

1. Why not check out the new cafeteria at Market Street?

【点睛】 why not 是口语中提建议时经常用到的句型,意为“为什么不”,后面的内容往往是设题的关键。短语check out在句中意为“看看”。而cafeteria则指的是“自助餐厅”。

【考点归纳】 短语check out 在口语中经常出现,其意义可归纳如下:

* 意为“看看”。如:

You should check out that new movie. It's funny. 你应该看看那部新电影。它很有意思。

* 意为“付账后离开”。如:

The young lady will check out before 11 o'clock in the morning. 这位年轻的女士会在上午11点前结账离开。

* 意为“检查”。如:

The police want to check out your luggage. 警察想要检查一下你们的行李。

【听音解惑】 check⌒out [tʃek⌒aut]里的[k]与[au]相邻,读作[tʃe kaut]。

2. I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target,and your viewpoints have certainly convinced me.

【点睛】 on target此处意为“切题”,是由其本意“正中目标”引申而来的。right此处为副词,意为“正好,恰好”,起强调作用。viewpoint意为“观点,看法”。convince为及物动词,意为“使相信,使信服”。

【考点归纳】 在口语中,想要表示确定的“目标”通常会用到target,其常见搭配如下:

* meet targets意为“完成指标,实现目标”。如:

Salespersons are under pressure to meet sales targets. 售货员承受着要完成销售指标的压力。

* on target除意为“切题”外,还可指“有可能实现目标”。如:

We're on target for 5% increase by the end of the year. 我们有可能在年底实现增长5%的目标。

* target group/audience... 意为“目标群体、观众等”。如:

You should clearly identify your target market. 你们需要明确你们所针对的目标市场。

【听音解惑】 right⌒on [rait⌒ɔn]里的[t]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[rai tɔn]。

3. You can have a high IQ and a high EQ,which,of course,is a winning combination,or be high in one and low in the other.

【点睛】 本句中which引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句提到的内容。winning combination意为“最佳组合”。

【考点归纳】 听力考试中常见的与other有关的习惯表达还有:

* no/none other than 意为“不是别的,正是”。如:

The man who called me was no other than my uncle. 给我打电话的不是别人,正是我叔叔。

* one after the other 意为“一个接一个地;相继”。如:

A dozen cars came out of the gate,one after the other. 十多辆车子一辆接着一辆从大门里驶出来。

* other than 意为“不同于;除了”。如:

You are other than I thought. 你与我想象的不同。

4. It would be great if you could get back in shape in time for the World Cup.

【点睛】 It would be great... 在对话中表示“……(真是)太好了”。if you could get back...the World Cup是由if 引导的条件状语从句。

in shape的意思是“处于良好状态”,用于指人时特指“体态健美或身体状况良好”。如:

You'll never be in shape until you eat less and take more exercise. 只有少吃多锻炼你才能保持体形健美。

in time for sth. 的意思是“及时赶上某事物”。如:

I arrived just in time for the meeting. 我刚好及时赶上了开会。

【听音解惑】 back⌒in [bæk⌒in]里面的[k]与[i]相邻,读作[bæ kin];shape⌒in[ʃeip⌒in]里的[p]与[i]相邻,读作[ʃei pin]。

5. Well,if I were you,I'd let her cool off a few days before I approach her.

【点睛】 Well此处起到语气词的作用,相当于“嗯,呃”,暗示语气有轻微转折。I'd是I would的省略形式,意为“我会”。其中的would主要是强调主观的意愿,而非对时态进行暗示。

cool off 此处意为“冷静下来,镇静下来”,该短语还含有“使某人感到凉快;冷却”之意。如:

Drink some cold water to cool yourself off. 喝点凉水,凉快凉快。

before 本意是“在……以前”,此处是指“先……再……”。approach此处意为“接近”。

【考点归纳】 在口语中与cool相关的短语还有:

* cool down意为“使冷静;渐渐冷却”。如:

Housing market continues to cool down. 房地产市场继续降温。

* keep(one's)cool意为“保持凉爽;保持冷静,保持沉着”。如:

You should keep your cool in the heat of competition. 在激烈的竞争中,你应该保持沉着冷静。

* lose one's cool意为“无法自制,失态”。如:

By the end of the game,the coach had lost his cool. 比赛结束时,教练失态了。

* as cool as a cucumber意为“非常冷静,泰然自若”。如:

We'd better behave as cool as a cucumber in this dangerous situation. 在这种险境下,我们最好保持沉着冷静。

【听音解惑】 cool⌒off⌒a [kuːl⌒ɔːf⌒ə]里的[l]与[ɔː]相邻,[f]与[ə]相邻,读作 [kuː lɔː fə]。

6. But in the letter,I just told him frankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions.

【点睛】 no longer意为“不再”,其确切含义为“某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续了”,比如当你从学校毕业了,就可以说:I'm no longer a student.(我不再是个学生了。)not...any longer和not...any more与no longer含义相同。live with意为“忍受”,如本句中就是说“我再也忍受不了他的(老板的)糟糕的管理(poor management)和愚蠢的决定(stupid decision)了”。live with还有“承认;寄宿在……家;与……同居”的意思。

【考点归纳】 听力考试中常出现的与离职有关的表达还有:

downsize 精减,裁员

work force 劳动力;受雇用的人

restructure 改组

sack 解雇

fire 解雇

employee 雇员

require 要求

on a recession 处在经济衰退期

let sb. go 开除某人

be all set 准备就绪

termination 结束,终止

severance pay 解雇费,离职金

7. Thanks,but in view of the general responses,you and I are definitely in the minority.

【点睛】 虽然句首提到thanks表示感谢,但but之后的内容才是应关注的重点,其中in view of 意为“鉴于,由于,考虑到”,其后所接的内容往往是听力的考点所在。definitely意为“明确地,确切地”。minority意为“少数”,与之相反的则是majority“多数”。

【考点归纳】 口语中与view有关的常见短语有:

* have sth. in view意为“心中有……打算(或目的)”。如:

He wanted to find a job,but had nothing particular in view. 他想找份工作,可没什么具体的打算。

* on view意为“在展出,在陈列”。如:

Her paintings were on view at the new gallery. 她的画作在那家新画廊中展出了。

* with a view to(doing)sth. 意为“为了,指望”。如:

They bought the cottage with a view to moving there when they retired. 他们买那座小屋是为了退休后搬过去住。

【听音解惑】 but⌒in [bʌt⌒in]里的[t]与[i]相邻,读作[bʌ tin];and⌒I [ænd⌒ai]里的[d]与[ai]相邻,读作[æn dai]。

8. Believe it or not,that's the last thing I'd ever want to do.

【点睛】 believe it or not意为“信不信由你”。

【考点归纳】 逗号后面句子使用的句型无论是在口语中还是考试中都很常见,其特点可归纳如下:

* 句子结构多为:主语 + be + the last + 名词 + 定语从句。如:

That's the last thing I needed. 这种东西是我最不需要的。


* 这类句型的中心意思是:某件事是某个人最不希望、最不需要或最不愿意做的。因此这句话具有非常强的否定语气。

* 与此句型相反的是That's the first thing...句型,它们结构一样,含义相反,都表达非常强的语气。如:

That's the first thing I want to do. 那是我最愿意做的事。

【听音解惑】 believe⌒it⌒or [biˋliːv⌒it⌒ɔː]里的[v]与[i]相邻,[t]与[ɔː]相邻,读作[bi ˋliːvi tɔː];I'd⌒ever [aid⌒ˋevə]里的[d]与[e]相邻,读作[ai ˋdevə]。

9. Sure,it's the first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city,so suit and tie is a must.

【点睛】 symphony orchestra意为“交响乐团”。suit and tie即为我们常说的“西装、领带”,其中suit意为“套装”,tie意为“领带”,两者的关系类似于knife and fork“(一副)刀叉”。此处must为名词,意为“必不可少的东西”。

【考点归纳】 must除了作情态动词表示“必须”,在口语中还可用作名词,表示“必须做(或看、买等)的事(或物);必不可少的东西”,通常用作a must。如:

Warm coats are a must in the mountains. 御寒的外套在山里是必不可少的。

The novel is a must for all lovers of detective stories. 这部小说是所有侦探小说爱好者的必读之作。

【听音解惑】 performance⌒of [pəˋfɔːməns⌒ɔv]里的[s]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[pə ˋfɔːmən sɔv];suit⌒and [sjuːt⌒ænd]里的[t]与[æ]相邻,读作[sjuː tænd];is⌒a [iz⌒ə]里的[z]与[ə]相邻,读作 [i zə]。

10. Named after a river that passes through the Congo,the Ebola virus originally manifested itself in the interior of Africa in 1976.

【点睛】 name after意为“以……命名”。pass through此处意为“穿过……,流经……”。manifest除了有我们熟悉的“证实,证明”之意外,还有另一个含义,在此句中manifest oneself意为“使显现,使暴露”。如:

The disease typically manifested itself in a high fever and chest pains. 这种疾病的典型症状是发烧和胸痛。

in the interior of...意为“在……的内部”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与pass有关的短语还有:

* pass around意为“传递;分发”。如:

This letter is being passed around among the students. 这封信正在学生中间传阅。

* pass down意为“往下传,传给后人”。如:

The knowledge was passed down from one generation to the next. 这些知识是一代一代传下来的。

* pass out意为“昏迷,失去知觉”。如:

She always passes out at the sight of blood. 她总是一见到血就晕过去。

11. If I were you,I'd skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow and anyway,I've heard it's not as exciting as advertised.

【点睛】 本句是个建议句型。if I were you为虚拟语气形式,表示对现在情形的假设,意为“如果我是你的话/换成是我(我会做某事)”。

skip it 相当于stay out of it,意为“避开,躲开”,在口语中通常用于指“避开是非等”。如:

My father told me to stay out of / skip trouble. 我父亲叫我避开是非。

【考点归纳】 与if I were you类似的句型还有:

* if he/she were意为“如果/要是他/她……”。如:

If he were here,everything would be all right. 如果他在这,一切都会好的。

* if I were in your shoes意为“如果我站在你的立场上/与你的角色互换”。如:

If I were in your shoes,I would sue him. 我要是你,就告他。

12. Of course,the conditions of work are very different: The Polytechnic is offering two-year contract which could be renewed,but the language school is only offering a year's contract,and that's a different minus.

【点睛】 该句较长,出现在长对话之中。of course放在句首或句末时起强调作用。offer意为“提供”,通常指主动提供。which引导的是two-year contract的定语从句,其中renew意为“使继续有效;延长期限”。minus此处意为“缺点”,是该句的听音难点所在。

【考点归纳】 minus作名词时,有以下含义:

* “负号,减号”。如:

Don't forget the minus when you add them up. 求和时别忘了负号。

* “不利条件,不足,缺点”。如:

We should consider the pluses and minuses of the system. 我们应该考虑一下该系统的优点和缺点。

【听音解惑】 conditions⌒of [kənˋdiʃənz⌒ɔv]里的[z]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[kən ˋdiʃən zɔv];Polytechnic⌒is [ˌpɔliˋteknik⌒iz]里的[k]与[i]相邻,读作[ˌpɔli ˋtekni kiz];that's⌒a [ðæts⌒ə]里的[ts]与[ə]相邻,读作[ðæ tsə]。

13. Jean really lost her temper in Dr. Brown's class this morning.

【点睛】 temper意为“脾气”。如:

She held her temper in check. 她控制住了自己的脾气。

本句中的lose one's temper意为“发脾气”。

【考点归纳】 与temper 相关的短语还有很多:

* a quick temper 意为“急脾气”。如:

She has a quick temper. 她是个急脾气。

* bad-tempered 意为“脾气不好的”。如:

I knew he was bad-tempered,and I didn't mean to argue with him. 我知道他脾气不好,我本来也不想跟他吵。

* be in a good/bad temper 意为“心情好/坏”。如:

He is in a good temper. 他心情不错。

* put sb. out of temper 意为“惹某人发怒”。如:

Don't put him out of temper. 别把他惹怒了。

14. But towards late afternoon,rain will spread from Scotland to cover most parts by midnight.

【点睛】 late此处意为“接近末期的”,在名词前作定语,late afternoon即为“傍晚”。cover在句中意为“覆盖”,表示具体的范围。by midnight意为“到午夜为止”,其中by意为“不迟于,在……之前”。

【考点归纳】 其他与天气有关的常见表达如下:

weather forecast 天气预报

fog 雾

heavy rain 大雨

tropical climate 热带气候

psfrost 霜

psdownpour 倾盆大雨

atmosphere 大气

hail 冰雹

shower 阵雨

temperature 气温

pshigh pressure 高气压

psstorm 暴风雨

chilly 寒冷的

low pressure 低气压

snowfall 降雪

freeze 冰冻

lightning 闪电

breeze 微风

drought 干旱

thunder 雷

gale 大风

humidity 潮湿

mist 雾

hurricane 飓风

clear 晴的

rainbow 虹

typhoon 台风

cloudy 阴天的

rainfall 雨量

dew 露水

raindrops 雨点

【听音解惑】 late⌒afternoon [leit⌒ˋɑːftəˋnuːn]里的[t]与[ɑː]相邻,读作[lei ˋtɑːftə ˋnuːn]。

15. This follows successful talks between management and union representatives,which resulted in a new agreement on working hours and conditions.

