

第一部分 听力理解


1. unaware of bias

【解析】 细节题。此处通过对比解释了日常观察与科学观察的区别,提到了日常观察的特点,即不会留意影响客观观察的因素“we may not be aware of factors that bias our observations”。

2. systematic and objective

【解析】 细节题。这里是对observation in research的特点描述,与casual observation相对应,即“Observations in research, on the other hand, are made under precisely defined conditions, that is, in a systematic and objective manner and with careful record keeping”。

3. distributed randomly

【解析】 归纳题。这里的信息量比较密集,需要进行区分,此处信息点是随机观察的情况,即“However, in a random sampling, these five twenty-minute periods may be distributed randomly over the course of the day”。

4. situation sampling

【解析】 细节题。为观察取样的另一种情况,即情景取样“Now, let’s come to situation sampling”。

5. differs/varies

【解析】 细节题。解释情景取样的原因,即“Because people, or for that manner,animals, do not behave in exactly the same way across all situations”。

6. advantage

【解析】 归纳题。解释情景取样的优势,即“So, by sapling different situations, a researcher can make more objective observations that he would in only a specific situation”。

7. as it occurs

【解析】 细节题。话题内容为研究者如何记录研究对象的行为,即记录发生的实际情况“Having discusses ways to sample behaviour in research, we are now moving on to another issue, that is, what researcher should do to record behaviour as it occurs”。

8. have more control

【解析】 细节题。通过比较,作者介绍了实地测验(field experiment)的特点,即对试验有更多的控制“The essential difference between filed experiments and other observational methods is that researchers have more control in field experiments”。

9. normally occurring/in natural settings

【解析】 细节题。无干扰观察的定义,即如实记录事实的发生“Observation without intervention is also called naturalistic observation because its main purpose is to describe behaviour as it normally occurs”。

10. feature

【解析】 归纳题。此处考查的是对细节的归纳能力,从后文的细节可知,题解为无干扰的观察的特点,即feature。“That is, in a natural setting without any attempt by the observer to intervene”。

Observing Behaviour

Good morning, everyone. Today, we’ll look at how to observe behaviour in research.Perhaps you would say it’s easy and there’s nothing extraordinary. Yes, you may be right. All of us observe behaviour every day. For example, when traveling in another country, we can avoid embarrassment by observing how people behave in that culture.And failing to be observant while walking or driving can be life-threatening. We learn by observing people’s behaviour. Researchers, too, rely on their observations to learn about behaviour. But there are differences. (1) For instance, when we observe casually, we may not be aware of factors that bias our observations . And, and when we rarely keep formal records of our observations, instead, we rely on our memory of events. (2) Observations in research, on the other hand, are made under precisely defined conditions , that is, in a systematic and objective manner and with careful record keeping .

Then, how are we going to conduct observations in our research studies? And what do we need to do in order to make a scientific and objective observation? Now,as you remember, the primary goal of observation is to describe behaviour. But it is,in reality, impossible to observe and describe all of a person’s behaviour. So we have to rely on observing samples of people’s behaviour. Thus, we’ll first take a brief look at how researchers select samples of behaviour. Before conducting an observational study, researchers must make a number of important decisions. That’s about when and where observations will be made. As I’ve said before, the researcher can not observe all behaviour. Only certain behaviours occurring at particular times, in specific settings can be observed. In other words, behaviour must be sampled.

In this lecture, I’ll briefly introduce two kinds of sampling, that is, time sampling and situation sampling. Now, first, time sampling. Time sampling means that researchers choose various time intervals for their observation. Intervals may be selected systematically or randomly. Suppose we want to observe students’ classroom behaviour.Then, in systematic time sampling, our observations might be made during five twenty minute periods beginning every hour. The first observation period could begin at 9 a.m.,the second at 10 a.m., and so forth. (3) However, in a random, sampling, these five twenty-minute periods may be distributed randomly over the course of the day . That is to say, intervals between observation periods could vary, some longer, other shorter. One point I’d like to make is systematic and random time sampling are not always used in isolation. They are often combined in studies. For example, while observation intervals are scheduled systematically, observations within an interval are made at random times.That means the researcher might decide to observe only during fifteen-second intervals that randomly distributed within each twenty-minute period.

(4) Now, let’s come to situation sampling . Then, what is situation sampling? It involves studying behaviour in different locations and under different circumstances and conditions. By sampling as many different situations as possible, researchers can reduce the chance that their observation results will be peculiar to a certain setup circumstances and conditions. Why? (5) Because people, or for that manner, animals, do not behave in exactly the same way across all situations . For example, children do not always behave the same way with one parent as they do with the other parent. And animals do not behave the same way in zoos as they do in the wild. (6) So, by sampling different situations, a researcher can make more objective observations that he would in only a specific situation .

(7) Having discusses ways to sample behaviour in research, we are now moving on to another issue, that is, what researcher should do to record behaviour as it occurs. That is, whether researchers are active or passive in recording behaviour. This refers to the methods of observation. Observational methods can be classified as observation with intervention, or, observation without intervention. Observation with interventions can be made in at least two ways: participant observation and field experiment. In participant observations, observers, that is, researchers, play a dual role. They observe people’s behaviour and they participate actively in the situation they are observing. If individuals who are being observed know that the observer is present to collect information about their behaviour, this is undisguised participant observation. But in disguised participant observation, those who are being observed do not know that they are being observed.Another method of observation with intervention is field experiment. What is a field experiment? When an observer controls one or more conditions in a natural setting in order to determine the effect on behaviour, this procedure is called field experiment.The filed experiment represents the most extreme form of intervention in observational methods. (8) The essential difference between filed experiments and other observational methods is that researchers have more control in field experiments .

Now, let’s take a look at observation without intervention. (9) Observation without intervention is also called naturalistic observation because its main purpose is to describe behaviour as it normally occurs , (10) that is, in a natural setting without any attempt by the observer to intervene .An observerusingthis methodofobservation acts as apassive recorder of what occurs. The events occurred naturally and are not controlled by the observer.

OK. In today’s lecture, we have focused on how to make decisions of sampling before beginning our observation and what we can do during observation. I hope what we’ve discussed will help you in your future research design.

