
1.4 名词的格(一): 's 所有格的构成及逻辑语义关系


1.4.1 's 所有格的构成

首先要明确的是,名词所有格“ 's ”主要用来 表示有生命的名词的所属关系。 所以它通常用在姓名、人称、不定代词、集体名词和高等动物等这样的名词后面。比如:

姓名( names ): Mary 's brother, Jones's car

人称( personal nouns ): my brother 's car, the lawyer 's office, children 's reading, women 's wear

不定代词( indefinite pronouns ): nobody 's fault, everyone 's responsibility

集体名词( collective nouns ): the party 's decision, the committee 's decision, the company 's accounts

高等动物( animals ): the horse 's mouth, the horse 's stable (马棚) , a bird 's nest (鸟窝)

其次,我们来讨论在这些名词后面该如何添加“ 's ”。具体说明如下:


单数名词的所有格,在词尾加“ 's ”。比如:

1 my sister 's boyfriend 我姐姐的男朋友

2 the people 's choice 人民的选择

3 a woman 's intuition 女人的直觉

4 the actress 's boyfriend 这个女演员的男朋友

注意,对于像 actress 这样以 -s 结尾的单数名词,其所有格同样是在词尾加“ 's ”。



一是,不以 -s -es 结尾的特殊变化的复数名词,在词尾加“ 's ”。比如:

5 the Children 's Day 儿童节

6 the children 's books 儿童读物

7 women's wear 女装

8 Tom and John are men 's names. “汤姆”和“约翰”都是男子名。

二是,以 -s 结尾的复数名词,在词尾加“’”构成所有格。比如:

9 her friends money 她朋友的钱

10 The stars concert was a sell-out. 这些明星们的音乐会门票已售完。


复合名词的所有格,在最后一个词的词尾加“ 's ”构成。比如:

11 my father-in-law 's company 我岳父的公司

12 everyone else's viewpoints 其他人的看法

13 Henry the Eighth's wives 亨利八世的妻子们

14 the Prince of Charles's car 查尔斯王子的车

15 the President of America's secretary 美国总统的秘书

16 My brother-in-law 's cousin is a singer. 我姐夫的表弟是一位歌手。


对于由 and 连接的并列名词,当表示“共有”的情况下,只需在最后一个名词的词尾加“ 's ”;若表示“各自所有”,则须在每个名词的词尾加“ 's ”。比如:

17 John and his wife 's bank savings 约翰和他妻子的共有存款

18 John's and his wife 's bank savings 约翰和他妻子各自的存款

19 Clint and John 's bedroom 克林特和约翰共有的房间

20 Clint's and John 's bedrooms 克林特和约翰各自的房间

在美国情景喜剧《老友记》( Friends )里面有这样一个场景:罗斯( Ross )的前妻凯萝尔( Carol )要在医院临产了,雷切尔( Rachel )去医院里看她。给凯萝尔接生的产科医生( obstetrician )是一个大帅哥,雷切尔见到后很心动,想和他搭讪。于是她通过一连串的名词所有格来和这位医生套近乎:

21 Rachel: I'm Carol's ex-husband's sister's roommate.

Doctor: I'm your roommate's brother's ex-wife's obstetrician.

妙语点睛 这里二人都用了相当复杂的名词所有格。雷切尔这么做显然是为了和这位大帅哥套近乎。雷切尔与罗斯的妹妹莫尼卡( Monica )是室友关系,罗斯的前妻是凯萝尔,于是她说自己是“凯萝尔的前夫的妹妹的室友”。如此复杂的“远方”关系,雷切尔用了多个名词所有格方能表达清楚。这里 Carol's ex-husband 就是指罗斯; Carol's ex-husband's sister 就是指莫尼卡。

精品译文 雷切尔:我是凯萝尔的前夫的妹妹的室友。


1.4.2 's 所有格的逻辑语义关系



所谓“所属关系”,就是指某人所拥有的人或物。在以上讨论的例子中,“ 's ”主要是用来表示所属关系。比如:

