
10 cand


■ 词根考古学


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candor = cand + or

释 ['kændə] n. 坦白,直率

解 cand表示“白的”,-or表“人或物品”,白的东西,即“坦白,直率”。

例 He should be applauded for his candor. 我们应该为他的坦率拍手叫好。

candidate = cand + ate

释 [ˈkændɪdət] n. 候选人;应试者

解 cand表示“白的”,-ate表“人或地位”,穿白衣的人(古代的候选人穿白袍),即“候选人”。

例 The candidate is leading in the polls. 那名候选人在民意测验中领先。

incandescent = in + cand + ent

释 [ˌɪnkænˈdesnt] a. 十分明亮的,炽热的,发白热光的

解 cand表示“发光”,-ent为形容词后缀,表示“…的”,发光的,即“十分明亮的”。

例 She had an extraordinary, incandescent personality. 她个性鲜明,热情洋溢。

■ 词汇拓展营

candle [ˈkændl] n. 蜡烛,烛光v. 对着光检查

candela [kænˈdelə] n. 烛光a. 小雪茄烟的

candid [ˈkændɪd] a. 公正的;坦白的

candy [ˈkændi] v. 用糖煮;美化 a. 新潮的

■ 词缀一家亲

1. -or(表人或物品) generator n. 发电机

2. -ate(表人或地位) delegate n. 代表

3. -ent (…的) indigent a. 贫穷的


I. 搜索关键词:请将下列单词的正确形式填入句子中,使句子完整。

agriculture civilian anniversary embargo fracture

1. They are celebrating the one hundredth ______ of the birth of the city.

2. Gasoline prices went sky-high during the oil ______.

3. Strong both in industry and ______, the country produces much of the grain for the nation.

4. His policy risks ______ the coalition.

5. The safety of ______ caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed.

答案: 1. anniversary 2. embargo 3. agriculture 4. fracturing 5. civilians

II. 复习对对碰:请将下列词汇和英文词义配对。

perennial aquarium autonomy debar demography

A. a building where people can go to see fi sh and other water creatures

B. (of plants) living for two years or more

C. to officially prevent somebody from doing something or joining something

D. the changing number of births, deaths, diseases, etc. in a community over a period of time; the scientific study of these changes

E. the freedom for a country, a region or an organization to govern itself independently

答案: perennial—B; aquarium—A; autonomy—E; debar—C; demography—D

III. 备忘笔记本:请写出以下词根、词缀的含义和相关词,写不出来的部分要重点学习、记忆哦!

1. cand _________________________

2. micro- _________________________

3. -orium _________________________

4. ob-_________________________

5. aud- _________________________

Great cause comes from persistent work, facing diffi culties with your heart and soul.

—Bertrand A. W. Russell







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