

Practice 1

Language exists to communicate whatever it can communicate. Some things it communicates so badly that we never attempt to communicate them by words if any other medium is available. Those who think they are testing a boy's "elementary" command of English by asking him to describe in words how one ties one's tie or what a pair of scissors is like, are far astray. For precisely what language can hardly do at all, and never does well, is to inform us about complex physical shapes and movements. Hence descriptions of such things in the ancient writers are nearly always unintelligible. Hence we never in real life voluntarily use language for this purpose; we draw a diagram or go through pantomimic gestures. The exercises which such examiners set are no more a test of "elementary" linguistic competence than the most difficult bit of trick-riding from the circus ring is a test of elementary horsemanship.

Another grave limitation of language is that it cannot, like music or gesture, do more than one thing at once. However the words in a great poet's phrase interanimate one other and strike the mind as quasi-instantaneous chord, yet, strictly speaking, each word must be read or heard before the next. That way, language is as unilinear as time. Hence, in narrative, the great difficulty of presenting a very complicated change which happens suddenly. If we do justice to the complexity, the time the reader must take over the passage will destroy the feeling of suddenness. If we get in the suddenness we shall not be able to get in the complexity.

One of the most important and effective uses of language is the emotional. It is also, of course, wholly legitimate. We do not talk only in order to reason or to inform. We have to make love and quarrel, to propitiate and pardon, to rebuke, to console, intercede, and a rouse. "He that complains," said Johnson, "acts like a man, like a social being." The real objection lies not against the language of emotion as such, but against language which, being in reality emotional, masquerades-whether by plain hypocrisy or subtle self-deceit-as being something else.





Practice 2

A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. "They are never alone," said Sir Philip Sidney, "that are accompanied by noble thoughts."

The good and true thought may in times of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.

Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

The great and good do not die even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old.







Practice 3

A newspaper is much more than a business; it is an institution. It reflects and influences the life of a community; it may affect even wider destinies.

It is, in its way, an instrument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences of man. It may educate, stimulate, assist, or it may do the opposite. It has, therefore, a moral as well as a material existence, and its character and influence are in the main determined by the balance of these two factors. It may make profit or power its first object, or it may conceive itself as fulfilling a higher and more exacting function.

Character is a subtle affaire, and has many shades and sides. It is not a thing to be much talked about, but rather to be felt. It is the slow deposit of past actions and ideas.

At the perils of its soul, a newspaper must see that the news it supplies is not tainted. Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. "Propaganda," so called, by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly subject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair. This is an ideal. Achievement in such matters is hardly given to man. Perhaps none of us can attain to it in the desirable measure. We can but try, ask pardon for shortcomings, and there leave the matter.

One of the virtues, perhaps the chief virtue, of a newspaper is its independence. Whatever its position or character, it should have a soul of its own.

That is the path of self-respect-it is also the path of success. And what a work it is! How multiform, how responsive to every need-and every incident of life! What illimitable possibilities of achievement and of excellence!

To the man, whatever his place on the paper, nothing should satisfy short of the best. It is here that ability counts and that character counts, and it is on these that a newspaper, if it is to be worthy of its power and duty, must rely.









Practice 4

The Olympic Games are an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter games. They are each held every four years. Until 1992, they were both held in the same year. Since then, they have been separated two years apart.

There are more than 20 Summer Olympics sports, including swimming, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, boxing, weight-lifting, yachting, cycling and equestrian events. Skiing, ice-skating and ice hockey are among the 7 Winter Game sports. A competitor must be the citizen of the country he or she represents. No more than three entries from any country are permitted in each event (4 in the winter games). Only one team per country is allowed in a team sport.

There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. The most popular legend describes that Heracles was the creator of the Olympic Games and built the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to his father, Zeus after completing his 12 labors. According to that legend, he walked in a straight line for 400 strides and called this distance a "stadium" that later also became a distance calculation unit. This is also why a modem stadium is 400 meters in circumference length (1 stadium = 400 meters).

From then on, the Olympic Games were quickly becoming more and more important throughout ancient Greece, reaching their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, contests alternating with sacrifices and ceremonies honoring both Zeus (whose colossal statue stood at Olympia), and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia famous for his legendary chariot race, in whose honor the games were held.

The number of events increased to 20, and the celebration was spread over several days. Winners of the events were greatly admired and were immortalized in poems and statues. The Games were held every four years, and the period between two celebrations became known as an "Olympiad‘‘. The Greeks used Olympiads as one of their methods to count years. The most famous Olympic athlete lived in these times: the 6th century BC wrestler, Milo Croton, is the only athlete in history to win a victory in six Olympics.

The Games gradually declined in importance after the Romans gained power in Greece. After Emperor Theodosius I made Christianity the religion of the Empire and banned pagan rites, the Olympic Games were outlawed as a pagan festival in 393 AD.

In 1894, a French noble man, Pierrde, called a meeting in Paris that led to the first modern Olympic Games, held in Athens in 1896. Thirteen nations sent a total of 285 men, and the Games were revived. Since then the Olympics have been held in different cities of the world once every four years, with the exception of war years 1916, 1940 and 1944. Women first competed in 1912. In 1924 the Winter Olympics were instituted at Chamonix, France.







1894年,一位名叫皮尔狄的法国贵族在巴黎召集了一次会议,这次会议使得第一届现代奥运会于1896年在雅典举行。13个国家派出285人参加了比赛,因此奥运会得以复苏。此后,除了1916年、1940年以及1944年等战争年代以外,奥运会在世界的不同城市每四年举行一次。妇女第一次参加比赛是在1912年。冬季奥运会1924年在法国的尚莫尼克斯举行。 433OkNfuRfR8+uYFTCfK5eOBgF1zNIJ1wO4WzfhHpu3uC/6mLWhH6z3MzkvGBjsn