【听力点睛】 此篇讲座主要介绍了科学研究中的行为观察,并介绍了选取范本的方法分类,以及两种不同的记录模式。从总体来看,讲座结构清晰,通过对比与比较介绍行为观察的特征;在提及关键名词时,首先提及分类,其次是定义,然后举例说明。在此篇讲座中信息的重复率也很高,也一定程度上降低了笔记和填空的难度。


bias ['baiəs] vt. 使有偏见

sampling['sɑ:mpliŋ] n. 抽样检验,抽样调查

undisguised[,ʌndis'gaizd] adj. 无伪装的,不戴假面具的,公然的



【解析】 细节题。这里的出题范围在于对创造性的基本定义,从“That person must think about the problem or their project in a novel way and then come up with a solution.”可知,过程和结果同样重要,因此C错误。

2. B

【解析】 细节题。巴赫家族的例子用于证明创造性思维在家族中的延续性,换句话说,与遗传基因有关。

3. B

【解析】 细节题。访谈嘉宾列举了两种创造性过程,一种为常规的积累性创造,另一种为灵感迸发性创造。

4. D

【解析】 细节题。除了最后一种“批判性”外,其他三项皆为创造性人格的特征。

5. C

【解析】 主旨题。通过归纳推断可知,访谈嘉宾提供的三条建议说明通过练习可以提高创造性思维能力,也就是环境的影响。


M: People often wonder how the human brain creates, for example, a beautiful painting,a sculpture or even a delicious dinner. Today, we are honored to have Dr. Nancy Andreasen, a neuroscientist at the University of Iowa, on our talk show. Dr. Andreasen has recently written a book called The Creating Brain—the Neuroscience of Genius .In her book, she tackles the question and tries to look into the brain behind creativity.Dr. Andreasen, thanks for coming on our show.

W: Pleasure.

M: Now, Dr. Andreasen, can we start with the question “What is creativity?”

W: Well, creativity can be seen as a process. This process starts with a person, for example, and artist, musician, inventor, or even someone who’s trying to figure out a better way of doing a task at work or at home. (1) That person must think about the problem or their project in a novel way and then come up with a solution .

M: Hmm, I see. But how long will it take for the person to find the solution as it were?

W: Well, it depends. The creative process can go by in a flash or it can take years. But the end result is invariably the production of something new and useful, such as the automobile, or something beautiful and artistic, such as a painting by Vincent van Gogh.

M: Hmm, Dr. Andreasen, then, do you think the ability to be creative is inborn or not?

W: Well, no one knows yet if the ability to be creative, for example, the ability to produce a haunting symphony is the result of environment or a genetic makeup that allows people to be creative more easily. (2) However, creativity does seem to run in certain families .

M: Is that so?

W: Yes. You see, Johann Sebastian Bach was the most famous member of the Bach family, (2) but there were twenty other eminent musicians who came from the same family .

M: That’s very interesting. Now, Dr. Andreasen, we’ve so far been talking about those famous creative people, like van Gogh or Bach, who have produced great pieces of work. Does that mean that creativity only resides in great people?

W: No, certainly not. Creativity is not limited, I mean, to the masterpiece work of art, but can also be found in everyday tasks such as cooking or gardening.

M: Oh, really?

W: For example, a cook changes the recipe or even makes one up using ingredients he or she has on hand to produce a new one. He is, in fact, using the creative process to create novel taste sensations.

M: So, can we say both famous and ordinary people can be creative?

W: Yes.

M: Now, Dr. Andreasen, could you describe to us what the actual creative process is?

W: (3) OK. Ah…Artists, musicians and writers often describe periods during which they’re relying on ordinary creativity. For example, you know, writers can spend hours at the keyboard putting thoughts together. This process is similar to the way people put together novel ideas when talking. And, and many great artists also describe a dream-like stage during which a symphony, a poem, or the idea for the ending of a play comes to them in a flash .

M: So what’s going on in the brain during the flash of inspiration?

W: Well, for the moment, no one knows for sure but, but research suggests that creative people often slip into a zone in which ideas and thoughts come up freely in a sort of disorganized way. During that state, a part of the brain becomes very active. And that brain region is known to be able to link up ideas or thoughts in potentially novel ways.

M: I see. Another question. Do you think there is a creative personality?

W: Well, perhaps we can put it this way. (4) Gifted people in the arts or science tend to enjoy adventure. They often like to explore new places or ideas. They don’t like being hemmed in by rules or convention and, and they often look at problems from a different angle. Another point is, that they often have to move doggedly ahead on a project—even when the outside world rejects their art or new ideas .

M: Dr. Andreasen, what about the role of the environment in the creative process?

W: Environment does play a role. You see, there have been hotbeds of creativity throughout history. For example, the city of Florence during the Renaissance period was home to both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Both men, in fact, came from families that didn’t especially value creativity. Yet someone noticed a spark of talent in them and both got the training and financial backing to produce extraordinary pieces of art.

M: Ah, since the environment helps in the creative process, are there ways for people to build a better, more creative brain?

W: Well, I suggest that you spend thirty minutes a day on a creativity workout.

M: Oh. Could you say a bit more about that?

W: Yes. You do three things. First, explore an unfamiliar area of knowledge. For example,people who use a lot of math on the job should sign up for a painting class.

M: The second?

W: The second is “spending time each day thinking”. This means that you don’t censor your thoughts, but allow your mind to go freely to a problem and see what kind of solutions or ideas come up.

M: Next thing?

W: That is, practice the art of paying attention. Look for and really observe a person,an object or something in your daily commute that you hadn’t noticed before. Try describing or drawing that object in a journal or sketchbook.

M: I hope your advice will help people to train their brain to be creative. OK. Thank you very much, Dr. Andreasen, for talking on the show.