【点睛】 talks在句中意为“会谈,谈判”,特指正式的谈判,常用作复数形式。union此处意为“工会”,和management“管理层”相对。representative意为“代表”。agreement与介词on连用,表示“与……有关的协议”。

【考点归纳】 talk在口语中作名词时除了指“会谈,谈判”外,通常还有如下含义:

* 意为“交谈”,其后常接with sb. 或about sth.。如:

I need to have a talk with you about your career. 我得和你谈谈你的职业问题。

* 意为“报告,演讲”。如:

The professor is giving a talk on literary theory today. 教授今天要作一场关于文学理论的讲座。

* 意为“空话,空谈”。如:

Don't pay attention to what he said. He's all talk. 别管他说些什么,他光说空话。

* 意为“传闻,谣言”。如:

There was talk that he was a spy. 有传闻说他是间谍。

【听音解惑】 management⌒and [ˋmænidʒmənt⌒ænd]里的[t]与[æ]相邻,读作[ˋmænidʒmən tænd];resulted⌒in⌒a [riˋzʌltid⌒in⌒ə]里的[d]与[i]相邻,[n]与[ə]相邻,读作[riˋzʌlti di nə];agreement⌒on [əˋgriːmənt⌒ɔn]里的[t]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[ə ˋgriˋmən tɔn];hours⌒and [auəz⌒ænd]里的[z]与[æ]相邻,读作[auə zænd]。

16. I knew it all along!He's the obvious choice. All the other candidates are no match for him!

【点睛】 该句的难点在于短语be no match for,其意为“(在技巧、力量等方面)比不上……;不是……的对手”。由此可知,该句意为“我自始至终都知道,他正是最佳人选。所有其他候选人都不是他的对手。” 如果不理解match的意思也没关系,之前的一句——He's the obvious choice.——跟后句的意思一样,都是“非他莫属”之意。all along是“自始至终,一直”的意思。

【考点归纳】 match一词的相关用法还有:

* find/meet one's match(in sb.)意为“遇到不比自己差的对手”。如:

She thought she could beat anyone at badminton;however,she met her match in Jane. 她以为自己打羽毛球所向无敌,然而发现简与自己旗鼓相当。

* match for sb./sth. 意为“相匹配的人或物”。如:

The new furniture is a perfect match for the house. 新家具配这个房子非常协调。

17. Oh,it was Sally. You know,she always has the latest news in town and can't wait to talk it over with me.

【点睛】 本句中的can't wait to do sth. 是听音难点,意思是“等不及,迫不及待做某事”。the latest news指的是“最新的消息”,而不是“最晚的消息”。talk over 意为“谈论”。

【考点归纳】 口语中表达“热切盼望做某事”的常用短语还有:

* look forward to doing 意为“高兴地等待;盼望”。如:

We are all looking forward to going to Lijiang for our vacation. 我们都盼望着假期能去丽江玩。

* be eager for 意为“渴求,极想”。如:

The little boy was eager for meeting his mother. 小男孩渴望见到他的妈妈。

【听音解惑】 it⌒was [it⌒wɔz]里的[t]与[w]相邻,读作[i twɔz];news⌒in [njuːz⌒in]里的[z]与[i]相邻,读作[njuː zin];talk⌒it⌒over [tɔːk⌒it⌒əuvə]里的[k]与[i]相邻,[t]与[əu]相邻,读作[tɔː ki təuvə]。

18. Juan Louis,a junior geology major,decided to give an informative speech about how earthquakes occur.

【点睛】 插入语a junior geology major中,junior意为“大学三年级的”,major意为“主修某专业的学生”。informative意为“提供有用信息的”。句中earthquake“地震”的“发生”用了occur来表示,也可用break out。

【考点归纳】 junior在口语中作形容词时的常见含义如下:

* 意为“(地位、职位等)低下的”。如:

He's just a junior employee. 他不过是个基层员工。

I'm junior to her. 我职位比她低。

* 意为“青少年的”。如:

He's the winner of this year's world junior championships. 他是今年世界青少年锦标赛的冠军。

* 意为“小”,用于同名父子中儿子的姓名之后,可简写为Jr.。如:

Bush Jr. 小布什

【听音解惑】 give⌒an⌒informative [giv⌒æn⌒inˋfɔːmətiv]里的[v]与[æ]相邻,[n]与[i]相邻,读作[gi væ nin ˋfɔːmətiv];speech⌒about [spiːtʃ⌒əˋbaut]里的[tʃ]与[ə]相邻,读作[spiː tʃə ˋbaut];earthquakes⌒occur [ˋəːθkweiks⌒əˋkəː]里的[s]与[ə]相邻,读作[ˋəːθkweik sə ˋkəː]。

19. It is used in personal context,on radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics.

【点睛】 context意为“背景;语境”。a number of 意为“许多,若干”。publication意为“出版物”。as well as意为“也,还”。classics与modern works相对,意为“经典作品”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与well有关的搭配还有:

* pretty well意为“相当好;差不多”。如:

Liza gets along pretty well with her friends. 莉莎和朋友相处得非常好。

It is pretty well impossible for him to get that job. 对他而言,要想得到那份工作几乎是不可能的。

* may/might/could(just)as well do sth. 意为“不妨做某事”。如:

We may as well get started. 我们不妨开始吧。

* may/might/could well do/be sth. 意为“可能发生,可能真实”。如:

What he said may well be true. 他说的或许是真的。

20. Many doctors and researchers believe that loneliness harms the immune system,making us more vulnerable to a range of minor and major illnesses.

【点睛】 在由that引导的believe的宾语从句中,immune system意为“免疫系统”。伴随状语making us...是对前文的补充说明,同时也是听音的重点,其中,vulnerable to意为“易受……伤害的”,a range of 意为“一系列”。

【考点归纳】 名词range的常见用法如下:

* 意为“范围,界限”。如:

The price of the car is beyond our range. 这辆车的价格超出我们所能承受的范围。

* 意为“某一类产品”。如:

The shampoo is the best in the range. 这种洗发水是此类产品中最好的。

* 意为“(视觉、听觉等的)范围;射程”。如:

Now the ship is within the range of the radar. 该船现在在雷达监测范围之内。

【听音解惑】 doctors⌒and [ˋdɔktəz⌒ænd]里的[z]与[æ]相邻,读作[ˋdɔktə zænd];range⌒of [reindʒ⌒ɔv]里的[dʒ]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[rein dʒɔv]。

21. You see,I still have this pain in my back;this medicine the doctor gave me was supposed to make me feel better by now.

【点睛】 被动语态表示主动含义的用法在英语里很常见,但却与我们中国人的思维习惯相去甚远,考生需多加练习。分号后句子的意思是“医生给我开的药现在应该可以使我感觉好些了(意为说话人的症状现在未见好转)”。

【考点归纳】 be supposed to的用法如下:

* 当be supposed to的主语是sb.时,意为“应该;被期望”,可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。如:

Teachers are supposed to treat all students alike. 老师应该对所有学生一视同仁。

* 当be supposed to的主语是sth.时,意为“本应,本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。如:

The train was supposed to arrive an hour ago. 火车本应在一小时之前到达。

* 当be supposed to后接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如:

You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 到现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。

* be supposed to的否定结构为be not supposed to,常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”。如:

She was not supposed to be angry about that. 她本不该为那件事而生气的。

22. Consistently,research shows that communicating with others promotes health,whereas social isolation is linked to stress,disease and early death.

【点睛】 consistently意为“连续地,一直地”,放在句首作状语表示强调。communicate with意为“与……交流”。be linked to意为“与……相联系”。

【考点归纳】 动词link的常见用法如下:

* be linked with/to意为“与……有联系、有关联”。如:

This illness may be linked with/to the use of pesticides. 这种病可能和使用农药有关。

* link sth. with/to意为“把某物连接到;将某物联系到”。如:

They linked the computers with the network via modem. 他们通过调制解调器把电脑和网络连接了起来。

Some people linked car theft with poverty. 有些人认为偷车与贫困有关。

* link up意为“相连接;相联系”。如:

Where do the two railroads link up? 两条铁路在何处连接?

The stars have linked up for a charity concert. 这些明星联合起来,准备办一场慈善音乐会。

【听音解惑】 with⌒others [wið⌒ˋʌðəz]里的[ð]与[ʌ]相邻,读作[wi ˋðʌðəz];isolation⌒is [ˌaisəˋleiʃən⌒iz]里的[n]与[i]相邻,读作[ˌaisə ˋleiʃə niz];disease⌒and⌒early [diˋziːz⌒ænd⌒ˋəːli]里的[z]与[æ]相邻,[d]与[əː]相邻,读作[diˋziː zæn ˋdəːli]。

23. Rod must be in a bad mood today.

【点睛】 情态动词must此处表示肯定的推测“一定”,这类肯定的推断往往是听音的关键所在。in a bad mood意为“心情不好”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与mood有关的搭配还有:

* be in a good mood意为“心情好”。如:

You are in a good mood today! 你今天心情不错啊!

* be in a foul/filthy mood意为“心情非常不好,情绪很糟”。如:

Don't talk to Lisa. She's in a foul mood! 别跟莉萨说话,她情绪糟透了!

* be in a mood意为“情绪不好”。如:

I'm in a real mood all day. 我这一整天情绪都不好。

* be in the/no mood for sth. / to do sth. 意为“想/不想做某事”。如:

He was in the mood for a romantic walk in the woods. 他想在树林里浪漫地走一走。

I am in no mood to argue any more. 我不想再争论了。

【听音解惑】 in⌒a [in⌒ə]里的[n]与[ə]相邻,读作[i nə]。

24. I share your feeling.

【点睛】 本句的含义为“我跟你有同样的感受”,相当于I know how you feel. ,是绝佳的安慰人的话语。短语share one's feeling意为“分享感受”。如:

That means some people will feel shyer about sharing their feelings. 那就意味着,有些人在跟别人分享自己的感受时会更加害羞。

25. He was passed over in the selection process for the dean of the Admission's Office.

【点睛】 pass sb. over意为“(考虑提升等时)跳过某人”,该短语看似常见,但往往是听音的难点。dean此处意为“主任”。Admission's Office意为“招生办公室”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与pass有关的短语还有:

* pass over sth. 意为“避免提及,不加理会”。如:

I chose to pass over his rude remarks. 我选择不去理会他粗鲁的言辞。

* pass through意为“经过,路过”。如:

We were passing through,so we came to say hello. 我们正路过此地,所以过来问候一声。

* pass up sth. 意为“放弃,不要(机会等)”。如:

He passed up the opportunity to go to college. 他放弃了上大学的机会。

【听音解惑】 passed⌒over [pɑːst⌒ˋəuvə]里的[t]与[əu]相邻,读作[pɑːs ˋtəuvə];dean⌒of [diːn⌒ɔv]里的[n]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[diː nɔv];Admission's⌒Office [əd ˋmiʃənz⌒ˋɔːfis]里的[z]与[ɔː]相邻,读作[əd ˋmiʃən ˋzɔːfis]。

26. Actually,I've been out of touch with him since our first reunion after graduation.

【点睛】 口语中当actually置于句首时意为“实际上”,通常表示语气上的停顿或语义上的转折。out of touch with意为“与……失去联系”。reunion意为“重逢”,句中指同学聚会。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与touch有关的短语还有:

* get in touch意为“取得联系”。如:

They will get in touch as soon as they get the results. 他们一得到结果就会进行联系。

* put sb. in touch with sb. 意为“安排某人与某人联系”。如:

My doctor put me in touch with a specialist. 我的医生安排我和一位专家取得了联系。

* be/keep/stay in touch with sth. 意为“获得某事物的最新信息”。如:

Now we can keep in touch with events on the other side of the world. 现在我们可以了解到世界另一端所发生的事。

【听音解惑】 been⌒out⌒of [biːn⌒aut⌒ɔv]里的[n]与[au]相邻,[t]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[biː nau tɔv]。

27. His concert is just awesome and you'll never regret the money you paid for the ticket.

【点睛】 awesome在口语中意为“很好的,了不起的”,常用于表示感叹;之前用just表示进一步强调,意为“真正地,确实,完全”。regret意为“为……感到遗憾、惋惜”。

【考点归纳】 口语中用于感叹“太棒了”,除了用awesome之外,还可用:

* amazing意为“了不起的,好得惊人的”。如:

It's an amazing movie to watch. 这部电影很精彩。

* terrific意为“极好的,非常愉快的”。如:

I feel terrific right now. 我现在感到特别开心。

* fantastic意为“太好了”。如:

“I've passed the exam.” “Fantastic!” “我考试通过了。” “太好了!”

