
Cao Shengchao:Struggle Makes Success


Cao Shengchao,a native ofYuhang,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,is the President of Hangzhou ShengdaBearing Co.,Ltd. He founded Yuhang Bearing Company in 1977 and then changedits name to Hangzhou Bearing Company in 1997. At the same time,he began to developan overseas market in 1998,and the products have been sold to North Americaand Europe as well.


问: 曹总,您好,很高兴见到您!我们是浙江大学宁波理工学院外国语学院“用声音叙事”团队的成员,我叫朱小曈。曹总,请问您是土生土长的余杭人吗?

答: 是的。土生土长,正宗的临平人。

问: 您当初为什么想要做轴承这个行业?

答: 刚开始不是轴承,而是轴承附件。其实我们轴承做得很少,主要还是汽车零部件和割草机零部件。汽车主要是汽车底盘的一些零件。农机则包括割草机、伐木机和推土机等。

问: 我们了解到余杭这边民营企业比较多,这点是不是对您创办企业也有一定的影响?

答: 真正搞机械的时候不要说在杭州这个地方,就是在全中国,我们也是起步很早的。2000年以前我们基本上是在国内做,1998年起我们进入海外市场。那个时候也可以说是走在中国的前沿。我们进入海外市场是相当辛苦的,因为当时中国的工业企业整体环境很差,外国人根本看不起中国人。我们走出这条路,也是很不容易的。到目前可以说,我们企业在割草机行业占全世界80%以上的市场份额。

问: 那你们的产品主要销往海外哪些市场?

答: 我们公司的产品100% 出口国外,主要市场是北美和欧洲,例如美国、德国、英国、波兰和丹麦。

问: 当初余杭当地政府有没有推行一些鼓励民营企业发展的政策?

答: 企业靠政府的支持和引导是有限的,关键是要看自己能走出什么路来。企业并不是靠政府的资金和税收政策支持来生存和发展的。重点在于用什么理念去做产品、如何做好、如何在市场上立足、如何创造国际品牌,这样企业才能生存。企业要想做好,关键还得看老板的理念。如果总是急于求成,这样的企业肯定是不行的。所以老板必须对产品质量一丝不苟。企业唯有致力于长久的发展,才是对国家有用的企业。

问: 从您刚刚的话语中,我们了解到您对产品质量一丝不苟的个人理念,同时这也是企业理念,那您是如何将这样的理念灌输给员工的?

答: 这个是必须的。就像我刚刚说的,关键在于老板。老板怎么想、怎么做,下面的人会跟着怎么想、怎么做。老板认认真真、一丝不苟,下面的人不可能会马虎的。

问: 但是有可能执行的过程中会有问题,因为执行力是逐级递减的,那您是如何解决这个问题的?

答: 对。但是我们人很少,很稳定。我从18岁开始创业到现在,还是最初这些人跟着我到现在。企业员工稳定是相当关键的事。

问: 曹总,在企业发展过程中,您有什么经验教训可以和我们分享的?

答: 一、我们的产品质量过硬。质量是最重要的。质量做好了,不可能有卖不掉的产品;质量做好了,也不可能要到处跑业务,人家会找上门来。我们企业现在没有一个销售员,我们的合作伙伴都是主动找上我们的。我们企业生存的根本之道就是产品质量。二、我们的服务到位。三、我们诚信。四、我们的价格公道。五、我们诚心诚意。我们很诚心地向他们讨教,用最大的诚心去打动人、用心去交流。他们有他们的特点,我们有我们的特点。不是说美国人、英国人有多聪明,中国人也是很聪明的。我认为我们中国人并不比别人笨!我们要有自信。我相信未来中国肯定是很强大的。

问: 曹总,刚刚您提到中国人的聪明,那在与外商洽谈时,中国企业家这个身份会不会有特殊的含义?会不会让您特别骄傲?

答: 现在中国企业家在国际上是很自豪的!中国企业家在国际上的地位不断地提升,我们是被人敬重的。现在到国外去,企业家都受到热情接待。以前去国外,谁都不理我们。20年前的美国机场一个中文字都没有,而现在,很多国家的机场中都可见中文标识。

问: 如今中国在国际上的影响力与日俱增。可当初您在开拓海外市场的过程中应该遇到了很多困难吧?有想过放弃吗?

答: 那吃的苦肯定多啊,但是从来没想过放弃。我从来没有为什么事情后悔过。没有坚持不懈的意志,是做不好事情的。发展过程中肯定有困难、有失败、有灰心,这是发展过程中不可避免的。没办法,你要生存就必须经历这些。比如在沟通交流方面,文字上的沟通、专业术语上的沟通,都有很多困难。但是办法总比困难多,什么困难最后都能解决的。

问: 曹总,您1998年就开拓了海外市场,与外商打交道也好多年了。相比外商而言,您觉得中国企业家的优势体现在哪里?

