
4 穿衣


stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] 时髦的

stylish ”是个多义词,它可以指“流行的,时尚的”。比较级是 more stylish.Eg She s expert at making cheap, but stylish clothes. (她做便宜而时髦的衣服很在行。)通常用作定语:~ +n. 其近义词有 modern/fashionable/tony/in/smart

stylish fur 时尚 Eg Very stylish fur shoulder, European style. (厚厚的皮草肩袖非常有欧洲范儿。) stylish cutie 装扮女友

in style 流行,时髦地

fade[feid]v. 光泽,颜色等褪去;变弱

out of fashion 过时

fashionmonger [ˈfæʃənmʌŋgə] n. 创流行的人;赶时髦的人

suitable [ˈsuːtəb(ə)l] adj. 适当的;相配的

suit[su ː t]v. 合适;相称

fit[fit]v. 符合,配合;适合;合身 n. 合身

warm[w כː m]adj. 温暖的

soft [sɔft] adj. 软的,柔软的;温柔的,温和的

splendid attire 华丽的服饰

luxuriant [lʌgˈzjuəriənt] adj. 奢华的

luxuriant appearance 华丽的外衣

simple[ ˈ simpl]adj. 简单的

simply dressed 衣着简朴

favorite [ˈfevərɪt] adj. 最喜爱的;中意的

high-necked 高领的

fleck[flek]v. 使有斑点

striped[straipt]a. 有条纹的

color [ˈkʌlə(r)] 颜色

color ,做名词时是“颜色”的意思,动词就有“给……涂颜色;歪曲”的意思。 Eg What color should I paint my room? (我应该把屋子涂成什么颜色呢?)

change color 变色 Eg The leaves change color and begin to fall. (叶子变黄,开始飘落。) natural color 自然色;天然色;本色 Eg It is usually dyed to enhance its natural color. (它通常是染色,以提高其自然的色彩。)

red[red]n. 红色 adj. 红色的

pink [piŋk] n. 粉红色 adj. 粉红的

garnet [ˈgɑːnɪt] adj. 深红色的;暗红色的

purple [ˈpə:pl] adj. 紫色

purplish [ˈpɜːplɪʃ] adj. 略带紫色的

henna [ˈhenə] n. 红褐色

scarlet [ˈskɑːlət] adj. 深红的;鲜红色的

silver pink 银粉

brown [braʊn] adj. 棕色的,褐色的;太阳晒黑的

beige [beɪʒ] adj. 浅褐色的;米黄色的

chocolate [ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət] adj. 巧克力色的;巧克力口味的

camel [ˈkæm(ə)l] adj. 驼色的;暗棕色的

amber [ˈæmbə] adj. 琥珀色的;琥珀制的

khaki [ˈkɑːkɪ] adj. 卡其色的;黄褐色的

maroon [mə’ruːn] adj. 褐红色的

green[gri ː n]adj. 绿色的

olive green 茶青色,橄榄绿

emerald green 鲜绿色

blue[blu ː ]adj. 蓝色的

navy blue 深蓝色;藏青色

ivory [ˈaɪv(ə)rɪ] adj. 乳白色的

oyster white 乳白色

gray [greɪ] adj. 灰色的;苍白的

smoky gray n. 烟灰色

fabric [ˈfæbrik] 织物;布

fabric ”是个多义词,它可以指“构造物,组构,织物,布”。 Eg The jacket is comfortable because the fabric breathes. (这件短上衣穿着很舒适,因为这种织物透气。)此词还表示“结构”。 Eg The anomaly noticed by Einstein kicked off one of the greatest revolutions in our understanding of the fabric of the universe. (爱因斯坦所发现的异常现象开启了一个伟大的革命,使我们对宇宙的构造有了全新的认识。)

fabric structure 织物结构 Eg Its principle in the production, the fabric structure, the fitting process with a certain degree of creativity. (其在生产原理上、织物结构上、贴合工艺上具有一定的创造性。) textile fabric 织物;纺织布料 Eg Carpets are a kind of textile fabric. (地毯是一种纺织品。)

cotton [ˈkɒt(ə)n] n. 棉花;棉布

silk [sɪlk] n. 丝绸;蚕丝

natural fabric 天然纤维

wool [wʊl] n. 羊毛;毛线

linen [ˈlɪnɪn] n. 亚麻布,亚麻线

synthetic [sɪnˈθetɪk] n. 人造的

acryl [ˈækril] n. 丙烯

nylon [ˈnaɪlɒn] n. 尼龙

worsted [ˈwʊstɪd] n. 精纺毛织物;毛线

cashmere [kæʃˈmɪəˌˈkæʃmɪə] n. 羊绒;开司米

calico [ˈkælɪkəʊ] 白布;本布

plush [plʌʃ] 长毛绒

tweed[twi ː d] 粗(花)呢

corduroy [ˈkɔːdərɒɪˌ-djʊ-] 灯芯绒

satin [ˈsætɪn] 缎子

flannel [ˈflæn(ə)l] 法兰绒

canvas [ˈkænvəs] 帆布

cotton prints 花布

brocade [brəˈkeɪd] 锦缎

cotton sateen 棉缎

seersucker [ˈsɪəsʌkə]n.[纺] 泡泡纱

flannelette [ˌflænəˈlet] 绒布

camlet [ˈkæmlɪt] 羽纱

design [di ˈ zain] 设计;图案

design ,无论是动词还是名词都是“设计”的意思。 Eg The building was constructed from the design of that architect. (这幢大楼是按那位建筑师的设计建造的。) be designed 有“目的”和“旨在”的意思。 Eg This project is designed to help homeless people. (这个项目旨在帮助无家可归的人。)