* wonderful意为“太棒了,太精彩了”。如:

What a wonderful idea!I will have to give this one a try! 这个主意太棒了!我要试试!

【听音解惑】 concert⌒is [ˋkɔnsət⌒iz]里的[t]与[i]相邻,读作[ˋkɔnsə tiz];just⌒awesome [dʒʌst⌒ˋɔːsəm]里的[t]与[ɔː]相邻,读作[dʒʌs ˋtɔːsəm]。

28. I did all of the ordering for the store and I kept track of the inventory.

【点睛】 名词ordering意为“安排;整理”。keep track of 意为“了解……的动态,掌握……的线索或信息”。inventory意为“(商店的)库存,存货”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与track有关的短语还有:

* on the right/wrong track意为“思路正确/错误”。如:

She's not interested in the topic at all. You're on the wrong track. 她对这个话题一点都不感兴趣,你想错了。

* lose track of 意为“不了解……的动态,与……失去联系”。如:

I lost all track of time. 我一点儿也说不准是什么时间了。

* get off the track 意为“偏离正题”。如:

Stick to the topic of the meeting. Don't get off the track. 把握住会议主题,不要跑题。

【听音解惑】 did⌒all⌒of [did⌒ɔːl⌒ɔv]里的[d]与[ɔː]相邻,[l]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[di dɔː lɔv];and⌒I [ænd⌒ai]里的[d]与[ai]相邻,读作[æn dai];track⌒of [træk⌒ɔv]里的[k]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[træ kɔv]。

29. My husband has been transferred to Boston and I understand your company has an opening there,too.

【点睛】 transfer此处意为“(工作)调动”。understand此处应理解为“了解到”,其后的宾语从句说明了解到的具体内容,同时也是听音的关键所在。opening在句中意为“空缺的职位”。

【考点归纳】 名词opening的常见含义还有:

* “洞;缺口;通路”。如:

There were several openings to the cave. 去往这个洞穴有几条通路。

* “开张,启用”。如:

They came to celebrate the opening of the new cinema. 他们来是为了庆祝新影院的开张。

* “开始,开端”。如:

The opening of the movie is dull. 这部电影的开头很无聊。

* “良机,机遇”。如:

Winning the competition was the opening he needed for his own company. 赢得这次比赛是他自己开办公司的良好契机。

【听音解惑】 and⌒I [ænd⌒ai]里的[d]与[ai]相邻,读作[æn dai];has⌒an⌒opening [hæz⌒æn⌒ˋəupəniŋ]里的[z]与[æ]相邻,[n]与[əu]相邻,读作[hæ zæ ˋnəupəniŋ]。

30. In Sao Paulo,you can see shopping malls full of designer goods right next door to the slum areas without proper water or electricity supplies.

【点睛】 full of 意为“充满,满是”。designer此处作形容词,意为“由著名设计师设计的,名牌的”。next door to意为“在……隔壁”,其中next door还可构成复合形容词next-door。slum areas意为“贫民区”,其中slum本身就意为“贫民窟,棚户区”。

【考点归纳】 口语中与名词door相关的常见短语还有:

*(from)door to door意为“挨家挨户;从一处到另一处”。如:

Tom sold printers door to door for years. 汤姆多年来一直挨家挨户推销打印机。

The journey takes about half an hour,door to door. 从这里到那里的路程大约要花半个小时。

* out of doors意为“在户外,露天”。如:

Children should spend more time out of doors in the fresh air. 孩子们应该多花点时间在户外呼吸新鲜空气。

* answer the door意为“应门,给敲门或按门铃的人开门”。如:

The doorbell rang and the father answered the door. 门铃响了,父亲去应门。

【听音解惑】 full⌒of [ful⌒ɔv]里的[l]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[fu lɔv]。

31. If you do lose your job,the union will fight to get it back for you along with back pay—your lost income.

【点睛】 along with...意为“与……一道;随同……一起”。如:

Can you go along with me? 你能与我同行吗?

back pay意为“欠付工资”,原文破折号之后的your lost income对其作了解释。

【考点归纳】 fight原意为“打仗,斗争”,此处表达了“争取”的含义。有关fight的常见短语有:

* fight sb./sth. off 意为“击退,竭力摆脱”。如:

They had to fight off the crowds to get out of the theater. 他们得竭力摆脱人群,才能走出剧院。

I'm fighting off a cold. 我正在治疗感冒。

* fight sth. out意为“通过争辩(或争斗)解决”。如:

The conflict is still being fought out. 这一矛盾仍在争辩的过程中。

【听音解惑】 fight⌒to [fait⌒tu],两个[t]相邻,读作[fai tu]。

32. One of the biggest challenges facing employers and educators today is the rapid advance of globalization.

【点睛】 challenge在句中的意思是“挑战”,同时还可以表示“问题;艰巨的任务”等含义。如:

The recession has certainly exacerbated these challenges. 经济衰退无疑使这些问题进一步恶化。


【考点归纳】 face作动词时还有如下常见含义:

* “面对;面临”。如:

They stood facing each other for several minutes. 他们面对面站了好几分钟。

He is facing the biggest challenge of his career. 他正面临着职业生涯中最大的挑战。

* “必须对付;承认,正视”。如:

You're going to face her sooner or later. 你迟早都得对付她。

They refused to face the fact that they had problem with their relationship. 他们拒绝承认他们的关系出现了问题这一事实。

* 短语face up to,意为“勇敢面对”。如:

We must face up to financial crisis. 我们必须勇敢面对金融危机。

【听音解惑】 employers⌒and⌒educators [imˋplɔiəz⌒ænd⌒ˋedʒukeitəz]里的[z]与[æ]相邻,[d]与[e]相邻,读作[imˋplɔiə zæn ˋdedʒukeitəz];rapid⌒advance⌒of [ˋræpid⌒ədˋvɑːns⌒ɔv]里的[d]与[ə]相邻,[s]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[ˋræpi dəd ˋvɑːn sɔv]。

33. I'm responsible for financial development programs in many parts of the world.

【点睛】 句中be responsible for... 意为“对……负责”,responsible本身有“负有责任的”、“对……负责的”、“有责任心的”三层含义。如:

1)He still felt responsible for her death. 他仍然觉得自己对她的死负有责任。

2)The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr. Charles Weber. 负责寻找志愿者的人是查尔斯·韦伯博士。

3)He's a very responsible sort of person. 他是个非常有责任心的人。

此句中的be responsible for...意为“对……负责”。如:

We must be responsible for ourselves,for others and for society. 我们必须对自己负责,对他人负责,对社会负责。

【考点归纳】 句中的part意为“部分”,是其基本含义,以下有关part的常见短语是六级听力中的高频词组:

* have/play a part(in sth.)意为“参与某事”。如:

The managers should play their full part in negotiations. 管理人员应该充分参与谈判。

* play a part in还意为“对……有影响,起作用”。如:

Exercising plays an important part in losing weight. 锻炼在减肥中起着重要的作用。

* take part in意为“参加,参与”。如:

I'd like to take part in the discussion. 我想参与讨论。

【听音解惑】 parts⌒of [pɑːts⌒ɔv] 里的[ts]和[ɔ]相邻,读作[pɑː tsɔv]。

34. They fail to account for individual differences,and the wide range of characteristics among members of any group.

【点睛】 fail此处意为“未能,未做”,属于形式上肯定,但含义上否定的情况。account for此处意为“对……作出解释或说明”,还含有“对……负有责任”的意思。characteristic意为“特征,品质”。

【考点归纳】 其他肯定形式表达否定含义的短语还有:

* the last + 名词 + to不定式/从句,意为“最不……”。如:

That's the last thing I would like to do. 那是我最不愿意做的事。

* be beyond/above意为“超出……之外”。如:

Why we're not together is beyond me. 我无法理解我们为何不能在一起。

The reading matter is above him. 这个阅读主题超出了他的理解能力。

* be free from意为“没有,不”。如:

The cake is free from sugar. 这种蛋糕不含糖。

* far from 意为“远非……,完全不”。如:

The overall result is far from perfect. 整个结果远远谈不上完美。

* in vain意为“徒劳,无法办到”。如:

I tried to call her,but in vain. 我试图给她打电话,但联系不上。

【听音解惑】 range⌒of [reindʒ⌒ɔv]里的[dʒ]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[rein dʒɔv];characteristics⌒among [ˌkæriktə ˋristiks⌒əˋmʌŋ]里的[s]与[ə]相邻,读作[ˌkæriktə ˋristik sə ˋmʌŋ];members⌒of⌒any [ˋmembəz⌒ɔv⌒ˋeni]里的[z]与[ɔ]相邻,[v]与[e]相邻,读作[ˋmembə zɔ ˋveni]。

35. This means that any thought about a certain subject will often bring up more memories that are related to it.

【点睛】 certain此处意为“某个,某种”。bring up在句中意为“引起,勾起”。that引导的是memories的定语从句,其中be related to意为“与……相关”。

【考点归纳】 短语bring up还有如下常见含义:

* “抚养,养育,教养”。如:

He was brought up by his grandparents. 他是由祖父母抚养长大的。

* “提出(讨论等)”。如:

I hate to bring up the subject of money. 我讨厌提钱这个话题。

* “呕吐”。如:

She can't eat anything without bring it up. 她吃什么都会吐。

* “调出,使显示在计算机屏幕上”。如:

Click that button to bring up a new menu. 点击那个按钮,调出一个新菜单。

【听音解惑】 that⌒any [ðæt⌒ˋeni]里的[t]与[e]相邻,读作[ðæ ˋteni];thought⌒about⌒a [θɔːt⌒əˋbaut⌒ə]里的两个[t]分别于[ə]相邻,读作[θɔː tə ˋbau tə];that⌒are [ðæt⌒ɑː]里的[t]与[ɑː]相邻,读作[ðæ tɑː]。

36. It will be more than a nuisance.

【点睛】 nuisance在句中意为“麻烦事,令人讨厌的事”,另外它也可以指“令人讨厌的人”。如:

What a nuisance that child is! 那个小孩真讨厌!

【考点归纳】 句中的more than意为“不只是”,more than及其相关短语的用法可归纳如下:

* more than意为“非常”,其后接表感情色彩的形容词。如:

I'm more than happy to deliver the goods to your house. 我很乐意为您送货上门。

* more than还可指“不仅仅是”。如:

We are more than friends. 我们不仅仅是朋友。

* no more than意为“只是,仅仅”。如:

It is no more than 15 minutes' walk from my office to my home. 从我的办公室到我家只有15分钟的路程。

* not more than 意为“至多,不超过”。如:

I have not more than 500 RMB in my wallet now. 现在我的钱包里顶多只有500元。

【听音解惑】 than⌒a [ðæn⌒ə] 里的[n]和[ə]相邻,读作[ðæ nə]。

37. Figures are not yet available but it is believed that the death toll could be as high as 300,with hundreds more injured.

【点睛】 available本义是指“可以得到或使用(某物品或设施)的”。如:

1)I'm sorry,those overcoats are not available in your color and size. 抱歉,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。

2)She is not available for you—she's engaged. 你不可能追到她的——她已经订婚了。


Don't count on me. I'll not be available that time. 别指望我了,我那时候没空。

【考点归纳】 固定短语death toll是新闻听力中常出现的词汇,意为“死亡人数”。常见的相关表达如:

1)a death toll from the air crash 空难的死亡人数

2)The official death toll rose to nearly 1000. 官方公布的死亡人数上升至近1000。

38. Now that we've gone through all the numbers on our list,I guess we can call it a day.

【点睛】 now that意为“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句,此为听音中容易误听之处。go through此处意为“检查,审查”。call it a day意为“结束一天的工作,到此为止”,是极为口语化的表达。

【考点归纳】 短语go through还有如下含义:

* “经受,经历”。如:

How can you keep smiling after all you've gone through? 你在经历了那一切之后怎么还能保持微笑呢?

* “用完,耗尽”。如:

She went through all her salary in the weekend. 她周末把薪水全都花光了。

* “详细研究,仔细琢磨”。如:

You should go through your arguments again. 你应该再仔细研究一下你的论据。

【听音解惑】 numbers⌒on⌒our [ˋnʌmbəz⌒ɔn⌒ˋauə]里的[z]与[ɔ]相邻,[n]与[au]相邻,读作[ˋnʌmbə zɔ ˋnauə];call⌒it⌒a [kɔːl⌒it⌒ə]里的[l]与[i]相邻,[t]与[ə]相邻,读作[kɔː li tə]。

39. What do you think of this gallery space?

【点睛】 gallery意为“画廊”,gallery space指“画廊展示厅”。think of...意为“认为……”。

【考点归纳】 与think of 相关的常见短语有:

* think of sb./sth. as意为“认为某人/某物是”。如:

People now think of the car as being essential. 人们现在把汽车看成是必不可少的。

* think better of 意为“改变主意”。如:

She wanted to say something,but then thought better of it. 她想说些什么,后来又觉得还是不说为好。

* think highly of sb. 意为“看重某人”。如:

The management thought highly of him. 管理层很看重他。

40. After outlining the main point she would cover,she assured the audience that she would be happy to answer questions at the end of her presentation.