W: Not at all.


sculpture ['skʌlptʃə] n. 雕刻(术),雕塑(术);雕刻作品

neuroscience[,njuərəu'saiəns] n. 神经科学

haunting ['hɔ:ntiŋ] adj. 不易忘怀的

symphony['simfəni] n. 交响乐(曲);(色彩等的)和谐

eminent ['eminənt] adj. 著名的,卓越的

hem in 围住(包围,限制)


6. C

【解析】 主旨大意题。本题需要对新闻中的细节进行有效的判断和归纳总结才能得出结论。比如,这里涉及的“spacewalk”为修复过程中采取的方法手段,虽然多次提到,但也非新闻的主要内容。新闻的前半部分为此次修复行动的具体行为和措施,后半部分为对问题的描述,比如冷却系统的运行情况等。从“The astronauts do not yet know whether their efforts were enough to restore the space station’s cooling system to full capacity.”; “The space station’s deputyprogram manager, Kirk Shireman, said the team did an outstanding job coping with what he called ‘a major malfunction’.”可得知,冷却系统中的问题已经得到解决,因此C选项正确。


NASA astronauts successfully installed a new ammonia pump on the International Space Station Monday during their third spacewalk to make the emergency repairs. The astronauts do not yet know whether their efforts were enough to restore the space station’s cooling system to full capacity. It took three spacewalks totaling more than 22 hours, but astronauts Doug Wheelock and Tracy Caldwell Dyson managed to move the 350-kilogram replacement pump into positions. They tightened bolts and made connections so ammonia could flow into the module. NASA called the success “a big step in the right direction.”The space station’s cooling system has been running at half capacity for more than two weeks. On July 31, an ammonia pump failed. Another module continued to pump coolant through a separate loop, but astronauts had to power down non-essential equipment to prevent overheating. The space station’s deputy program manager, Kirk Shireman, said the team did an outstanding job coping with what he called “a major malfunction”.


ammonia pump 液氨泵

module ['mɔdju:l] n. 组件,模块,模件;(航天器的)舱

7. B

【解析】 细节题。由“And then the other interesting things were like the Philippines, the rate of telling people that evil spirits were going to get the, the kind of emotional, kind of threatening to lock them out of the home, was very high.”可知,菲律宾人经常威胁将孩子锁在门外,因为门外的恶灵会将小孩带走,因此B选项正确。

8. D

【解析】 主旨题。问此篇研究的目的,由新闻导语“Pediatricians from a U.S.university have taken a look at one measure of children’s well being in Egypt,the Philippines and India—the extent to which children are subject to corporal punishment and abuse”可知,研究目的为不同国家体罚的方式,即D正确。


Pediatricians from a U.S. university have taken a look at one measure of children’s well being in Egypt, the Philippines and India—the extent to which children are subject to corporal punishment and abuse. The data reveal interesting cultural differences about what seems to be acceptable when it comes to physically disciplining children. “Among the things we learned for instance was that in India, slapping a child in the face or head is more common than spanking him/her,” the researchers say. And in Egypt, 25 percent of the mothers said that they had beaten their child up, which was defined as hitting them over and over again with a closed fist. And then the other interesting things were like the Philippines, the rate of telling people that evil spirits were going to get the, the kind of emotional, kind of threatening to lock them out of the home, was very high. However,despite the differences in punishment methods, some notable similarities have been found.For example, the education level of mothers impacted how often they resorted to physical discipline—the more years of education, the lower rate of harsh physical punishment in kids.


pediatrician [,pi:diə'triʃən] n. 小儿科医师

spank[spæŋk] v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)

9. C

【解析】 细节判断题。从“Japan’s Cabinet Office said Monday that gross domestic product rose an annualized 0.4 percent in the three months ended June 3, compared with a revised 4.4 percent expansion in the first quarter.”可知,第一季度数据为4.4,第二季度数据为0.4,因此经过简单计算可得知答案为C。

10. A

【解析】 细节判断题。由“Monday’s report said export growth slowed and consumer spending stalled.”可知,出口增长放缓及国内消费停滞不前为经济滑坡的两个主要原因,因此选A。


Officials say Japan lost its place as the world’s number two economy to China in the second quarter, as the island nation’s economic growth slowed to a crawl. Japan’s Cabinet Office said Monday that gross domestic product rose an annualized 0.4 percent in the three months ended June 3, compared with a revised 4.4 percent expansion in the first quarter. Monday’s report said export growth slowed and consumer spending stalled. The expansion was weaker than economists estimated, with their predictions ranging from 0.6 percent to 3.4 percent. Analysts say China’s economy will almost certainly be bigger than Japan’s at the end of the year because of the big difference in each country’s growth rates.China is growing at about 10 percent per year, while Japan’s economy is forecast to grow 3 percent this year.


crawl [krɔ:l] vi./n. 爬行,匍匐行进;缓慢(费力)地行进

stall [stɔ:l] v. (使)熄火;拖延

第二部分 阅读理解


11. C

【解析】 细节题。根据题干中的专有名词,及前面的阅读可知,此题定位到第3段,The Dutch nonprofit has been working to raise awareness of freshwater scarcity since 2008, but it was through the “Green Blue Book” by Thomas M. Kostigen that I was able to see how my own actions factored in.这是一家非营利性的组织,致力于提升对水匮乏的意识,其后有but一词,需要全部阅读,通过Green Blue Book,我能看见我的行动考虑进去。选项A不正确,因为作者不是通过这一组织了解水的匮乏,而是Green Blue Book。此句没有说明两机构之间的关系,排除B及D。正确答案为C,是保护水存贮的非营利组织。

12. A

【解析】 细节题。根据题干关键词,self-satisfaction,定位到原文的第5段,Suffice to say, I’ve been feeling pretty satisfied with myself for all the drinking water I’ve saved with these big-ticket projects. 其中for all the drinking water,是原因,其后的那些工程项目(作者节水的,联系第4段内容),为达到节水目的的手段,是作者自己的方式。可见正确答案为A。

13. A

【解析】 语义理解题。根据题干中的how my own actions factored in, 定位到原文第5段的最后一句。第5段的首句讲的是作者对自己的节水感到满意,第4段讲的是节水措施。第6段首句作者认为自己的贡献可以更多。而且factored in使用的是过去式,可见讲的是作者已经做过对节水的贡献。A为正确答案。

