
第一章 定语从句


(1)A rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least. 一个富有的人,并不是因为他拥有的最多,而是因为他需要的最少。

(2)There is this difference between happiness and wisdom: the person who thinks himself the happiest man really is so;but the person who thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool.幸福与智慧的区别在于:认为自己是最幸福的,他真的就是最幸福的;而认为自己是最智慧的人,却往往是最大的傻瓜。

在上面句(1)中,who has the most和who needs the least就是定语从句,用来修饰前面的代词one。同样,在句(2)中,who thinks himself the happiest man和who thinks himself the wisest是定语从句,修饰the person。所以,所谓定语从句,简言之,就是用来修饰名词(如the person)或代词(如one)的一个具有完整主谓结构的句子。这个被修饰的名词或代词因为总是在定语从句前面,所以我们称之为 先行词 。而引导定语从句的连词,称为 关系词


1.1 理解定语从句的关键:找到先行词

1.1.1 全面理解“先行词”




(3)Even when homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals aday and aplace to sleep at night,a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street. (2006年完形填空)

妙语点睛 先行词是名词shelter。

精品译文 即使有些无家可归者设法找到了可供其一日三餐和栖身的收容所,但仍有大量无家可归者每天大部分时间流浪街头。

(4) He laughs best who laughs last.

妙语点睛 先行词是代词he。

精品译文 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。


(5) Many life's problems which were solved by asking family members,friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. (1995年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 先行词是名词短语many life's problems。

精品译文 许多以前可以通过询问家庭成员、朋友或者同事就能解决的生活问题,是现在的大家庭无力解决的。

(6)For workers it can mean an end to the security,benefits and sense of importance that came from being aloyal employee. (1997年完形填空)

妙语点睛 先行词是名词短语sense of importance。

精品译文 对于雇员来说,这(雇用临时工的趋势)意味着失去(以前长期工享有的)待遇和安全感,以及作为一名忠实雇员所具有的那种责任感。


(7)In the Europe,as elsewhere,multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television,radio,newspapers,magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.

妙语点睛 先行词是名词短语television,radio,newspapers,magazines and publishing houses。

精品译文 在欧洲,就像在其他地方一样,多媒体集团越来越成功了,这些集团把相互间有密切联系的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社联合到了一起。



(8)The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.

妙语点睛 正确翻译此句的关键是,要清楚非限定性定语从句中关系代词which所指代的先行词是什么。从学生的一些反馈来看,他们的错误主要在于认为which指代的是the process of thought或the structure of language。正是由于搞不清楚which的所指,很多同学将此句牵强地译为“希腊人猜测这种语言的构成和思维的变化息息相关,源自古老的欧洲。而在那时候人们并没有意识到语言的发展”。另外,还有人认为which指代the Greeks,故将which took root in Europe译成了“来自欧洲的希腊人”,因而把整句译为“远在人类意识到语言的多样性之前,来自欧洲的希腊人就认为语言的结构和人类的思维过程有某种联系”。

其实,这里的先行词不是the process of thought这个短语,而是the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought这个宾语从句,它所表达的是一种观点,即which指代的是这种观点。翻译时要把“这一观点……”明确地表达出来。


精品译文 希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就早已在欧洲扎下了根。



(9) He arrived an hour later ,which annoyed his girlfriend very much.

妙语点睛 先行词是He arrived an hour later这一完整句子。

精品译文 他晚到了一个小时,这让他的女友十分生气。

(10) My girlfriend likes dancing with other guys ,which really drives me crazy.

妙语点睛 先行词是My girlfriend likes dancing with other guys这一完整句子。

精品译文 我女友喜欢和别的男生跳舞,这让我十分恼火。


1.1.2 先行词与关系词被分隔


(11)Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.

妙语点睛 我们看到,这个句子包含三个定语从句,它们所对应的先行词分别为:

先行词child被定语从句who is raised in an environment修饰;

先行词environment被定语从句where there are many stimuli修饰;

先行词stimuli被定语从句which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses修饰。

精品译文 行为主义者的看法是:如果一个儿童在有许多刺激物的环境中长大,而这些刺激物又能培养其做出适当反应的能力,那么他就会有比较高的智力发育水平。



在先行词与关系词之间插有其他的定语,这种情形最常见。这是因为先行词同时带有多个定语造成的。而定语从句与其他定语相比,一般较长,结构也较复杂,因此,按照英语的“尾重原则”(principle of end weight),结构复杂的定语从句置于其他定语后边,从而造成先行词与关系词被分隔的状况。请看真题例句:

(12)Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates.For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. (2004年完形填空)

妙语点睛 这里先行词changes带有定语in the economy,然后再接定语从句that lead to...,从而造成先行词与关系词的分隔。

精品译文 社会结构方面的变化也许在间接地影响青少年犯罪率。比如,经济方面的变化使得青年的就业机会更少、失业率上升,总体来讲,这导致赚钱的工作日益难找。

(13)Today stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn ,among other things,that you might—surprise!—fall off. (1999年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 这里先行词labels带有定语several inches long,然后再接定语从句that warn...,从而造成先行词与关系词的分隔。

精品译文 现在的梯子带有几英寸长的警告标签,除了警告你其他可能发生的意外之外,还警告你可能会摔下来——这种警告真是莫名其妙!

(14)The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root. (1991年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 这里先行词elements带有定语from the soil,然后再接定语从句that are...,从而造成先行词与关系词的分隔。另外,这里before从句虽然是表示时间,但就上下文逻辑关系来看,我们可以转译成一个条件从句,译成“只有……才……”。关于before的翻译技巧,请参看4.2.1小节。

精品译文 土壤里的矿物质是无法被植物直接利用的,它们只有在溶于土壤中的溶液之后,才能为植物的根系所吸收。


(15)As a linguist,he acknowledges that all varieties of human language,including non-standard ones like Black English,can be powerfully expressive—there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. (2005年阅读第四篇)

妙语点睛 这里先行词language or dialect与that引导的定语从句被状语in the world隔开。另外,此句中还有一个双重否定结构no language...that cannot convey...。关于双重否定结构,请参看11.2.5小节。

精品译文 作为一名语言学家,他承认所有的人类语言,包括非标准的语言,如黑人英语,都可以明确地表情达意——世界上没有一种语言或方言不能表达复杂的意思。


(16)It can be predicted,however,that from time to time questions will arise which will require specific scientific answers. (1996年英译汉)

妙语点睛 这里that是一个主语从句,其中主语是questions,后面接有一个which引导的定语从句,被谓语will arise隔开。

精品译文 不过,可以预见的是,将来会经常有问题出现,需要科学给出特定回答。

1.1.3 如何找先行词

在1.1.1小节中,我们看清了先行词的全部“真面目”,揭示了先行词本身的 结构特点 ;在1.1.2小节我们探讨了先行词与关系词“骨肉分离”的三种情形,揭示了先行词在句中的 位置特点 。上面这两点从英语句法结构特点入手,协助我们快速、正确地找到先行词。不过,因为先行词毕竟与它的修饰成分关系密切,即通过定语从句解释先行词,所以, 要想正确找到先行词,我们首先应该正确理解定语从句本身的意思,然后根据从句的意思来找能与其构成逻辑语义联系的先行词。在寻找的过程中,可以结合上面讨论过的先行词的结构特点和位置特点。 因此,找先行词的步骤如下:1)翻译定语从句,正确理解定语从句本身的意思;2)结合先行词的结构特点和位置特点,在关系词之前寻找与定语从句意思有逻辑语义联系的名词、短语或从句等,即为先行词。其实,这样一个寻找先行词的过程,在考研的完形填空真题中曾多次出现。


(17)Even when homeless individuals manage to find a 12 that will give them three meals aday and aplace to sleep at night,a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.





正确答案 B

妙语点睛 我们看到,该题空格后直接带有一个由that引导的定语从句that will give them three meals aday and aplace to sleep at night,而上文说过,定语从句与其前面的先行词构成一种解释关系。所以,我们要先正确理解定语从句的意思,然后看它的意思能够解释四个选项中的哪一个。这个定语从句的意思不难理解:为那些无家可归者提供一日三餐和住宿的地方。弄懂了定语从句的意思,我们再来看四个名词的意思,看哪一个能表达“吃住的地方”。

lodging:a place to live in,esp.temporarily寄宿,尤指临时居住的地方。

shelter:an establishment that provides temporary housing for homeless people收容所,专门收留无家可归者。

dwelling:a place to live in住处

house:a structure serving as adwelling for one or more persons,especially for afamily房屋住宅,尤其是指作为一家人的住处的建筑物。

我们看到,lodging,dwelling,house都主要是强调a place to live in,没有提到吃的问题,而只有shelter表示“收容无家可归者的机构”(establishment),即收容所,虽然没有直接提到吃,但既然是专门的收容所,必然会解决吃住的问题。而且homeless people也正是本文的中心话题。故shelter为正确答案。

精品译文 即使有些无家可归者设法找到了可供其一日三餐和栖身的收容所,但仍有大量无家可归者每天大部分时间流浪街头。


(18)Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges,teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others.





正确答案 C

妙语点睛 正确解此题的关键还是在于理解定语从句that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others的意思,即“青少年需要有某种东西,而这种东西是来自于获得成功,也来自于知道自己的成功会受到别人的欣赏”。满足定语从句这个意思的单词,在四个选项中只有confidence(自信)。因为一般来讲,如果获得成功并且这个成功被别人欣赏,此时我们获得的往往是自信,而不是assistance“帮助”、guidance“引导”或tolerance“容忍”。故confidence为正确答案。

精品译文 青少年在不断调整,以适应身体、智力和情感上出现的一系列新的变化和挑战,因此他们非常敏感,并且需要有自信心,而这些自信心主要来自于获得成功以及知道自己的成绩被别人认可。


(19)For workers it can mean an end to the security,benefits and sense of 50 that came from being aloyal employee.





