
1.2 句型一:主语 + 系动词 + 表语


1. 2.1 谓语动词的特点

1. 2.2 简单句叠加成复杂难句

1.2.1 谓语动词的特点

该句型的谓语动词是 系动词 linking verb )(如 be 或其他系动词)。系动词,又叫连系动词,顾名思义,这种动词并没有具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面成分的作用。这种动词后面所接的成分是用来说明主语的特点,表明主语的性质特征的,因此被称之为主语补足语或表语(能表示主语特征的成分),这就是读者熟悉的“主系表”句型。


1 Losers look for quick fixes.

There are two ways of getting rid of weeds in your yard:the easy way and the not-so-easy way. The easy way may be to run a lawnmower and the yard looks fine for a while, but that is a temporary answer. Soon the weeds are back. But the not-so-easy way may mean getting down on your hands and knees and pulling out the weeds by the roots. It is time-consuming and painful, but the weeds will stay away for a longer time. The first solution appeared easy, but the problem remained. The second solution was not so easy, but took care of the problem from the roots. The key is to get to the root of the problem.

The same thing is true of our attitude in life. The problem with people today is that they want instant answer. They are looking for one-minute solutions to everything. Just like instant coffee, they want instant happiness. There are no quick fixes. This attitude leads to disappointment or even failure.

妙语点睛 在这篇短文中,“主系表”结构的句子有很多。比如:

1 The easy way may be to run a lawnmower.

2 The yard looks fine for a while.

3 But that is a temporary answer.

4 Soon the weeds are back.

5 It is time-consuming and painful.

6 The first solution appeared easy.

7 The second solution was not so easy.

8 The key is to get to the root of the problem.

这些句子谓语动词前面的名词短语都是主语,后面的则是表语。用作表语的形式有很多,可以是不定式(比如 to run a lawnmower to get to the root of the problem )、形容词(比如 fine, time-consuming and painful, easy )、名词短语(比如 a temporary answer )、副词(比如 back )等。另外,这里的系动词主要是 be 的各种形式,如 may be, is, are was 等,但除了 be 以外,还有其他系动词,如 looks appeared

精品译文 失败者寻找捷径






这样的系动词有 feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem appear 等。请看例句:

2 The iron feels hot. 这块铁摸起来很热。

3 The rose doesn't smell much. 这玫瑰花不是很香。


这样的系动词有 become, grow, get, turn, fall, go come 等。例如:

4 The leaf will turn yellow in autumn. 叶子秋天就会变黄。

5 The teacher became angry . 老师生气了。

对于 fall, go come 等词作为系动词时,这些系动词与形容词连用一般具有固定的搭配关系。请先看下面含有 fall 的例子:

6 Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short . 我们的糖、米供应不足。

7 The jokes fell flat . 玩笑毫无效果。

8 I've got to return the book this afternoon; it falls overdue a week. 我今天下午得还书,已经过期一周了。

9 fall due 到期

10 fall asleep 睡着

因为这里的 fall 都是作为系动词,所以其后面不能接副词,比如不能说 fall shortly* fall flatly* 等。

请看 go 作为系动词的例子:

11 go hungry 饿了,挨饿

12 go mad 变疯了

13 go bad 坏掉了

14 go crazy 变得疯狂

15 go sour 变酸

16 go wrong 出错了

从上面的例子可以发现, go 作为系动词时,一般用于贬义,即表示主语是朝着坏的或消极的一面改变。相反, come 作为系动词,则是表示褒义的,即表示主语是朝着好的或积极的一面改变。请看例句:

17 Hope your dreams will come true. 祝你好梦成真。

18 The dream has come true . 梦想已经实现。

19 come right 纠正了,正确了


这样的系动词有 continue, remain, stay, keep, hold, rest prove 等。请看例句:

20 He has fallen into the habit of doing morning exercises to stay healthy .

妙语点睛 不要说 stay healthily ,因为副词不能作表语。

精品译文 为了保持健康,他已经养成了晨练的习惯。

21 If you don't stay busy , you die. I don't want to die right now.

妙语点睛 不要说 stay busily ,因为副词不能作表语。

精品译文 如果你不辛勤忙碌,就等于死亡。我可不想现在就死去。

22 You may rest assured that he will come to the party.

妙语点睛 rest assured 是一个固定搭配。

精品译文 尽管放心,他会来参加聚会的。

23 The weather continued fine for several days. 天气连续几天都很晴朗。

24 He held silent for the whole day. 他一整天都沉默不语。


近似于不及物动词的系动词有 sit, act, arrive, blush, marry, die be born 等。有人将其称为“半系动词”,因为它们介于不及物动词和系动词之间。读者对这些系动词只需了解,并且在遇到相关句子时能够正确理解即可。


25 Arnold Schwarzenegger grew up in Australia. His father was a policeman and his mother a housewife. Home didn't have a flush toilet or refrigerator until Arnie was 14. He arrived in the U. S. a penniless 21-year-old . His wife, Maria Shiver, is an anchor woman on U. S. TV news and niece of assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Andy Warhol and Grace Jones were among the 500 guests at their wedding. Others invited who were unable to attend included the Pope and the Reagans. His hobbies include reading, collecting art and attending classical music festivals.