14. B

【解析】 细节题。关键词,alarmed一词,定位到第8段,结合上下文,第7段首句,用水计算器,统计用水多少。第9段首句,更为警觉的是,此处已经说的是消耗的隐藏的水。可见此题的正确答案为B。

15. B

【解析】 修辞题。题干中的关键词Olympic,及根据题目的定位,首先扫读第10段,没有目标词汇,接着11段中最后一句出现该词。前面一句为明喻,将节省的水称之为游泳池,题目中的一句为该明喻的延伸。注意此句并不是使用夸张的修辞手法,因为作者一直在用统计数据说话,节约的水,都有具体数据记录,一年的衣服的用水是游泳池,衣橱里挂的衣服就像有泳道的奥运泳池,这是暗喻,以前面的明喻为基础的,构成类比。此题正确答案为B。

16. D

【解析】 观点态度题。最后一段的首句非常的正式严肃,但是最后一句,I had a hamburger recently, and I enjoyed it a lot more since it is now an occasional treatrather than a weekly habit. 作为首句的例证,我最近吃了汉堡,因为现在偶然才吃一次,不是每周的习惯,我更喜欢了。这句话作为首句的例证,说明我为节水做出的努力,所以A,B,C都不正确。作者认为吃汉堡这样的小事,也可以有巨大的效果,文章整体都娓娓道来,亲切自然。最后一句非常幽默。正确答案为D。




直到去年秋天以前,我以前从未注意过自己的“水足迹”。根据水足迹网络组织所下的定义,水足迹是指用于生产所需要商品和提供所需要服务的总淡水量。(11C) 水足迹网络组织是荷兰的一家非营利组织,自2008年以来就致力于提高人 们对淡水短缺的认知 ,而我则是通过托马斯·考斯蒂根的《环保蓝皮书》才了解到我自己的行为是如何参与其中的。

(13A) 我安装了水利用系统,将洗衣和洗浴废水重新利用,改用作工作景观 用水,平均每天能够节约50加仑水。我还装置了雨水接受桶和渗入坑,下暴雨时 屋顶上会像瀑布一样泻下几千加仑的雨水,用这些可以把它们收集起来。我甚至还 进入了绿色领域的最后一个堡垒——安装了干式厕所

(12A) 这些足以说明,花费大价钱改造的工程所节约的饮用水让我对自己相 当满意




(14B) 更为惊人的是用于穿着的隐含用水量 。我并非特别讲究穿着,但是偶尔买的几件新衣服的用水量也超过了我每天在家的用水总量。如果我对节约用水这件事是认真的话,我就能意识到自己可以在一些生活方式上做简单的调整。更加仔地审视了生活中的实际用水量之后,我发现食物和衣服耗水最多,特别是肉类、咖啡、牛仔裤和皮夹克,它们出人意料地费水。


(15B) 算算我每年新买的衣服消耗的水量,与朋友家的游泳池水量相差无几。 而我整个衣柜的耗水量则接近奥运会泳池水量的规模



水足迹普遍流行的是在生活中更加有意识的使用替代品,而非简单的做出牺牲。对此我正在尝试,而这有着超乎寻常的优势。(16D) 最近我吃了一个汉堡,我比 以前更能享受到它的美味,因为现在我只是偶尔吃汉堡,而不是每周都吃 。(1加仑=3.8升)

【阅读点睛】 该篇段落有14段,每段较短,需要理出文章的逻辑及结构。通过首段及首句阅读,可知该文为环保类题材文章。但是不是单纯的传统意义上的议论文,而是融合议论及个人体会的散文体的议论文。


oblivious[ə'bliviəs] adj. 疏忽的

infiltration [,infil'treiʃən] n. 浸润, 渗入

tally up 计算

crunch [krʌntʃ] v. <俚>处理(数据)

outrageous [aut'reidʒəs] adj. 骇人的


17. C

【解析】 例证题。根据题干中Sparacino定位到第2段,第2段 Jaffe 的观察可能错置了,但是不是完全的迷失。快速扫读该段内容,出现人名及研究一词,可见此人的研究证明Jaffe的观点的合理之处,但是不能说是其观点的有力证据,A选项排除。B原文没有提及,只是说有人问,是否别人比自己做得好。第2段最后一句,instead一词,表转折,为该研究的发现,C为正确答案。

18. A

【解析】 细节题。关键词为明显的特征,第6段进行了比较,根据其首句,可以首先判断D为其特征,其余可以根据该段进行读,Indeed, reunions haveincreasingly become formal events that are organized on a regular basis and, in the process, they have also become big business,结合第7段首句中的专有名词的专门组织聚会的公司,可见,这些聚会正式而且有专门的组织机构,而且有利润收益。可见A为该题正确答案。而且,前面第二段也说过,很多人认为聚会是重温校园时光的场合,并不能说通常是炫耀成功的地方。

19. D

【解析】 推理题。吸引人们回校园聚会的主要因素是什么?这是原因分析,根据题干,定位到第10段。“Alumni who decide to attend their reunions share a common identity based on the years they spent together as undergraduates.”,他们聚会是因为分享共同的身份,本科那些年一起建立的。可见D为正确答案。既然是校园聚会,C答案不正确。

20. C

【解析】 篇章结构题。首段只是引出这一话题。可见C答案正确。至于D选项,第二段首句提及Jaffe的观点有不同之处,但是也不是完全是对比,因为其观点有提到聚会也是充满感情的旅程。

21. A

【解析】 主旨题。该文首先介绍不同人对聚会这一现象的目的的解读,其后分析其特点,其中涉及聚会的经济效益,接着分析其社会原因,但题干问及主要内容,其中特点中也提及这些特点形成的原因,所以A选项为正确答案。B选项只讲历史回顾,C是现象的介绍,都是佐证主要观点的,D认为是涉及社会及经济的隐含意义,原文并不推及隐含意义。



谢裴的这一见解可能不那么准确,但并非完全没有道理。根据社会心理学家杰克·斯帕拉奇诺的一项研究,(18A) 绝大多数的人参加同学聚会并不是想与老同 学攀比谁更成功,那样很让人反感 ,(17C) 相反他们只是想重温以前学生时代的 成就