【点睛】 outline此处意为“概括,概述”,outline the main point就是“概括要点”。另外outline作名词时意为“概要,梗概”。如:

The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State. 国务卿对提议进行了简要的概述。

assure意为“向……保证”,经常构成assure sb. that结构。如:

I can assure you that the animals are well cared for. 我可以向你保证动物们得到了精心照顾。

be happy to do sth.意为“乐意做某事”。at the end of 意为“在……的结尾”。

【考点归纳】 句中的cover意为“涉及,包括”,cover的常见含义还有:

* “遮盖,遮蔽”。如:

Please cover the table with clean white cloth. 请在桌子上铺上干净的白布。

* “足以支付”。如:

His uncle will cover his tuition fees. 他的叔叔将会支付他的学费。

* “报道”。如:

The journalist will cover the party's annual conference. 该记者将会报道政党的年度大会。

* “给……保险、投保”。如:

They are covered against fire. 他们投保了火险。

41. I've been tied up with my studies.

【点睛】 本句中的be tied up with sth. 意为“被某事占据了时间”,其中with sth. 可以省略。这一表达还可以用在拒绝邀请的对话中。如:

—Would you come to our party tomorrow? 你明天能来参加我们的聚会吗?

—I'd like to,but I am tied up all day tomorrow. 我想去,可是我明天一整天都没空。

【考点归纳】 听力考试中常出现的表示“占据时间,忙碌”的表达还有:

* be occupied with意为“忙于,从事于”。如:

My mum is occupied with all kinds of daily affairs. 我妈妈忙于处理各种日常事务。

* be engaged in意为“忙于,致力于”。如:

The professor is engaged in writing a book on English usage. 教授正忙于编写一本讲英语用法的书。

* busy oneself with意为“忙于”。如:

I'm busying myself with preparing for an exam. 我正忙于准备一次考试。

42. I think you'll get a sense about it after working in it in a number of years.

【点睛】 get a sense about意为“对……有感觉/理解/判断”。work in此处意为“在……方面工作”。a number of 意为“许多”。

【考点归纳】 口语中常见的与sense有关的短语还有:

* in a/some sense 意为“在某种意义上来说”。如:

You are right in a sense. 在某种意义上来说,你是对的。

* in no sense意为“绝不是,绝非”。如:

In no sense should such a thing be allowed to happen again. 这种事绝不允许再发生。

* there is no sense in doing... 意为“做……是没有道理/意义的”。如:

There is no sense in keeping calling me. 不停地给我打电话是没有意义的。

* in all senses意为“在各方面,彻头彻尾”。如:

He is excellent in all senses. 他在各个方面都很优秀。

* bring(sb.)to one's senses意为“使头脑清醒;使醒悟”。如:

A gentle slap in the face brought him to his senses. 轻轻打在脸上的一巴掌使他恢复了清醒。

* come to one's senses意为“恢复理性;苏醒”。如:

I finally came to my senses and apologized for my rudeness. 我终于恢复理性,为自己的无礼道歉。

* see sense意为“明白事理”。如:

I hope you see sense before it's too late. 我希望你能尽快明白过来,以免为时太晚。

【听音解惑】 get⌒a sense⌒about⌒it⌒after [get⌒ə sens⌒əˋbaut⌒it⌒ˋɑːftə]里的[t]和[s]分别与[ə]相邻,[t]与[i]相邻,[t]与[ɑː]相邻,读作[ge tə sen sə ˋbau ti ˋtɑːftə];in⌒it⌒in⌒a [in⌒it⌒in⌒ə]里的[n]和[t]分别与[i]相邻,[n]与[ə]相邻,读作[i ni ti nə]。

43. I made an effort to get my supervisor to transfer me to another department,but he urged me not to complain too loudly,because the administration is more likely to replace me than the X-ray equipment.

【点睛】 make an effort to do sth.意为“努力做某事”。transfer...to...意为“将……转移到……”。urge此处意为“力劝”,urge sb. not to do sth.意为“力劝某人不要做某事。”如:

He urged her not to tell a lie. 他极力劝她不要撒谎。


1)Sometimes riders urge their horses on with whips. 骑马的人有时用鞭子策马前进。

2)They urged that the library be kept open during the vacation. 他们极力主张在放假期间图书馆应当照常开放。

【考点归纳】 口语中与effort有关的短语还有:

* make every effort意为“尽一切努力”。如:

Every effort is being made to deal with that problem. 为处理那个问题,人们正尽一切努力。

* be an effort意为“费力,痛苦”。如:

He was so weak that even standing up was an effort. 他太虚弱了,就连站起来都很吃力。

44. Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller,hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off.

【点睛】 follow此处意为“在……之后”,其现在分词形式引导句子的状语。anonymous意为“匿名的”。be shepherded out of 意为“从……中被引导出来”,shepherd此处为动词,本身含有“带领,引导;护送”之意。如:

The super star came in,shepherded by her guards. 这位超级巨星在保镖的护送下进来了。

seal off 意为“封锁,封闭”。

【考点归纳】 与seal有关的常见短语搭配还有:

* seal up意为“(为防止空气、水等渗入或渗出)封闭”。如:

Those doors have been sealed up for years. 那些门已经封闭多年了。

* seal sb.'s fate意为“决定某人的命运(尤指厄运)”。如:

The words would seal his fate for ever. 那些话将决定他今后的命运。

* seal in意为“密藏,封住”。如:

Fry the fish quickly to seal in the flavor. 把鱼快速煎好以保持原味。

45. I've spent all afternoon trying in vain to put this bookcase together.

【点睛】 spend...doing sth. 意为“花费……做某事”,其中doing之前还可加上介词in。in vain意为“徒劳无益,白费力气”,一般用作状语,常用在try“努力”之后。put...together意为“组装,装配”。

【考点归纳】 短语put...together还有如下含义:

* “(通过收集资料、观点等)整理出;拼凑”。如:

It took me a whole day to put the proposal together. 我花了一整天才整理出这个建议。

* “汇集”。如:

I've no idea how to put together a meal. 对于如何准备饭菜我毫无头绪。

【听音解惑】 spent⌒all⌒afternoon [spent⌒ɔːl⌒ˋɑːftəˋnuːn]里的[t]与[ɔː]相邻,[l]与[ɑː]相邻,读作 [spen tɔː ˋlɑːftə ˋnuːn]。

46. I wish you would reconsider.

【点睛】 wish在表示愿望时,使用的频率很高。可以用在陈述句或者感叹句中,表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来不太可能实现的愿望,因此从句中必须用虚拟语气。如:

1)He wished he hadn't said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。

2)How I wish I were as tall as you are. 我真希望和你一样高。

47. Do you understand why the local people are opposed to the new dam up the river?

【点睛】 why引导的是understand的宾语从句,因此应采用陈述句语序,这种看似疑问句套疑问句的句式在听力中要格外留意,避免理解错误。local意为“当地的”。be opposed to此处意为“强烈反对”。

【考点归纳】 在口语中表示“反对”的单词或短语主要有:

* oppose作动词,意为“反对;阻止”,相对正式,暗含“采取行动以阻止”的意味。如:

The reintroduction of the death penalty was opposed by the public. 公众强烈反对恢复死刑。

He was opposed to the idea of reforming. 他强烈反对改革这一想法。

* be against意为“反对”,强调状态,十分常用。如:

They are all against the proposal. 他们全都反对这一提议。

* object to意为“反对,对……反感”。如:

Why did you object to our proposal?你为何反对我们的提议?

【听音解惑】 dam⌒up [dæm⌒ʌp]里的[m]与[ʌ]相邻,读作[dæ mʌp]。

48. Has the market been badly hit by the recession?

【点睛】 badly此处意为“严重地,厉害地”,作状语强调程度之深。hit此处意为“产生不良影响,打击,危害”。recession此处意为“经济衰退,经济萎缩”。

【考点归纳】 动词hit还有如下常见含义:

* “打,击”。如:

Don't hit me on the head with the book. 别用书打我的头。

* “撞击,碰撞”。如:

That car hit the bridge. 那辆车撞到了桥上。

* “攻击,袭击”。如:

They were hit by the enemy when they least expected it. 他们在最意想不到的时候遭到了敌人的袭击。

* “到达;去”。如:

We finally hit the main road one kilometer further on. 我们又往前走了一公里,终于到了大路上。

* “使突然意识到”。如:

Suddenly it hit me—he was apologizing to me. 我突然意识到,他是在跟我道歉。

【听音解惑】 market⌒been [ˋmɑːkit⌒biːn]里的[t]与[b]相邻发生爆破,读作 [ˋmɑːki biːn];hit⌒by [hit⌒bai]里的[t]与[b]相邻发生爆破,读作[hi bai]。

49. Right,well,in the studio this morning,for our interview spot is Peter Wilson.

【点睛】 句首的right和well更多的体现的是一种语气。spot此处意为“(电视、广播中或俱乐部、剧院演出中)某类节目的固定栏目”,因此interview spot意为“访谈环节,访谈栏目”。

【考点归纳】 spot在口语中的常见含义还有:

* “地点,场所”。如:

That park is an ideal spot for a picnic. 那个公园是野餐的理想地点。

* “斑点;污点”。如:

There are some spots of paint on the carpet. 地毯上有一些油漆斑点。

* “少量,一点”。如:

I could do with a spot of beer. 我想喝一点啤酒。

* “聚光灯”,相当于spotlight。如:

He stood alone on stage in the spot. 他独自站在聚光灯下的舞台上。

【听音解惑】 spot⌒is [spɔt⌒iz]里的[t]与[i]相邻,读作[spɔ tiz]。

50. Excuse me,can I get a ticket for a sleeping compartment on this train?

【点睛】 sleeping compartment在本句中意为“卧铺车厢”。

【考点归纳】 get在此处意为“购买”,在口语中,get的常见用法还有:

* 意为“不得不,必须”,常与have/has连用。如:

He's got to pass the test. 他必须通过考试。

* 意为“有,拥有;占有”,常与have/has连用。如:

He's got red hair. 他长着红头发。

* 意为“掌握,制服;压倒;完全控制”。如:

His illness finally got him. 他的病终于把他搞垮了。

* 意为“打,击,打击;击中,射中”。如:

The blow got him in the eye. 那一击打中了他的眼睛。

51. Well,people may think differently of your methods but there's no doubt you're doing a great job.

【点睛】 think of 意为“考虑,认为”,所以think differently of 即意为“对……持有不同观点/看法”。there's no doubt意为“毫无疑问”,其后接同位语从句,此类表示强调的句型往往是听力的出题点所在。

【考点归纳】 think 和of 之间还可加入其他单词构成短语搭配:

* think nothing of 意为“认为没有什么困难”。如:

The farmers here thought nothing of walking five kilometers to collect firewood. 这里的农民觉得走上五公里的路去打柴算不上难事。

* think a lot of sb. 意为“佩服某人”。如:

The pupils all think a lot of their teachers. 这些小学生都很佩服自己的老师。

* think badly of sb. 意为“不赞同某人,敌视某人”。如:

You shouldn't think badly of her. We all know she had no choice. 你不该敌视她,我们都知道她当时别无选择。

【听音解惑】 think⌒differently [θiŋk⌒ˋdifərəntli]里的[k]与[d]相邻发生爆破,读作[θiŋ ˋdifərəntli];but⌒there's [bʌt⌒ˋðɛəz]里的[t]与[ð]相邻发生爆破,读作[bʌ ˋðɛəz];great⌒job [greit⌒dʒɔb]里的[t]与[dʒ]相邻发生爆破,读作[grei dʒɔb]。

52. Sailors took note of this long ago,and came up with the saying,“The farther the sight,the nearer the rain.”

【点睛】 take note of此处意为“注意到”。long ago意为“很久以前”。come up with意为“想出,想到”。The farther the sight,the nearer the rain. 是一句与天气有关的谚语,意为“若可远视,则雨将临”。

【考点归纳】 口语中与note有关的短语还有:

* of note意为“重要的,引人注目的”。如:

The museum contains nothing of great note. 这家博物馆没什么很有价值的东西。

* take/make notes of 意为“把……记录下来,把……作成笔记”。如:

Would you please take notes of my new address? 麻烦记下我的新地址,好吗?