1 my father-in-law 's company 我岳父的公司

2 my sister 's boyfriend 我姐姐的男朋友


3 the children 's books 儿童读物

4 women's wear 女装

5 Tom and John are men 's names. 汤姆和约翰都是男子名。


6 student 's book


7 teacher 's book




我们先来看例子。比如 2007 12 27 日,巴基斯坦前总理贝·布托( former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto )遇刺身亡,当时有媒体讨论“布托之死将会如何影响世界”:

8 How will Bhutto 's death affect the world

妙语点睛 名词短语 Bhutto's death 相当于说 Bhutto died ,表示“布托死了”,即相当于一个主谓关系。

精品译文 布托之死将会如何影响世界?

由上面这个例子可知,所谓“主谓关系”,是指所有格名词(如 Bhutto )相当于主语,而被修饰的名词(如 death )相当于一个谓语。此时,这个被修饰的名词通常都是由一个动词转化过来的,比如 death 对应的动词 die


9 the visitor's departure

=the visitor departed

精品译文 客人的离开

10 the teacher's request (此处的 request 是名词)

=the teacher request... (此处的 request 是动词)

精品译文 老师的请求

11 Britain's decision

=Britain decided...

精品译文 英国的决定



12 Bhutto 's assassination rocks Pakistan.

妙语点睛 这里的名词短语 Bhutto's assassination 相当于说 assassinate Bhutto ,表示“刺杀布托”,即相当于一个动宾关系。显然,这里的 Bhutto's assassination 不是上面所说的主谓关系,即不是表示“布托刺杀别人”。

精品译文 布托的刺杀事件震动了整个巴基斯坦。

由上面的例子可知,所谓“动宾关系”,是指被修饰的名词(如 assassination )相当于一个谓语,且是及物动词(如 assassinate )。而所有格名词(如 Bhutto )相当于这个及物动词的宾语。此时,这个被修饰的名词通常都是由一个动词转化过来的,比如 assassination 是由动词 assassinate 转化而来。


13 the children's education

= somebody educated the children

精品译文 孩子们的教育

14 the boy's punishment

= somebody punished the boy

精品译文 这个男孩受到的惩罚



15 For Washington, Bhutto 's loss is incalculable.

妙语点睛 这里的名词短语 Bhutto's loss 相当于说 the loss of Bhutto ,表示“失去了布托这一损失”或“损失了布托”。这里 loss 是中心词,表示“损失”,而 Bhutto's 是用来详述具体损失了什么东西,补充说明 loss ,即相当于一个同位语。显然,这里的 Bhutto's loss 既不是上面所说的主谓关系来表示“布托失去了(什么东西)”,也不是动宾关系来表示“某人弄丢了布托”。

精品译文 对于华盛顿(即指美国)来说,失去了布托这一损失无法估量。

以上讨论的例子都是关于名词所有格“ 's ”适用于有生命的名词。名词所有格还可以用于以下“非生命名词”,此时一般都不是表示所属关系。具体的逻辑关系如下:


所有格“ 's ”用在表示时间的名词后面。比如:

16 today's newspaper 今天的报纸

17 tomorrow's weather 明天的天气

18 tonight's TV 今晚的电视节目

19 last night's storm 昨夜的暴风雨

20 a hard day 's work 一整天的辛勤劳动

21 a week 's holiday 一周的假期

22 a month 's salary 一个月的薪水

23 three hours delay 三小时的耽搁

24 I am very tired after a hard day 's work. 苦工作了一天之后,我感到非常疲惫。

25 My birthday is in two weeks time. 我的生日是在两周之后。

26 Let's have ten minutes break. 我们休息 10 分钟吧。

27 My college is fifteen minutes ride from my home. 我的大学离我家开车 15 分钟。

28 Each morning, people swarm into the offices and factories of America, seeking a day 's work for a day 's pay. 每天



所有格“ 's ”用在表示度量的名词后面。比如:

