
3.2 关系词在定语从句充当的成分

在上一节中,在谈到关系词的“代词作用”时,提到它“重复指代先行词并且在定语从句中充当一定的成分”。因此接下来的分析思路是,以关系词为出发点,从两个角度来谈定语从句:一是关系词在从句中所能充当的各种不同成分(见本节);二是关系词与先行词的对应关系,即不同的先行词要由不同的关系词来指代(见 3. 3 节)。


3. 2.1 关系词用作从句的主语( relative pronoun as subject

3. 2.2 关系词用作从句中动词的宾语( relative pronoun as object of verb

3. 2.3 关系词用作从句中介词的宾语( relative pronoun as object of preposition

3. 2.4 作宾语的关系词可以省去

3.2.1 关系词用作从句的主语( relative pronoun as subject


1 The woman is a famous dancer and she lives next door.

妙语点睛 上述两个简单句中有一个“重复元素”,这里的 she 就指代 the woman ,即两句之间有一个交叉点,而通过这个交叉点建立起两句之间的联系。现在要用 she lives next door 来作定语修饰 the woman ,以告诉对方哪个 woman 是舞蹈演员。而在定语从句中,指代“人”的关系词要用 who 。前面说过,关系词既具有代词的作用又起着连词的作用,因此,上句可改写成:

The woman is a famous dancer who =and she lives next door.

由此看到,这里的关系词 who 既取代了代词 she 也取代了连词 and ,也即 who 既具有代词的作用也起着连接的作用。另外,定语从句一般要紧跟在它所修饰的名词后面。因此,上句又可进一步改写成:

The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.


The woman is a famous dancer and she lives next door .

The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.

由此看到,关系词 who 既指代 the woman ,同时又在从句中作成分——从句的主语,而且还替换了 and ,起着连词的作用。

精品译文 这位女士是一名著名的舞蹈演员,她就住在我家隔壁。


2 1 I like guys and they have a good sense of humor .

2 I like guys who have a good sense of humor .

妙语点睛 这里的关系词 who 取代 and they ,来引导定语从句 who have a good sense of humor ,修饰名词 guys 。这个 guys 就是先行词。

精品译文 我喜欢有幽默感的男士。


一、用关系词 who 代替人称代词(如 she they )后,定语从句里就不能再保留这些代词了。比如不能说:

3 The woman who she lives next door is a famous dancer.*

4 I like guys who they have a good sense of humor.*

因为这里已经有了 who 在从句中作主语,不必重复代词(如 she they )了。

二、细心的读者也许已经注意到了,上述两个定语从句 who lives next door who have a good sense of humor 分别修饰的名词 woman guys ,它们在各自的主句中充当的成分不同: woman 作主语( the woman is a famous dancer ),而 guys 是作宾语( I like guys )。事实上,定语从句可以修饰一个主句当中的任何一个名词。但是,我们关注的往往是 关系词在定语从句中所充当的成分 ,不关心定语从句是修饰主句的哪个名词。

三、关于定语从句的主谓一致的问题。我们看到,同样是 who 作主语,但是 who lives next door 这个定语从句的谓语动词 lives 是单数第三人称的形式,即词尾加了 -s ;而 who have a good sense of humor 这个定语从句的谓语动词 have 却不是单数第三人称形式。这里读者或许就有一个疑问:为什么同样的主语 who 竟然会接两种不同形式的谓语呢?这里其实涉及关系词 who 的指代问题,也就是说, 定语从句的谓语动词形式是由关系词所指代的先行词来决定的 ,而不是取决于关系词本身。定语从句 who lives next door 中的 who 指代的 woman 是单数名词,故谓语用单数的 lives ;而定语从句 who have a good sense of humor 中的 who 指代的 guys 是复数名词,故谓语用复数的 have 。这也进一步验证了,关系词是有指代作用的(同时具有连词作用)。


5 Anger is a thief who steals away the nice moments . 愤怒就如同一个窃贼,盗取了我们的幸福时光。

6 He who is not ha ndsome at twenty, nor strong at thirty, nor rich at forty, nor wise at fifty , will never be handsome, strong, rich, or wise. 一个人若在 20 岁时不俊美、 30 岁时不健康、 40 岁时不富有、 50 岁时不明智,那么他将永远不会拥有这些。

7 There is this difference between happiness and wisdom: the person who thinks himself the happiest man really is so;but the person who thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool. 幸福与智慧区别于此:认为自己是最幸福的,他真的就最幸福;而认为自己是最有智慧的,他却往往是最大的傻瓜。

8 The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. 世界犹如一本书,而那些从不出门旅行的人仅仅读了这本书的一页。

9 A rich person is not one who has the most , but is one who needs the least . 一个富有的人,不是因为他拥有的最多,而是因为他需要的最少。

10 I like guys who aren't too serious and who have a good sense of humor . 我喜欢不过于严肃,并且具有幽默感的男士。

11 Of course I am not talking about easy-come-easy-go friendship. I'm talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, who make life worth living . 当然了,我这里所说的友谊不是那种“来得快去得也快”的泛泛之交,而是那种彼此之间能真正互相关心的朋友,能够互相支持的朋友,能够让你的人生更有意义的朋友。

在上面这些定语从句中,关系词 who 都是作从句的主语。

3.2.2 关系词用作从句中动词的宾语( relative pronoun as object of verb


1 1 I'd really like to find a friend and I can trust him completely.