design for 为……设计 Eg She designed new dresses for the fashion show. (她为时装展览会设计服装。) new design 新式样,新设计 Eg He showed us his new design with much flourish. (他向我们炫耀他的新设计。)

costume [ˈkɔstjuːm] n. 装束,服装

elegant [ˈeligənt] adj. 高雅的,优雅的

fashion show 时尚展览

lacing [ˈleisiŋ] n. 花边;系带

skipped stitch 跳针

slim waist line 修腰线

solid size 单码

straight cut 直纹裁

workmanship [ˈwɜːkmənʃɪp] n. 手艺,工艺;技巧

all-star designer 全明星设计团队

designer [diˈzainə] n. 设计师;谋划者

fashion designer 服装设计师

utilize[ ˈ ju ː tilaiz]v. 利用

illusion [iˈljuːзən] n. 错觉

style [stail] 风格

style ,有方式,格调,款式的意思。 Eg Boston, you have to admit, has style. (你得承认波士顿很有格调。) be styled ,被尊称。 Eg Jesus Christ is styled the Saviour. (耶稣被尊称为救世主。) self-styled ,自称的,自封的

life style 生活方式 Eg This may be the second life style. (这可能就是第二种生活方式。) in style 流行;时髦地 Eg Some artists, including myself, do not want the comfort of their being in style. (有些画家包括我自己在内,不愿安坐于流行之中。) out of style 过时的 Eg And these lyrics and melodies never go out of style. (而且这些歌词和旋律永远不会过时。) in the style of 风格 Eg The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings. (威尼斯的美很大程度上在于它那古代建筑的风格。)

suit[su ː t] 套装

gather skirt [ˈgæðə][skɜːt] 碎褶裙

pleated skirt [ˈplitɪd][skɜːt] 百褶裙

trapeze dress [trəˈpiːz][dres] 梯形连衣裙

shirtwaist dress [ˈʃɜːtweɪst][dres] 衬衫式连衣裙

one shoulder dress 单肩连衣裙

pinafore [ˈpɪnəfɔː] 无袖连衣裙

ruffled skirt 荷叶裙

straight skirt 直筒裙

princess dress 公主裙

school uniform 学生装

sportswear [ˈspɔːtsweə] n. 运动装;休闲服

service dress 军服;军便服

plain clothes 便衣,便服

reversible jacket 两面夹克;两用衫

casual clothes 休闲服;便服

formal clothes 正装

evening clothes 晚礼服

designer clothes 名牌服装

British style 英国风格

vintage design [ˈvintidʒ][diˈzain] 古典的设计

business suit 西装

evening jacket 晚会便礼服

tuxedo [tʌkˈsiːdəʊ] n. 无尾礼服

evening dress n. 晚礼服


A Can you make it cheaper?This parka has gone out this year.

B I'm sorry. It is our bottom wholesale prices.

A :能便宜点吗?这款皮衣已经是旧款了。

B :很抱歉,这已经是底价了。

A It's one of the most popular styles presented in the fashion show.

B Could I have a try?

A :这款是今年时装秀中最流行的一款。

B :我能试试看吗?

A Wow, you've got a new dress.

B How can you dress fashionably at work without spending a fortune on new clothes?

A :喔,你又买新衣服了。

B :我想每天穿得光鲜亮丽去上班,怎么有办法不买新衣服?

A These must-have items are for the fashionably daring.

B I agree with you. Soon we will have some sales.

A :这些服装有可能成为潮人们的必备单品。

B :我同意。很快我们就能取得很好的销售业绩了。

A Coincides with New York Fashion Week and Linda tries to make it to at least one show.

B I am not a fashionista, but she is.

A :琳达说她要去看至少一场纽约时装秀。

B :我也不是啥时尚达人,但是她是。


Dark Glamour Outfit Ideas

Dark glamour, a subset of goth fashion, shares all of the dark, moody and edgy characteristics of goth and combines them with a more high-end glamour girl aesthetic. If this is a style that appeals to you, and you are having trouble coming up with outfit ideas, don t sweat it.It s not difficult to coordinate some unique dark glamour looks once you have some direction.


Goth style dates all the way back to the Victorian era of the late nineteenth century. So when putting together your dark glamour outfit, lift ideas from the original fashions for an ensemble with historical context.

Old Meets New

If you don't want to go totally old school, then you can get a dark glamour look by mixing elements of Victorian fashion with more contemporary styles. Wear a dark-hued velvet frock with long flared sleeves but with a more modern hourglass silhouette.




哥特风格要追溯到 19 世纪晚期的维多利亚时代,所以你要考虑选择哥特风格的服装,就要将最初的时尚和历史背景融合在一起考虑。



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