
2.5 简单句与同位语从句

所谓同位语,就是用来补充说明名词的成分。被补充说明的名词,叫作先行词。当用一个完整的句子来补充说明名词时,即构成同位语从句。所以,同位语从句都位于一个名词的后面,便构成了“名词 + 连词 + 同位语从句”这样的结构。本节内容安排如下:

2. 5.1 陈述句作同位语

2. 5.2 一般疑问句作同位语

2. 5.3 特殊疑问句作同位语

2.5.1 陈述句作同位语

把“ that+ 陈述句”这一结构放在同位语的位置即构成同位语从句。请看例句:

1 He was prepared to prove his theory that two different weights would fall to the ground at the same time .

妙语点睛 这里的先行词是 his theory ,同位语从句是 that two different weights would fall to the ground at the same time

精品译文 他准备证明他的这一理论:两个重量不同的物体将同时落地。

2 The fact that he succeeded in the experiment pleased everybody.

妙语点睛 这里的先行词是 the fact ,同位语从句是 that he succeeded in the experiment

精品译文 他试验取得了成功,这让大家很高兴。

3 The rumor that Tom was a thief turned out to be untrue.

妙语点睛 这里的先行词是 the rumor ,同位语从句是 that Tom was a thief

精品译文 有人曾谣传汤姆是小偷,结果证明是不对的。


4 They spread the lie everywhere that Tom was guilty of theft .

妙语点睛 这里的先行词 the lie 与同位语从句 that Tom was guilty of theft everywhere 隔开。

精品译文 他们到处散布谣言说汤姆犯有盗窃罪。

5 A saying goes that practice makes perfect .

妙语点睛 这里的先行词 a saying 与同位语从句 that practice makes perfect 被谓语 goes 隔开。

精品译文 俗话说,熟能生巧。

6 Dreary months dragged by before the tragic news reached her that her beloved brother had been killed for anti-Nazi activities .

妙语点睛 这里的先行词 the tragic news 与同位语从句 that her beloved brother had been killed for anti-Nazi activities 被谓语 reached her 隔开。

精品译文 在狱中度过数月梦魇般的日子后,突然有一天传来噩耗:她亲爱的哥哥在反法西斯活动中被杀害了。

这种被分隔开来的情形在阅读文章中是比较常见的,遇到时一定要认真分析,才能正确地理解句子的意思。 2.5.2 一般疑问句作同位语

把“ whether+ 陈述句”这一结构放在同位语地位置即构成同位语从句。请看例句:

They are faced with the problem whether they should continue to work . 他们面临这样一个问题:他们是否应该继续工作。

2.5.3 特殊疑问句作同位语


1 There arose the question where we could get the loan . 现在的问题是我们去哪里弄到这笔贷款。

2 The question who should go abroad on this business tour requires consideration.


3 I have no idea when he will return . 我不知道他什么时候回来。

最后需要说明的是,同位语从句主要是由 that 引导,而很少用 whether 以及连接代词或连接副词引导,这是因为我们多是用陈述句来补充说明名词的内容,而很少用 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 来补充说明名词的内容。



本章对名词从句的讲解完全是一种全新的思维,即名词从句可简单地概括为这样一句话: 名词从句就是用三种句子来分别充当另外一个句子的四种句子成分 。这里的三种句子是:陈述句、一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句;四种成分是:主语、宾语、表语和同位语。抓住了这一本质,名词从句的其他所有问题便能迎刃而解。



1. 用陈述句作成分时,需要在句首加 that

2. 用一般疑问句作成分时,需要先将疑问句转换成正常语序,然后在句首加上 whether if (只用在宾语从句中),以保留原句的疑问意义;

3. 用特殊疑问句作成分时,只需要将疑问句转换成正常语序。





1. No one knows exactly______.

A. how did speech begin
B. how speech began
C. how the beginning of speech
D. of how beginning speech

2. It is obvious______on more important things.

A. which the money should we spend
B. what the money should we spend
C. that the money should we spend
D. that we should spend the money

3. ______hard water does not mix well with soap.

A. That is a well-known fact
B. That is a well-known fact in which
C. It is a well-known fact that
D. It is a well-known that

4. ______every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field.