* worthy of note意为“值得注意的”。如:

The series of events were worthy of note. 这一系列事件值得关注。

【听音解惑】 note⌒of [nəut⌒ɔv]里的[t]与[ɔ]相邻,读作 [nəu tɔv];came⌒up [keim⌒ʌp]里的[m]与[ʌ]相邻,读作[kei mʌp]。

53. When you look at the list each morning,a big fat cloud of doom is right at the top—those difficult,complex,important tasks that are so crucial to get done and so easy to avoid.

【点睛】 a cloud of 意为“一团”,big和fat都作定语用于修饰cloud,强调范围之“大”和数量之“多”,big fat常常在口语中,强调程度。如:

Extreme eating is a big fat problem. 暴饮暴食是个很大的问题。


【考点归纳】 在口语中与cloud有关的常见搭配还有:

* a cloud on the horizon意为“麻烦的迹象”。如:

The only cloud on the horizon was his illness. 唯一令人担忧的就是他的病。

* cast a cloud意为“破坏高兴的氛围”。如:

The bad news cast a cloud over the family. 这则坏消息给整个家庭蒙上了一层阴影。

* on cloud nine意为“极其快乐、兴奋”。如:

He was on cloud nine after the birth of his grandson. 孙子出生后,他高兴极了。

* under a cloud意为“被怀疑;被嫌弃”。如:

She left the company under a cloud. 她由于被大家怀疑而离开了公司。

【听音解惑】 look⌒at [luk⌒æt]里的[k]与[æ]相邻,读作[lu kæt];list⌒each [list⌒iːtʃ]里的[t]与[iː]相邻,读作[lis tiːtʃ];cloud⌒of [klaud⌒ɔv]里的[d]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[klau dɔv];doom⌒is [duːm⌒iz]里的[m]与[i]相邻,读作[duː miz];right⌒at [rait⌒æt]里的[t]与[æ]相邻,读作[rai tæt];that⌒are [ðæt⌒ɑː]里的[t]与[ɑː]相邻,读作[ðæ tɑː]。

54. They wind up being guilt-provoking reminders of the fact that we are over-committed and losing control of our priorities.

【点睛】 wind up意为“最后,以……告终”。provoke意为“激起,引起”,因此guilt-provoking意为“让人内疚的”。reminder意为“引起回忆的事物”,常与介词of 连用,引导让人想起的具体内容,该内容往往是听音的重点。over-committed意为“过度投入的”。lose control of 意为“对……失去控制”。priority此处意为“优先事项,最重要的事”。

【考点归纳】 短语wind up的具体用法如下:

* wind up意为“以……告终,落得个……的下场”,其后一般接doing sth.、介词短语或形容词。如:

They wound up staying in a little cottage. 他们最后只能在一间小农舍里落脚。

I know they're going to wind up in court over this. 我知道他们终归会因此对簿公堂。

If you keep drinking like that,you will wind up drunk. 你要是还那么喝酒,最后会喝醉的。

* wind sth. up意为“结束”。如:

They planned to wind up their operations in France. 他们打算结束在法国的业务。

* wind sb. up意为“惹某人生气;愚弄某人”。如:

That's not true. They're winding you up. 那不是真的。他们在故意气你。

【听音解惑】 wind⌒up [wind⌒ʌp]里的[d]与[ʌ]相邻,读作[win dʌp];reminders⌒of [riˋmaindəz⌒ɔv]里的[z]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[ri ˋmaində zɔv];over-committed⌒and [ˋəuvə kə ˋmitid⌒ænd]里的[d]与[æ]相邻,读作[ˋəuvə kə ˋmiti dænd];control⌒of⌒our [kənˋtrəul⌒ɔv⌒ˋauə]里的[l]与[ɔ]相邻,[v]与[au]相邻,读作[kən ˋtrəu lɔ ˋvauə]。

55. You know,I'm up to my neck in work.

【点睛】 be up to one's neck在句中意为“忙得不可开交;手边的事情太多”。另外,be up to one's neck也可以表示“深深陷于(困境)中”。如:

I'm up to my neck in debt. 我债台高筑。

【考点归纳】 口语中与neck有关的短语还有:

* by a neck意为“以些微之差(输或者赢)”。如:

Our horse won by a neck. 我们的马以一颈之差获胜。

* get it in the neck意为“受严厉的责罚;受到当头一棒”。如:

You'll get it in the neck if you wreck your father's car! 你要是撞坏你爸爸的汽车,就会受到严厉的责罚!

* neck and neck意为“(在比赛中两个人、两匹马等)不分上下;齐头并进,并驾齐驱”。如:

The two parties are neck and neck in the opinion polls. 这两个党派在民意测验中不分上下。

* neck of the woods意为“地带,地段”,尤指大城市以外的某一地方。如:

What are you doing in this neck of the woods? 你在这一带干什么?

56. Well,let's get on to the Buying Department.

【点睛】 本句中的Well用于转换话题,意为“对了;好了”。Well在口语中还有其他两种常见用法。一是用于表示想要继续话题,意为“这个;不过”。如:

You can lose your perspective. You know,get paranoid? Well,that's something I really try to avoid... 你会失去自己的判断力。知道吗,就是变得疑神疑鬼?这正是我努力想避免的……


Well,you go get yourselves some breakfast. 嗯,你们自己去吃些早餐吧。

【考点归纳】 get on to在句中意为“同……联系,接触”。此外,get on也是一个常用短语,有以下意思:

* 表示“进展”。如:

How are you getting on with your work? 你的工作进展如何?

* 用于进行时,表示(时间)变迟。如:

Time is getting on. 时间晚了。

* 用于进行时,表示(人)变老。如:

Now grandfather's getting on a bit,he doesn't go out so much. 由于爷爷的年纪越来越大,他已经很少外出了。

* 意为“过活,对付下去”。如:

How will we get on without you? 没有你我们怎么生活下去?

【听音解惑】 get⌒on [get⌒ɔn] 里的[t]和[ɔn]相邻,读作[ge tɔn]。

57. So forecasting long range trends and making predictions on the basis of present evidence is what I do.

【点睛】 本句的主语是由and连接的两个动名词结构,系动词是is,表语是what I do。forecast意为“预测”。如:

The teacher forecast that 15 of his pupils would pass the examination. 这位教师预测他的学生中将有15名通过考试。


The earthquake had been predicted several days before. 这次地震早在几天前就已被预测到了。

prediction是predict的名词形式,短语make predictions意为“作出预测”。

on the basis of...意为“根据,基于……”。如:to reward people on the basis of merit(论功行赏)。

【考点归纳】 predict、foretell、forecast和anticipate都可以表示“预测,预知”的含义,它们之间的区别是:

* predict表示“预言,预告”时,可与foretell换用,侧重根据已知的事实情况进行推导,或使用科学计算来预告。如:

The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest. 最新的民意测验预示着这将是一场势均力敌的竞赛。

* foretell是一个通用词,并不表明通过何种途径预告。如:

As to the outcome,it is hard to foretell. 至于结局如何,难以预测。

* forecast 表示“预告”时和predict相近,现在普遍用来表示对事态的可能进程或未来状况的预估。如:

The recent statement of the president forecast a change in the situation. 总统最近的一次讲话预示着形势将有所变化。

* anticipate 表示“预期,期望”时,一般都是之前曾遭受或体会到的,或者之后实现了的。如:

We anticipate that we will meet a certain amount of resistance to our plan. 我们估计我们的计划会遭到一些人的反对。

58. I know I promised to drive you to the airport next Thursday,but I'm afraid something has come up.

【点睛】 promise to do sth.意为“承诺做某事”。come up在本句中意为“意外发生,出现”。如:

I shall phone you if anything comes up. 如果发生了什么事情我会给你打电话。

【考点归纳】 和promise相关的考点有:

* make a promise意为“作出许诺,允诺”。如:

If you make a promise,you shouldn't break it. 你如果作出了许诺,就不应食言。

* I promise you. = I warn you. 我警告你。如:

I promise you,the work won't be easy. 我警告你,这件工作可不容易。

* promise the moon/the earth(to sb.)意为“给某人开空头支票,作出不切实际的允诺”。如:

He just promised the moon to you. 他只是给你作出了不切实际的允诺。

59. I can't take a bite without calculating how many calories I am taking.

【点睛】 take a bite的字面意思是“咬一口”,它的另一层意思是“尝试一下”,相当于have a try。

【考点归纳】 与bite相关的常见用法还有:

* bite me,该短语可以单独成句,意为Leave me alone!(别理我􀏓)或Go away!(走开􀏓)

* What's biting you? 意思与What's wrong with you? 相当,表示“你出什么事了?”“你为什么事烦恼呀?”

* bite the dust意为to be killed in battle(在战争中倒下,战死)。如:

It was such a serious battle that all the soldiers bit the dust. 战斗进行得异常激烈,战士们全部阵亡。

60. At first,their church helped out. “But you can't keep that up forever,” Andrea says.

【点睛】 help out在句中意为“帮助……摆脱困难”。另外它也可以表示“帮助……做事”。如:

I help out with the secretarial work. 我帮助做秘书工作。

keep up意为“继续下去,持续不变”。如:

I hope the good weather will keep up. 我希望好天气会继续下去。

【考点归纳】 口语中与keep有关的短语还有:

* keep body and soul together 意为“勉强维持生活”。如:

He is so poor that he cannot keep body and soul together. 他穷得连温饱都不能保证。

* keep it to yourself 意为“保密”。如:

You should keep it to yourself—otherwise you'll be in big trouble. 你要保密——不然你就会有大麻烦。

* keep one's fingers crossed 意为“交叉手指;祈求某事成功”。如:

I will keep my fingers crossed for you today. 希望今天幸运之神眷顾你。

* keep one's head above water 意为“活下去;不负债”。如:

Earning barely enough to support the family,father was quite happy only if he could keep his head above water. 父亲赚的钱勉强够养家,能不欠债就算不错了。

* keep one's shirt on 意为“要保持冷静”。如:

Keep your shirt on,Harry;we have plenty of time to catch the train. 哈里,别太紧张了,我们还有很多时间,足够我们赶到火车站的。

61. He might have used better words to express his ideas. But I've found what he said makes a lot of sense.

【点睛】 might have done表示“本可能发生或本可以做的事没有发生或没有做”。在本句话中的意思是“他本来可以用更好的说法来表达他的观点,可是却没有。”express one's idea是“表达想法”的意思。make sense是口语中常用的表示“有道理;有意义”的短语,与之相反的“没有意义,胡说八道”,即nonsense。如:

That's nonsense! Why am I the one being rejected? 胡说八道!为什么被拒绝的人是我?

【考点归纳】 与sense有关的口语词汇和短语还有:

* It doesn't make(any)sense. 意为“这讲不通;这毫无意义”。如:

You didn't go to the concert? It doesn't make any sense—you are a huge fan of Jane. 你没有去听演唱会?不可能啊——你可是简的超级粉丝。

* common sense 意为“常识”。如:

It is common sense that the earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转,这是常识。

62. It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architecture.

【点睛】 It would be a shame...意为“……将是一个遗憾”。这句话的意思是: “如果去澳大利亚观光而没有看这座独一无二的建筑,那将是个遗憾。” It would be a shame这一表达强调的是假设的语气,虽然本句没有使用虚拟语气,但是它可以与虚拟语气连用。如:

It would be a shame if you stopped smiling for the next two years. 要是你在接下来的两年里不再微笑,那将会是一件让人遗憾的事情。

【考点归纳】 关于shame的口语表达还有:

* What a shame!( 太可惜了!真惋惜! ),相当于What a pity! 通常在听到一些坏消息或不幸的事情时,我们会说:What a shame! 以表示慨叹,或者可以说:It's bad news.( 这是坏消息。

* Shame on you. 意为“你真丢脸/可耻”。如:

—I forgot about my girlfriend's birthday. 我把女友的生日给忘了。

—Shame on you. 你真丢脸哦。

63. I am considering dropping my dancing class. I am not making any progress.

【点睛】 make progress意为“取得进步,前进”,progress前可用any、some、great等词修饰。drop在本句中相当于drop out( 退出,退学 ),drop的这一用法在四、六级听力考试中常常考到,除此以外,drop还具有其他丰富的含义,包括“下降;滴落;放弃”等,可以跟很多介词搭配使用。如:

* drop behind 意为“落后”。如:

She dropped behind the rest of the class during her long illness. 在长期生病期间,她的功课落在了班级其他同学的后面。

* drop off 意为“减少”。如:

Sales dropped off in the fourth quarter. 销售量在第四季度减少了。

* drop by 意为“顺便拜访”。如:

Please drop by any time you are in town. 要是来城里的话,就到我这儿来玩。

64. I think there are still a few openings suitable for seniors like you.

【点睛】 opening此处意为“空缺的职位”。suitable for意为“适宜……的,合适……的”。senior此处意为“毕业班学生;大四学生”。like此处为介词,意为“像……一样的”,与you一起意为“像你这样的”,作seniors的后置定语。

【考点归纳】 senior作名词还有以下常见含义:

* “较年长的人”。如:

Her sister is her senior by three years. 她姐姐比她大三岁。

* “级别(或地位)较高者,上级”。如:

He was appreciated by his seniors. 他的上司都很赏识他。

* “资深运动员,高水平运动员”。如:

He is the coach of those tennis seniors. 他是那些高水平网球运动员的教练。

【听音解惑】 still⌒a [stil⌒ə]里的[l]与[ə]相邻,读作 [sti lə]。

65. I wonder if you would do me a favor and tell the professor I've lost my voice so I can't attend this morning's class.