正确答案 D

妙语点睛 同上题一样,解此题的关键还是在于理解定语从句that came from being aloyal employee的意思,即“源于一名忠实雇员的”一种什么样的感觉(sense)。我们来看四个选项:excitement“激动,兴奋”;conviction“坚信,信念”;enthusiasm“热衷,热情”;importance“重要,价值”。这里sense of importance是表示员工认为自己对于公司的发展很重要,很有一种责任感,就相当于我们汉语里常说的一种“主人翁精神”,而这种精神是对一名“忠实员工”(a loyal employee)的最好注解。故importance正确。

精品译文 对于雇员来说,这(雇用临时工的趋势)意味着失去(以前长期工享有的)待遇和安全感,以及作为一名忠实雇员所具有的那种责任感。

1.1.4 与先行词有关的考点




在1.1.1小节中我们讨论的2004年第61题“英译汉”的句子:The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought,which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.这里which的正确翻译就是最好的例证,也不再赘述。




(20)The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener 45 interfere with his comprehension.





正确答案 C

妙语点睛 本题测试的是定语从句,考查的是关系代词的选择。而关系代词的选择取决于先行词,所以本题真正考的是考生对定语从句先行词的判断。若先行词是listener,则选who;若先行词是reactions,则选which。考虑到从句谓语动词interfere是复数形式,我们可以确定,先行词应该是复数名词reactions而不是单数名词listener,因此关系代词要用which,故C正确。

此外,关系代词as引导限制性定语从句时,其先行词需要被the same,such等修饰,若没有则不用as(详见1.6小节)。What引导定语从句时,其前面是不能出现先行词的(详见1.5小节)。故b,D均不正确。

精品译文 说话人的用词可能会引起听者的不愉快反应,这就会影响听者的理解。




(21)(A) Despite much research,there (B) are still certain elements (C) in the life cycle of the insect that is not fully (D) understood .

正确答案 C,改为are。

妙语点睛 本题考查对定语从句先行词的判断。这里先行词elements与关系词that被分隔,因为elements还有一个后置定语in the life cycle of the insect。显然,这种分隔属于1.1.2小节中讨论的第一种分隔:先行词+其他定语+定语从句。that指代elements在从句中作主语,所以谓语动词要用复数are。

精品译文 尽管人们已经对昆虫进行了大量的研究,但是对其生命周期中的某些方面还没有完全了解。



1.2 关系代词与关系副词

定语从句的核心内容是围绕先行词和关系词展开的。 正确找到先行词是理解定语从句的关键,而关系词的选择和使用则是定语从句的主要内容。 下面我们先从总体上了解一下英文里的关系词。

1.2.1 关系代词






1.2.2 关系副词

关系副词有表示时间的when、表示地点的where和表示原因的why, 它们只在定语从句中充当状语

值得注意的是,how不可作为表示方式的关系副词。在英语中,若表示方式,我们可以用“the way+从句”,“the way that+从句”,“the way in which+从句”或“the manner that+从句”这四种句型。例如:

(22)During the1940's science and engineering had an impact on the way that music reached its audience and even influenced the way in which it was composed.

妙语点睛 这里the way后面分别接了两个不同的关系词that和in which。

精品译文 20世纪40年代,科学和工程学对听众收听音乐的方式有很大的影响,甚至影响到了音乐本身的创作方式。

(23)You know the old golden rule,“Care for others the way you would like them to care for you.”

妙语点睛 这里the way后边的关系词省去了,直接跟了从句you would like them to care for you。

精品译文 要记住这样一个真理——以希望别人对待你的方式来对待别人。

(24)Confidence is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans.They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk.

妙语点睛 同上,这里the way后边的关系词省去了。

精品译文 美国人最显著的特点之一就是他们的自信,这在他们的言谈、微笑、着装、行走等方式中表露出来。


(25)Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same easoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.

妙语点睛 这里的manner等同于way,后面接了关系词that来引导定语从句。

精品译文 社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性、有序、系统和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。

1.3 关系代词which/that/who/whom



(26)In the Europe,as elsewhere,multi-media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television,radio,newspapers,magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.

妙语点睛 如本句所示,先行词指物,关系词可以用which或that。

精品译文 在欧洲,就像在其他地方一样,多媒体集团越来越成功了,这些集团把相互间有密切联系的电视台、电台、报纸、杂志、出版社组合到了一起。


(27)The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind;it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact expla nation.

妙语点睛 在that前面不能接介词,所以本句用了by which,而不是by that。

精品译文 科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索并给予精确而严谨解释的表达方式。

(28)Some companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company's private intranet. (1999年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 这里先行词是business partners,表示人,所以用who来引导定语从句。

精品译文 一些公司只与那些获得进入公司内部网的固定交易伙伴进行在线交易,通过这种方式来降低风险。


1.4 关系形容词whose


(29)Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. (2000年阅读第四篇)

妙语点睛 这里whose接名词短语productivity and social harmony。

精品译文 二战后,日本的目标一直很明确,其生产力与社会和谐令美国和欧洲羡慕。

(30)At the same time,the American Law Institute—a group of judges,lawyers,and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight—issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with alengthy list of possible ones. (1999年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 这里whose接名词recommendations连用。

精品译文 与此同时,美国法律研究所(成员有法官、律师和理论专家,他们的建议分量极重)发布了新的民事伤害法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再请他们注意一些可能会出现的危险。


(31)It is perhaps not an exaggeration (A) to say that we shall soon (B) be trusting our health,wealth and happiness to elements with(C) whom very names the general public (D) are unfamiliar.

正确答案 C,改为whose。

妙语点睛 因为这里有名词短语very names,故要用whose来引导定语从句。

精品译文 可以毫不夸张地讲,在不久的将来,我们可能会把我们的健康、财富和幸福托付给那些连名字我们都不熟悉的因素。

1.5 关系代词what

what作关系代词,用法很特殊,它可以看作是先行词和关系代词的结合体,因此,我们把它称为“缩合关系词”。大多数情况下,what在从句中不表示疑问意义“什么”,而应该被理解为the things that,all that或something that。what在从句中充当主语或宾语等名词性成分。

1.5.1 使用what关系词的前提:what前面不能有先行词

what相当于一个关系代词及其先行词。所以,what引导从句时,前面不应再出现先行词。换句话说,如果句中已有先行词,就一定不能用what引导。比如我们不能说You can have everything what you like.

(32)All____is acontinuous supply of the basic necessities of life.(1990-1CET-4)

A.what is needed

B.the things needed

C.for our needs

D.that is needed

正确答案 D

妙语点睛 这里all是先行词,所以不能选择A。若选b,则主语是复数things,与后面谓语is不搭配。选C不通。故D正确。

精品译文 所需要的就是日常生活必需品的持续供应。

(33)For WillI ams,those activities became what he calls“electronic heroin”....It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems,often defining as addictions what earlier,sterner generations explained as weakness of will.Pushed by science,or what claims to be science,society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities. (2006年阅读“七选五”)

妙语点睛 这段短文有四个what从句,我们现在一一剖析。

what从句1:Those activities became what he calls“electronic heroin”.

这里what在从句中作谓语calls的宾语(electronic heroin充当宾语补足语),这个what相当于the activities that,即一个先行词和关系代词的结合体,从这个意义上来说,what引导的是一个定语从句。但从结构上来说,what从句是充当became的表语,即名词从句中的表语从句。换句话说,what所引导的从句既可以看作是特殊的定语从句,又可以当作是名词从句。因此为了方便起见,我们以后把what引导的从句统称为“what从句”。

what从句2:Society is...often defining as addictions what earlier,sterner generations explained as weakness of will.

首先,我们来看what从句在主句中的结构关系。这里what引导的从句what earlier,sterner generations explained as weakness of will在主句中充当谓语defining的宾语,是一个宾语从句。但由于其结构较长,所以后置,而将defining的补足语as additions提前。原本结构应该是:defining(what从句)as addictions。其次,我们再来看what从句本身的结构关系。这里what在从句中充当谓语explained的宾语,as weakness of will充当补足语(这完全类似于as addictions充当defining的补足语)。所以,原本的结构是:explained(what)as weakness of will。

what从句3:what claims to be science

这里的what从句由or连接,与其前面的science构成一个并列成分,作介词by的宾语。相当于:Pushed by science,or something that claims to be science,即这里something that用what来替换了。这个what在从句中作主语(后接谓语claims)。

what从句4:Society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.

与上面“what从句2”分析思路类似,首先,我们来看what从句在主句中的结构关系。同上述defining(what从句)as addictions结构一样,这里逻辑结构是:reclassifying(what从句)as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities(akin to physical disabilities是形容词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词短语personality disorders)。但与上面“what从句2”不同的是,那里的what从句是后置宾语(defining as addictions what earlier,sterner generations explained as weakness of will),这里的what从句没有后置,而是直接跟在谓语reclassifying的后面。若后置,则可改为:Society is reclassifying as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities what once were considered character flaws or moral failings.其次,我们再来看what从句本身的结构关系。这里的what在从句中充当主语(后接谓语were considered,character flaws or moral failings是主语补足语,补充说明what)。

综上所述,前两个what在从句中作宾语,后两个what在从句中作主语。四个what前面都没有被修饰的名词(即先行词)出现。尽管第二个what前边出现了addictions,但是正如上面分析的,这个what从句并非修饰additions, 而是跟在defining后面的。

精品译文 对于WillI ams来说,这些活动成了他所谓的“电子海洛因”……令人焦虑的是:社会正在将越来越多的行为问题医学化,常常把以前严厉的前辈们解释为意志薄弱的行为定义为上瘾。由于社会受到科学(或所谓的科学)的推动,我们的社会正在重新把过去认为的性格缺陷或道德缺失划为与生理缺陷相关的个人疾病。


1.5.2 what单独使用,后面不接名词


(34)She is not what she used to be.

妙语点睛 这里what前没有先行词,what用来指人,原句相当于She is not the girl that she used to be。

精品译文 她不再是以前的她了。

(35)Show me what you have written.

