They are together ensure continuance of success.A fine intellect wedded to a wicked will was always an unnatural monster.A wicked will envenoms all excellences: helped by knowledge it only ruins with greater subtlety.This is a miserable superiority that only results in ruin.Knowledge without sense is double folly.
So as to distract attention, do not always do things the same way, especially if you have a rival.Do not always act on first impulse;people will soon recognize the uniformity and, by anticipating, frustrate your designs.It is easy to kill a bird on the wing that flies straight, not so one that twists and turns.Nor should you always act on second thoughts;people will discern the plan the second time.The enemy is on the watch, great skill is required to outwit him.The gamester never plays the card the opponent expects, still less the one he wants.