我们来分析其中的一句话: He arrived in the U. S. a penniless 21-year-old .

妙语点睛 首先,介词短语 in the U. S. 显然是表示地点的,修饰谓语 arrived ,即是一个地点状语,表示“他到达了美国”。其次,名词短语 a penniless 21-year-old 起什么作用呢?作 arrived 的宾语吗?显然不行,因为 arrive 是不及物动词,不可能接宾语。从语义上来看, a penniless 21-year-old 显然是补充说明主语 he 的,表示“他到达美国的时候是一个身无分文的 21 岁的穷小子”,即 a penniless 21-year-old 是一个主语补足语,也就是相当于表语。可以把这个句子改写成: He was a penniless 21-year-old when he arrived in the U. S.

从而证明这里的谓语 arrived 相当于一个系动词的作用,连接主语 he 和表语 apenniless21-year-old

精品译文 阿诺德·施瓦辛格在澳大利亚长大。他父亲是一名警察,母亲是家庭主妇。直到小阿诺德 14 岁时家里才有了抽水马桶和电冰箱。 21 岁的时候,他身无分文地来到美国。他的妻子玛丽亚·希弗是美国电视新闻的主持人,也是美国前总统约翰· F ·肯尼迪的侄女。安迪·沃尔和格蕾斯·琼斯是参加他们婚礼的 55 名嘉宾之一,其他受到邀请却没能参加的客人包括教皇和里根家族的成员。他的爱好包括读书、收集艺术品和听古典音乐会。


26 An eagle's egg was placed in the nest of a prairie (大草原) chicken. The egg hatched and the little eagle grew up,

thinking it was a prairie chicken. The eagle did what the prairie chickens did. It scratched in the dirt for seeds. It clucked and cackled. It never flew more than a few feet because that was what the prairie chickens did. One day he saw an eagle flying gracefully and majestically in the open sky. He asked the prairie chickens, What is that beautiful bird? The chickens replied, That is an eagle. He is an outstanding bird, but you cannot fly like him because you are just a prairie chicken. So the eagle never gave it a second thought, believing that to be the truth. He lived the life of and died a prairie chicken , depriving himself of his heritage because of his lack of vision. What a waste! He was born to win, but was conditioned to lose.

我们来分析其中的这句话: He lived the life of and died a prairie chicken .

妙语点睛 笔者认为,这是该故事中最难的一个句子了。这个句子原本地结构是 He lived the life of a prairie chicken and died a prairie chicken 。也就是说名词短语 a prairie chicken 同时充当两个谓语部分 lived the life of died 的成分。那在这里到底是什么成分呢?作宾语吗?可以肯定的是, a prairie chicken 是作介词 of 的宾语。但是 died 的宾语吗?我们知道, die 是不及物动词,不能接宾语。从语义的角度来看,即使把 a prairie chicken 看作是 died 的宾语,也是讲不通的,因为这样一来句子的意思就成了“它把一只草原鸡弄死了”,这显然不对,因为这里 he 就是 a prairie chicken ,而不是两种不同的动物。其实,这里的 die 相当于一个系动词,其后面的名词短语 a prairie chicken 是用来补充说明主语的,也就是说是主语补足语,可以将其改写成: He was a prairie chicken when he died. (死的时候它也就是一只普通的草原鸡。)

精品译文 一只苍鹰的蛋被放置在一只草原土鸡的窝里。后来这枚蛋孵化成了一只小鹰。小鹰慢慢长大了,不过它就认为自己是一只草原鸡。它的生活习惯与草原鸡别无二致:也是在土里找种子吃;也是发出咯咯的叫声;也从不高飞,飞行距离不过几英尺,因为草原鸡就是这样飞的。有一天,它看见一只苍鹰在开阔的高空中优美地翱翔着,就问那些草原鸡:“那是什么鸟?那么漂亮?”草原鸡回答道:“那是一只苍鹰,是一只优秀的飞鸟。你不可能像它那样飞翔的,因为你只不过是一只草原鸡。”听了这番话,这只鹰信以为真,再也没有怀疑过。它就如同一只普通的草原鸡那样度过了一生然后死去。因为缺乏眼光而丧失了自己与生俱来的飞翔本领。这是多么浪费!他虽然生来就能取胜,但却注定要失败。


为了让读者更好地理解 die 作为系动词这一特殊的用法,请看例句:

27 1 Jane Austin died a spinster .
2 He died a hero's death .

