
2.9 关系代词 than

我们可以把 than 用作关系代词来引导定语从句,这一点也许是很多读者不熟悉的,但却在考试中会出现。请看下列例句:

1 Families have also experienced changes these years. More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents; consequently, children are likely to have less supervision at home was common in the traditional family structure.

A. than
B. that
C. which
D. as

正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这是 2004 年的考研真题。我们看到这里 than 在从句中充当主语,后面接有谓语动词 was ,它指代的先行词是 supervision ,比较的对象是“现在家庭对孩子的 supervision 要比传统家庭的少”。

精品译文 这些年来家庭模式也经历了变化,更多的家庭是单亲家庭或者双职工家庭;其结果是,与传统家庭结构相比而言,孩子在现代家庭里所受到的管教可能更少了。

对于 than 的此种作为关系代词的用法,很多考生会感到很不理解。我们在这里作一类比说明,详细解释一下。请大家注意:上一句中的先行词 supervision 前面有一个比较级形容词 less ,而与比较级构成结构上呼应关系的只能是 than ,也就是构成 less...than 这样的结构搭配( children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure )。那我们为什么要把这个句子看作是定语从句,而不是大家所熟悉的比较状语从句呢?为了解释清楚,现在我们试着把 less...than 这一结构从句中去掉并稍加改写:

1) Children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure.


2) Children are likely to have the supervision at home that was common in the traditional family structure.

我们看到例句 2 )就是一个典型的定语从句了, that 取代了 than 在从句中作主语。这句话的意思就成了“孩子们在现代家庭里可能有的管教,在传统家庭里也有”。我们可以更进一步替换,用上面提到过的 the same...as 来替换,原句就变为:

3) Children are likely to have the same supervision at home as was common in the traditional family structure.

这里 as 取代了 than 在从句中作主语。这句话的意思是“孩子们在现代家庭里受到了传统家庭里同样的管教”。说到这里,我们也就解释了为什么正确答案不是 B C D ,因为它们都无法和 less 构成结构上的呼应关系。从上述的详细分析中,我们可以归纳总结出 than 引导的定语从句的如下用法特点:


2 There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than in the public mind today.

A. exists
B. exist
C. existing
D. existed

正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这是 1995 年的考研真题。根据以上分析我们知道,这个句子也是 than 引导的定语从句。在关系词 than 前面的众多名词(如 cancer, risk, anxiety )当中,哪个是先行词呢?大家只要按照我们上面说过的 than 用法特点“比较级所修饰的名词即为先行词”,就很容易判断出这里的先行词是 anxiety 。先行词是单数,所以谓语动词应为 exists 。故正确答案为 A than 就是指代 anxiety 在从句中作主语。在这里我们再次看到正确判断先行词的重要性,找到了先行词,原句就好理解了。定语从句 than exists in the public mind today 表示存在于人们心中的是 anxiety ,不是 cancer risk 。这样,整个句子的意思就迎刃而解了。

精品译文 人们不应该像如今这样害怕患上癌症。

3 These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than in traditional media.

A. exist
B. exists
C. existing
D. to exist

正确答案 A

妙语点睛 这是 1999 年的考研真题。只要掌握了 than 引导的定语从句的上述特点,我们很快就能判断出在 than 前面的众多名词(如 information, use, restrictions )当中,先行词是 restrictions ,因为它前面带有比较级修饰语 greater 。先行词是复数,所以谓语动词应为 exist 。故正确答案为 A 。定语从句 than exist in traditional media 表示的是存在于传统媒体中的 restrictions ,不是 information use 。这样,整个句子的意思自然就容易理解了。

精品译文 这些提案试图对数字化信息的使用与复制实行比传统媒体更加严格的限制。

4 Don't drink more wine than is good for health .

精品译文 不要过量饮酒。适量饮酒有益于健康。

5 Don't give him more money than is needed , since money will burn a hole in his pocket.

精品译文 不要多给他钱,他需要多少就给多少,因为他有钱就花光。

在上面讨论的 than 引导的定语从句的例子中, than 都是在从句中充当主语。下面我们来看两个 than 在从句中作宾语的例子:

6 He soon found it easy to make more money by thieving than his father had done by a lifetime of honest work .

妙语点睛 这里的 more 所修饰的名词 money 即为先行词, than 指代 money 的同时在从句中作谓语动词 had done (即 had made )的宾语。定语从句 than his father had done by a lifetime of honest work 表示“他老爸通过一辈子辛勤劳动所挣的钱”。

精品译文 很快他就发现,通过盗窃所得的钱比他老爸一辈子辛勤劳动挣来的钱要多得多。 6d2lzZ0Qkqt0JYfVjVYZYF2Tz3Zosj5crXv7ZYEAvDrJiTBZBK9XiPY87nFceerh