【点睛】 该句需要注意do me a favor的用法和lose my voice的意思。

do me a favor 是请别人帮忙时的常用表达,常用在以下句子中。如:

1)Would you please do me a favor? 请问你能帮我个忙吗?

2)Who can do me a favor? 谁能帮我个忙呢?


Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗?

lose my voice的字面意思是“失去声音”,表示“嗓子哑了”。如:

I lose my voice because of the football match! 因为看足球比赛,喊得我嗓子都哑了。

【考点归纳】 与lose one's voice类似的表达还有:

* lose one's heart 失去勇气,气馁

* lose one's temper 发脾气

* lose one's appetite 没胃口,食欲减退

* lose one's breath 喘不过气

* lose one's way 迷路

66. But I'd rather spend my college days finding out what children are interested in.

【点睛】 I'd rather是I would/had rather的缩略表达,后面可以接动词原形或者从句,意为“我更愿意;我宁愿”。如:

1)Tom would rather read than talk. 汤姆宁愿看书也不愿说话。

2)I'd rather you go there by yourself. 我宁愿你自己去那里。

【考点归纳】 would rather与prefer含义相同,但是用法不同。prefer后面接动词不定式、名词或者动名词。如:

* Tom prefers reading to talking.(相当于Tom would rather read than talk.) 汤姆宁愿看书也不愿说话。

* He prefers wine to beer.(相当于He would rather drink wine than beer.) 他更愿意喝葡萄酒而不是啤酒。

* I'd prefer to fly.(相当于I'd rather fly.) 我宁愿乘飞机。

67. I didn't realize my mistake until I entered the office.

【点睛】 not...until句型使用广泛,表示“(不)……直到”。其中,not可以省略。如:Wait until tomorrow. 等到明天。

【考点归纳】 与not...until句型类似的是till,二者用法的区别比较微妙,需要特别注意:

* 当主句是否定句时,意思是“直到(某时)(某动作)才(发生)”,这时候常会使用not until的结构;如果将not until结构放在句首,那么主句要用倒装形式。如:

1)He didn't go to sleep until 12 last night. 他昨晚直到12点钟才睡觉。

2)Not until we pointed out their fault to them did they realize it. 直到我们指出他们的错误,他们才意识到。

* 当主句是肯定句时,意思是“直到(某时某动作停止了)”,这时候常会使用till。如:

1)The students made much noise till the teacher came into the classroom. 直到老师走进教室,学生们才停止了吵闹。

2)Don't open it till your birthday. 等到你生日那天再打开。

* 另外,until可以放在句首,而till则不行。如:

1)Until they used up all their money,the young couple were very happy.(√)

2)Till they used up all their money,the young couple were very happy.(×)

68. I went there last Saturday for their grand opening sale,but I drove around the parking lot for nearly an hour,looking for a space before I finally gave up and came home.

【点睛】 本句中,grand opening sale意为“开业大酬宾”;parking lot意为“停车场”;look for意为“寻找”;give up意为“放弃”。

【考点归纳】 与give有关的常用短语很多:

* give in 意为“让步;呈交”。如:

1)He has given in to my views. 他已让步,接受了我的观点。

2)Please give in your examination papers now. 现在请交上试卷。

* give away 意为“泄露”。如:

If you give away this secret,I'll punish you. 你要是泄露了秘密,我会惩罚你的。

* 此外,与give有关的还有一个常用表达Give me five! 这个句子的含义并不是“给我五块钱”,而是“击下掌吧”,通常是庆祝用语,因为击掌时每个人都会伸出手掌,就好像在说“五个”一样。Give me five! 也可用于问好,类似于“嗨!”或者“你好!”

69. He's a nice fellow of course and easy to get along with,but I doubt his professional expertise.

【点睛】 该句需要注意对get along with 和professional expertise 的理解。

get along with与get along well with含义相同,表示“与……相处融洽”。如:

How to get along with roommates? 怎么跟室友和睦相处呢?


professional expertise是本句的难点,professional意为“职业的,专业的”。expertise意为“专门的知识或技能;专长;鉴定”。因此,professional expertise指“专业技能”。

【考点归纳】 与expertise相关的短语还有:

expertise report 鉴定书

medical expertise 医疗经验

technical expertise 技术专长

judicial expertise 司法鉴定方法

accounting expertise 会计专长

in-house expertise 内行专家

70. There must be a problem with the computing system. It should be straightened out in a couple of hours.

【点睛】 must意为“肯定,一定”,表示极为肯定的推测。straighten sth. out意为“解决(问题)”。a couple of 意为“一些,几个”。

【考点归纳】 与straighten有关的短语具体用法如下:

* straighten sb. out意为“帮某人解决问题;使某人好转、规矩起来”。如:

They are trying to help those kids straighten themselves out. 他们试图帮那些孩子改邪归正。

* straighten sth. out意为“清理,整顿;解决”。如:

There are a few things that need straightening out. 还有几件事情需要搞清楚。

* straighten sth. up意为“收拾整齐”。如:

You can't go out till you straighten up your room. 你得先把房间整理好才能出去。

* straighten up意为“改邪归正,重新做人”。如:

You'd better straighten up,boy. 小伙子,你最好改邪归正。

【听音解惑】 straightened⌒out⌒in⌒a couple⌒of⌒hours [ˋstreitnd⌒aut⌒in⌒ə ˋkʌpl⌒ɔv⌒auəz]里的[d]与[au]相邻,[t]与[i]相邻,[n]与[ə]相邻,[l]与[ɔ]相邻,[v]与[au]相邻,读作[ˋstreitn dau ti nə ˋkʌp lɔ vauəz]。

71. You said it!

【点睛】 You said it! 通常意为“你还真说着了”!也就是“真是这样,千真万确”的意思,表示肯定前一个说话人的意见。如:

— Malina is the most beautiful girl in our class. 马利娜是咱们班最漂亮的女孩。

— You said it. I have been admiring her for a long time. 的确是。我已经爱慕她很久了。

【考点归纳】 与此类似的表达还有as you said,含义为“正如你所说”,通常表示引用或者再次提及。如:

As you said this morning,I was really caught by the rain on the way to my company. 正如你早上所说,我在去公司的路上淋雨了。

72. I couldn't have won the award without your assistance.

【点睛】 couldn't have won意为“本来不会赢”,是虚拟语气的一种,表示对过去情况的假设。

【考点归纳】 “情态动词 + 现在完成时”句型的用法很多。如:

* must have + done sth. 表示对过去可能发生的事情的推测,意为“肯定”。如:

Mary has gone to work,but her bicycle is still here. She must have gone by bus. 玛丽已经去上班了,但是她的自行车还在这儿。她一定是坐公共汽车去的。

* would like to have done sth. 意为“本打算做某事”。如:

I would like to have read the article,but I was very busy then. 我本来想读一读那篇文章,但是当时太忙了。

* needn't have done sth. 意为“本没必要做某事”。如:

I dressed very warmly for the trip,but I needn't have done so. The weather was hot. 为了旅行,我穿得很暖和,但是其实没有必要穿这么多。天气比较热。

* ought to / should have done sth. 表示“本应该做某事,而事实上并没有做”。否定句表示“不该做某事而做了”。如:

1)You ought to have been more careful in this experiment. 在做这个试验的时候,你本应该更细心一些。

2)He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away. 他本不该把那些旧衣服扔了。

73. So you must leave some room in scheduling your time.

【点睛】 本句中,room指“空间;时间;余地”。schedule表示“安排时间”。


* room本义指“房间”,通常与其他词连用构成合成词。如:living room( 卧室 )、reading room( 阅览室 )、classroom( 教室 )等。当其意为“空间;时间”时,常与leave连用。如:leave some room for speculation( 保留猜测的余地 )。

* schedule一词既可以作名词,表示“时间安排”;也可以作动词,表示“安排时间”。如:

1)Don't worry;that's a flexible schedule. 别担心,时间安排是可变的。

2)I scheduled an exam for this afternoon. 我为今天下午安排了一场考试。

* schedule通常还用在短语ahead of schedule中,表示“提前”,相当于in advance。如:

1)The building is completed ahead of schedule. 这座楼提前完工了。

2)The train arrived five minutes ahead of schedule. 火车提前五分钟到站了。

74. That depends on how your condition reacts to our treatment.

【点睛】 depend on/upon意为“取决于;依靠”,后面可以接短语或从句。在使用此短语时必须将depend与on连用,不可分开(depend被修饰时除外,如:depend too much on),如下面两种表达:

1)They depend their living on me.(×)

2)They depend on me for living.(√)

【考点归纳】 关于depend,口语中常用的表达有That / It all depends. 意思是“这很难说,得看情况”。表示说话者对某事持不确定的态度。如:

1)Sometimes we're busy and sometimes we're not so busy. That(It all)depends. 我们有时候忙,有时候不忙,得分情况。

2)There are harvests once,twice and even three times a year,depending on the climate. 有时候一年收获一次,有时候一年收获两次甚至三次,这都取决于气候。

75. As far as I know,she is good at anything but electronics.

【点睛】 本句的含义为“就我所知,她哪方面都擅长,除了电子学”。需要注意be good at和anything but 的相关用法。

be good at sth. / doing sth. 是口语中常用的表示“做某事做得好/擅长做某事”的表达。如:

1)She is good at physics. 她物理学得很好。

2)I'm good at playing table tennis. 我擅长打乒乓球。

anything but相当于definitely not或not...at all,意为“一点也不”,意在否定anything but后面的内容。如:

1)That old bridge is anything but safe. 那座古桥已经很不安全了。

2)David is an honest man;he is anything but a hypocrite. 戴维很诚实;他绝不是伪君子。

【考点归纳】 与be good at doing sth. 类似的短语有:

* be good for意为“对……有益”。如:

Reading is good for your writing. 阅读对写作有帮助。

此外,关于be good for还有一个习语be good for nothing,意为“一钱不值的,百无一用的”。

* be good to意为“对……好”。如:

My stepmother is very good to me. 我的继母对我非常好。

76. Well,you can make it up. Another presentation on the same topic is scheduled for the same time next Monday.

【点睛】 make up意为“补偿,弥补”,通常在表示此含义时都用make up for sth.结构。如:

How can we make up to you for what you have suffered? 我们如何才能补偿你所遭受的一切呢?



* make up除了“弥补;虚构”的意思外,还有其他的含义:


Let's make up. 我们和好吧。


You should make up your bed every morning. 每天早上你都应该整理床铺。


She made up her face to look prettier. 她化了妆,让自己看上去漂亮些。

* 美国大学里的学习和教学有多种形式。如:lecture、seminar和presentation。



3)presentation则是更为普遍的教学形式,即老师布置一道作业题,要求学生去图书馆查阅相关资料,然后在课堂上较为系统地发表自己的意见。当然,除了presentation,还可以以论文的方式完成,只不过前者更普遍而已。presentation在美国的教学活动中占有很重要的地位,通常会占到期末成绩的四分之一。另外三项是出勤率(participation)以及平时论文(paper)和期末考试(final exam)的成绩。

77. I feel like a fish out of water doing that job.

【点睛】 a fish out of water是俚语,字面意思为“离开水的鱼”,隐含意义为“某人和他所处的环境不融洽,使他感到很别扭、很难堪”。如:

At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French,a language I never studied. 参加那个会议真叫我感到别扭。所有的发言都用法语,可是我从来都没有学过法语。

【考点归纳】 与fish有关的表达还有很多。如:

* to teach a fish how to swim 意为“班门弄斧;给别人提出完全没有必要的建议或劝告”。如:

My son,fresh out of college,keeps telling me how to run my business. But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim. 我的儿子大学刚毕业,可是他却不断地来告诉我应该怎么做生意。我30年来生意做得很好,赚了不少钱。所以,他这样做真是多余。

* fish out 意为“捞出;摸索出”。如:

Hey,there is a man dropped into the river. Go and fish him out! 看,有人掉进河里了。去把他救上来!

