
Huang Xuesheng:A Leading Figure of Chinese Overseas Businessmen in French Chinatown


Huang Xuesheng,born inOuhai,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,moved to France with his parents when he wasonly thirteen years old. He began to start his own business while learning Frenchat the same time. He is now the President of Eurasia Groupe in France after allthese years’ effort. He has won many awards including “Global Wenzhounese of 2010”,“China’s Top Ten Economic Elites”,and“Top Ten Overseas Youths in Zhejiang”,etc.


问: 黄总,您好。很感谢您接受我们浙江大学宁波理工学院“用声音叙事”暑期实践队的采访。请问您在法国已经有多久了?

答: 你好,我13岁移居法国,学了两年法语就开始我摸爬滚打的创业之路。1998年收购法国12家连锁店,2001年在92省购买了一家工厂当仓库出租,2003年在欧贝维利耶市收购了一家大型工厂分隔后当店铺分租。在法国引起轰动的大手笔则是2009年年底收购法国北部勒阿弗尔港的15万平方米仓储区,投资2500万欧元,打造多功能“欧华商贸中心”项目。

问: 对于过去创业的成功和现在公司上市的辉煌,您是否认为自己是个幸运儿?

答: 对于我创业的成功我并不认为自己是幸运儿,因为这一切都是我跟我的团队在法国经历多年的摸爬滚打,尝试了无数次大大小小的失败后才取得的收获。对于公司上市,我的确认为自己是个幸运儿。欧华集团在巴黎创业板上市,但完全是出于一种偶然。本来从公司的发展战略出发,准备向银行融资。应银行的要求,委托全球著名的德勤(Deloitte)会计师事务所对资产进行全面清理后,发现公司的财务报告完全符合上市的要求,这才意外地选择了踏进欧交所上市的大门。

问: 在您看来,上市对欧华集团来说最大的意义是什么?

答: 上市最大的意义是“买到”了一项荣誉。这个荣誉不仅是欧华集团的,也是海外华商群体的。它可以说明我们有能力上市,并且通过我们的经历,让大家知道,上市其实并不是什么难事。也希望我们的经历可以为海外华人的下一步发展提供新的目标和动力。

问: 自从1978年到法国后,您一直没有加入法国国籍。是什么让您一直坚持自己的中国国籍?

答: 我在法国已经33年,始终没有改变中国国籍。大家都是中国人,都是为了中国的下一代。我的一切努力都是为了我们中国人的下一代更好地发展。相信所有怀着一颗炙热中国心的企业家都有这样的想法。

问: 您是如何在海外塑造中国企业家的形象的?

答: 其实说塑造就感觉有点刻意了。我一直都是觉得应该做好每一件事,做好自己,做一个爱国、爱企业、爱家的中国人,我相信那便是一个最完美的形象,我一直向它看齐。

问: 对欧华集团的上市,国内外媒体都对此进行了高度的关注与赞扬。欧华集团上市给法国新一代华商树立了一个榜样,您觉得此类说法对您来说是压力还是动力?

答: 不可否认,欧华集团的上市受到国内外各界的关注,无疑会给我们带来很大的压力,但是我觉得对欧华集团本身来说,更多的是动力。欧华的上市,让华商企业打入了当地的金融市场,告诉法国乃至欧洲,华人的企业也可以做到资产透明。

问: 近年来,很多做外贸的温商都表示贸易越来越难做,这种趋势对你们的业务会有影响吗?

答: 贸易其实从来就没有好做过。只不过从前做的人少,说不好做的人就少;现在做的人多,说不好做的人也就多了。新人,交学费;而老人则慢慢退出,去做他们认为更有利的事业。有赚,有亏,生意就是这样,轮流转的。而对我们来说,如果大家都不行了,我们至少还有固定资产在。

问: 您觉得在法国,有上市潜力的华商还有多少?

答: 潜力其实很多人都有,不过我们做商业地产的,上市相对容易一些。那些做贸易、加工的就比较难,无论是固定资产还是总体资产方面都不会有很多,相对来说上市就会困难一些。

问: 近年来海外温商回国投资的很多,您也在温州投资了喜来登酒店,您觉得国内和欧洲哪里商业机会更多?

答: 只要你努力,机会永远是有的,不怕没机会,就怕你抱怨。

问: 对欧华集团未来的发展,您有怎样的憧憬?