妙语点睛 这里what前没有先行词,what用来指物,原句相当于show me the things that you have written。

精品译文 把你写的东西给我看看。

(36)Today's vessels can find their prey using satellites and sonar,which were not available50years ago.That means ahigher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught. (2006年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 这里what前没有先行词,what用来指物。另外,还要注意断句,从句的主语不是[( a higher proportion of what )is in the sea],而应该是[a higher proportion of( what is in the sea )],即充当介词of的宾语的不是what这个词,而是从句what is in the sea。所以,a higher proportion of what is in the sea这个短语不是表示“更大比例的鱼类在海洋里”,而是“海洋鱼类中的更大比例”。

精品译文 今天的船只可以利用50年前还没有的卫星和声呐发现猎物,这意味着海洋里更大比例的鱼类被捕捞。


(37)One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind,feelings,traits of character,human nature,and so on.

妙语点睛 这里what后面没有接名词。和上一题a higher proportion of what is in the sea类似的是,用在of结构后面作宾语的是what从句 what is called behavioral science ,不是what这个词。所以在翻译时应该这样断句:[almost all of( what is called behavioral science )],即译成“所谓的行为科学中几乎所有的都”。不能这样断句:[( almost all of what )is called behavioral science],这样就会误译成“几乎所有的都被称为行为科学”。换句话说,我们要把what从句当作一个整体先译出来,然后再加上almost all of结构。其次,我们再来看整个主从句的逻辑结构关系。One difficulty is...是主句的主谓语,后面接一个that引导的表语从句。在这个表语从句中,almost all of what is called behavioral science 作主语,后面接谓语部分:continues to trace behavior to states of mind,feelings,traits of character,human nature,and so on。所以,这个句子的翻译难点就在于要正确理解主语almost all of what is called behavioral science 的结构关系。

精品译文 难题之一在于所谓的行为科学几乎全都继续从心态、感情、性格特征、人性等方面去寻求行为的根源。

1.5.3 what后面接名词


(38) What money I have has been given to you.

妙语点睛 这里what后面接名词money,原句相当于 All the money that I have has been given to you。

精品译文 我身上所有的钱都给你了。

(39)Lend me what reference books you have on the subject.

妙语点睛 这里what后面接名词短语reference books,原句相当于Lend me all the reference books that you have on the subject。

精品译文 请把你所有有关这个研究专题的参考书都借给我。

(40)The accident completely wiped out what little sight he had left.

妙语点睛 这里what后面接名词短语little sight,原句相当于说The accident completely wiped out all the little sight that he had left。

精品译文 这次事故使他仅有的一点视力也丧失了。

(41)After sharing what little food they had,the old couple let the two angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.

妙语点睛 这里what后边接名词短语little food,原句相当于说After sharing all the little food that they had。

精品译文 这对老夫妇把仅有的一点点食物拿出来款待这两个天使,然后又让出原本他们自己可以安睡的床,给这两个天使睡。

(42)Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet.The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in World War II and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information.Donovan believed in using whatever tools come to hand in the“great game”of espionage-spying as a“profession”. (2003年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 这里whatever是what的强调形式,后面接名词tools,所以同样属于第二种用法“what+名词”。Whatever tools在从句中作主语,而整个从句whatever tools come to hand则作using的宾语,是一个宾语从句。此外,would have loved是一个虚拟语气,这表明Donovan这个人现已不在人世,请参见第七章“虚拟语气”。

精品译文 Wild Bill Donovan若在世的话,他会爱上互联网的。这位美国间谍大王对情报着迷,他曾经在二战时建立了战略事务办公室,为中央情报局的成立奠定了基础。Donovan相信,在谍报工作这个“大游戏”中,可以使用任何手段。


(43)He claims to be an expert in astronomy,but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject._____he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.

A.What little

B.So much

C.How much

D.So little

正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这里what little相当于what little knowledge,这类似于上述例句中的what little sight或what little food,这属于“what+名词”的结构。整个从句是what little he knows about it(it指天文学),用作主语,所以what从句在这里是一个主语从句。而what little在从句中作谓语knows的宾语。

精品译文 他自诩为天文学专家,但实际上他对这一领域知之甚少。他所知道的那点知识也是过时和不准确的。


(44)As for the winter,it is inconvenient to be cold,with most of___furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这个句子有一定的难度,with前的主句不难理解,关键是with后面成分的理解。首先,这里实际上是由with引导的一个独立分词结构(详细内容参见“分词”一章),其一般结构是:with+名词或名词性短语+分词。此句中的结构可看成:with+what引导的名词从句(相当于名词短语)+saved for the dawn(分词结构)。这个with独立分词结构在句中作状语,表示原因。其次,我们再来分析这个由what引导的名词从句:most of what furnace fuel is allowed。what前没有先行词,这里是“what+名词(furnace fuel)”的用法。引导的名词从句确切说应为:what furnace fuel is allowed(所有分配的锅炉燃料)。可改为定语从句:all the furnace fuel that is allowed,然后再加上most of,所以要理解成[most of(what furnace fuel is allowed)],表示“所分配的锅炉燃料中的大部分”。注意断句,不要理解成:[(most of what furnace fuel)is allowed]。也就是说,这里what从句是一个整体,相当于一个名词短语,然后再有most of(what从句)。这样的结构完全类似于我们上面讨论过的例句(37)的翻译。

精品译文 到了冬天,由于所分配的锅炉燃料中的大部分需要节省下来等到黎明时候再用,因此(夜里)冷得难受。

1.6 关系代词as

关于as引导定语从句,请大家首先记住:as引导 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 有着根本的不同。as引导的限制性定语从句只是用在一些固定结构如such,the same,as修饰的先行词后面。而as引导非限制性定语从句则没有这种结构上的要求。在考研英语真题中,主要涉及as引导的非限制性定语从句。

1.6.1 as引导非限制性定语从句


(45) As is so often pointed out ,knowledge is atwo-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil.

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句首,此时,as指代后边的完整主句。

精品译文 正如人们常常指出的,知识是一把双刃剑,可以用于造福,也同样可以用来为害。

(46) As is true of any developed society ,in America acomplex set of cultural signals,assumptions,and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. (1997年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句首,此时,as指代后边的完整主句。

精品译文 与任何发达社会一样,在美国,一套复杂的文化信号、信念及习俗制约着所有的社会交往。

(47)There is, as Robert Rubin,the treasury secretary,says ,a“disjunction”between the mass of business anecdote that points to aleap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics. (1998年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 as定语从句用在句中,隔开了there is与a“disjunction”。

精品译文 正如财政部长Robert Rubin所说,显示生产力增长的大量商界轶闻与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在“脱节”。

(48)There is, as has been suggested ,a growing body of research literature in journalism and broadcasting,but very little significant attention has been devoted to the study of the interview itself.

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句中,隔开了there is与a growing body。

精品译文 正如前面已经提及的,对新闻与广播进行研究的文献越来越多,但是关注新闻采访本身的研究却很少。

(49)I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after abuild up of stress,that abandoning the doctrine of“juggling your life”,and making the alternative move into“downshifting”brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. (2001年阅读第五篇)

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句中,隔开了discovered与其that宾语从句。

精品译文 我已经发现—— 也许Kelsey也会发现 ,她由于过于劳累而公开地辞去了在《她》的编辑职位——放弃“搏击生活”的理论,而采取另一种“放慢生活节奏”的方式,会带来比经济上的成功和社会上的地位更大的回报。

(50)Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know ,has only one industry—WillI am Shakespeare—but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches. (2006年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句中,隔开了主语Stratford-on-Avon与其谓语has。

精品译文 众所周知,Stratford-on-Avon只有一个产业,即威廉·莎士比亚,但是存在着两个明显不同且日益敌对的分支。

(51)This description even fits the majority eminent scholars.Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing;living in“public and industrious thoughts”, as Emersion would say ,is something else. (2006年英译汉)

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句中,隔开了主语public and industrious thoughts与其谓语is。

精品译文 这种描述甚至适合大多数著名学者。在人类知识领域的某个分支方面学识渊博是一回事;如同爱默生所指出的:生活在“可感知的和卓越的思想中”是另外一回事。

(52)The world's three top central bankers(Greenspan,Duisenberg and Hayami)are all close to the top of the alphabet,even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the world's five richest men(Gates,Buffett,Allen,Ellison and Albrecht). (2004年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 as引导的定语从句用在句末。

精品译文 世界三大中央银行家(Greenspan,Duisenberg和Hayami)的姓氏首字母都位于字母表前列(尽管他们其中一人实际上用的是日文),而世界上五大首富(Gates,Buffett,Allen,Ellison和Albrecht)也是这样。


(53) 18 Edward Zlotkowski,director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts,puts it,“There has to be coordination of programs.What's needed is apackage deal.”





正确答案 C

妙语点睛 本题考查as引导的定语从句。

精品译文 正如马萨诸塞州Bentley学院社区服务主任Edward Zlotkowski所指出的:“必须要有项目之间的协调,需要的是一揽子计划。”


(54)______is generally accepted,economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.





正确答案 D

妙语点睛 本题考查as引导的定语从句。

精品译文 正如人们普遍认为的,经济的增长取决于生产的顺利发展。


(55)____can be seen from the comparison of these figures,the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 本题考查as引导的定语从句。

精品译文 对比这些数据,我们就可以看出,基本原则是要求病人积极参与到改善自己健康状况的活动中。

1.6.2 与as引导非限制性定语从句有关的作文精品句型


(56) As is seen from the chart ,the average hours astudent spends on the computer per week have increased dramatically in the past decade.

(57) As is vividly betrayed in the cartoon above ,a hen is promising what it should conduct to the public. (1998年作文)

(58) As is obviously betrayed by the pictures above ,three facts which are associated with smoking can be clearly realized by the public all over the world. (1997年作文)

(59) As can be seen from the table/graph/figure ,there is amarked increase/decline/favorable change in...

(60) As we can see from the table/graph/figure ,drastic/considerable/great changes have taken place in...over the period of time from...year to...year.

1.6.3 as引导限制性定语从句

上文提到,as引导限制性定语从句,只能用在一些固定结构中,如such,the same,as修饰的先行词后面。请看例句:

(61)He'll repeat such points as are discussed in the book.

(62) Such astudent as works hard will be sure to succeed.

(63)He tried to make as few mistakes as he could avoid.

(64)He is not the same playboy as we knew.