A. It believes that
B. It believed that
C. It is believed that
D. It's believing that

5. ______was to return to school.

A. That really interested him
B. What really interested him
C. Which really interested him
D. That interested him really

6. Stopping pouring polluted water into the river is______the factory has to solve at present.

A. what
B. that
C. which
D. why

7. ______the mass of the nucleus is slightly less than the total mass of the protons and neutrons which made up the nucleus.

A. It found that
B. It was found that
C. It was found for
D. It finds that

8. He wondered______.

A. what will be his wife's reaction
B. what would his wife's reaction be
C. how would be his wife's reaction
D. what his wife's reaction would be

9. He asked me______I intended to do after my graduation.

A. that what
B. what
C. that
D. which

10. Listening carefully to______in class means less work later.

A. what does the teacher say
B. what the teacher says
C. that the teacher says
D. which the teacher says

11. After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realized______I was still alive.

A. that
B. whether
C. what
D. which

12. John didn't say______he would return, but I presume he'll be back for dinner.

A. that when
B. when
C. if or not
D. where

13. He works too hard. That is______is wrong with him.

A. that which
B. that what
C. what
D. the thing what

14. ______to space travelers is high acceleration or deceleration forces.

A. Danger can be
B. What can be dangerous
C. They can be dangerous
D. While danger

15. According to some educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn what______to know to live a well-adjusted and successful life.

A. do they need
B. they need
C. they are needed
D. as they may need

16. ______the trainer wanted to tell is______Asian elephants are easier to tame than African ones.

A. That, those
B. What, that
C. What, the
D. That, the

17. ______the London Zoo will adopt as a measurement at the critical moment is to try all ways preserving the animals in the zoo.

A. That
B. What
C. It's
D. Whether

18. The problem now is______we can adopt to overcome the difficulties in shortage of funds.

A. what measure
B. that measure
C. measure that
D. measure which

19. The mountain was______many animals, such as wolves, badges and rabbits once haunted but now it is so silent.

A. that place
B. where
C. what
D. then

20. The reason we're so late is______.

A. because of the car breaking down
B. due the care broke down
C. that the car broke down
D. because the car broke down

21. The question is______can be put into practice.

A. how you have learned
B. how that you have learned
C. that why you have learned
D. how what you have learned

22. There are signs______restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A. that
B. which
C. in which
D. whose

23. ______that the first cheese was probably made more than 4, 000 years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia.

A. The belief
B. Although they believe
C. It is believed
D. Believing

24. In the fourteenth century,______that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven.

A. the discovery
B. it was discovered
C. with the discovery
D. if it was discovered

25. We were all overjoyed at the news______the experiment turned out a success.

A. which
B. that
C. when
D. what


26. A hinge joint is______ what/that/which permits the forward and backward movement of a door.

27. It's doubtful______ whether/that/how/what the government of that country can accept them as permanent residents.

28. It has always puzzled me______ that/why/where/what the old man tied a red silk ribbon on the young tree in his courtyard.

29. The reason for my return is______ because/it/that/why I left my keys behind.

30. Scientists have reached the conclusion______ what/that/which/when the temperature on Earth is getting higher and higher.

31. I have no idea______ what/that/which/why has happened to him.

32. An idea came to her______ that/what/when/which she might do the experiment in another way.

33. One of the qualities______ that/what/who/why separate us two-legged animals from the four-legged ones is compassion. It is______ which/that/what makes us stand up tall instead of crawling about on all fours. And standing up tall is______ which/that/what frees our arms to reach out to a fellow being and say, Let me help you.

34. Change is______ which/that/what keeps us fresh and innovative. Change is______ which/that/what keeps us from getting stale. Change is______ which/that/what keeps us young.


35. Is there any proof (A) which (B) the food of the plant differs (C) from that of (D) animals?

36. A man cannot be really happy if that (A) he enjoys doing is ignored (B) by society as of (C) no value or importance (D).

37. More and more people have realized (A) such (B) a fact of (C) heart diseases are related to (D) the way people live. M/sxtoiIpxWv/ECaFfzeYsfxJ4lFtssrdjMvnlwW5BYILxP/Ecy9ksIfX77VG8f7