答: 首先肯定是将欧华集团继续做大做强,现在我也准备收购一家瑞士的银行。对海外华人而言,上市与办银行是一种跨越。前者意味着企业真正地融于当地,正面并且公平地参与竞争,后者则是无数海外温商一直以来的梦想。我觉得很有可能这两件事都会被我做成,并成为我今后真正的主业。

问: 您对志在创业的大学生有什么建议?

答: 现在的大学生首先是要学好自己的技能,掌握好足够的知识。其次,要做到凡事在自己身上找原因,做好自己已经足够,怨天尤人没有用。很多人喜欢怨天尤人怪社会,做事欠缺勇气。所以,你们要脚踏实地,做好每一件事。只要你认真了,成功就离你不远了。

问: 黄总,谢谢您百忙之中接受我们的采访,并给我们大学生提出了这么多的建议和忠告,我们学到了很多。

答: 也谢谢你们。



Q: Mr. Huang,thank you for the interview with us—the “Beyond the Voices” team of Ningbo Institute of Technology,Zhejiang University. How long have you been in France?

A: I moved to France at the age of thirteen. Then I tried to start myown business after having studied French for two years. I bought twelve local chainstores in 1998 and a factory to be rent as a warehouse in the 92nd Département(province)in 2001. In 2003,I boughta much larger factory which was transformed into several compartments inAubervilliers to rent as stores. What caused a sensation in the localsociety was the takeover of a storage building with an area of 150,000 squaremeters in the harbor of Le Havre in Northern France at the end of 2009 at thecost of 25,000,000 Euros which was made into the “Eurasia Trade Center”.

Q: Do youthink you are a lucky dog,considering the success of your business and thelisting of your group?

A: As for the success of my business,I don’t think I am lucky because today’ssuccess has been achieved through many years’ hard work by my team and me. Youcan’t imagine the hardships and difficulties we have suffered all these years.However,I believe I am really a lucky dog for the listing of the company. It wasall by accident. Based on the strategy of the company development,we plannedto ask for financing from the bank. At the request of the bank,Deloitte wasentrusted to deal with asset disposals and told us that the company’s financialreports fully met the requirements of listing. That’s why we chose to step intothe Euronext,Paris.

Q: In your opinion,what greatestsignificance does the listing have for the group?

A: Actually,the greatest significance is that we have “bought” anhonor. This honor does not belong to Eurasia Groupe alone,but to all Chineseoverseas business groups. It indicates that we have the ability to be listed onthe overseas market and may give others the inspiration that it is no big dealto be listed. We also hope that our experience can provide Chinese overseasbusinessmen with a new target and motivation to further develop themselves.

Q: Mr. Huang,you haven’t applied for Frenchcitizenship since you came to France in 1978,so what makes you cling to yourChinese nationality?

A: I have been in France for thirty-three years and never changed myChinese nationality. We are all Chinese,and what we have done is to create abetter tomorrow for the next generation in China. I believe all Chineseentrepreneurs with a deep love for their nation must share a similar feelingwith me.

Q: How doyou mold the image of the Chinese entrepreneur abroad?

A: “Mold”may sound a little bit affected. I constantly believe that we should try to doeverything well and be ourselves:“Love your nation,love your enterprise,and loveyour family.” I have been regarding it as a benchmark because it is a perfectimage in my heart.

Q: The listing of the Eurasia Groupe has beenthe focus of attention for media both at home and abroad. They have thoughthighly of it because it has set a good example for the new generation ofChinese businessmen. Do you think of this praise as pressure or power?

A: Without question,the attention we have received from all circlesdue to the listing of our group will be pressure for us,but to our groupitself,the attention may be more motivation than pressure. The listing of EurasiaGroupe makes Chinese enterprises able to enter the local financial market,tellingFrance and even Europe that the assets of the Chinese enterprise can also betransparent.

Q: Inrecent years,quite a lot of Wenzhou businessmen have complained about thedifficulty in doing foreign trade. Will you be negatively influenced by thissituation?

A: Trade hasnever been an easy thing. You seldom heard people complain in the past becausethere were not so many people engaged in this field;with the speedydevelopment of the economy,however,a growing number of people nowadays takeup this challenging job,hence more frequent complaints about the difficulty indoing trade. The picture now is that green hands have to pay tuition fees andveterans drop out for a more profitable business. Gains and losses are alwayshand in hand in trade. For us,if the economic environment fails,we still haveour fixed assets to support ourselves.