(65)The instrument is not such an instrument as Isaw on the exhibition.

(66)He is not such a man as would leave his work half done.

(67)He is not such afool as we would assume him to be.

(68)It is unlikely that you will have such an exciting experience as Janet had a few years ago.

(69)They made the same mistake as others would have made on such an occasion.

(70)The new map of the ocean floor shows the locations of twice as many undersea volcanoes as were previously thought to exist.

1.7 关系代词than



(71)Families have also experienced changes these years.More families consist of one parent households or two working parents;consequently,children are likely to have less supervision at home____was common in the traditional family structure.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这里than在从句中充当主语,后面接谓语动词was,它指代的先行名词是supervision,比较的对象是现代家庭对孩子的supervision要比传统家庭少。

精品译文 这些年来家庭模式也经历了变化,更多的家庭是单亲家庭或者双职工家庭;其结果是,与传统家庭结构相比而言,孩子可能在现代家庭里所受的管教更少。

对于than此种作为关系代词的用法,很多考生会感到很不理解。下面将通过类比说明详细解释一下。上句中先行词supervision前面有一个比较级形容词less,而在结构上与比较级构成呼应的只能是than,也就是构成less...than这样的结构搭配(children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure)。为什么我们要把这个句子看作定语从句,而不是大家所熟悉的比较状语从句呢?为了解释清楚,现在我们试着把less...than这一结构从句子中去掉并稍加改写,原句:

Children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure.


Children are likely to have the supervision at home that was common in the traditional family structure.

这就是一个典型的定语从句了,that取代了than在从句中作主语。这句话的意思就成了“孩子们在现代家庭里可能有的管教,在传统家庭里也有”。我们还可以更进一步用上面提到过的the same...as来替换,原句就变为:

Children are likely to have the same supervision at home as was common in the traditional family structure.







(72)There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than___in the public mind today.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 根据以上分析,我们知道,这个句子也是than引导的定语从句。在关系词than前边众多名词(如cancer,risk,anxiety)当中,哪个是先行词呢?大家只要按照我上面提到过的than用法特点3 “比较级所修饰的名词即为先行词” ,就很容易判断出这里的先行词是anxiety,先行词是单数,所以谓语动词应为exists。故正确答案为A。than就是指代anxiety在从句中作主语。这里我们再次看到正确判断先行词的重要性,找到了先行词,原句就好理解了,定语从句than exists in the public mind today表示的是存在于人们心中的是anxiety,不是cancer或risk。这样,整个句子的意思就明了了。

精品译文 人们不应该像如今这样担心患上癌症。



(73)These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than__in traditional media.




D.to exist

正确答案 A

妙语点睛 只要掌握了than引导定语从句的上述特点,很快就能判断出在than前边的众多名词(如information,use,restrictions)当中,restrictions是先行词,因为它前面带有比较级修饰语greater。先行词是复数,所以谓语动词应为exist。故正确答案为A。定语从句than exist in traditional media表示的是存在于传统媒体中的restrictions,不是information或use。

精品译文 这些提案试图寻求一种对数字化信息的使用与复制比传统媒体更加严格的限制。


(74)Don't drink more wine than is good for health .

(75)Don't give him more money than is needed ,since money will burn ahole in his pocket.

(76)For any given task in Britain there are more men than are needed .Strong unions keep them there.In Fleet Street,home of some London's biggest dailies,it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs,the argument is settled by giving each union two.That means33percent overmanning,33percent less productivity than could be obtained .

(77)Somewhat surprisingly,Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as afunction of the type of organization.Specifically,managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision-making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict .


(78)For now,however,it does appear that the economy can sustain a higher growth rate than most people thought plausible just ayear or two ago .In that limited respect,at least,we appear to be in a“New Economy”.

妙语点睛 这里higher所修饰的名词短语growth rate是先行词,than指代growth rate,同时在从句中作谓语动词thought的宾语(plausible作宾语补足语)。所以,定语从句than most people thought plausible just ayear or two ago意思是“目前经济的增长率要高于一两年前大多数人认为有可能的增长率”,换句话说,“目前的增长率在一两年前是绝大多数人认为不可能实现的”。

精品译文 不过,目前我们的经济确实实现了持续较快的增长,该增长率在一两年前是绝大多数人认为不可能实现的。所以,仅此而言,我们正处于一个“新经济时代”。

(79)He soon found it easy to make more money by thieving than his father had done by alifetime of honest work .

妙语点睛 这里more所修饰的名词money,即为先行词,than指代money,同时在从句中作谓语动词had done(即had made)的宾语。定语从句than his father had done by alifetime of honest work意思是:他老爸通过一辈子辛勤劳作所挣的钱。

精品译文 很快他就发现,通过盗窃比他老爸一辈子勤恳劳作容易挣到更多的钱。

1.8 关系副词when


1.8.1 用when引导定语从句,其先行词必须是表示时间的名词


(80)Despite aspell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year2010,researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries. (2002年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 先行词是表示时间的1960s and1970s,所以后面接的关系副词是when。

精品译文 虽然在20世纪60年代和70年代,人们一开始很乐观地认为,晶体管电路和微处理器的发展似乎将在2010年前能够模仿人类大脑的活动,但是最近研究人员已经开始将这个预测延后数十年,甚至是数百年。

(81)Or so the thinking has gone since the early1980s,when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers'misfortunes. (1999年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 先行词是表示时间的early1980s,所以后面接的关系副词是when。

精品译文 自20世纪80年代初以来公众就是这样想的,当时法庭开始让更多的公司对消费者的不幸负责。

(82)By contrast,they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750,when England was still acompletely agricultural country,a period of great abundance and prosperity. (1998年完形填空)

妙语点睛 先行词是表示时间的1650to1750,所以后面接的关系副词是when。

精品译文 相比较而言,在之前的一百年里(从1650到1750,当时的英国还是一个全面的农业国),他们看到的是一个富有、繁荣的社会。

(83)Most education experts today stress the importance of“life-long learning”.They point out that education never ends.It is acontinuous process. The day when we stop learning is the day when we die.

妙语点睛 同样是表示时间的名词day用作先行词,所以用了when来引导定语从句。这个句子让我们知道,我们现在身处一个“终生学习(life-long learning)”的时代。大家不妨记住这个句子,也许在考研作文中能派上用场。

精品译文 如今,大多数的教育专家们都在强调“终生学习”的重要意义。他们指出,教育是一个连续的过程,永远不应该停止,除非是我们离开了这个世界。

(84)April Fool's Day is that special day of the year when you should play ajoke on someone!Children's favorites are to put salt in the sugar bowl for Dad's morning coffee or put chalk on adesk chair at school so the teacher gets awhite backside!But remember,if you play ajoke after12noon,YOU are the April Fool!

妙语点睛 同样是表示时间的名词day用作先行词,所以用了when来引导定语从句。这段话向大家介绍了有关愚人节的一个小常识,我们不妨记住。

精品译文 愚人节是一年一度的特殊节日,在这一天人们可以捉弄别人。比如,孩子们最喜欢在老爸早餐咖啡的糖罐里放入盐,或是在学校的桌椅上撒上粉笔末,让老师蹭一后背白灰。不过千万要记住哟,若你在中午12点之后再捉弄人,那你就是“愚人”了。

1.8.2 先行词表示时间,不一定都用when引导定语从句

请大家将这里的标题与1.8.1小节标题比较一下。看到这里的标题,大家也许有些不解。其实很简单:因为 用when来引导定语从句的前提条件不仅是先行词要表示时间,更重要的是when要在定语从句中作时间状语。 换句话说,若定语从句不是缺状语,而是缺少主语或宾语,即使先行名词是表示时间的,我们也要用which或that来引导定语从句。请看例句:

(85)a.I'll never forget the time which Ispent on campus.

b.I'll never forget the day when we first met in the park.

妙语点睛 在这a,b两句话里,尽管先行词都是表示时间的名词time和day,但用的关系词不同。在a句里,由于定语从句中的谓语spent缺宾语,因此填入的关系词要充当这一宾语,故要用which。在b句中,定语从句不缺主语或宾语,而是缺少时间状语,故关系词用when,这里when作时间状语,修饰met。

精品译文 a.我永远不会忘记在大学校园里度过的时光。


(86)The hours____the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.(2000-12CET-4)


B.on which


D.in which

正确答案 C

妙语点睛 本题考查定语从句的关系词。在这句话里,尽管先行词是表示时间的名词hours,但由于定语从句中的谓语spend缺宾语,因此填入的关系词要充当这一宾语,故正确答案是C。

精品译文 孩子们花费很多时间看电视,他们与电视中的人物建立一种单向的关系,这势必会影响到他们在现实生活中的人际交往。


(87)Mercury's velocity is (A) so much greater than the (B) Earth's that it completes more than four revolutions around the Sun in the time (C) that takes the Earth to complete (D) one .

正确答案 C,改为that it。

妙语点睛 此题有一定的难度,很多考生认为这里that作定语从句的主语,所以认为C是正确的。其实,这里定语从句的结构应该是:It takes somebody some time to do something.所以that后面少了形式主语it(指代不定式to complete one),而that指代先行词the time在定语从句中充当takes的直接宾语(the Earth是间接宾语)。故将C改为that it。我们看到,尽管先行词是表示时间的名词time,但由于定语从句中的谓语takes缺少直接宾语,因此关系词要充当这一宾语,所以这里我们用了关系代词that,而不是关系副词when。

精品译文 水星的公转速度远远超过了地球,所以,在同样的时间里,水星绕太阳转四圈以上,而地球只能转一圈。

1.8.3 如何区分when引导定语从句与when引导时间状语从句



(88)Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce aunique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.