妙语点睛 这两句话在表面上看都一样,就是在 died 后面接名词短语,分别是 a spinster a hero's death 。但实际上二者内在的深层结构是不同的。

在例句 1 )中, a spinster 作表语或者说是主语补足语,即补充说明主语 Jane Austin 的性质特征,所以可以将原句改写成 Jane Austin was a spinster when she died. 但在例句 2 )中, a hero's death 则不具有 a spinster 这样的特点,即并不是充当表语来修饰主语 he ,因为 He was a hero's death when he died.* 是讲不通的。事实上, a hero's death 是一类较为特殊的宾语,英语里称为“同源宾语”。因为这里的 death die 是同词源的,所以这里的 a hero's death 是同源宾语。除了同源宾语外, die 不能接其他正常的宾语。比如翻译这个句子“他把这个姑娘弄死了”,不能说 He died the girl .* 而要说 He killed the girl . 其他可以带同源宾语的不及物动词有 live (如 He lived a dog's life. ), dream (如 He dreamt a beautiful dream. )等等。

精品译文 1 )简·奥斯汀去世时,依然未嫁。
2 )他英勇牺牲了。


28 1 Lei Feng died young .

2 Lei Feng worked hard .

妙语点睛 在例句 1 )中, young 是形容词,作表语(或者说是主语补足语),说明主语 Lei Feng 的性质特征,所以可将原句改写成 Lei Feng was young when he died 。从这个句子里也可看出 young 不是用来修饰谓语动词 die 的。而在例句 2 )中, hard 是副词,作状语,用来修饰 work ,说明 work 的动作行为特征,而不是说明主语 Lei Feng 的性质特征的。所以,不能将这句话改写成: Lei Feng is hard when he works.*

精品译文 1 )雷锋英年早逝。
2 )雷锋工作很勤奋。

其他关于系动词 die 的句子还有:

29 He used to be very rich, but he died poor .

妙语点睛 这句话相当于说 He was poor at the time of his death. 或者 He was poor when he died.

精品译文 他曾经非常有钱,但死的时候很穷。

30 He died a local company manager .

妙语点睛 这句话相当于说 He was a local company manager when he died.

精品译文 他死的时候是一家公司的经理。


31 1 Don't act stupid .

2 Don't act stupidly .

妙语点睛 这两句话里仅是一个形容词 stupid 和副词 stupidly 之别,则两句话的意思不同。在例句 1 )中, act 是作为系动词,表示 to appear or seem to be ,所以这个 act 不是讲行为动作,而只是讲故意装出某种样子。而在例句 2 )中,由于是用副词 stupidly 作状语来修饰谓语动词 act 来说明行为动作的特点,所以这里的 act 是讲具体的行为动作。

精品译文 1 )别装傻。
2 )别笨手笨脚的。

再来比较一下 act 作行为动词和系动词时的词义区别。请比较:

32 1 I acted foolish .

2 I'm ashamed I acted foolishly .

妙语点睛 在例句 1 )中, act 是系动词,后接形容词 foolish 作表语。在例句 2 )中, act 是行为动词,后接副词 foolishly 作状语。

精品译文 1 )我当时只是故意装傻。
2 )我为自己的愚蠢行为感到羞耻。

讲到这里,笔者突然想起了我们常说的一句话:你到底是真傻还是装傻啊?如果是“真傻”,则说成 act foolishly ;如果是“装傻”,则说成 act foolish ,即此时 act 的内涵不同,作用也不同。

读者小时候有没有故意装病逃学的经历呢?这里的“装病”就应该说成 act sick ,而不能说 act sickly 。请看下面的对话:

33 Lily is sick in bed.

Mom: Lily! Why aren't you up and ready for school?

Lily: I don't feel so good, Mom.

Mom: Lily, if you're acting sick just because you want to play hooky...

Lily: Coughing No, Mom. I'm really sick.

Mom: Oh, that's a nasty cough. Let me feel your head feels her forehead . You're on fire!

妙语点睛 这里的 act 是系动词,后接形容词 sick 作表语。

精品译文 (莉莉生病躺在床上。)

请读者再看其他有关 act 的例句:

34 He acted quickly and seized the thief.

妙语点睛 这里的 act 是行为动词,后接副词 quickly 作状语。

精品译文 他动作很快,一下子就抓住了窃贼。

35 The crew, the passengers, and everybody else acted heroically . Flying is all about teamwork and that's what we displayed.