显然,乘船游览,上街游行这些想法本身通常不足以吸引大批校友重返校园。(19D) 那些决定参加聚会的校友享有一个共同的身份,这基于他们大学时代一起 度过的几年时光 。正是由于这个原因,以某种方式建立了一个共同的纽带的大学——比如,学校相对较小,或者极负盛名——往往能够吸引数量众多的校友前来聚会。而大型的高校为了巩固这种共同的身份往往致力于频繁的组织较小范围的同学聚会,例如院、系聚会,抑或鼓励“同类聚会”,如前拉拉队、编辑、大学生联谊会、音乐家聚会、校园军事组织成员的聚会以及其他类似的聚会。


【阅读点睛】 本文是以一本书为引子,探讨同学聚会这种社会现象。属于社会问题类的议论文,有丰富的例子及原因的剖析。


invidious [in'vidiəs] adj. 惹人反感的,招人嫉妒的

relive [ri:liv] v. 再体验,再经历

mind-boggling ['maind'bɔliŋ] adj. 令人难以置信的

affinity [ə'finiti] n. 密切关系;类同

alma mater n. 母校,校歌


22. B

【解析】 主旨大意题。根据全文,判断人物的性格特征,考生可以先放下此题。等做完其他题目再来处理该题。选项A,关于喝酒,定位到第2段首句,Once in a while,意思为“有时”,不能由此判断他喜欢喝酒。B,根据第3段及第二段的后两句,可知他知道所有报纸上的事情,应该是对很多事有兴趣。C,首段首句,说明他有过下班很晚,但不能说经常。D乔治和他聊完之后,做鞋的人认为他是个好孩子,但是George figured that Mr.Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading.这是乔治自己的猜测,不能说他喜欢说谎言。此题正确答案为B。

23. A

【解析】 推理题。需根据原文对选项一一判断。选项提及两个人物角色,需要从对话进行判断。听完乔治的读书计划,要夏季读完100本书, Mr. Cattanzarawhistled through his teeth,可以看到他可能不相信,可能比较吃惊,但是其后,The change maker nodded. “Still and all, one hundred books is a pretty big load for one summer.”,点头表示他的赞同,最后他表示,乔治读完之后,和他进行讨论。可见他开始是很吃惊的。A为正确选项。


【解析】 推理题。题干中的对话之后,可定位至最后一段,C选项和A选项矛盾。在谈话之后,可以发现After that, though he had the urge to, George did nothing different from usual,乔治当晚没有做和平时不同的事情。A为正确答案。尽管But one evening the shoemaker on the next block stopped George to say he was a good boy, and George figured that Mr. Cattanzara had told him all about the books he was reading.并未提及Cattanzara与乔治的关系改善,B选项不正确。D原文最后一段没有提及他的读书。

25. B

【解析】 推理题。选项A,和父亲的关系,由文章最后一句话可知父亲害羞,不怎么说话,无法推断父子关系。选项B,根据最后一段,可知乔治对所处环境不甚满意,结合前面提到的乔治没有工作及捏造读书计划等细节可以判断B正确。关于C,和姐姐关系,对乔治温柔,为他骄傲,不能说姐姐对他依然质疑。可见C不正确。D选项有习语,意为“干预”,邻居方面,Cattanzara只是了解下读书情况,并且根据24题,这对乔治产生积极影响。不能说邻居喜欢干预他的事情。


有一次,乔治在散步的时候遇见卡特扎拉先生很晚才下班回家。他怀疑他喝醉了,但随后看出他没有醉。卡特扎拉先生是一个矮胖、秃顶的男人,在一家公路运输站的兑换亭工作。他住在乔治家旁边街区的一家修鞋店的楼上。(22B) 天气炎 热的夜晚,他身穿汗衫坐在自家门廊上,借着修鞋店橱窗的灯光阅读《纽约时报》 。他从第一页读到最后一页,然后去睡觉。他的妻子是一个脸色苍白的胖女人,每次在他读报的时候,她总是将粗壮苍白的手臂交叠在松垮的乳房下,搭在窗框处,俯身窗外,凝视着街上。










(23A) 卡特扎拉先生吹了一声口哨






卡特扎拉先生回家了,乔治继续散步。(24A) 那之后,虽然乔治有读书的冲动, 但每天的活动与平时没什么两样 。他还是在晚上散步,走到小公园结束。但有一天晚上,住在旁边街区的修鞋匠拉住乔治夸他是一个好孩子,乔治猜想是卡特扎拉先生告诉鞋匠自己读书的事了。从鞋匠那儿一定又传遍了整个街区,因为乔治看到有几个人在对他亲切微笑,虽然没有人跟他说话。(25B) 他对街区的感觉好了些,比 以前喜欢那儿了,虽然没有喜欢到希望永远留在那里的程度。他从来没有不喜欢过 街坊邻居,但他也从来没有非常喜欢过他们。这是街坊们的错 。出乎意料的,乔治发现他父亲和姐姐苏菲也知道他在读书。他父亲什么也没说,因为他太不善表达了,他一生中就从来没有健谈过,但是苏菲对乔治更加温和了,她通过别的方式让乔治知道她为他骄傲。

【阅读点睛】 本文是一篇记叙文,以一个人物为主,以时间、空间变化为顺序,主要反映人与人之间的关系。这种类型的文章一般细节较多,考生需要对原文进行致阅读,寻找人物特征、关系变化的信息。


stocky ['stɔki] adj. 矮胖的

stiffly ['stifli] adv. 僵硬地

squirt [skwə:t] n. 小毛孩子

still and all 不过

shoot the breeze 闲聊


26. C

【解析】 推理题。作者为何觉得这次庆祝不合适,定位至第2段,尽管这些活动很令人赞赏,但是活动让林肯的粉丝感觉是不恰当的,甚至是漫不经心的,是我们对这位19世纪总统的敬意在减少的标志。可见C为正确答案。

27. A

【解析】 细节题。1909年的庆祝不同的表现,定位至第3段,直到第5段,其中题干中,“真正”一词,表明这是作者认为的最重要的区别,所以第5段有but一词引导的句子为首句,说明这是真正的最重要的差异。An unembarrassedappreciation for heroes and an acute sense of the way that even long-dead historical figures press in on the present and make us who we are. 可见是对英雄的敬仰和对历史人物的影响力的认知。正确答案为A。