妙语点睛 这个句子的关键就在于要正确理解that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place这部分。很多考生将这里when从句当作时间状语从句,生硬地译成“当……时候”,结果造成各种误译。比如“这给我们最新的日期正当我们期待成百上千的进步和发现进行的时候”。其实,这里when从句是一个定语从句,修饰前边的时间名词the latest dates(“最迟的日期”,不是“最新的日期”)。另外,这里的不定式短语to produce aunique millennium technology calendar是表示一个结果,而并非目的,有考生混淆了这点,而误译成:“皮尔森为了制造出一种独一无二的万年历技术,集合了世界上百余位研究者的成果,这种万年历技术能提供给我们上百个发生了新突破和发现的关键时刻。”或译成:“皮尔森将世界范围内数百名研究人员的研究成果拼凑在一起制作成一份独一无二的千禧工艺日历。日历将呈现一系列最新的日期,这些日期内将会产生我们所期望的世界范围内数百个重大突破和发现。”

精品译文 皮尔森汇集世界各地数百位研究人员的成果,编制了一个独特的新技术千年历,它列出了人们有望看到数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期。

(89)While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the1960s,even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. (2005年阅读第四篇)

妙语点睛 这里when引导的是一个时间状语从句,因为其前面没有时间名词作先行词,所以翻译的时候可以译成“当……时”,比如“当人们伏案写作时”。

精品译文 在20世纪60年代之前,当人们伏案写作时,即使受教育不多的人也追求一种高雅的风格,而从那以后,即使是令人景仰的文章作品也在追求一种口语风格。


1)when引导定语从句时,when前面必然有表示时间的名词(如上文中的the latest dates),即先行词。若when引导时间状语从句,则其前面往往没有表示时间的名词(当然,也不是说一定没有时间名词)。



(90)This near-tripling of oil prices calls up scary memories of the 1973 oil shock,when prices quadrupled,and 1979-80,when they also almost tripled.Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. (2002年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 when前边有表示时间的名词1973oil shock和1979-80,所以应该是一个定语从句。因此,这里when不是“当……时”,而要译成“当时”,句中两个when引导的定语从句可以分别译成“当时油价涨了四倍”、“那时油价也涨了近三倍”。

精品译文 这次近三倍的涨价唤起了人们对1973年油价暴涨的可怕记忆,当时油价涨了四倍,也唤起了人们对1979~1980年的可怕记忆,那时油价也涨了近三倍。前两次油价的暴涨都造成了两位数的通货膨胀率和全球性的经济衰退。


(91)This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that agovernment wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

妙语点睛 when前面有表示时间的名词the Second World War,所以when引导的应该是一个定语从句。因此,when不能译成“当……时”,而要译成“当时”,when从句可以译成“当时一些国家的政府得出结论”。

精品译文 这种趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出结论:政府要向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。

1.9 关系副词where

1.9.1 用where引导定语从句,其先行词通常是表示地点的名词


(92)Of all the components of a good night's sleep,dreams seem to be least within our control.In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. (2005年阅读第三篇)

精品译文 先行词world表示地点,而且where在从句中充当地点状语(定语从句中不缺主语或宾语)。

精品译文 在所有构成良好睡眠的因素中,梦看起来是我们最无法控制的一个。梦境中的世界,逻辑失去效用,死者开始言语。


(93)A:Since you work in the theater,can't you get me afree ticket now and then?

B:Certainly if you bring me a few notes now and then from the bank where you work!

妙语点睛 先行词bank表示地点,而且where在从句中充当地点状语(定语从句中不缺主语或宾语)。

精品译文 A:既然你在剧院工作,那你就不能时常给我弄些免费的票吗?


(94)Literature is the place where the past meets the present to contemplate the future.

妙语点睛 先行词place表示地点,而且where在从句中充当地点状语(定语从句中不缺主语或宾语)。

精品译文 在文学作品里,过去与现实交汇,共同思考未来。

1.9.2 先行词表示地点,不一定都用where引导定语从句


(95)In fact,there are now so many deer that some are being sent to places which would like to return this kind of deer to the wild.

妙语点睛 尽管此句中的先行词是表示地点的名词places,但由于从句缺主语,所以用关系代词which,而不用where。

精品译文 事实上,现在鹿群数量过多,以至于有些鹿被送到那些能让这些鹿回归到野外的地方。

(96)I've never been to Beijing,but it's the place____.(1999-6CET-6)

A.where I'd like to visit

B.in which I'd like to visit

C.I most want to visit

D.that Iwant to visit it most

正确答案 C

妙语点睛 本题考查定语从句的关系词选择。尽管此句中的先行词是表示地点的名词place,但由于从句中谓语visit缺宾语,所以不能填a,故C为正确答案,这里相当于省去了关系词that或which。

精品译文 我从未到过北京,但北京却是我最想去的地方。

1.9.3 where引导定语从句,先行词可以是含有地点意义的其他各种名词

按照我们一般的理解,where引导的定语从句,其先行词就是表示地点的名词。其实,关于where引导定语从句的先行词问题,并不像我们想象的那么简单。细心的读者也许发现了,对于when的先行词,我在1.8.1中是这样表述的:用when引导定语从句,其先行词 必须是 表示时间的名词。而对于where的先行词,我在1.9.1中是这样表述的:用where引导定语从句,其先行词 通常是 表示地点的名词。大家看出差别了吗?when—先行词必须是时间名词,where—先行词 通常是 地点名词。换句话说,where引导定语从句,其先行词可以不是表示地点的名词。我们可以把这种不是地点的名词解释成一种“含有地点意义的名词”,比如case,situation,point等。

(97)Now the tide appears to be turning.As personal injury claims continue as before,some courts are beginning to side with defendants,especially in cases where awarning label probably wouldn't have changed anything. (1999年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 先行词cases表示“案件”,并非我们习惯意义上的地点名词,但依然用了where引导定语从句。where在从句中充当地点状语,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语。

精品译文 现在这种情况似乎正在发生变化。个人受伤索赔案件一如既往,但是一些法庭开始站在被告一边,特别是在有警告标签也不可能避免事故的案件中。

(98)Cheating is most likely in situations where the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low.

妙语点睛 先行词situations表示“情形,情况”,并非习惯意义上的地点名词,但这里依然用了where引导定语从句。where在从句中充当地点状语,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语。

精品译文 在利益丰厚而且被人发现的可能性很小的情况下,欺诈行为最有可能发生。

(99)He has reached the point where achange is needed.

妙语点睛 先行词point表示“地步,某一程度”,并非习惯意义上的地点名词,但这里依然用了where引导定语从句。where在从句中充当地点状语,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语。

精品译文 他已到了需要改弦易辙的地步。


(100)Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide acomfortable support for all,people will have to accept more“unnatural food”.

妙语点睛 point作先行词。

精品译文 除非人类终于意识到,要把人口减少到地球能为之提供足够粮食的程度,否则人们将不得不接受更多的“人造食品”。

(101)Both the United States and China had reached a point in history where they shared an eagerness to start anew relationship.

妙语点睛 point作先行词,它与where被in history隔开了。

精品译文 美国和中国都到达了这样的历史时刻:双方都在渴望开始一种新的关系。

从以上的例句分析中,大家可以看到,我在反复强调“where在从句中充当地点状语,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语”,而且各个先行词都不是常规意义上的地点名词,由此我们可以很大胆地做出进一步引申和归纳,提出这样一个假说—— 如果一个定语从句不是缺主语或宾语,而是缺状语,并且先行词是除了时间名词(在这种情况下会用when)和原因名词(在这种情况下会用why)以外的任何其他名词,就用where引导定语从句。 下面我们就来看一些先行词很“离谱”(即并非习惯意义上的地点名词),却用where来引导的定语从句。

(102)Pavarotti,Opera Star Finds Creative Passion in Painting.Tenor Luciano Pavarotti holds a handkerchief whenever he sings in concert.Yet in real life he is more likely to be found holding a paintbrush.For his great love is painting vividly colored pictures of Italian villages and seascapes.What he likes best about painting is its contrast to opera, where the challenge is to use one's talents to bring to life the works of others.“When Ifinish acanvas,I feel I have created aworld.”

妙语点睛 这段小文讲的是有关帕瓦罗蒂的逸闻。这里难句是What he likes best about painting is its contrast to opera,where the challenge is to use one's talents to bring to life the works of others.关键是要搞清楚where指代哪个名词:painting还是opera?我曾经在课堂上问过很多学生这个问题,他们的回答是painting。我想这其实是受到了上文的影响,因为上文都是在讲帕瓦罗蒂如何热爱painting。其实,where指代的是opera。因此后面的challenge说的就是opera的挑战,而不是painting给他带来的挑战。由此可见,如果弄错先行词,必然会误解challenge所指,最终导致对整个句子的误解。显然,这里opera也不是一个常规的“地点名词”。

精品译文 歌剧大腕帕瓦罗蒂钟爱绘画。在舞台上时,我们看到的帕瓦罗蒂总是手拿小手帕,然而在生活中,人们更多的是发现他手持画笔,因为他钟爱绘画,他最喜欢画意大利的乡村美景和海景图。他喜欢绘画的最大原因是绘画与歌剧表演有一个最大的不同:歌剧的挑战是用自己的演唱天赋来演绎别人的作品,而绘画,正如帕瓦罗蒂所说:“当我画完一幅画,我感觉我是创造了整个世界。”

(103)He told us how he dealt with the self-interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord____everyone seemed to benefit.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 本题考查关系词的用法。这里B、C、D都是关系代词,应在从句中充当主语或宾语,但显然从句不缺这些成分。所以只好选择where,在从句中作地点状语。这里先行词是accord,同样不是常规意义上的地点名词。其实,这里的where相当于from which,因为动词搭配是benefit from(the accord)。


精品译文 他告诉我们他是如何处理各国之间的利益关系的,即让各国达成一种彼此均受益的国际协定。

(104)Speech has to be triggered and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child,_______the mother recognizes the cues and signals in the child's crying,smiling,and responds to them.