妙语点睛 这里的 act 是行为动词,后接副词 heroically 作状语。

精品译文 机组成员、旅客以及其他所有人的表现都像英雄一样。飞行需要的是团队协作,我们恰恰体现了这一点。

这是英国航空公司 BA038 航班飞行员之一约翰·科沃德说的。这架从北京飞往伦敦的客机 2008 1 17 日在伦敦希思罗机场降落前,因突发故障导致动力全无,面临坠毁的危险。多亏飞行员的出色操作,飞机才成功地实现了紧急迫降,所有乘客和机组人员都安然无恙,只有十几人受了轻伤。

36 All men are created equal .

妙语点睛 这句话可谓是美国的立国信条( creed )之一,写进了美国的宪法和《独立宣言》中。读者有没有这样的疑问:为什么这里使用了形容词 equal 而不是副词 equally 来修饰谓语 are created ,并为这个疑问停下来认真思考过?
其实,这里的 equal 并不是修饰谓语 are created ,而是补充说明主语 all men 的,因而可以很自然地改写成下面这样: All men are equal when they are created by God .
从这个改写后的句子,可以更清晰地看到其中的逻辑修饰关系。具体来说,这里的 equal (平等)的语义重点不在 created (创造)上,不是说“平等地被创造出来”(否则就要说成 are created equally ),而在于说明主语 men 上,表示“人是平等的( all men are equal )”。这就真正地理解了为什么要说 equal 而不是 equally

精品译文 人人生而平等。


37 All the audience sat silent .

妙语点睛 这里的 silent 是说明主语 audience 的特征,而不是修饰 sat ,故不用 silently

精品译文 全场观众鸦雀无声。

38 He was born poor .

妙语点睛 这里的 poor 是说明主语 he 的特征,而不是修饰 born ,故不用 poorly

精品译文 他出生贫穷。

39 People aren't born great . They become great.

妙语点睛 这里的 great 是说明主语 people 的特征,而不是修饰 born ,故不用 greatly

精品译文 人不是生来就伟大,而是变得伟大。

40 I was born a leader .

妙语点睛 这里的 a leader 是说明主语 I 的特征。

精品译文 我生来就是作领导的。

41 The boy blushed scarlet .

妙语点睛 这里的 scarlet 是说明主语 the boy 的特征,而不是修饰 blushed

精品译文 这孩子羞红了脸。

42 I married young .

妙语点睛 这里的 young 是说明主语 I 的特征,而不是修饰 married ,所以这句话可以改写成 I was young when I married

精品译文 我早婚。

43 The caterpillars kept going in a circle in the pot. Eventually, after a week of circling around, they dropped dead of exhaustion and starvation with food only inches away from them.

妙语点睛 这里的形容词 dead 是说明主语 they 的特征,而不是修饰谓语 dropped

精品译文 这些毛毛虫不停地在盆里绕圈。最终,这样过了一周之后,它们都因为疲劳和饥饿而死去,可是食物离它们只有几英寸远。

1.2.2 简单句叠加成复杂难句


1 Vitamins are organic compounds.

妙语点睛 这个句子的主语是 vitamins ,谓语是系动词 are ,名词短语 organic compounds 是表语。

精品译文 维生素是一种有机化合物。

这个句子很简单,但现在要逐步将其复杂化。比如在名词 compounds 后面添加一个后置定语,如下句:

2 Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth of life .

妙语点睛 这里我们添加了一个形容词短语 necessary for the normal growth of life ,来后置修饰名词 compounds

精品译文 维生素是一种有机化合物,是生命正常生长所必不可少的。


3 Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man.

妙语点睛 这里的形容词短语是 necessary for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man ,依然后置修饰名词 compounds

精品译文 维生素是一种有机化合物,是所有动物(包括人类)的正常生长和生命延续所必不可少的。


4 Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man .

妙语点睛 本句子是 1996 年考研完形填空真题的第一句话。这里是在 necessary for 之间添加了介词短语 in small amounts in the diet ,整个形容词短语是 necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man ,依然后置修饰名词 compounds

精品译文 维生素是一种有机化合物,尽管在饮食中的含量很少,但却是所有动物(包括人类)正常生长和生命延续所必不可少的。

比较上面各句可以发现,最后一句话显然要比第一句复杂得多,但是基本句型并没有改变,其核心结构依然是 vitamins are organic compounds 这一主系表句型。所以读者应该看到,对于难句的分析和解读,关键在于对句型结构的分析。




Exercise 1.2


1. She lived the life of and died a spinster.

2. He arrived in Beijing a penniless 18-year-old and now is the CEO of a multinational company.

3. This book falls overdue a week;I must be fined.

4. Mr. Smith died a university president.


5. He acted stupid.

6. He acted stupidly.


7. I'm ashamed I acted______.

A. fool
B. foolish
C. foolishly

8. Lily acted______just to play hooky.

A. sick
B. sickly
C. sickness

9. A: How about the ship then?

B: It sailed back______.

A. safe
B. safely
C. safety

10. He has been working out in the gym to stay______.

A. healthily
B. healthy
C. health m/lLitmTuBDvUeMLE2yUilcPSttuwEFordP0vFj666GMQZ+03zUsz13IHjtVw1DE