Q: Inyour mind,how many Chinese enterprises are there in France that have thepotential to be listed?

A: As amatter of fact,a lot of people have the potential,but listing is relativelyeasier for people engaged in commercial real estate like us. For those who dealwith trade and processing industries,listing will be much more difficult forthem because their fixed assets and total assets are comparatively weaker.

Q: Inrecent years,many overseas businessmen return home to make investments,and youalso have invested in the Sheraton Hotel in Wenzhou. Comparing your hometownand Europe,which one has more business opportunities?

A: Aslong as you work hard,opportunities will always be with you. What you have tofear is not lack of opportunities but your constant complaining.

Q: Mr.Huang,what kind of prospect do you have for the future of Eurasia?

A: First,we will continue to expand Eurasia to make it stronger. And we are alsoprepared to purchase a Swiss bank. For the overseas Chinese,listing and openingbanks are both great leaps forward. The former means that the Chinese enterprisesreally integrate into the local society and are thus positively and fairlyinvolved in the competition;the latter is an eternal dream cherished by allthe overseas Chinese businessmen. I have a feeling that both things will beaccomplished by me and become our core business in the future.

Q: Do youhave any advice for those college students who plan to start their own business?

A: Atfirst,college students are supposed to acquire enough skills and knowledge. Second,the down-to-earth spirit. You only have yourself to blame if something does notgo smoothly. Many people think that society should be responsible for theirmediocrity and failure,which actually is due to their lack of courage. Thereis no point in complaining. Be down-to-earth!You are most likely to succeed ifyou are hard-working.

Q: Mr. Huang,thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate the advice you have forour university students. We’ve learned a lot talking with you.

A: Thankyou.

Group Members:Wang Zhaolu,Li Xinxin,Zhou Yute


文:王兆露  文稿指导教师:曹雅娟  实践指导教师:张静燕



企业背景: 欧华集团成立于1993年,最早拥有一家零售店经营纺织品和皮包,之后从事中国商品的进出口贸易。现下辖8家子公司,集商铺、仓库、酒店、办公用房于一体,经营商业地产总面积达到52万平方米,总资产超过6500万欧元。2010年2月2日上午9时整,欧华集团在巴黎欧交所敲响了上市的钟声,标志着由旅法温州籍华商经营的集团公司在创业板正式挂牌上市。这是欧洲第一家从“唐人街”里走出来的华人上市企业。













A Chinese Heart

By Wang Zhaolu Supervised by Cao Yajuan,Zhang Jingyan

Having been in France for thirty-three years,he still maintains hisChinese nationality;faced with ups and downs,he always cherishes a differentheart from others. Let us come to Huang Xuesheng,a Chinese entrepreneur inFrance,to learn about his Chinese heart.


Enterprise background: Founded in 1993,Eurasia Groupewas originally a retail store focused on textile products and leather bags andlater began to deal with the import and export of Chinese goods. Eurasia Groupenow has eight subsidiaries with total assets of more than 65 million Euros. Thegroup is engaged in shops,warehouses,hotels,and office space,and covers anarea of 520,000 square meters in commercial real estate. At nine o’clock onFebruary 2nd,2010,Eurasia Groupe rang the bell at NYSE Euronext,Parismarking the public listing on the GEM of a group run by a France-based Chinesebusinessman. The group is also the first Chinese listed company in Europe whichhas grown up in French Chinatown.

This is a man from Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,China,who first made the bell at NYSE Euronext,Paris ringfor a Chinese entrepreneur. He thus opened a door to the West and let peoplethere begin to learn about the achievements of Chinese entrepreneurs. Althoughgrowing up abroad,the pioneering spirit,typical of the character ofWenzhounese,is well reflected in his striving for the development andbreakthrough of his business in the keen market competition of the westernworld. The listing of his company,seemingly a small step in Europe,isactually a huge step forward for those Chinese overseas entrepreneurs who aregreatly inspired and motivated by his move,and thus they show great respect tohim. Who is this man?His name is Huang Xuesheng,President of Eurasia Groupein France.