正确答案 D

妙语点睛 看到这句,很多读者会感到茫然,不知从何处开始分析。首先,从句子结构来看,逗号前后是两个独立的句子:Speech has to be triggered and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child和The mother recognizes the cues and signals in the child's crying,smiling,and responds to them.而现在我们需要填入一个连词,从而使这两个句子能够构成一个有逻辑语义联系的主从复合句。那么,这个句子是三大从句中的哪一种呢?是定语从句、状语从句还是名词从句?首先,很容易判断这不是一个名词从句——这种有逗号隔开的只可能是非限制性定语从句或状语从句。在我的课堂上,很多同学选择了when,认为这是时间状语从句,但这样在逻辑上是讲不通的(请大家自己翻译看看)。选which也不正确,因为从句不缺主语或宾语,从而导致关系词which无法在从句中充当成分(关系词一定要在从句充当成分的)。而why是不能引导非限制性定语从句的,所以C也不正确。最后,只能是D了。但即使知道where是正确答案,还是有很多人不知如何分析其结构关系。

其实,这里是where引导的一个非限制性定语从句。既然是定语从句,那么首先就要找到先行词。这里先行词是什么?是child,mother还是interaction?根据我们前面讲过的先行词判断方法步骤——先要正确理解定语从句本身的意思,所以,我们先来看定语从句。这里我们要先搞清楚从句中的最后一个代词them指什么,它指代the cues and signals in the child's crying,smiling,因此,定语从句讲的是the mother不仅要recognizes孩子在哭笑中发出的cues and signals,同时还要对这些cues and signals做出responds(反馈)。从这个定语从句的意思来看,能反映母亲和孩子的这种关系的名词只有interaction(互动作用),所以先行词是interaction。分析到这里,我们看到,关系副词where所指代的先行词是interaction,而这个interaction离我们常规意义上的地点名词还是较远的。

综上所述,原句的逻辑结构关系是:...this depends on interaction between the mother and the child,where the mother recognizes....interaction后面紧跟了一个介词短语between the mother and the child来作定语,讲的是母亲和孩子之间的互动,然后再接一个where定语从句来进一步说明母亲与孩子之间具体如何互动,即定语从句是对这个interaction的详细补充说明。于是,通过where一连接,原来两个看似独立的分句就有了很好的内在逻辑联系。

精品译文 语言是需要培养的,而培养语言又需要母亲和孩子之间的互动作用, 在这种互动过程中 (where的翻译),母亲可以从孩子的哭笑中捕捉到一些信息和信号,并且给予反馈。



(105)When the work is well done,a climate of accident-free operations is established 44 time lost due to injuries is kept at aminimum.





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这道题较难,考的是定语从句关系词的选择。分析思路完全类似于上一句。这里空格前后看似也是两个独立的句子,但要通过一个连词连接,可以使两个句子有很好的内在逻辑联系。这里我们用where引导定语从句,先行词是a climate of accident-free operations,因此本句结构实际为:A climate of accident-free operations(where time lost due to injuries is kept at aminimum)is established.

这里的定语从句where time lost due to injuries is kept at aminimum,是修饰a climate of accident-free operations的,但这样一来整个句子的主语部分a climate of accident-free operations(where time lost due to injuries is kept at aminimum)显得过长,而谓语is established太短,造成“头重脚轻”,故而将定语从句后置到句末,从而使先行词(a climate of accident-free operations)与关系词(where)隔开。这种分隔就属于我们在1.1.2小节中讨论的第3种分隔情形 “作主语的先行词+谓语部分+定语从句”

精品译文 译文1:如果此项工作(低事故率的安全计划)做得好的话,就会形成无事故作业的好风气,此时,因为工伤事故所造成的时间损失就会被控制在最低限度。


通过分析以上例句,读者应该能够深刻体会到,如果对where定语从句的先行词理解得不透彻,在面对上述这些考题时,很难有自信选择where。最后,再次强调一下where引导定语从句的两个特点: 一是,先行词可以是除了时间名词(在这种情况下会用when)和原因名词(在这种情况下会用why)以外的任何其他名词,不一定非得是常规的地点名词;二是,where在从句中作状语,即从句不能是缺主语或宾语,否则不能用where,而要用which或that。

1.9.4 如何区分where引导的地点状语从句和定语从句



(106)a.45percent of the world's population live where mosquitoes transmit malaria .

b.Approximately45percent of the world's population live in the climate zone where mosquitoes transmit malaria.

妙语点睛 这里a句是地点状语从句,因为where前面没有被修饰的地点名词。而b句就是一个定语从句,因为climate zone是被修饰的先行词。所以,尽管两者译成汉语在意思没有多大区别,但其结构完全不同。

精品译文 疟疾是由蚊子传播的,全球大约45%的人口生活在疟疾传染区域。

(107)a.When you read books,you had better make amark at the spot where you have any question .

b.When you read books,you had better make amark where you have any question .

妙语点睛 这两句翻译成汉语时没有本质区别,都可译成“看书时,最好在有问题的地方作上标记”。但是就英文结构而言,两者有很大的不同。句a中where从句修饰名词spot,即是一个定语从句。而句b中where从句并非修饰其前面的名词mark(因为无法翻译),而只是说明make amark的地方,即是一个地点状语从句,这里where从句在作用上相当于句a中的介词短语at the spot,因为两者都是表示地点状语。

(108)The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles;its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive. (2000阅读第五篇)

妙语点睛 这里where引导的是地点状语从句,因为其前面没有被修饰的先行名词。

精品译文 对雄心壮志的攻击为数众多,并且来自不同的角度;为它公开辩护的人极少,也很平淡,尽管辩护者并非极不引人注意。


(109)a.Would you please put the book where it belongs? 请把书放回原处。

b.Would you please put the book to which it belongs? (误)


1.10 特殊关系副词whereby

关系副词whereby在考研阅读理解中时常出现,它的意思相当于by which或through which,即表示“借此,凭这个”。

(110)The definition also excludes the majority of teachers,despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. (2006年英译汉)

妙语点睛 这里whereby引导的是定语从句,表示“借此,凭这个”,它的先行词往往是表示方式的名词,如这里的method。

精品译文 这个定义还将大多数教师排除在外,尽管教书一直是许多知识分子谋生的方式。

(111)He sees the firm's outsider status as the key to its success.Straitford's briefs don't sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. (2003阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 这里whereby引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。

精品译文 他把公司的外部形象视为公司成功的关键。Straitford公司的简报听上去不像华盛顿当局那样,常常提供含糊其辞的说法,政府机构往往避免发布引人注目的言论,因为这些言论可能出错。

1.11 介词+关系代词

在考研英语的阅读或翻译里,我们常常碰到定语从句的关系代词(主要是which,whom或whose)前面带有介词或介词短语的情况。什么时候不要这些介词、什么时候必须加这些介词,以及究竟用什么介词,这些问题对于很多考生来说是有一定难度的。我个人根据研究,总结出以下规律:介词与定语从句中的动词、形容词或名词构成固定搭配(见1.11.1小节);介词与先行词构成搭配(见1.11.2小节);表示所属关系或部分整体关系时用介词of (见1.11.4小节);介词与固定的介宾搭配有关(见1.11.5小节)。

1.11.1 介词与定语从句中的动词、形容词或名词构成固定搭配



(112)It's atheory to which many economists subscribe ,but in practice it often leaves railroads in position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. (2003年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词to与定语从句中的谓语动词subscribe构成固定搭配subscribe to,在本句中表示“赞同”。该词组还有“订阅(报刊)”、“对……捐款(subscribe to acharity为慈善事业捐款)”等意思。

精品译文 这种理论得到了许多经济学家的认同,但在实际操作中,它经常使铁路公司可以决定哪些公司繁荣兴旺,哪些公司濒临倒闭。

(113)With regard to Futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever Futurist poetry may be—even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right—it can hardly be classed as Literature. (2000年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词on与定语从句中的谓语动词is based构成固定搭配is based on,表示“在……基础上”。

精品译文 但是对未来派诗歌来说,情况就很难判定了。因为不管未来派诗歌是什么——即使承认它的理论基础可能是正确的——它也很难被划归为文学。


(114)Now since the assessment of intelligence is acomparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a“valid”or“fair”comparison.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词with与定语从句中的谓语动词comparing构成固定搭配compare Awith b,表示“将A与B进行比较”。

精品译文 既然对智力的评估是相比较而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对象进行比较时,我们所用的尺度能提供“有效的”或“公平的”比较。


(115)On the whole such aconclusion can be drawn with acertain degree of confidence,but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the others with whom he is being compared ,and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.

妙语点睛 与上一句一样,关系词which前面的介词with与定语从句中的谓语动词compared构成固定搭配compare Awith b,表示“将A与B进行比较”。

精品译文 总的来说,得出这种结论是有一定把握的,但是必须具备两个条件:能够假定这个孩子对测试的态度和其他孩子相同;他也没有因为缺乏别的孩子所具有的相关知识而被扣分。


(116)Furthermore,humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live ,thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词in与定语从句中的谓语动词live构成固定搭配live in,表示“生活在某地方”。

精品译文 而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而让所有其他形式的生命服从于人类自己独特的想法和想象。


(117)Many species can communicate an (A) amazing amount of information (B) via sound,information (C) which both the life of an individual and the (D) continued existence of the species may depend.

正确答案 C,改为on which。

妙语点睛 这道题考的就是对关系词which前面介词的判断与使用。我们知道,定语从句的谓语动词depend要与介词on或upon搭配使用,而此句中depend后面没有这一介词,因此只能是看作将介词on或upon前移至which前边,故将C改为on which。

精品译文 很多物种可以通过声音来传递大量的信息,而这些信息是物种个体的生存乃至整个物种的繁衍可能会依赖的。



(118)We assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds are similar to those with which we are familiar on land.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词with与定语从句谓语中的形容词familiar构成固定搭配be familiar with something,表示“对……熟悉”。

精品译文 据我们猜测,这些水底的声音的意义同我们所熟悉的陆地上的声音的意义相似。

(119)Dolphins might be trained to cooperate with fishermen and help them by finding,tracking,herding,or even catching fish— in all of which activities dolphins are expert .

妙语点睛 关系词which不是单独使用,而是修饰activities,构成短语all of which activities,这个短语前面的介词in与定语从句谓语中的形容词expert构成固定搭配be expert in something,表示“擅长做什么”。

精品译文 可以训练海豚来与渔民合作,帮渔民找到或跟踪鱼群。海豚也可把鱼聚集成群,甚至是抓鱼,这些活动都是海豚擅长的。


(120)He is her son, than whom a kinder son does not exist.