28. D

【解析】 观点题。关键词“反会议”定位到第8段,by his admirers, remember as“nonjudgmental,”“unmoralistic,”“comfortable with ambiguity.”,作者认为这些会议让他真正丧气,可见第7段的会议一样让他丧气。作者在第8段最后一句这样写道:这个见证历史上的最野蛮的战争的人,被描述为,被他的粉丝纪念为,没有判断力,没有道德,态度摇摆不定,模棱两可的人。这些评价让作者丧气,因为这些评价正如D选项所说,是一种污蔑。D为正确答案。

29. D

【解析】 推理题。根据关键词“林肯的意象”定位到第12段,This helps to explain the long string of recent books in which writers have presented a Lincoln madeafter their own image。林肯的意象是按照作者自己的形象设计的。其后列举了各种意象,如幽默家、商业精英等。各种各样的现代人认为的英雄的观点。D为正确答案。

30. A

【解析】 推理题。考查对最后一段的暗含意义的理解。最后一段中首句提到不受时间限制的林肯,最后一句又表明林肯一直存在,我们不断赋予林肯新的意义,林肯不断影响着我们,这是林肯一直存在的方式,可见林肯的伟大一直存在。A为正确选项。B及D很难说是暗含意义。C在前文多个段落已经说过,不能说是最后一段的含义,且原文最后一句论及林肯不断被赋予新的意义,这已经是明示,不是暗含意义。



尽管这些举动值得赞赏,但是对我们这些林肯拥护者而言,这些活动还不够多,不够热忱——(26C) 这一迹象也表明我们对这位第16任总统及他的杰出成就的赞 美感激之情正在消退 。你即使不是一个林肯迷也应该能体会到我们无法支付失去他的代价。



(27A) 但除此之外1909的美国人有更多的感想:对英雄人物发自肺腑的感激, 以及对故去已久的历史人物如何影响当前、成就未来的强烈感受


2003年,弗吉尼亚里士满(美国内战时期南方联邦首府)的一群居民计划在当地安置林肯雕像。这一想法引发了一场堪称轩然大波的争议。联邦退伍军人遗孤组织了一场公开会议,由精心挑选的学者“重新评估”林肯留下的精神财富。(28D) 而不出意料的,论断是否定的:林肯被贴上从种族主义极权者到讲黄色笑 话的人等一系列的标签

(28D) 我作为记者报道了那次会议,但真正让我气馁的是一些学者举行的反 对会议,目的是驳斥之前的会议结论。这些学者画了一幅只有我们在过于情感化的 年纪才能想象出来的林肯画像。那个经历了美国历史上最野蛮战争的人被他的崇拜 者描述为“非主观的”、“非说教的”、“能容忍模棱两可的”人




(29D) 这就可以解释最近一系列有关于林肯的书籍中,作者任凭自己的想象 描绘林肯的现象 。我们就有了这样的林肯:幽默的林肯,狂躁抑郁症患者,生意高手,保守的林肯,开明的林肯,解放者,种族主义者,坚忍克己的哲学家,基督徒,无神论者——百无禁忌,无所不有。

(30A) 然而,书中通常缺少的是永恒的林肯 ,是世世代代的人,包括我们这代人以及1909年那个时代的人都拥有林肯。对我们来说,幸运的是,一个世纪前的那些纪念者,以及林肯本人,都给我们留下了寻找他的蛛丝马迹。林肯纪念堂是参观人数最多的总统纪念馆。(30A) 在这里我们找到了永恒的林肯 ;在他留给我们的话语里,界定了我们所继承的国家。 这里的林肯能够永远焕发光彩 ,在他出生200年后,仍然保有重塑我们的力量。


halfhearted ['hɑ:f,hɑ:tid] adj. 不认真的;不热心的;无兴趣的

likeness ['laiknis] n. 相似,肖像;照片,画像

trauma ['trɔ:mə, 'traumə] n. 精神创伤

totalitarian[,təutæli'tεəriən] n. 极权主义者

compassionate [kəm'pæʃənit] adj. 慈悲的;富于同情心的

第三部分 人文知识

31. D

【解析】 本题考查的是新西兰历史与人文知识。Maori(毛利人)是新西兰原始居民。1840年,William Hobson代表维多利亚女王与毛利首领进行谈判,签署了Treaty of Waitangi(《怀唐伊条约》),正式确认了英国对毛利人土地和文化的拥有权。

32. B

【解析】 本题考查的是英国政治知识。英国采取君主立宪制(Constitutional Monarchy),国家首脑(Head of Government)是首相(Prime Minister)。英国国会(Parliament)由上议院(House of Lords)和下议院(House of Commons)组成。内阁(Cabinet)与首相(Prime Minister)组成中央政府(Central Government),英国内阁由约20个部长(ministers)组成。

33. A

【解析】 本题考查的是美国历史文化知识。美国独立日(Independence Day)是7月4日《独立宣言》(The Declaration of Independence)的签署标志着美国成为一个独立国家。而其他三个选项都并非美国节日。

34. C

【解析】 本题考查的是加拿大地理知识。加拿大北靠北冰洋(Arctic Ocean),西濒太平洋(the Pacific Ocean),南面是五大湖区(the Great Lakes),与美国接壤。

35. D

【解析】 本题考查的是英国文学知识。 T h e Waste Land (《荒原》)是英国诗人、剧作家和批评家T. S. Eliot (艾略特,1988—1965)最著名的长诗。GeorgeBernard Shaw(萧伯纳,1856-1950)是爱尔兰剧作家,其代表作之一为 Pygmalion (《卖花女》,又名《皮格马利翁》)。W. B. Yeats(叶芝,1865—1939),爱尔兰诗人及剧作家,曾于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,其代表作之一为 T h e Celtic Twilight (《凯尔特的薄暮》)。Dylan Thomas(狄兰·托马斯,1914—1953),威尔士诗人,1946年 Deaths and Entrances (《死亡入口》)的出版,使他的天赋终于得到评论界肯定。