答: 我不觉得外国人一定有什么了不起。当年我一个农民到国外去,确实被人看不起。但是他们看不起我,我也看不起他们,因为我觉得他们并不比我聪明。我到了一家国外的企业,指出了他们的产品和企业发展中存在的问题,并给出了相应的解决办法。他们老总开会的时候对员工说,为什么一个中国的农民企业家能看出我们的问题并且给出解决办法,而你们这些拿着月薪6000美元的人却没这个本事?我那时候就在心里萌生一个念头:有朝一日,我要你们为我打工。我终于做到了,现在本厂内部就有5个美国人给我打工。所以我始终相信中国人是聪明的,要看得起自己。还有,我觉得中国人的灵活变通也是值得他们好好学习一下的。

问: 身为中国企业家,您觉得中国传统文化中的哪些方面对您为人处事方面的影响较大?

答: 实事求是。对同事、对客户、对待上下级都要真诚,不能存在欺骗。这是做人的信用问题。做企业也和做人一样,要生存下去,就要诚信。你若不诚信,人脉就建立不起来。做人也好、做企业也好,不是单打独斗的,需要靠朋友、靠人脉。

问: 那您如何看待大学生创业?

答: 我不认为大学一毕业就创业是好的。他们需要经过一段时间的实践,这样成功率会高很多。有了一定的基础,包括理论知识和实践经验,企业家就会愿意来投资。基础和资金都具备了,成功率自然就高了。

问: 您对我们大学生就业有什么建议吗?

答: 我觉得现在大学生有几个问题。第一,大学生不够专注;第二,大学生动手能力不强。以为有了一张文凭我就能拿工资了。书本知识,社会实践,再加上吃苦耐劳的精神,这样才能成功。大学生眼光太高,不愿意下基层,所以才导致就业难。我们的大学生基础行业不想做,只想做管理人。你若不从基层做起,如何管理?我儿子也是大学生。毕了业,我让他必须下基层。在家,我是他爸;在企业,他是我的员工,不能给他特殊待遇。你们大学生在拥有了专业知识之后,再用心去实践,并投入进去,没有做不好的事情。做人就像茶叶一样,一定要沉下去,浮在上面是没有用的。

问: 曹总,今天非常感谢您能接受我们的采访!和您交谈,真的让我们获益匪浅!也祝福生达的明天越来越好!

答: 谢谢你们的采访。



Q: Hello,Mr. Cao. Nice to meet you. My name isZhu Xiaotong from the “Beyond the Voices” team of Ningbo Institute ofTechnology,Zhejiang University. Are you a native of Yuhang?

A: Yes,absolutely. I am a native of Linping,Yuhang.

Q: Mr. Cao,why did you choose the bearingindustry in the beginning?

A: In the beginning,we manufactured bearing accessories instead ofbearings. Actually,bearings only take up a very small percentage of ourproducts. Most of our focus lies in automobile parts and mower fittings. Automobileparts include chassis parts while farm machinery includes mowers,fellingmachines and bulldozers,etc.

Q: I know that there are many privateenterprises in Yuhang. Does that have any influence on the establishment of yourbusiness?

A: Actually we initiated the production of the machine in the Chinese mainland.Before 2000,we sold our products mainly in China. After 1998,we began to developoverseas markets. At that time,we were ahead of our time,and it was very hardthen because China’s industry was very terrible,and the foreigners looked downupon Chinese. It was not easy for us to develop in this field. Now,we can say,our products take 80% of the market share in this filed all over the world.

Q: Which foreign countries are yourproducts sold to?

A: Our products are wholly exported now,mostly in North America and Europe,such as the United States,Germany,theUnited Kingdom,Poland and Denmark.

Q: Has the Yuhang government everadopted any policy to encourage private enterprises?

A: The government’s support and guidance for a company are very limited.The key issue is to select a suitable way by yourself. A company does notdepend on the government’s funds or best tax policy to develop itself but onhow to make quality products,how to survive in the marketplace,and how tocreate its distinctive international brands. What really matters is the leader’sideas which are the soul of a company. Whoever is eager for success is doomedto failure. A leader must be strict with the quality of the products. Companiesthat devote themselves to long-term development will be of use to theircountry.

Q: We have learned your philosophy ofbeing meticulous with the quality of products,which,of course,is also yourcompany’s philosophy. Then how do you instill it into your staff’s minds?