29 two pounds' weight 两磅重

30 a ton's weight 一吨重

31 a ton's steel 一吨钢材

32 two dollars' worth of sugar 两块钱的白糖

33 ten dollars' worth of meat 10 块钱的肉


34 China's population 中国的人口

35 China's industrial development 中国的工业发展

36 China's exports and imports in January 中国 1 月份的进出口额

37 America's West Coast 美国的西海岸

38 Jinmao Tower, Shanghai 's tallest building 金茂大厦,上海的第一高楼

39 the city's weather 这个城市的天气

40 The European Union's exports 欧盟的出口额

41 the world's three most famous tenors 世界最著名的三大男高音

42 the world's seven wonders 世界七大奇迹

43 the earth's surface 地球的表面

44 the sea's depth 海洋的深度

45 the moon's shadow 月球的阴影

46 the sun's ray 太阳的光线


47 the car's exhaust 汽车的排气管

48 the plane's engine 飞机的发动机

49 the yacht's mast 游艇的桅杆

50 the ship's boiler 轮船上的锅炉

1.4.3 名词所有格修饰的名词被省去




1 This bike is mine, not Michael 's =Michael's bike . 这辆自行车是我的,不是迈克尔的。

2 This is my room and that is my sister 's =my sister's room . 这是我的房间,那是我姐姐的房间。

3 I Don't know her name , but I can tell you her husband 's =her husband's name . 我不知道她的名字,但是我可



具体来说,在一些表示店铺或教堂的名词的所有格后面可省去名词,此时所有格表示相应的场所,且一般要在所有格名词前加定冠词 the 。例如:

4 at the baker 's =baker's shop )在面包店

5 at the butcher 's =butcher's shop )在肉铺

6 at the chemist 's =chemist's store )在药店

7 at the florist 's =florist's shop )在花店

8 at the dentist 's =dentist's clinic )在牙医诊所

9 at the doctor 's =doctor's clinic )在医生的诊所

10 I'm going to the dentist 's tomorrow afternoon =dentist's clinic . 明天下午我要去看牙医。

11 I want to pay a visit to the St. Paul 's =St. Paul's Cathedral . 我想去拜访一下圣保罗大教堂。



12 go to my sister 's =my sister's home )去我姐姐家

13 I called at my uncle's yesterday =my uncle's home . 我昨天拜访了我叔叔家。


Exercise 1.4

1. 在下列各句中需要的地方加上“’”或“ 's

1. One student asked me a question after class. I answered the students question.

2. Many students asked me questions after class. I answered the students questions.

3. Is this Johns dictionary?

4. My brothers paintings are interesting.

5. Johns job was more difficult than Dick.

6. John and Mike school is the same as Tom.

7. My best friends father job is very interesting.

8. My brother-in-laws sister house is near mine.

9. Are you going to Dave party?

10. We thought all of the teacher speeches were brilliant.

11. The Browns house is bigger than the Greens.

12. The thief stole both John mother-in-law and his sister-in-laws handbags.

13. They were all tired after five hours walk in the woods.

14. She told me of her fathers illness the other day.

15. He is very tired. He needs a night rest.

16. The earths surface is about seventy per cent water.

17. The whale (鲸) is the world largest mammal (哺乳动物) .

2. 用名词所有格简化下列句子中划线的部分

18. This is my room and that is occupied by my sister.

19. I Don't know her name, but I can tell you what her husband is called.

20. I've read John's letter, but where are you keeping the one from Mary?

21. I've read most of Dickens' novels and some of those written by Thackeray.

22. The accident was the driver's own fault and not that of the cyclist.

23. He has been staying for a few weeks at the house of his uncle.

24. She prefers my plan to the plan which my brother offers.

25. He is fond of stories for children.

26. Are you going to the concert that will take place this afternoon?

27. President George W Bush arrived at the Tsinghua University in Beijing on February 22, 2002; the news was

reported in yesterday's newspaper. (合并成一句) EBmMJLTX4qWnvTkFRqaHJCzmGMjUEnVOaf5KIxt3EYhARy8CuVnK8+e/aS0qIED7