36. A

【解析】 本题考查的是美国文学知识。 The Sound and the Fury 《喧嚣与骚动》是美国小说家William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳,1897—1962)的长篇小说代表作。Ernest Hemingway (海明威,1899—1961),美国小说家,其代表作有 The Sun Also Rises (《太阳照常升起》), A Farewell to Arms (《永别了,武器》), The Old Man and the Sea (《老人与海》)。Scott Fitzgerald(司各特·菲茨杰拉德,1896—1940),美国小说家, The Great Gatsby (《了不起的盖茨比》)是其代表作,描述了美国梦的破灭。John Steinbeck(约翰·斯坦贝克,1902—1968),美国小说家,其代表作是 The Grapes of Wrath (《愤怒的葡萄》)。

37. C

【解析】 本题考查的是修辞方法。Exaggeration(夸张)指对事物或行为作超越事实的描述,例如:I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. Understatement(低调陈述), 指对想要的东西故意轻描淡写,例如:I have studied human nature,and I know a thing or two.句中“略知一二(know a thing or two)”表明说话人非常谦虚、低调。Personification (拟人),即把事物人格化,例如:Mycar whines in pain as it climbs up steep hills.本题“生菜没有西红柿和黄瓜的陪伴是孤独的”,把生菜、西红柿和黄瓜都赋予了人的情感,故为拟人的修辞方法。Synecdoche(提喻),是不直接说某一事物的名称,而是借事物的本身所呈现的各种对应的现象来表现该事物的修辞手段,例如:Outside,(there is) a sea of faces. 外面街上,是人的海洋(人山人海),以人体的局部代全体,即以faces表示people。

38. B

【解析】 本题考查的是语音学知识。英语语音响亮程度(sonority)顺序排列为:vowels(元音),approximants(无擦通音),nasals(鼻音),fricatives(摩擦音),stops(爆破音)。根据sequential rule(序列规则),一个音节的响度顺序应该是先上升,音核处(元音)升到最高,然后下降。由于[l]与[r]都是无擦通音,其处于词的开头,后面只能是响亮高于它的元音。Assimilation rule(同化规则),指前一音节的辅音受到后一音节辅音发音的影响,发生趋同的变化。一Deletion rule(省略规则)指某个音虽然在拼写中出现,但不发音,或发音被省略,如sign中的g。

39. D

【解析】 本题考查的是词汇学的知识。Clipping(截缩法)指通过把原词一部分删去而形成的简短词。例如:earthquake缩略为quake, memorandum缩略为memo等。Disco是discotheque(迪斯科舞厅)的缩略。APEC是acronym(首字母缩略词),Motel是blending(混合词),Xerox是borrowing(外来词)。

40. A

【解析】 本题考查的是社会语言学知识。Register(语域)是指特殊人群使用的语言变体,它通常具有自己独特的词汇或使用词与短语的特殊方式。Dialect(方言)指地区性语言。Slang(俚语)是通常在非正式场合使用的语言。Variety(语言变体),其定义为“a specific set of linguistic items”,因此其范围非常广,可以指某一语言、方言等。

第四部分 改错

1. 答案:going ∧→ on

【解析】 固定搭配错误。go on 是固定词组,意为“继续”,此句意为“早在公元前一世纪争论就开始了,并一直持续着”,故应在going后添加副词on。

2. 答案:certain → some

【解析】 搭配错误。certain 和 some 都有“某个”的意思,但是certain修饰名词时是形容词,指某一特定的人、物、群体,如是单数,其前需要加不定冠词a,而some是限定词,修饰名词时表示列举某一不确定的人或物,其前不需要加冠词。此处并非特指某一个特定的翻译方法,some比certain更合适,故应将certain改为some。

3. 答案:rather ∧→ than或rather → not

【解析】 固定搭配错误。rather than为固定搭配,意为“而不是”,故该处加入介词than,或将rather 改为not。

4. 答案:is → was

【解析】 时态错误。该句为定语从句,从句部分who wanted the truth to be read and understood时态为一般过去时,主句与从句应该保持时态一致,故主句中be动词应为过去时was。

5. 答案:in → at

【解析】 固定搭配错误。at the turn of是固定搭配,意为“在……之交”,该处意思是“在19世纪初始”,故应将in改为at。

6. 答案:the → /

【解析】 冠词冗余。此句意为“语言完全是文化的产物”,此处并不是特指某种语言,而是泛指,故应将定冠词the去掉。

7. 答案:view ∧→ that

【解析】 缺少连词。此处translation was impossible为the view的同位语从句,gain 为主句的谓语动词,所以the view和从句之间需加入连词that,使句子成分完整。此句意为“翻译是不可能完成的这一观点得到了传播”。

8. 答案:was → /

【解析】 be动词冗余。该句为条件状语从句,if后为省略句,省略部分应为主语和谓语,故应将be动词was去掉。此句意为“即便是要进行尝试,也须得使译文尽量忠实于原文”。

9. 答案:culminated ∧→ in

【解析】 缺少介词。culminate在此处为不及物动词,意为“到达顶点”,其后应接状语从句使句子意思完整,表示“在……中达到顶点”,而statement前的介词应为in,故此处添加介词in。

10. 答案:and → but

【解析】 连词错误。此句意为“环境已经改变了,但基本问题仍然存在”。根据上下文,此处需要用but来表示转折关系,而不能用and。

第五部分 翻译


【参考译文1】 Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. “Just leave it here”, she told herself, “this is the best choice by far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare-center.” The child was her secret which would be kept in the building behind the woods.

【参考译文2】 She felt as if her heart was overwhelmed by pain, her brows were burning with fever, he chest was crushed, and a burst of air rushed out of her throat from her stomach. She was even at a loss when the director of the nursery informed her of the retardation of the child. She walked back and forth in the room where the child and some others were kept. It was a room with only one window, and outside the shadows of trees were shaking unsteadily. “It would be better to leave the child to those kindhearted priests and nuns. Besides, the small nursery will be expanded into a care center where medical treatment will be provided, and there would be no other better place than this one for the child,” she thought. The child was her secret and she was going to conceal it in this building surrounded by trees.

