: 并不是那样的,凯瑟琳夫人。

凯瑟琳: 你的妹妹们,她们有人出来参加社交了吗?

伊丽莎白: 有,太太,全都出来社交了。

凯瑟琳: 全部?什么,五个姐妹同时出来社交?这也太古怪了。而你,排行第二。姐姐还没嫁人,妹妹就出来社交?你的妹妹们一定都还很小吧。

伊丽莎白: 是的,最小的还不到 16 岁。但是,如果因为年长的姐姐没有结婚,年少的妹妹就不能享受社交的乐趣,这一点儿都不会增进姐妹感情。

凯瑟琳: 还真想不到,你这么小的一个人倒有这样的主见。请问,你多大了?

伊丽莎白: 我已经有了三个成年的妹妹,总不会还要我交代我的年纪吧。

【场景 2


达西: 伊丽莎白小姐。我一直在痛苦中斗争,现在再也无法忍受了。这几个月对我来说简直就是折磨。我来罗新斯只是为了见你……我必须见到你。我在与世俗的看法,与我家族的期望对抗……与你的身世,与我的阶级环境对抗……所有的这些……我要把它们统统抛开……我要让你结束我的痛苦。

伊丽莎白: 我不明白你在说什么。

达西: 我爱你。最真挚的爱。请给我这份荣幸,接受我吧。

伊丽莎白: 先生,我很感激你所承受的这份挣扎,十分抱歉带给你痛苦。请相信,我不是有意伤害你的。

达西: 这就是你的回答?

伊丽莎白: 是的,先生。

达西: 你是在嘲笑我吗?

伊丽莎白: 不是!

达西: 那你是在拒绝我?

伊丽莎白: 我相信,正如你所说的,你心中那道阶级门槛,将会帮你克服痛苦的。

达西: 我能否问你,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?

伊丽莎白: 那么我能否问你,你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的判断,为什么你要如此直白地侮辱我?如果我果真无礼,那么,这就是我无礼的理由。

达西: 相信我,我不是那个意思。

伊丽莎白: 但我还有别的理由,你知道!

达西: 什么理由?

伊丽莎白: 你怎么会认为,一个毁了我最亲爱的姐姐一辈子幸福的人,还可能打动我的心去接受他?达西先生,你能否认这一切吗?你拆散了一对相爱的恋人,让你的朋友被指责为朝三暮四,让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想,使他们俩受尽了苦痛!

达西: 我没有否认这些。

伊丽莎白: 你怎能做出这样的事?

达西: 因为我认为你姐姐对他漠不关心。

伊丽莎白: 漠不关心?

达西: 我很仔细地观察过,我觉得他远比她爱得要多。

伊丽莎白: 那是因为她害羞!

达西: 宾利也很谨慎,而且他相信她对他的感觉并不强烈。

伊丽莎白: 因为是你说服他的!

达西: 我这样做是为了他好。

伊丽莎白: 我姐姐几乎都不向我表露她的真实感受!我想你之所以怀疑,是因为他富有的关系?

达西: 不!我无意让你姐姐蒙羞。尽管这暗示着……

伊丽莎白: 暗示什么?

达西: 这很清楚……一桩有利可谋的婚姻……

伊丽莎白: 难道我姐姐给你那种印象?

达西: 不!然而,我必须承认……是出于你的家庭的问题。

伊丽莎白: 我们对社交的渴求?宾利先生自己都不介意这点!

达西: 不,远不止这些。

伊丽莎白: 怎样,先生?

达西: 虽然很难说出口,但是,你母亲、你那三个年轻的妹妹——甚至还有某些时候你父亲有失身份的表现。原谅我。你和你姐姐——当然排除在外…… AGo+qN/j3P9SxgrMJxHQShWmjvlYkjTfEolVXaxhd8PEgJr1zSCJA2ka3pxARQ3p