Where There Is a Dream,There Is a Way

From a migrant laborer to thepresident of a listed company,Mr. Huang,attributes his success tothirty-three years’ hard work in France. He came to France at the age ofthirteen with his parents and then worked at the Chinese restaurant run by hisparents while learning French at the same time. Like many Wenzhounese,he haddone whatever he could to make a living,such as working in restaurants,collecting leftover leather and selling it. He opened a grocery store at theage of eighteen but soon failed;then he opened a garment factory. When askedabout the source of the funds for the factory,Mr. Huang said it didn’t costmuch to buy several machines. His mentality determines his success:Money is aproblem,but it is no big deal if you think nothing of it. Some people dare notcontinue their business due to their losses in money,and others dare notbecause of their negative expectations of the result. Mr. Huang never agreeswith them. In his opinion,a man will only have himself to blame if he losesmoney. To him,one only needs to find out the reasons and start over.

Now,Mr. Huang has become a mostpopular businessman in France. The French magazine Megalopolis put him on the cover with an eye-catching title:“BuyAll Paris?” Many people are considering Mr. Huang’s miracle—how he has madehimself stand out from numerous Chinese overseas entrepreneurs and run a largecompany listed in France. The answer actually is quite simple:He holds his ownattitude different from others when faced with ups and downs. What matters in asuccessful business is not money alone,but your heart—a heart unconfined inyour mental cage and free to fly. Apart from that,perseverance and a strongwill are also important to make your dreams come true.

Power of the Role Model

“I’m terribly sorry to let youwait for so long” was the first sentence said by Mr. Huang to us,eight hoursafter the moment I left him a phone message requesting an interview. No wonderhis Chinese associates call him a workaholic. No matter how busy he is,however,he will always spare some time to reply to everyone in need of him.Some other people think of him as a man with a sense of responsibility,talkinglittle but doing much. Indeed,time is hardly enough to the president of alisted company,but all his success is just based on his good use of time.

The most significant meaning ofthe listing of his company,according to Mr. Huang,lies in the example that ithas set for the new generation of Chinese overseas businessmen. He proudly toldus,“The listing of Eurasia Groupe makes Chinese enterprises able to enter thelocal financial market,telling France and even Europe,that the assets of theChinese enterprise can also be transparent.” As the saying goes,“If one sheepleaps over the ditch,all the rest will follow.” Mr. Huang gives many overseasbusinessmen encouragement and motivation with his daring yet down-to- earthmove.

We firmly believe that more andmore Chinese overseas businessmen will achieve success based on the experiencefrom people like Mr. Huang.

We Are All Chinese

Mr. Huang has always been engagedin garment,lamps,architecture,and real estate for all these years. He hasalways done his business with the idea that “everyone can make money inbusiness”. When the stores in the 13th District in Paris were ordered to beclosed on Monday,Mr. Huang stepped out and established a non-commercialorganization with other Chinese businessmen to help maintain their legal rightsalthough his company was not on the list of “to be closed on Monday”.

As a leader of Chinese overseasbusinessmen in Paris,he is persistent in maintaining their interests. In thewestern world,it was not only his wisdom and bravery but also his Chineseheart that made him feel compelled to step out and really do something withoutany fear. Every Chinese businessman in France expects to be equally treated,andMr. Huang is striving for this and hopes more Chinese businessmen willparticipate in this campaign,fighting for the true equality. As the lyrics inone Chinese song go,“Black eyes,yellow skin—we have something in common afterfive thousand years’ evolution,so we are one family wherever we go.” Mr. Huangnever forgets that he is a Chinese descendent wherever he goes.

In contemporary China,there are manypublic figures trying by every means to apply for citizenship in the US,the UK,and Canada,etc. Some of them even choose to give birth to a child abroad,soone can acquire foreign nationality for their children. When we talked with Mr.Huang about this phenomenon,he told us with firmness that he would not applyfor French nationality although he had lived there for thirty-three years. Itis his love for his country and his pride in his Chinese identity that lead tohis thirty-three years of love for and loyalty to his nation.

We believe,one day,overseasbusinessmen with their love for their country and a passionate Chinese heartwill be proud to show their Chinese identity and create a beautiful tomorrow inthe western world. V4pReh0Esq23Tuao7HBsRl+BRaxIgF4eTfvpl//66bOzA05nYwX9c4VZfKWoRw9f