【翻译点睛】 上面两篇译文都堪称上乘之作,但在翻译“这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最好的地方”这句话时,两篇译文却采取了不同的处理方式。译文一是“this isthe best choice by far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare-center”,译文二是“It would be better to leave the child to those kindhearted priests and nuns. Besides, the small nursery will be expanded into a care center where medical treatment will be provided, and there would be no other better place than this one for the child”。仔阅读一下汉语原文,就会发现原文这句话当中,它的句子焦点是“这是留住孩子最好的地方”,而所谓“这里有善心的神父和修女”和“这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心”不过是句子焦点的一种解释,也就是说为何这个地方最适合留住孩子。如果明白了这一点,就会发现译文一的处理方式似乎更符合英语的表达习惯,当然也就更胜一筹。


【参考译文1】 然后事与愿违,这些政策反而为引发更多的校园暴力,创造了条件。此前,一些大学生在去酒吧和夜总会喝酒时,会受到保安人员的严密监控(更不用说那些生怕自己酒类经营执照被取缔的老板了)。但如今,这些大学生会退回到他们兄弟会大本营和公寓里。在这些安全的场所中,他们可以肆无忌惮、任意饮酒。


【参考译文2】: 然而上述政策反而引发了更多的校园暴力。一些大学生先前在夜总会和酒吧买醉时,一直处于保安人员严密的监控之下(酒吧老板们为了保住自己卖酒的执照也会对之严加监控)。现在,大学生们躲到他们互助会会所和公寓中酗酒,再也不需要控制自己饮酒的数量或行为。


【翻译点睛】 2012年英译汉部分中整体难度不大,但对个别句子和单词的处理,则容易出现错误。例如,原文中的难点之一就是一个长句:“Somecollege students who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers (not to mention owners eager to keep their liquor licenses) now retreat to the sanctuary of their fraternity houses and apartments, where they no longer control their behaviour—or their drinking.”这句话之所以比较复杂,就在于里面有两个从句,一个是定语从句“who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers”,一个是状语从句“where they no longer control their behaviour—or their drinking”。考生在翻译这句话的时候,需要把这个长句拆成几个短句,这样才符合汉语的表达习惯。在这一点上,上面的两个参考译文在处理方式上都还比较恰当。同样的道理,考生在翻译下面这个长句“As fields are burned and contraband(违禁品)confiscated, the price of street drugs has skyrocketed to a point where cheap alternatives have begun to compete in the marketplace”时,也不能像英语原文那样——整句话连着三行没有一个逗号,而必须在适当的地方,用逗号将之断句。只有这样,译文的读者在阅读时,才能更加清晰地理解。否则的话,只会将各种意思杂糅到一起,让人难以理解。

第六部分 写作

【审题指导】 2012年专八考试的作文与往年相比有所不同,其并没有在写作要求的部分明确地给出作文的话题,而是引述了一段材料,要求考生通过阅读并消化吸收这段材料,自主确定文章的话题,并在此基础上阐述自己的观点,这无疑在审题方面对考生提出了更高的要求。

这段材料称,一项对2000名在校大学生进行的调查问到他们对手机通话和发送短信的态度,结果发现学生们最主要的目的是尽量花最少的时间,用最短的闲聊来传递信息。这项调查的发起人、位于华盛顿的美利坚大学(American University)的语言学教授巴伦(Naomi Baron)表示,手机最让他们喜爱的地方在于,他们可以通过手机与他人联系;他们最不喜欢的,就是别人可以通过手机联系到他们。


A Mixed Blessing

“We have in our mortal hand a power to destroy poverty and all forms of human life,” John F. Kennedy said in his Inaugural Address some 50 years ago. Indeed, science and technology has always been a mixed blessing. The same is true of cell phones, one of spectacular gadgets ever invented by humans in the past perhaps 100 years or so. Cell phones have two ambivalent faces, mostly benevolent, lovely and grim, even macabre sometimes. That is exactly what Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D.C. described. When he said, “What they like most about their mobile devices is that they can reach other people. What they like least is that other people can reach them.” Professor Baron’s conclusion cannot be too true.

While mobile devices today are facilitating our life in ways unimagined, they pose problems, too. One of these is that our private life can be encroached at any time and place. For example, suppose one is taking hard-earned holidays at a seaside resort when he receives a call from his boss, telling him that something goes wrong with his work or his client runs into trouble. All of a sudden, his pleasure is totally spoiled. At this moment,modern devices of communications show their gloomy and ghastly face. Blockage to such calls can be hardly possible unless you have decided to leave your present job for good.

The second quandary brought about by the mobiles and the Internet is that people are cut off from contract with one another. This is a paradox. This happens most often in the world of business. With the help of these gadgets, many people stay home on workdays.At the click of their fingers, they can receive and send their work on the Net or cell phones. Even their salaries can be automatically credited to their accounts. Few people nowadays stand in line receiving their paychecks. They don’t have to see people in person to do all these and other things. Economical and convenient as it is, people are more isolated from each other.

Regrettably, the gloomy paradoxical aspect of mobiles goes beyond the field of our work. It also happens in our almost every facet of life. Music used to be a very good social event. But now, most people build a wall of music around them by listening to on-line music or songs downloaded and saved in their cell phones. Watching a film also becomes a detached process. Modern phones are almost almighty, with which they can enjoy the latest box hits in the isolation of the living room. They don’t have to go out, let alone joining with friends. Communications in person are saved when, with omnipotent‘iPhone’, students can learn a lot of subjects alone instead of discussing problems with their classmates, friends and brothers and sisters and parents. They even don’t have to go to classes to acquire all these things where rich human communication can occur.

“Every coin has two sides” is an old cliché. But it applies ideally to the cell phone occasion today. Cell phones, on the one hand, render our life more convenient and enrich our treasure trove of existence. At the same time, however, they stymie our life. They encroach our privacy and meanwhile, make us reluctant to partake the rich real social life. X+vADuItdFaErbXbcpPpycNU8W/kODdA48MHBmBX8lYe5F+WKDXxog664FjsL72z