A: Oh,this is a must. Like what I said just now,the key point lies inthe leader. If a leader deals with his work this way,his staff will follow hisexamples. If the leader is very industrious and strict,his staff can’t becareless.

Q: But there might be some problemsduring the implementation process because the executive force is progressivelyreduced. What have you done to solve this problem?

A: Yes,you are right. However,we don’t have many employees,and most ofthem are very steady. They have always been with me since I started my businessat the age of eighteen. Therefore it’s very important for a company to havesteady and faithful staff.

Q: Mr. Cao,do you have experiencesand lessons to share with us in the development of your company?

A: First,I think quality is the soul of a company. The quality of ourproducts is perfect. Once you can ensure the quality,your products willprobably be sold out. Once you can ensure the quality,you don’t have to runaround to sell your products because the customers will in turn contact you. Thereare no salespeople in our company;our partners take the initiative to come tous. The only key to the survival of our company is quality. Second,our serviceis perfect. Third,we are honest. Fourth,our price is reasonable. Fifth,weare sincere. With sincerity,we ask for advice,communicate with them,and tryto move them. Western customers have their own characteristics,and we haveours too. We Chinese are no less intelligent than those westerners. I believeChinese are the most intelligent people in the world. I have confidence thatChina will be very powerful in the future.

Q: Mr. Cao,just now you mentionedthe intelligence of Chinese people,so does the identity of “Chineseentrepreneur” make you proud when you communicate with foreigners?

A: Chinese entrepreneurs are very proud in the world now because our globalstatus has been gradually promoted in recent years. We are respected by our foreignpartners. We enjoy good reception abroad. In the past,however,almost everyoneneglected us. There were no Chinese signs at American airports twenty yearsago,but now,Chinese signs are everywhere at the airports in many foreigncountries.

Q: Nowadays,China’s global impact grows day by day,but Mr. Cao,you must have met many problems and difficultieswhen you were developing the overseas markets. Did you ever think of giving up?

A: Never. I have never thought of giving up though we encounteredcountless difficulties. I have never regretted having done anything. Without perseverance,a man can achieve nothing at all. There must be difficulties,failures,anddepression during the development which are unavoidable to a company;you haveto undergo all these difficulties in order to survive in the marketplace. Forinstance,communication,especially text communication and technical termscommunication,have been very hard for us. However,I always tell myself that finallythere will be ways out.

Q: Mr. Cao,since you began todevelop the overseas markets in 1998,and have had frequent contacts withforeigners afterwards,what strengths do you think we Chinese businessmen have?

A: I don’t think foreigners are number one. Years ago,when I,a farmer entrepreneur,first came to America,I was looked down upon by people there. However,I alsolooked down upon them because I thought they were no more intelligent than me.I came to a company once and pointed out the problems in their products andtheir company. At the same time,I offered my solutions. The president said tohis staff,“Why could a Chinese farmer entrepreneur find out our problems and givesolutions?You,who earn $6,000 amonth,couldn’t?” It was at that moment that an idea came to me that one day theseAmericans will work for my own company. I made it!There are five Americansworking for me in the company now. That’s why I firmly believe that Chinesepeople are no less intelligent. We have to respect ourselves. By the way,Chinesepeople’s flexibility is also something that westerners can learn from us.

Q: As a Chinese businessman,whataspect of the Chinese traditional culture has most influence on your behavior?

A: Down-to-earth spirit. Treat your colleagues,clients,superiors and subordinateswith sincerity instead of deception. This is a matter of trustworthiness. A companyis just like a human being. If you want your company to survive,trustworthiness is the most important. Without it,your social network canhardly be established. Whether being a person or a company,we all need friendsand a social network to develop ourselves.

Q: How do you think of universitystudents starting their own business?

A: I don’t think it necessarily good for university students to starttheir own business as soon as they graduate from the university. What they needafter graduation is practice for a period of time which will add to theprobability of their success. Normally,businessmen would be more willing toinvest in the projects conducted by those students who have both theoreticalknowledge and practical experience. With preliminary accumulation and funds,itis much easier for university students to achieve success.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for thejob search of our university students?

A: I think there are some problems in university students at present.First,lack of concentration. Second,lack of hands-on experience. They take itfor granted that they deserve a decent salary simply with a diploma. Only whenyou have academic knowledge,social practice and endurance,will you succeed. Withhigh expectations and a reluctance to do grassroots jobs,most universitystudents usually want to begin with management work after graduation;thus,they find it hard to get a job. My son is also a university student. Aftergraduation,he was required to start his work from the bottom. I told my son,“At home,you are my son,but in the company,you are my employee. You have noprivilege.” With professional knowledge,you students are bound to succeed ifyou are dedicated to learning and practicing attentively. We should behave likethe tea—sinking to the bottom because it’suseless to float on the top.