妙语点睛 这是某一年的高考题,有很多读者多次来信问我这个句子。其实,可将这个句子改成简单句:A kinder son than her son does not exist.意思是说“比她儿子更好的人是找不到了”,言外之意就是说她的儿子是最好的。所以,这里的介词than就是与定语从句中作定语的形容词kinder构成呼应搭配,这不同于上面那些形容词的例句,那里是与谓语中的形容词构成搭配的介词。

精品译文 他是她的儿子,再也找不到像他这么好的儿子了。


(121)I am sending you an inquiry, to which your prompt attention is highly appreciated.

妙语点睛 这句话通常出现在商务函电中。关系词which前面的介词to与定语从句中的名词attention构成固定搭配attention to,表示“处理”。

精品译文 兹寄去询价单一张,望尽快办理,不胜感激。

(122)Many hypersomniacs suffer from narcolepsy, for which the primary symptom is excessive daytime sleepiness.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词for与定语从句中的名词symptom构成固定搭配symptom for,表示“是……症状”。

精品译文 许多嗜睡的人都患有嗜睡病,其早期症状就是在白天非常想睡觉。

(123)Divorce sets in motion events over which an individual has little control ,such as the reactions of spouses and children,as well as the uncertainty of new relationships.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词over与定语从句中的名词control构成固定搭配have control over,表示“对……控制”。

精品译文 离婚常会引发很多当事人无法掌控的情况,比如配偶和孩子的反应、未来婚姻关系的不确定性。

1.11.2 介词与先行词构成搭配



(124)We are not (A) conscious of the extent (B) of which work provides the psychological satisfaction (C) that can make (D) the difference between afull and an empty life.

正确答案 B,改为to which。

妙语点睛 我们看到这里定语从句work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between afull and an empty life为一个完整句子,所以无法根据从句的线索来找介词,此时就应该看先行词,能与先行词extent构成固定搭配的介词应是to,to the extent意为“在某种程度上”。

精品译文 我们尚未意识到,工作能给我们带来心理上的满足感,而正是这种满足,令充实的生活与空虚的生活有所区别。


(125)There is (A) a delicate balance of nature (B) which many square miles of ocean and vegetation

and clean air (C) are needed to maintain only a (D) relatively few human beings.

正确答案 B,改为in which。

妙语点睛 我们看到定语从句which many square miles of ocean and vegetation and clean air are needed to maintain only arelatively few human beings是一个完整的句子。因此,关系词which无法在从句中充当成分,这就违背了关系词一定要在定语从句中充当某种成分的基本要求。所以,显然,which前面缺少了介词,这个介词要能够与先行词a delicate balance of nature构成搭配,所以只能是in,表示“在一种微妙的自然平衡中”,which用作in的宾语,然后整个介词短语在定语从句中作状语,表示处所。

精品译文 在自然界里,存在着这样一种微妙的生态平衡——为了维持相对较少人类的生存而需要若干平方英里的海洋、植被和干净空气。


(126)This is an exciting area of study,and one______which new applications are being discovered almost daily.





正确答案 C

妙语点睛 代词one指代的是前面的名词短语area of study,in an area of study表示“在某一研究领域”。故C正确。

精品译文 这是一个非常让人激动的研究领域,在这个领域里,几乎每天都有新的应用技术被发现。


(127)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词by与先行词means构成固定搭配,by which就等于by means,表示“通过某种手段”。这个句子后半部分有倒装结构never before has it served和固定搭配so much...as的结构,请分别参见第四章例句(140)和第十一章例句(107)。

精品译文 电视是引发和传递这些感受的手段之一——在欧洲近来发生的事件中,它把不同的民族和国家连到一起,其作用之大,或许是前所未有的。


(128)They are the possessions of the autonomous(self-governing)man of traditional theory,and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词in与先行词practices构成固定搭配,in which就等于in practices,表示“在实践过程中”,当然在整个译文中我们对其做了灵活处理。

精品译文 自由和尊严(它们)是传统理论定义的自主人所拥有的,是要求一个人对自己的行为负责并因其业绩而给予肯定的必不可少的前提。


(129)The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind;it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact expla nation.

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词by与先行词mode构成固定搭配,by which就等于by mode,表示“通过某种方式”。

精品译文 科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索并给予精确而严谨解释的表达方式。

(130)The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks the emergence of mass media,and with it,a commercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology. (2006年阅读第四篇)

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词in与先行词culture构成固定搭配,in which就等于in acommercial culture,表示“在商业文化中”。

精品译文 忧愁艺术几乎完全是伴随大众传播媒介的出现而出现的,与此同时,一种商业文化也随之产生了,在这种商业文化中,快乐不只是一种理想,而是一种意识形态。

(131)An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. (1994年阅读第一篇)

妙语点睛 关系词which前面的介词by与先行词mechanism构成固定搭配,by which就等于by the mechanism,表示“通过这种机制”。

精品译文 在以市场为导向的经济中,一个非常重要的因素就是一种用来表现消费者需求并使生产商能做出反应的机制。

从以上分析的真题例句来看,要正确选择介词需要我们掌握相关的固定搭配,比如:at the rate,in the direction,to the extent,to the degree,at the temperature,with ease,by the means,by the mode,in aculture,in practice等。我们来看更多例句,请认真分析:

(132)About athousand species of animals are in danger of extinction,and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased. 约有1,000种动物濒临灭绝的危险,而且其受残害速度日益加剧。

(133)When television was first introduced, the extent to which it would affect society could not have been foreseen. 最早发明电视的时候,人们并没有预见到它会对人类社会产生重大影响。

(134)The pressure from spending in turn determines the ease with which prices increase. 来自消费的压力转而又决定了价格上涨的速度。



2.决定是用第1种方法还是用第2种方法, 关键是要熟悉各种短语的介词搭配,这是前提。


He referred me to some reference books with which I am not very familiar .

2)对于较为特殊的先行词,如上文提到的extent(to the extent),means(by the means),ease(with ease),rate(at the rate),pace(at the pace)等,则可考虑第2种方法:选择能与先行词构成固定搭配的介词。




1.11.3 为了意思表达的需要而使用特定的介词

上文介绍的介词选择的两大规律是最常用的,而且所选用的介词往往都是固定搭配(比如depend on,to the extent)。但是,有时关系词前面介词的选择完全是意思表达的需要,并不是固定搭配。

(135)America's capacity utilization,for example,his historically high levels earlier this year,and its jobless rate(5.6%in August)has fallen below most estimates of the natural rate of unemployment—the rate below which inflation has taken off in the past. (1997年阅读第五篇)

妙语点睛 先行词为rate,如果按照上述的介词使用规律,那么这里应该用介词at,但是根据句子意思表达的要求,上句用了介词below。

精品译文 例如,美国的就业率在今年前段时间创下了历史高点,并且其失业率(8月份为5.6%)已降至低于大多数自然失业率的估测数字——在过去失业率低于自然失业率时,通货膨胀率已开始急剧上升。


(136)I've kept up afriendship with agirl whom I was at school_____twenty years ago.





正确答案 D

妙语点睛 本题正确答案是with,既不是根据定语从句中的固定搭配,也不是根据先行词的固定搭配,而是依据句子意思表达的需要。因为本句要表达的意思是I was at school with the girl.所以D正确。

精品译文 我至今依然和二十年前的一位女同学保持着友谊。

(137)But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that acertain line describes afight between aTurkish and aBulgarian officer on abridge off which they both fall into the river—and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers:“Pluff!Pluff!A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.” (2000年阅读第三篇)

妙语点睛 这里选用off,它既不与先行词bridge构成固定搭配,也不与定语从句中的某个词构成固定搭配,而是完全因为句子表意的需要,off abridge表示“从桥上掉下来”。

精品译文 但是,令人有点难受的是在注释中读到某一行诗描写一位土耳其军人和一位保加利亚军人在桥上厮打,结果双双从桥上坠入河中——然后发现这一行诗由两名军人坠落水中的声音和两位军人的重量构成:“扑通!扑通!100公斤和85公斤。”


(138)How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.

妙语点睛 这里选用with,它既不与先行词skill and wisdom构成固定搭配,也不与定语从句中的某个词构成固定搭配,而是完全因为句子表意的需要,这与with本身的意思密切相关,它表示行为方式或手段。

精品译文 这些预测能在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,取决于采用的信息数量、可靠性、适应性,及解释这些信息的技能和才智。

1.11.4 表示所属关系或部分整体关系时用介词of

表示所属关系或部分与整体关系时,常用介词of,此时of要前置。这样的结构往往是“不定代词/数量词/形容词的比较级或最高级+of which/whom”,表示数量或某种特点。在介词of前面常出现的词包括:all,each,both,either,neither,none,little,few,many,much,some,most,any,the majority,half,several,a number,half,none,数字及最高级等。 值得注意的是,这里of前面的成分都可以后移至定语从句中。

(139)They're all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. (2005年阅读“七选五”)

妙语点睛 这里表示整体的是health budgets,表示部分的是the fastest-growing component,即从句中的pharmaceutical costs,也就是说这个costs是health budgets的一部分。原从句可以改写为: of which pharmaceutical costs are the fastest-growing component 。由此看来,定语从句是一个倒装句,从句主语是costs。

精品译文 他们所有人都在抱怨高涨的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部分是药品费用。

(140)This kind of support,like all government support,requires decisions about the appropriate recipients of funds.Decisions based on utility as opposed to lack of utility are straightforward.But adecision among projects none of which has immediate utility is more difficult. (1996年英译汉)

妙语点睛 这里none of which相当于none of the projects,即which指projects。可以说成: of which none has immediate...。

精品译文 这种支持,如同所有政府支持一样,需要决定谁适合作为基金的受益人。基于有无效益所做的决定是简单的。可是在那些看不到近期效益的项目中,决定谁是受益人却更加困难了。


(141)Living in the central Australian desert has its problems,____obtaining water is not the least.

A.of which

B.for what



正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这里obtaining water是众多problems中的一种,注意这里problems用的是复数,表明有很多问题。所以,这里表示整体的是problems,表示部分的是obtaining water。原从句可以改写为:Obtaining water of which is not the least.