2 I'd really like to find a friend ... I can trust who completely.

妙语点睛 在例句 1 )中,这里的 him 指代名词 a friend ,可以用关系词 who 来替换 him ,来充当动词 trust 的宾语。又因为 who 有连词的作用,所以此时 and 就要去掉了,如例句 2 )所示。另一方面,关系词 who 要置于从句的开头,所以要把 who 移到 I 的前面,原句从而变成了下面的例句 3 ):

3 I'd really like to find a friend who I can trust...completely.
这里的 who 虽然发生了移位,但依然是充当从句动词 trust 的宾语。这里用“ ... ”表示 trust 的宾语是存在的,只不过发生了移位,移到了从句的开头,由 who 来充当。因此,这里的关系词 who 是充当从句的宾语。既然从句的谓语 trust 有宾语了,原来的 him 就要去掉,所以不能这样说:

4 I'd really like to find a friend who I can trust him completely.*

5 I'd really like to find a friend who I can trust completely . 我想找一个我完全能够信任的人作朋友。我们再来看更多的例句:

2 He is the best grammar teacher who I have ever seen . 他是我见过的最好的语法老师。

3 It's hard to have a friend who you can trust completely. 很难有一个你能完全信任的朋友。

4 He is the student who the teacher likes to praise for his hardwork. 他就是那位因为学习用功而老师喜欢表扬的学生。

3.2.3 关系词用作从句中介词的宾语( relative pronoun as object of preposition

关系词除了 3.2.2 小节中讨论的那样可以作从句动词的宾语外,还可以充当从句介词的宾语。例如:

1 1 I'm talking about friends and you can share almost everything with them .

2 I'm talking about friends who you can share almost everything with .

妙语点睛 这里的 who 即是充当介词 with 的宾语。

精品译文 我这里说的朋友,是指那些你几乎可以把一切与之分享的人。


2 I hope I never have a boss who I can't talk to about my problems.

妙语点睛 这里的 who 即是充当介词 to 的宾语。

精品译文 我不希望有一个我无法与之沟通的老板。

3 I like the people who I work with .

妙语点睛 这里的 who 即是充当介词 with 的宾语。

精品译文 我喜欢那些和我一同工作的同事。

4 I'd prefer someone who I have something in common with who I can talk to easily.

妙语点睛 这里的关系词 who 分别充当介词 with to 的宾语。

精品译文 我喜欢那些与我有共同点的人,这样易交流。

3.2.4 作宾语的关系词可以省去

综合 3. 2. 1 3.2.2 3. 2. 3 小节讨论的内容,我们看到,关系词在定语从句中主要可以充当两种成分:主语或宾语(动词的宾语或介词的宾语)。至此,将讨论关系词的省略问题。英语里有这样的习惯:作宾语的关系词可以省去,不论关系词是作动词的宾语还是作介词的宾语都可以省去。比如以上各节中讨论过的相关例句,可以分别改写成:

1 I'd really like to find a friend ( ) I can trust completely.

2 I'm talking about friends ( ) you can share almost everything with.

3 I hope I never have a boss ( ) I can't talk to about my problems.


4 I like guys ( ) have a good sense of humor.*




Exercise 3.2

He is the student who the teacher likes to praise for his hardwork

1. It would be fun to go out with a person______.

a. who doesn't mind doing housework.

2. For me, the ideal spouse is someone______.

b. I have nothing in common with.

3. I'd really like to find a friend______.

c. that I can trust completely.

4. I hope I never have a boss______.

d. that doesn't criticize me all the time.

5. I don't want to be friends with anyone______.

e. I can't talk to about my problems.

6. The perfect English teacher is someone______.

f. who is a really good conversationalist.


7. He is the man who he is teaching us English.

8. I'd really like to find a friend that I can trust him completely.

9. I'd really like to find a friend I can share almost everything with him.



I don't like people___________________________.

I don't like people who say one thing but do something else. who 作主语)

I don't like people who I can't trust. who 作动词 trust 的宾语)

I don't like people who I have nothing in common with. who 作介词 with 的宾语)

10. I like people___________________________.

11. I don't like teachers_________________________.

12. A good friend is a person___________________________.

13. I have a good friend___________________________. Qfd4PcMdIPhMo38Bquk57NAIgMc6hT5pcWnpX8YZlUhcUz5ns4d+XcBQiFyISXeq