* fish for 意为“设法用间接手段得到某事物”,相当于try to gain sth. by indirect methods。如:

He is fishing for our company's latest news. 他拐弯抹角地打探我们公司最近的消息。

78. The performance is said to be excellent and with a student's discount,the tickets will be really cheap.

【点睛】 该句需要注意be said to...的类似表达以及discount的用法。

be said to... 的意思是“人们说”,这种用被动语态表示主动语气的表达方式,意在强调事情的客观性。类似的表达还有:

1)be supposed to... 意为“人们期望”。如:

You are supposed to be here at nine. 你应该9点到这儿。

2)It is believed that... 意为“人们相信”。如:

It is believed that we will definitely win the prize. 大家相信我们一定会得奖。

3)It must be admitted that... 意为“必须承认……”。如:

It must be admitted that for the present we are inferior to our competitors in technical equipment. 必须承认,目前我们在技术设备上略逊于我们的竞争对手。


They give a 10% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,他们给予九折优惠。


1)The store discounted all clothing for the sale. 该店服装全部打折出售。

2)His information is not to be discounted. 他的消息不可不重视。

【考点归纳】 discount作为名词,可以组成很多实用短语。如:

at a discount 折价,减价出售;低于面值的价格;不受重视

with some discount 打折扣;以保留的态度……

additional discount 额外折扣;折上折

cash discount 付现折扣,现金折扣

extra discount 额外折扣

special discount 特别折扣

volume discount 总额折扣

heavy/small discount 大/小折扣

usual discount 普通折扣

wholesale discount 批发折扣

79. Well,can't you drop one course and pick it up next semester?

【点睛】 drop one course的意思是“退掉一门课程”。drop的用法在前面已经讲到,这里不再赘述。pick up在本句中意为“重新学习,继续学习”,正好与drop的意思相对。如:

Today we will pick up where we finished last Friday. 今天我们将接着上周五的内容继续学习。

【考点归纳】 pick up含义丰富,除了“重新学习”以外,还有很多其他常用含义:

* “收拾干净”。如:

I've got to pick this room up before the guests arrive. 我必须在客人到来之前把房间收拾干净。

* “(车、船等)在半路上搭人”。如:

Now let's figure out whose car will stop to pick us up. 让我们想一下,谁的车能在中途捎上我们。

* “有起色;(生意等)好起来”。如:

The hotel business always picks up in summer. 旅馆的生意常常是在夏季开始好转。

* “自然学会”。如:

Bob has never had a French teacher;he picked the language up by himself. 鲍勃从来没有法语老师,他是自己学会这门语言的。

* “听见;看见”。如:

The dog's sense of hearing is so sharp that it can pick up the sound from afar. 狗的听觉很敏锐,它能听到远方的声音。

* “加快”。如:

The train picked up speed. 火车加快了速度。

80. We are already running in the red.

【点睛】 英语中,表示颜色的词语通常都有一定的文化含义,如本句中的red是指“经济状况不佳”,因为负债常常用红色标示,即“赤字”。run in the red即意为“经济困难”。

【考点归纳】 英语中其他与颜色有关的表达还有:

green hand 新手

white war 经济战;无硝烟的战争

mark with a white stone 把……当做喜庆日记下来;大书特书

black and white 白纸黑字,书面的

white light district(纽约的)不夜区

in the white 尚未完工

81. I spent a whole week searching on the net,but came up with nothing valuable.

【点睛】 该句中的search on the net意为“在互联网上搜索”。其他与网络有关的表达还有:surf on the Internet( 上网,网上冲浪 )、online game( 网络游戏 )、online community( 网络社区 )、netizen( 网民 )、netter/nettie/nethead( 网虫,网迷 )、netnews( 网络新闻 )等。come up with意为“提出;想出”,相当于think up。

【考点归纳】 come up 的用法归纳。

* come up with意为“提出;想出”。如:

1)The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决此问题的办法。

2)No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs die out. 尚未有人能对恐龙灭绝的原因作出一个令人信服的解释。

* 此外,come up with还有“赶上”的意思。如:

We shall have to work hard to come up with them. 我们得努力工作,赶上他们。

82. I just called the travel agency. It's all set.

【点睛】 travel agency意为“旅行社”。all set意为“准备妥当的,准备就绪的”,是非常口语化的表达,一般用于表示“万事俱备”,此处set为形容词。

【考点归纳】 口语中与形容词set有关的短语搭配还有:

* be set on sth. / doing sth. 意为“决心做某事”。如:

She's very set on going to the party. 她铁了心要去参加聚会。

* be(dead)set against sth. / doing sth. 意为“强烈反对做某事”。如:

The manager was dead set against the plan. 经理坚决反对这项计划。

* get set意为“预备,做好准备”。如:

Get set. Go! 预备,跑!

* have one's heart set on sth. 意为“决心做某事”。如:

I've got my heart set on going to Paris this winter. 我下定了决心今年冬天将要去巴黎。

【听音解惑】 It's⌒all [its⌒ɔːl]里的[ts]与[ɔː]相邻,读作[i tsɔːl]。

83. Have you run up against any problems in getting your passport renewed?

【点睛】 run up against意为“遭遇,遇到”。与此含义相近的短语是come cross,它既可以表示“遭遇(困难)”,也可以表示“意外碰到(某人)”。get one's passport renewed意为“将某人的护照延期”,get在这里作使役动词,意为“使,让,叫”等,后接复合宾语,其中宾语补足语可以是形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式或分词。


* 听力材料中可能出现的与出国有关的词汇和短语有:

visa 签证

credit card 信用卡

travel check 旅行支票

flight 航班

embassy 大使馆

reserve a hotel 预订酒店房间

aboard 登机

immigrant 移民

* get sth. done和have sth. done用法的区别:


1)I must get my bike repaired. 我得叫人给我修理一下自行车。

2)Where are you going to get your hair cut? 你打算到哪儿去理发?

3)Finally I got my pay raised. 最后我涨工资了。


84. I don't know how you can eat so much yet never put on any weight.

【点睛】 put on weight意为“体重增加,发福”。该句意为“我不明白,为什么你吃这么多却长不胖呢?”

【考点归纳】 与weight有关的口语词汇和短语还有:

* overweight( 超重 ),口语中一般不说He is fat,而会委婉地表达为He is overweight,因为fat是不礼貌的用词。

* gain weight( 长胖 ),相当于put on weight。与此相对的短语是lose weight( 减肥 )。如:

Gaining weight can be as challenging to some people as losing weight is to others. 对于有些人来说,增加体重的难度几乎相当于另一些人减肥的难度。

* gross weight 意为“毛重”。如:

The gross weight of the box of chocolates is 500 grams. 那盒巧克力的总重量(毛重)是500克。

85. When I go on a diet,I eat only fruit,and that takes off weight quickly.

【点睛】 diet指“日常饮食”,go on a diet 是“节食”的意思,经常用来表示“减肥”。take off 的常用含义为“(飞机)起飞”,也有“脱下,移去”的意思,在本句中与weight连用,意为“减轻(重量)”。

【考点归纳】 与take有关的实用短语很多:

* take back 意为“收回(说错的话)”。如:

I take back what I've just said—you are really an honest man. 我收回刚才说的话——你确实是个诚实的人。

* take...under one's wing 意为“庇护”。如:

It is the duty of the elder brother to take the young brother under his wing. 兄长有责任保护弟弟。

* take...for granted 意为“把……当做自然的事,认为……理所当然”。如:

I took it for granted that you would come along,so I bought you a ticket. 我认为你肯定会来,所以帮你买了票。

* take advantage of 意为“利用;欺骗;占……便宜”。如:

It's unethical to take advantage of an innocent girl. 利用天真的少女,这是不道德的行为。

* take a leaf out of someone's book 意为“学某人的样子”。如:

Peter excels in academic work,but his younger brother doesn't. I think he should take a leaf out of Peter's book. 彼得学习成绩突出,但是他弟弟学习不好。我认为他弟弟应该向彼得学习。

86. Now with the new laws in effect and social awareness increasing,we are sure to turn things around.

【点睛】 in effect此处意为“在实施中;有效”。social awareness意为“社会意识,社会觉悟”。be sure to do sth. 意为“一定做某事,必定做某事”。turn sth. around意为“使好转,扭转;有起色”。

【考点归纳】 短语turn around还有以下用法和含义:

* 意为“翻身,翻转,转身”。如:

Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。

He turned his chair around to face the window. 他把椅子转过去,面朝窗户。

* 意为“完成,生产出;提供”。如:

They can turn around 100 shirts in less than 24 hours. 他们不到24小时就能生产出100件T恤。

* turn around and say/tell意为“反而说,反咬一口”。如:

I complained about it,but they turned around and said it was my fault. 我去投诉,他们反倒说是我的错。

【听音解惑】 laws⌒in⌒effect [ lɔːz⌒in⌒iˋfekt ]里的[z]与[i]相邻,[n]与[i]相邻,读作[ lɔː zi ni ˋfekt ];awareness⌒increasing [ əˋweənis⌒inˋkriːsiŋ ]里的[s]与[i]相邻,读作[ ə ˋweəni sin ˋkriːsiŋ ];things⌒around [ θiŋz⌒əˋraund ]里的[z]与[ə]相邻,读作[ θiŋ zə ˋraund ]。

87. Hi,Laura. Long time no see!What have you been up to lately?

【点睛】 long time no see意为“好久不见”,本来是典型的中式英语,但渐渐却成为了正式且正确的英语口语表达。What have you been up to lately? 意为“你最近在忙什么”?其中be up to意为“正在干,从事着”。

【考点归纳】 口语中up to还有以下用法和含义:

* 意为“最多,至多”,表示数量或程度。如:

Up to five people can sleep in my car. 我的汽车里最多能睡五个人。

* 意为“直到,不迟于”。如:

Up to now she's been quite calm. 到目前为止,她一直很镇定。

* 意为“胜任,有资格,适于”。如:

I'm afraid he isn't up to the job. 恐怕他无法胜任该工作。

* 意为“达到(标准)”。如:

His latest paper isn't up to his usual standard. 他新写的论文没有达到他平常的标准。

【听音解惑】 been⌒up [biːn⌒ʌp]里的[n]与[ʌ]相邻,读作 [biː nʌp]。

88. It's high time we talked some sense into her.

【点睛】 该句中的it's high time that是英语考试中常见的虚拟语气句型,意为“到……的时候了,早该……了”。短语talk sense into sb. 意为“开导某人”。如:

You should talk sense into him and make him realize he was wrong. 你应该开导开导他,让他意识到自己错了。

【考点归纳】 It's high time...的用法。

* 后可接介宾短语,即It's high time for sth.。如:

It's high time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

* 后可接不定式短语,即It's high time(for sb.)to do sth.。如:

It's high time to go! 我们该走了。

It's high time for us to cheer up. 该是我们振作起来的时候了。

* 后可接that引导的宾语从句,that可以省略。在这一结构中,从句的谓语动词需用过去式,或“should + 动词原形”的形式,其中should不能省略。如:

1)It's high time you thought about getting married. 眼下你该考虑自己的婚姻问题了。

2)It's high time that I should make the decision. 我该作决定了。

89. I knew it all along!

【点睛】 all along 意为“自始至终,一直”。如:

What were known as facts all along are not true. What are known by us now is true. 我们一直以来所知道的情况都不是真的,而现在知道的才是事实。

本句意为“我一直都知道!”,相当于I knew it from the very beginning,意在强调对方所说的话是对的。

90. Professor Johnson,last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper,a computer failure completely wiped out my files. Do you think I can have another day to retype it?