精品译文 生活在澳大利亚中部沙漠地区会面临很多问题,其中最大的麻烦就是取水问题。


(142)The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds,_____could go penniless by next year.

A.the larger one

B.the larger of which

C.the largest one

D.the largest of which

正确答案 B

妙语点睛 这里of前面用了比较级the larger,表示the larger fund。原定语从句可以改写为:of which the larger could go penniless by next year。

精品译文 社会保障退休计划由两家信托基金组成,其中数额较大的那笔到下一年有可能用尽。

(143)The company, of which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman ,has made loss of three million pounds this year.

妙语点睛 这里of表示所属关系,因为the chairman是这个公司的。原定语从句可以改写为:the chairman of which was Max until recently。

精品译文 这家公司今年亏损达3百万英镑,直到不久前Max Harrison还是其董事长。

(144)The total cultivated area is 13,000 acres,of which 10,000 acres are irrigated fields.

妙语点睛 这里显然是说在13,000英亩中有10,000英亩是需要灌溉的田地,正是部分与整体的关系。

精品译文 可耕种的土地面积总共为13,000英亩,其中10,000英亩为可灌溉良田。

1.11.5 介词与固定的介宾搭配有关

关系代词前面的介词有时与固定的介宾结构有关,比如in this case,in one's honor等。

(145)He may be late, in which case we should wait for him.

妙语点睛 这里in which case由短语in this case变过来,这里which指前面整个句子:He may be late。

精品译文 他可能要迟到, 如果是这样 ,我们就应该等等他。

(146)He was agreat writer, in whose honor this bronze statue was built.

妙语点睛 这里in whose honor来自于in one's honor,表示“纪念某人”。

精品译文 他是一位伟大的作家,特此设立铜像来纪念他。

1.11.6 “介词+which+to do”结构

上面讨论的“介词+关系代词”这一结构还可以简化成不定式,变成“介词+which+to do”的结构。请看比较:

(147)The farmer used wood to build a house in which he could store grains.


The farmer used wood to build a house in which to store grains.


The farmer used wood to build a house to store grains in .



I can't think of anybody whom to invite. (误)


The farmer used wood to build a house which to store grains in.(误)


The farmer used wood to build a house where to store grains.(误)

(148)You will want two trees about ten feet a part,from____to suspend your tent.





正确答案 C

妙语点睛 这是1995年的四级考试题。本题考查的是定语从句转化为不定式的结构。这里from which to suspend your tent相当于定语从句from which you can suspend your tent,其中which指代two trees。

精品译文 你需要找两棵树,树间距在10英尺左右,然后你才可以在两树之间吊起帐篷。


(149)The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds_____his argument in favor of the new theory.

A.which to base on B.on which to base C.to base on which D.which to be based on

正确答案 B

妙语点睛 本题考查的是定语从句转化为不定式的结构。这里on which to base his argument相当于定语从句on which he can base his argument,其中which指代sufficient grounds。

精品译文 这位教授几乎找不到充分的证据来支持他的新理论。

1.11.7 关系词前面使用的其他结构或成分


(150)Language is acity,to the building of____every human being brought astone.(1994-1CET-4)





正确答案 A

妙语点睛 关系词which前面有to the building of这一复杂成分。我们可以将从句结构还原为:Every human being brought a stone to the building of language ,也就是说这里的to是与动词brought搭配的。

精品译文 语言就如同一座城,每个人都在为它的建造而添砖加瓦。


(151)On the table were the remains of asplendid dinner, to procure which all the shops in town had been ransacked the day before.

妙语点睛 这里which指代的是splendid dinner,该句可还原为:All the shops in town had been ransacked the day before to procure the splendid dinner .

精品译文 桌上是吃剩下的盛宴, 要准备这样的盛宴 需要在前一天去城里所有的商店采购。

(152)The land is to be possessed by him on condition that he stipulates in the contracts he will make with his tenants that they will be obliged to,reside within the years on the concessions he has granted, failing which he will regain full title to the land.

妙语点睛 这里which指代reside within the years on the concessions he has granted这个短语,failing which相当于failing to reside within the years on the concessions he has granted。

精品译文 他能够重获这片土地所有权的前提条件是:在他与承租人签订的合同中有规定,承租人必须在他的租借地上居住达一定的年限, 若有违此约 ,他有权收回全部土地。

1.12 带有插入语的定语从句

所谓带有插入语的定语从句,指在有些定语从句的关系词后面往往紧跟一个“主谓结构”,如I know,they believe,he claimed,they assume等。这些“主谓结构”多为表达个人观点的结构,它们紧跟在关系代词后面,不影响定语从句的原来结构,因而并非构成定语从句的主谓语。请看例句:

(153)Hilton is building its own hotel there,which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars,the Lear Lounge,the Banquo Banqueting Room,and so forth,and will be very expensive. (2006年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 我们看到,这里定语从句的本身结构是which will be decorated...,但现在关系代词which后面紧跟了一个插入语you may be sure,于是便有了带插入语的定语从句which you may be sure will be decorated...。

精品译文 希尔顿正在建设自己的饭店,你也许可以肯定该饭店将会装备有“哈姆雷特”汉堡吧、“李尔王”休息厅、“班柯”宴会厅等,该饭店将十分奢华。

(注:Hamlet系莎士比亚悲剧剧名及该剧的主人公;Lear是莎士比亚悲剧《李尔王》(King Lear)中的主人公;Banquo是莎士比亚悲剧《麦克佩斯》(Macbeth)中的人物,被麦克佩斯处死,后以鬼魂显灵,使麦克佩斯暴露自己的罪行。因为本文讲的是关于莎士比亚故乡Stratford-on-Avon的情况,各餐饮酒吧用莎翁剧中的人物来命名,以吸引游客。)

(154)What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real. (1998年阅读第二篇)

妙语点睛 定语从句本身的结构是that they are presiding over...,关系词that作介词over的宾语。但现在关系代词that后面紧跟了一个插入语businessmen assume,于是便有了带插入语的定语从句that businessmen assume they are presiding over...。

精品译文 很难证实的是,商界人士自以为他们是在为提高生产效率而进行一场革命,但这场生产力革命是否属实则不得而知。

值得注意的是,插入语不影响定语从句本身的结构,所以,不能在这种特殊定语从句中随便添加连词,比如上一句不能改成:that businessmen assume that they are presiding over is for real,很多考生若不知道这是插入语结构,就很可能会误认为businessmen assume that they are presiding over...是宾语从句结构,这看上去很像,但其实over是缺宾语的,从句不是一个完整结构,无法构成名词从句。类似这种错误的句子在考研改错题中曾出现过。


(155)They (A) pointed out the damage (B) which they supposed (C) that had been done by last (D) night's storm.

正确答案 C,删去that。

妙语点睛 这里定语从句的本身结构应该是which had been done by last night's storm,修饰前面名词damage,但现在关系代词which后面紧跟了一个插入语they supposed,所以,此时带插入语的定语从句应该是which they supposed had been done by last night's storm,而不是which they supposed that had been done by last night's storm。

精品译文 他们指出了这些损坏,认为是由昨晚的暴风雪造成的。


(156)The millionaire had avery ugly girl who I could not have dreamed many boys fell in love with.这个百万富翁有一个十分难看的女儿,可是让我难以想象的是,竟然有很多男孩子在追求她。

(157)Tax cuts have been on George WBush's mind since he became president of the United States.One of its first acts in government was to announce cuts which he claimed would give back US$1.6trillion to the American people over10years. 实施减税是小布什上台以来一直想要推行的一项政策。他上台后的第一件事就是宣布这一政策,他声称该项措施在十年之内将会使1.6万亿美元重新回到美国人民的口袋里。


(158)The casino issued to him,as a good customer,a“Fun Card”,which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities. (2006年阅读“七选五”)

妙语点睛 我们看到,这个插入语结构是一个省略形式的状语从句when(it is)used in the casino,省去了it is,it指Fun Card,而定语从句本身结构是:which earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities。究其原因不难发现,我们本来可以把这个省略的状语从句when used in the casino用在定语从句末尾:which earns points for meals and drinks,and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities when used in the casino,但由于定语从句的谓语部分过长(earns...and enables...),造成when从句意思与Fun Card有脱节之嫌,所以为了表意上的需要而将when从句提前。

精品译文 赌场认为他是一个好顾客,就发给他一张“乐趣卡”,当持卡者在赌场使用这张卡时,可以为自己赢得餐饮积分,同时也可以使赌场追踪持卡者的赌博活动。

1.13 并列定语从句


(159)Greater expense does not always equal better gift.I would much rather receive a gift that was unique or that I knew my friend had put some thought into rather than something that cost a lot of money but that I didn't need or want.I would much rather receive something that made me laugh,made me reminisce,or fit my personality than something that cost a lot but that Iwill just throw in my closet and forget about.

精品译文 价格更昂贵的礼物并不意味着它就是更好的礼物,我倒希望收到的礼物很别致,或是我知道是朋友精心为我准备的,而不是那种花费很多却不是我所想、所需的。我希望的是能够让我开心,让我回味过去时光,或是适合我口味的礼物,而不是价格不菲,看完之后随手就扔到储藏室、抛在脑后的礼物。

(160)When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us,we often find that it is those who ,instead of giving much advice,solutions,or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand.The friend who can be silent with us in amoment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing,not curing,not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness,that is afriend who cares.

精品译文 当我们坦率地问自己,哪种人在我们的生活中对我们最具有意义时,我们常常会发现不是那些给我们很多劝告、答案或对策的人,而是那些选择分担我们的痛苦,用温柔而亲切的手抚慰我们的创伤的人。朋友是那些在我们绝望或迷惘时与我们一起保持沉默,在我们悲伤和失去亲人时与我们一起共度时光,能宽恕我们的幼稚无知、苦无良策、心痛难复和与我们一起正视我们那些无能为力的现实的人。那样的人才是真正关心我们的朋友。 4PHynHjJSqBvREiKPnn5Oi2inzeSNCVlznjZuMpWr9mQ4QJPjhvONnypL5OjVU3g
