
2 砍价


brand [brænd] 商标;牌子

brand ,作为词根可以延展成形容词 branded 名牌商标的;动词 brand 在……上加商标;铭刻; Eg The plane crash was branded in his mind. (飞机坠毁的情景铭刻在他的心中。)

brand design 品牌设计 Eg Tell me what your brand design is. (告诉我你的品牌设计是什么。) manufacturer brand 制造商 Eg Show me the manufacturer of the brand. (让我了解了品牌的制造商。)

logo [ˈlɒgəʊˌˈləʊgəʊ] 图形,商标,标识语

logotype [‘lɒgə(ʊ)taɪp] (路标等用的)标志;商标

TM 商标( =trademark

trademark [ˈtreɪdmɑːk] 商标

trade mark office 商标局

trade mark law 商标法

word mark 文字商标

figurative mark 图形商标

famous mark 著名商标

registered [ˈredʒɪstəd] adj. 注册的;记名的;登记过的;

lie [laɪ] 欺骗

lie ”是个多义词,它可以指“谎言”,可以指“躺下”。 Eg She declared that the allegation was a lie. (她断言这一说法是谎言。)

white lie 善意的谎言 Eg I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes. (我对太太撒了个善意的谎言,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。) lie off 停泊 Eg The ship had to lie off because of the storm. (由于暴风雨船只得在海岸附近停泊。) lie by 在……旁边;停泊 Eg Let me lie by him. (我躺在他的身 旁吧。)

pull the wool over sb. s eyes 蒙蔽某人

rip sb.off 欺诈某人

cheater [ˈtʃiːtə] n. 骗子;背叛者

fraud [frɔːd] n. 欺骗;骗子;诡计

swindler [ˈswɪndlə] n. 骗子

juggler [ˈdʒʌglə] n. 变戏法的人;骗子

deceiver [dɪˈsiːvə] n. 骗子;欺诈者

deceitfulness [diˈsiːtfəlnis] n. 不诚实;欺诈

fainaigue[fei ˈ nigju ː ]v. 规避责任;骗人

terms [təːmz] 价钱

terms ”是个多义词,它可以指“术语,关系,价钱”;作动词时表示“把……称作” Eg But I loathe this term and want all or nothing. (但是我厌恶这个术语,要么获得一切,要么一切都不要。)

in terms of 至于,关于,依据 Eg Now what are we doing in terms of intervention? (现在我们在做那些方面的干预呢?) Please quote your price in terms of pound sterling. (请您报盘时用英镑报价。)

superior [suːˈpiəriə] a. 极好的,卓越的

beyond [biˈjɔnd] prep. 超出……的范围

reasonable [ˈriːznəbl] a. 合理的

price terms 价格条件

currency [ˈkərənsi] n. 货币

market price 市场价

current price 现行价

floor price 底价

bargain [ˈbɑːgin] 讨价还价

bargain ,作为词根可以扩展为名词 bargaining 讨价还价; bargainer 交易者; bargainor 卖方 Eg He made a satisfactory bargain with them. (他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。)

bargain with 讨价还价 Eg Don t bargain with God. (不要和上帝讨价还价。) bargain for 指望 Eg Don t bargain for fish which are still in the water. (不要为水里的鱼讨价还价。)

on the low side 价格偏低

make a bargain with sb 与某人成交

a bargain sale 廉价出售

current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的

deal[di l]n. 交易,做生意 v. 做生意

make a deal 成交;达成交易

rock-bottom price 最低价

drive a hard bargain over sth. 为某事拼命讨价还价


A This is famous brand. Guess how much it costs.

B Darling, it looks elegant on you It can't be any cheap stuff.

A :这是名牌。猜猜多少钱。

B :宝贝,这件衣服让你看起来更优雅了。应该不便宜吧。

A It's too expensive. How about half the price?

B Half?Are you kidding?

A :太贵了。半价怎么样?

B :半价?开玩笑嘛?

A Something around two hundred, I guess.

B Haha, pull the wool over your eyes.

A :我猜怎么也得 200 美元吧。

B :哈哈,被骗了吧。

A It is the original price, or did you get a special discount?

B I drove a hard bargain with the vendor before I got the price down.

A :是原价还是打了折的?

B :我跟那个小贩讨价还价老半天才买到的。

A That's too expensive. How about 2.5 yuan a kilogram?

B Come on. I'm out on a limb here.

A :太贵了。两元五角一公斤怎么样啊?

B :别呀!您总不能让我亏本吧。

A I think the price is a bit high. Can you lower it, please?

B I'm sorry, but this is one-price shop.

A :我觉得价钱有点高,能便宜点吗?

B :很抱歉,但这里不打折。

A Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.

B I know it.

A :别想宰我,我识货。

B :我知道。


How to Bargain Shop for Clothes

In this economy, a little sale isn't enough to make most people want to buy something new. It is even better if it is at a deep discount of 75-95%off of the original price.That is how I shop, and I will share my tips on finding new clothes on clearance and saving hundreds of dollars if not more in clothes every year.


1. Find out if you have any outlets and discount stores within driving distance of where you live.While most regular stores will offer periodic clearance sales, you will be able to find better sales at outlets and discount stores more often.You can look for outlets and discount stores via an online search, by looking through the Yellow Pages the book or online ), or by just asking around.

2. Try not to be too brand conscious.Name brands can be cute, fashionable, expensive looking, and durable, but when money is tight, it s hard to keep up with everything name brand.

3. Try not to be overly trendy.You can be fashionable, even if you are not super trendy.Determine how you want to express yourself, the style that best suits your personality and lifestyle the best.

4. Once you have gotten past being overly trendy, the next step will be easy Shop for out of season clothes This is the biggest key to finding deep discounts on clothes.


当下的经济条件,一点点折扣已无法激发人们购买新产品的欲望。如果商品能打 2. 5 折到 0. 5 折的话,那将是再好不过的事了。接下来我将分享我的购物诀窍,即每年如何能够在得到想要的衣服的同时节省上百美元。


1. 寻找商家近的奥特莱斯店或折扣店,尽管大多数的商铺都是定期采取打折销售,你还是能够找到这样的折扣店的。寻找这样的折扣店的方式还可以通过网络、黄页咨询到,或者你可以问问身边的人。

2. 减少大品牌意识。品牌货是可爱的,时尚的,昂贵的,耐用的,但是由于捉襟见肘的工资,是很难追捧这些品牌的。

3. 不要过度地赶时髦。你可以紧跟潮流,即便你不是超级时尚,只要穿出你独特的风格也是很不错的。

4. 如果你过了赶时髦这道坎,接下来的事情对于你就很简单了。那就是买过季的衣服,这些衣服通常是折扣非常大的。

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