Q: Mr. Cao,thank you so much forgiving this interview. It really benefits us a lot. We sincerely wish Shengda abetter and better tomorrow.

A: Thank you for your interview.

Group Members:Zhu Xiaotong,Shu Hua,Yuan Yanmeng,Ge Xiangqi


文:朱小曈 文稿指导教师:曹雅娟 欧琛  实践指导教师:徐志敏



企业背景: 杭州生达轴承有限公司创办于1977年,公司目前拥有固定资产8000多万元,年销售额超2亿元。主要产品有:割草机配件、汽车钢管件、农机配件、园林配件、各类轴承,以及各种锻打、五金车加工、冲加工产品。公司技术力量雄厚,常年聘请国外工程师进行技术指导,制造设备精良,检测手段齐全。公司已通过ISO/TS16949:2002技术认证,并严格执行;产品主要销往约翰迪尔、NOVA/TCB、美国IC公司、通用公司、伊莱克斯、HUSQVARNA、法国哈金森等北美及欧洲市场。公司致力于在中国乃至全世界成为割草机配件、汽车管件、农机园林配件生产的最可信赖的供应商之一。







正因被这样的文化深深影响着,曹总对自身素养的要求、对企业员工、对企业产品的要求都极其严格。在采访过程中,曹总多次对我们提到一个成语:一丝不苟。这“一丝不苟”便是他的代名词。他始终认为企业要想做好,关键还得看老板的理念,老板怎么想、怎么做,下面的人会跟着怎么想、怎么做。老板认认真真、一丝不苟,下面的人不就可能会马马虎虎。因为他深知急于求成的企业肯定是不行的,必须对质量一丝不苟。他告诉我们:“你质量做好了,不可能有卖不掉的产品;你质量做好了,人家都会来找你。我们企业没有一个销售员,我的合作伙伴都是主动找上我的。我们企业生存的根本之道就是产品质量。”老板有一丝不苟的理念,对自身严格要求,随之又把这种理念传达给员工,员工生产产品时就会一丝不苟。正是这样的理念、这样的产品质量,造就了杭州生达轴承在全球割草机行业中高达80% 的市场份额。1998年曹总开始开拓海外市场,走在了时代的前面。十多年的发展历程,企业从小到大,从无名到知名。生达轴承为浙江书写了一个传奇,为中国书写了一个传奇。而这一切,正因有这样的领军人物、这样深受中华文化影响的中国企业家。




Being a Chinese,I Am Proud

By Zhu Xiaotong Supervised by Cao Yajuan,Ou Chen,Xu Zhimin

As descendents of the Chinese Dragon,how should Chinese entrepreneursshow their identity in the international world?Cao Shengchao,a Chinesefarmer entrepreneur,does it perfectly.


Enterprise background: Founded in the year 1977,Hangzhou Shengda Bearing Co.,Ltd. now has fixed assets of more than 80 millionyuan and annual sales exceeding 200 million yuan. The main products include mowerfittings,steel tube car absorbers,agricultural and garden machinery parts,all kinds of bearings,various forged hardware process and punch processproducts. The company has passed ISO/TS16949:2002 certification and carried itout with rich technology strength,precise equipment and strict test methods.Meanwhile,the company also invites foreign engineers for technical guidancethroughout the year. The products are mainly sold to US and European marketslike John Deere,NOVA/TCB,US IC companies,GM,Electrolux,HUSQVARNA,andFrance Hutchinson. The company is committed to being one of the most crediblesuppliers in the production of mower fittings,steel tube car absorbers,agricultural and garden machinery parts,etc.

There is a dragon in the Eastwhose name is China. There is a group of people in the East who are descendantsof the Chinese dragon. China is on the rise,hence the corresponding rise ofChinese people’s status. At the same time,millions of Chinese people makeChina increasingly powerful through their work and diligence. Among them,thereis a group of people who have made tremendous contributions to China’s economyand created a favorable international image for China. They are Chineseentrepreneurs who feel extraordinarily proud of this Chinese identity.

Growing Up at the Feetof the Chinese Dragon

There is a wealth of talents inChina due to her richness in both natural and cultural resources. The rise inChina’s international status creates more opportunities for talented Chinesepeople to explore a new world. Cao Shengcao,the President of the Hangzhou Shengda BearingCompany in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province is one pioneer among them. He startedhis bearing company in 1977 and began to develop overseas markets in 1998.During the interview,when asked whether the identity of the “Chineseentrepreneur” makes him proud when communicating with foreigners,he told usthat Chinese entrepreneurs are very proud in the world now because their statusin the world has been gradually promoted in recent years. They are respected bytheir foreign partners. Indeed,there were no Chinese signs at Americanairports twenty years ago,but now,Chinese signs are everywhere at the airportsin many foreign countries. China is just like a soaring dragon now;by seizingthe opportunity,Chinese entrepreneurs can start businesses and then developoverseas markets so as to create a new world for themselves and their countryas well.

