



Who can say in what remoteness(remoteness: the property of being remote 遥远;时间久远) of time, in what difference of earthly shape,love first came to us as a stranger in the jungle?

We, in our human family, know him through dependence in childhood, through possession in youth, through sorrow and loss in their season.

In childhood we are happy to receive;it is the first opening of love. In youth we take and give, dedicate and possess—rapture(rapture: a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion 兴高采烈)and anguish are mingled, until parenthood brings a dedication that, to be happy, must ask for no return.

All these are new horizons of content,which the lust of holding, the enemy of love, slowly contaminates(contaminate: to make impure 弄脏;污染;污损). Loss, sorrow and separation come, sickness and death;possession, that tormented us, is nothing in our hands; it vanishes.

Love’s elusive entrenchment, his ubiquitous(ubiquitous: being everywhere 普遍存在的;无所不在的)pretence, again become apparent; and in age we may reach a heaven that asking for nothing knows how to enjoy.


作为人类的我们, 在孩童时代因依靠爱自己的人而认识爱,青年时代因占有所爱的人而认识爱,在人生的节令里由于悲伤和失落而认识爱。


所有的这一切都是使人满足的爱之新疆界, 但它总要为那爱的死敌—— 占有欲慢慢地加以污损。失落、悲哀以及离别就要到来, 还有疾病与死亡。结果以前那种使我们受苦的占有,已不在手中,而是灰飞烟灭了。




in which that until must nothing receive first give no

1 childhood we are happy to 2 ; it is the 3 opening of love. In youth we take and 4 , dedicate and possess—rapture and anguish are mingled, 5 parenthood brings a dedication that, to be happy, 6 ask for 7 return. All these are new horizons of content, 8 the lust of holding, the enemy of love, slowly contaminates. Loss, sorrow and separation come, sickness and death;possession, 9 tormented us, is 10 in our hands; it vanishes.

1. In 2. receive 3. first 4. give 5. until 6. must 7. no 8. which 9. that 10. nothing

Translation Practice


I am blessed with the greatest blessing one can have: to love someone with all my heart who also loves me. Because of the gift of your love, you mean everything to me.

You make my world all that it is, a much better place than it would be without you. I can’t even imagine what it would be like if we weren’t together. Our love defines my life, and it is what I’m most thankful for.

You’re the one I want to spend every moment with: every dream, every wonder,and every goal. You’re the reason that I care about trying to do anything, the one I want to please besides myself; you’re the one who knows every corner of my soul. You’re the one I love enough to give my life for, the one I want to breathe my last breath with;you’re the biggest deal of all.







On Complex Chinese Characters

As one famous professor stated, “ One can only appreciate the beauty of ancient Chinese literature through the complex Chinese characters. ” What the professor wants to convey is that complex Chinese characters are manifestation of traditional Chinese aesthetics. However, since the foundation of the PRC, China began to adopt simplified Chinese characters, so that illiteracy can be more easily eliminated. Undoubtedly, the introduction of simplified Chinese characters contributes to China’s modernization. So when a member of the national committee of CPPCC proposed that we should return to complex Chinese characters, ongoing debates ensued with vehemence. Personally, it is impractical to return to complex Chinese characters, but individuals can voluntarily make efforts to know complex Chinese characters.

Firstly, since the simplified characters have played an indispensable role in people’s lives, we will have to pay the price if we return to complex Chinese characters. To be specific, education administration has to bear the burden of changing textbooks;the corporate world will have to change their advertisements, contracts and other documents; the government has to change their seals, documents, agreements and treaties with foreign nations. Of course there are other costs resulting from the return to complex Chinese characters. But the question lies in who are willing to bear the costs.

In some impoverished areas, many families cannot afford to receive education; when the global economy is reduced to a slow-down, the corporate world is making efforts to cut costs. Therefore, I perceive the policy of returning to complex Chinese characters will trigger oppositions from the public.

Secondly, considering the amount of complex Chinese characters, can all the Chinese learn to recognize them overnight? While students have the time to learn complex Chinese characters, what about people in other domains? The corporate world cannot afford to interrupt their business, government officials and civil servants cannot be distracted from running our country, doctors and nurses have to be at work in case that emergency arises, just to list three typical domains that will be affected by the policy.

Admittedly, returning to complex Chinese characters will help preserve traditional Chinese culture. When China becomes more involved in the world, western cultures,especially American culture, have influenced Chinese people at an unprecedented level.

Many young people look on learning foreign culture as fashionable. However, the obvious benefits cannot make us embrace the policy with open arms, for we should also bear in mind whether the policy is feasible. vF7Ago+PfQM3m4GDdO/4HRf1zSECDDkDM2C5j/xGvHwrETW4IygA0sy78U//0cyp