【点睛】 本句的句式结构较简单,主要涉及when引导的时间状语从句。

touch的意思是“(细节中的)微小之处”,put the finishing touches on/to sth. 表示“对……做最后修改”。如:

The artist was putting the finishing touches on a piece of work. 那位艺术家正在对一件作品做最后的修改。

computer failure指“计算机故障”。wipe out的意思是“擦掉;消灭”。如:

The attack is to wipe out data,to delete files,or to format the hard disk. 攻击方式是消除数据、删除文件或格式化硬盘。

【考点归纳】 与put有关的短语在四、六级考试中经常出现,较难理解的主要包括:

* put through 接通;完成或达成(计划、方案等);使某人经受(苦难、考验等)

* put across/over 沟通或传达(思想等);解释清楚

* put in 正式提出某事物;呈交某事物

【听音解惑】 本句中touches⌒on [ˋtʌtʃiz⌒ɔn]里的[z]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[ ˋtʌtʃi zɔn],wiped⌒out [waipt⌒aut]里的[t]与[au]相邻,读作[waip taut];retype it [ri ˋtaip⌒it]里的[p]与[i]相邻,读作[ri ˋtaipit]。

91. Come on,this suspense is killing me.

【点睛】 come on此处意为“算了吧,得了吧”,表示一种无奈的语气。suspense意为“(对可能发生之事的)紧张感、担心”。kill此处意为“(使某人)疼痛、痛苦”,是一种夸张的表达。

【考点归纳】 kill还有以下常见含义:

* “致死,杀死”。如:

The disease kills thousands of people every year. 每年有数以千计的人死于这种疾病。

* “终止,结束,了结”。如:

The smell killed her appetite. 那股臭味让她没了胃口。

* “使失败;遭拒绝”。如:

The proposal was killed by the boss. 该提议被老板否决了。

* “关掉”。如:

Remember to kill the car engine. 记得关掉汽车发动机。

【听音解惑】 come⌒on [kʌm⌒ɔn]里的[m]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[kʌ mɔn];suspense⌒is [sə ˋspens⌒iz]里的[s]与[i]相邻,读作[sə ˋspen siz]。

92. I got a reasonable raise. Now,enough about me. I'm dying to hear your news.

【点睛】 reasonable此处意为“适度的,还可以的”。raise此处意为“加薪”。enough about me意为“关于我(说得)够多了”,是较为简洁的说法,完整表达可为I've said enough about me. 或You've heard enough about me. 听力中常见此类省略表达,要注意区分。be dying to do sth. 意为“极想做某事,渴望做某事”,表示一种强烈的愿望。

【考点归纳】 口语中与die有关的常见表达还有:

* be dying for sth. 意为“渴望某事物,极想某事物”。如:

I'm dying for something to drink. 我极想喝点东西。

* die hard意为“很难改变(或消失等);顽固”。如:

Old habits die hard. 积习难改。

* die laughing意为“笑死了”。如:

It's so funny. I nearly died laughing. 太逗了,我快笑死了。

【听音解惑】 got⌒a [gɔt⌒ə]里的[t]与[ə]相邻,读作[gɔ tə];enough⌒about [i ˋnʌf⌒əˋbaut]里的[f]与[ə]相邻,读作[i ˋnʌ fə ˋbaut]。

93. The rising popularity of the craft has raised the question of water scooter regulation.

【点睛】 craft此处意为“小船,船”。raise此处意为“引起,激起”,与question搭配表示“引起问题”。water scooter意为“水上摩托艇”。regulation此处意为“管理,控制”。

【考点归纳】 raise还有以下常见含义:

* “提起,举起”。如:

Please raise your arm above your head. 请把胳膊举过头顶。

* “增加,提高”。如:

The government decided to raise standards in schools. 政府决定提高学校的水平。

* “筹募,筹集”。如:

They are raising money to pay for a new hospital. 他们在筹集资金建一家新医院。

* “引起,激起”。如:

His joke raised a laugh. 他的笑话引起了一阵笑声。

* “抚养,养育”。如:

They were raised in the North. 他们是在北方长大的。

【听音解惑】 question⌒of [ˋkwestʃən⌒ɔv]里的[n]与[ɔ]相邻,读作 [ˋkwestʃə nɔv]。

94. The only thing neighbors have in common,to begin with,is proximity. And unless something more develops,that isn't reason enough to be best friends.

【点睛】 have sth. in common意为“有相同的特征(或想法、兴趣等)”。to begin with意为“首先,第一点”,在句中作插入语。proximity意为“临近,接近”。unless意为“除非”。enough to be best friends意为“足够成为最好的朋友”,充当reason的后置定语,起解释说明作用。

【考点归纳】 与in common相关的短语的具体用法如下:

* have sth. in common(with ...)意为“(与……)在某方面有共同之处”。如:

The two methods have a lot in common. 这两种方法有很多相同之处。

* have nothing in common(with ...)意为“(与……)毫无共同之处”。如:

She had nothing in common with Teresa. 她和特雷莎毫无共同之处。

* in common with sb./sth.意为“与某人/某物相同”。如:

In common with many other countries,they're in a great recession. 和许多别的国家一样,这些国家也陷入了经济大衰退。

【听音解惑】 have⌒in [hæv⌒in]里的[v]与[i]相邻,读作[hæ vin];and⌒unless [ænd⌒ʌn ˋles]里的[d]与[ʌ]相邻,读作[æn dʌn ˋles];that⌒isn't reason⌒enough [ðæt⌒iznt ˋriːzən⌒iˋnʌf]里的[t]与[i]相邻,[n]与[i]相邻,读作[ðæ tiznt ˋriːzə ni ˋnʌf]。

95. The drive way or the fence between you is not really a cold shoulder but a clear boundary.

【点睛】 drive way意为“马路,车道”。在本句中,drive way和fence都是“分隔之物”,具有一定引申意义。句型not really...but...意为“其实不是……而是……”,but之后的内容既是听音的重点也是句意的重点所在。cold shoulder是俗语,字面意思为“冷的肩膀”,在句中的引申意为“冷淡,轻视”。boundary意为“界限”。

【考点归纳】 与shoulder有关的常见短语还有:

* shoulder to shoulder意为“肩并肩地;齐心协力地”。如:

They worked shoulder to shoulder in that company. 他们在那家公司里齐心协力地工作。

* on sb.'s shoulders意为“由某人承担”。如:

The blame rested on the police's shoulders. 指责直指警方。

* a shoulder to cry on意为“给予同情、安慰的人”。如:

What she needs now is a shoulder to cry on. 她现在需要的就是有人去安慰她。

【听音解惑】 but⌒a [bʌt⌒ə]里的[t]与[ə]相邻,读作 [bʌ tə]。

96. I'm not sure it's right to take an eye for an eye.

【点睛】 短语an eye for an eye意为“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”,是本句的听音难点和重点所在,虽然在知道其确切含义之后,会有一种从字面意思就可以推断出含义的感觉,但在听的时候却往往不敢对其含义妄加判断。

【考点归纳】 口语中与eye有关的常见表达还有:

* be all eyes意为“全神贯注地看”。如:

The audiences were all eyes as the curtain was drawn back. 当幕布拉开时,观众都目不转睛地看着。

* be up to one's eyes in sth. 意为“忙于某事,埋头于某事”。如:

They are up to their eyes in work. 他们工作忙得不可开交。

* lay/set eyes on sb./sth. 意为“看见/注意到某人/某事物(尤用于表示惊讶)”。如:

I hope I never set eyes on him again! 我希望永远不再见到他!

* cast an eye on/over意为“瞟一眼,粗略地看一下”。如:

This is the very job he wants and he won't cast an eye on any other jobs. 这正是他最想要的工作,他不会再看其他工作一眼的。

* catch sb.'s eye 意为“与某人的目光相遇;引起某人注意”。如:

That beautiful girl caught my eye. 那个美女引起了我的注意。

* turn a blind eye to 意为“假装看不见,熟视无睹”。如:

How can you turn a blind eye to my sadness? 你怎么能对我的悲伤熟视无睹呢?

【听音解惑】 take⌒an⌒eye for an⌒eye [teik⌒æn⌒ai fɔː æn⌒ai]里的[k]与[æ]相邻,[n]与[ai]相邻,读作[tei kæ nai fɔː æ nai]。

97. You've been hanging on to the phone for quite a while.

【点睛】 hang on to sth.意为“抓紧某物”。quite a while意为“相当长的一段时间”。句中用现在完成进行时来表示动作的一直持续。

【考点归纳】 短语hang on还有以下常见用法和含义:

* 意为“抓紧”。如:

They all hung on as the bus swung around a sharp bend. 公共汽车急转弯时,他们都紧紧抓住扶手。

* 意为“等一下,停一下”。如:

Hang on! I'll be right back. 等一下,我马上就回来。

* 意为“坚持不懈”。如:

The team hung on for victory. 这支队伍为了胜利坚持不懈。

* hang on sth. 意为“有赖于,取决于某事物”。如:

A lot hangs on the result of this research. 很多事情都取决于该研究的结果。

【听音解惑】 quite⌒a [kwait⌒ə]里的[t]与[ə]相邻,读作[kwai tə]。

98. I've been a freelance designer for quite a long time now.

【点睛】 freelance意为“自由职业(者)的,独立的”,freelance designer即为“自由设计师”。表示时间段的时间状语for quite a long time(很长时间)和表示时间点的now(现在)连用,表示“到现在为止有很长时间”,这可能是该句的听音难点所在。

【考点归纳】 time表示“一段时间”时,常出现在以下短语搭配之中:

* at one time意为“曾经有一个时期,一度”。如:

This used to be a very pretty lake at one time. 这里曾经是一片非常美丽的湖泊。

* for a time意为“有一段较短的时间”。如:

John lived in Beijing for a time. 约翰曾在北京小住过。

* for some time意为“较长时间”。如:

I hadn't seen my brother for some time. 我有好长一段时间没见到我哥哥了。

【听音解惑】 been⌒a [biːn⌒ə]里的[n]与[ə]相邻,读作[biː nə];quite⌒a [kwait⌒ə]里的[t]与[ə]相邻,读作 [kwai tə]。

99. For instance,even though more women than men are still homemakers without paying jobs,women have been taking over more responsibility in the business world,earning higher salaries than ever before and entering fields of work that used to be exclusively male areas.

【点睛】 句子的主干是:...women have been taking over...,earning...and entering...。even though引导让步状语从句。句末的that used to be exclusively male areas是定语从句,修饰fields of work。


Do you think she is prepared to settle for being a homemaker? 你认为她会甘心做一个家庭妇女吗?


Most of the merchandise is sold exclusively here. 这里的大部分商品都是独家发售的。

100. But the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage,it just all falls into place.

【点睛】 the minute...意为“一……就……”,强调前后动作几乎同时发生。step into意为“走入,步入”。get onto意为“走上”。fall into place是习语,意为“明朗化,清晰,理出头绪”。

【考点归纳】 口语中与place有关的常见习语和短语还有:

* be going places意为“春风得意;开始取得成功”。如:

She's really going places as an actress. 作为一名女演员,她确实开始走红了。

* in/into place意为“准备就绪”。如:

All the arrangements were in place for the meeting. 会议的一切都安排就绪了。

* out of place意为“位置不当;不适当”。如:

Those remarks were out of place. 那些话太不当了。

* feel out of place 意为“感到拘束、不自在”。如:

I felt out of place at the conference. 在会议上我感到很拘束。

* in sb.'s place意为“处于某人的位置,为某人设身处地想一想”。如:

Have you ever thought about it in my place? 你可曾为我设身处地地想过?

【听音解惑】 step⌒into [ step⌒ˋintu ]里的[p]与[i]相邻,读作[ ste ˋpintu ];get⌒ onto [ get⌒ˋɔntu ]里的[t]与[ɔ]相邻,读作[ ge ˋtɔntu ];just⌒all falls⌒ into [ dʒʌst⌒ɔːl fɔːlz⌒ˋintu ]里的[t]与[ɔː]相邻,[z]与[i]相邻,读作[ dʒʌs tɔːl fɔːl ˋzintu ]。

101. But the real point of this cautionary tale,says animal behaviorist Herzog,is that the labels we put on things can affect our moral responses to them.

【点睛】 that引导表语从句。在表语从句中the labels是主语,we put on things是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词the labels。The real point of...is that...是常用句型,意为“……的真正问题在于……”。

cautionary tale意为“警世故事,劝诫故事”。如:

Bill's mother told him the cautionary tale of the boy who won't eat his food. 比尔的母亲给比尔讲了那个不肯吃饭的小孩的劝诫故事。

【考点归纳】 behaviorist是指“行为学家”,类似的以-ist结尾表示“……家”的名词还有很多,如下所示:

pianist 钢琴演奏家

educationist 教育学家

physicist 物理学家

chemist 化学家

biologist 生物学家

psychologist 心理学家

economist 经济学家

artist 艺术家

cartoonist 漫画家

102. The woman on the witness stand in this story is being questioned about the murder that was committed one hundred years ago.

【点睛】 witness stand意为“证人席”,commit the murder意为“谋杀”。

【考点归纳】 commit是英语六级考试中的重点词汇,常考的用法主要有:

* commit作及物动词:


commit murder 谋杀

commit suicide 自杀

2)commit... to... 把……置于……状态; 转交到……。如:

commit the man to prison 把这名男子送进监狱

3)commit sb./oneself to sth. 或commit sb./oneself to doing sth. 使……不得不做某事;向……保证。如:

He has committed himself to support his brother's children. 他已经答应了抚养他哥哥的孩子。

* commitment作名词:


Success is often attributed to dedication and commitment. 成功常常可以归功于投入和奉献。


I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them. 我觉得我没有必要对他们作出这样的承诺。

103. So,Claire,you're into drama!

【点睛】 be into sth. 意为“对某事物十分感兴趣,很喜欢某事物”,该短语是本句的难点所在,可以这样理解: “全情投入(into)”是因为“很喜欢”或“十分感兴趣”。

【考点归纳】 以下短语也可以用于表示“很喜欢,很感兴趣”:

* be fascinated by sth. 意为“对某事物入迷的,极感兴趣的”。如:

They were fascinated by his ideas. 他们对他的想法很感兴趣。

* be obsessed by sth. 意为“被某事物迷住,着迷于某事物”。如:

The children were obsessed by the story. 孩子们被故事给迷住了。

* get into sth. 意为“对某事物产生兴趣”。如:

He's getting into oil paintings. 他开始喜欢油画了。 DK/gf9hLmXB6dKFKh449HO4ATbROAcvz+Gw4314wp1uoLRButU/lHqzCPTPDquKC