Not only does China’s rise providea favorable environment for the growth of Chinese entrepreneurs,buttraditional Chinese culture also plays an indispensable role in the process ofdevelopment. Mr. Cao shared his experience of developing the overseas marketswith us. When asked whether he has thought of giving up,he told us,“I havenever regretted having done anything. Without perseverance,a man can achievenothing at all. There must be difficulties,failures,and depression during thedevelopment which are unavoidable to a company;you have to undergo all thesedifficulties in order to survive in the marketplace. I have never thought ofgiving up though we encountered countless difficulties.” “Never give up” is a mottoalways told by our parents,teachers and friends even when we were children.What makes Mr. Cao’s success—the company and the status he owns today—is hisfirm belief “never give up despite the hardships you may encounter” and “thereare always ways out finally”.

More than that,Mr. Cao also toldus the importance of the down-to-earth spirit. He said,“Treat your colleagues,clients,superiors and subordinates with sincerity instead of deception. Thisis a matter of trustworthiness. A company is just like a human being. If youwant your company to survive,trustworthiness is the most important.” At thefeet of this giant dragon,a Chinese entrepreneur grows up,who always treatspeople with sincerity and never gives up when encountering difficulties.Culture does have influence on human beings to encourage them to create a myth.

Growing intoDescendants of the Chinese Dragon

Deeply influenced by traditionalculture,Mr. Cao is not only strict with his staff and products but also withhimself. During the interview,Mr. Cao repeatedly mentioned the word“strictness” which is also his motto. In his opinion,a leader’s ideas are thekey to running the business because the staff will follow the example of theirleader. If the leader is very industrious and strict,his staff can’t becareless. Besides,he knows quite well that whoever is eager for success isdoomed to failure,so as a leader,he must attach great importance to thequality of the products. He told us,“Once you can ensure the quality,yourproducts will probably be sold out. Once you can ensure the quality,you don’thave to run around to sell your products;the customers will in turn contactyou. There are no salespersons in our company;our partners take the initiativeto come to us. The only key to the survival of our company is quality.” Withthe idea of “strictness” instilled into the staff,they also treat the productswith strictness. It is also the idea of “strictness” with the product thatmakes the Hangzhou Shengda Bearing company so successful—80% of the worldmarket share in the field of lawnmowers. Mr. Cao began to develop overseasmarkets in 1998 which was ahead of his time. In Zhejiang,and even in China,the Shengda Bearing Company has created a glorious legend through a dozenyears’ development—from a small unknown company to today’s well-knowncorporation. Definitely,Mr. Cao,the soul of the company and deeply influencedby traditional culture,is largely credited for turning the company around.

As an influential Chineseentrepreneur,he not only focuses on his own accomplishments but also takesinto consideration how to do something for his country. When talking about therelationship between the country and the enterprise,he showed us hispatriotism,“If you only want to make a fortune,it is useless even if you haveearned several hundreds of millions of yuan. Companies that devote themselvesto the long-term development will be of use to their country.” A company is arelatively smaller family while its country is a bigger one. Family and countryare closely related. Without the country,how can a family survive?With somesimple yet sincere words,a Chinese entrepreneur conveys his love for andloyalty to his country. Such Chinese entrepreneurs,with genuine enthusiasm anda great mission,are the descendants of the Chinese dragon.

As descendants of the Chinesedragon,we should have confidence in our identity. The deepest impression thatMr. Cao left us during the interview is the confidence that he has in himselfno matter what difficulties he may face. He constantly believes that we Chineseare no less intelligent than others,and our country will be powerful in thefuture. Once,an American businessman thought of him as a Chinese farmer andlooked down upon him. Mr. Cao pointed out the problems in their products andtheir company and offered the solutions. He earned respect and compliments byhis own ability. Such experience makes me full of excitement and admiration forhim. China,a giant dragon with her history of five thousand years,is bestowedwith abundance in cultural resources. With China’s rise and recovery,wedescendants have every reason to feel proud of our nation.

At the feet of the giant dragon,we grow up with pride!

Cao Shengchao and our group 5uRFQCAX3r04HV9FcKycCzQrpJH4xyA/7+mOtRgW4qfuXEz6vQMyN0xSP9NmozN1
