
Chen Hailun:A Chinese Dream of Playing theHailun Piano


Chen Hailun,Presidentof Hailun Piano Company Limited,senior economist,a member of the NationalTechnical Committee for Musical Instrument Standardization,and Vice Presidentof the Ningbo Enterprise Confederation & Ningbo Enterprise DirectorsAssociation. In his entrepreneurial career,he has got many honors. He wastitled “Ningbo Excellent Entrepreneur” and “Chinese Philanthropist forChildren”. In 2007,he won the “Excellence award of Ningbo Top-10 Merchants”and was engaged as an honorary professor of Minzu University of China in thesame year.


问: 陈总,您好,非常感谢您接受我们的采访,让我们有机会分享您的故事。

答: 对你们的到来,我也是很高兴啊,欢迎!

问: 我们很好奇究竟是怎样的契机让您把制造钢琴作为自己的事业,并把海伦钢琴打造成业界的领头羊呢?

答: 当时我在宁波北仑钢琴配套厂工作,为上海钢琴厂生产五金配件,由此接触到了钢琴行业。我用了10多年的工夫,与同事们一起将钢琴配件做到了全国第一。但中国钢琴在国际上仍然处于底层,这触动了我,所以我和我的团队才一直投身于钢琴制造业,努力把海伦钢琴打造成世界一流的钢琴。

问: 按照一般企业发展模式,多是先稳定国内市场,再考虑扩展海外市场,但贵公司为什么会反其道而行呢?又是如何后来居上的呢?

答: 钢琴行业与普通制造业不同。钢琴是源于西洋的一种乐器。在生产历史上,中国显然是不占据优势的。要生产能与欧美钢琴比肩的钢琴就必须掌握核心技术。于是我们把目光锁定在研制钢琴的核心部件“码克”上,投入了大量的资金。同时,我们也很看重人才,从美、欧、日高薪聘请钢琴设计制作大师。这些专家的确给了我们很大的帮助,没有他们,就没有今天的海伦。

问: 请问公司的上市是您一开始就已经设想好的吗?

答: 我们是靠这些年的不断努力才走到上市这一步的,这里要感谢每一个同事的付出,正是因为我们目标一致,才有了这样的好局面。今后,我们肯定会遇到更多的挑战,但是我们的大目标是不会变的。

问: 听说在2003年公司就打算全力打造民族自主文化品牌,当时您是否有过这样的顾虑:民族品牌在开拓海外市场时是否会不被别人认可?

答: 在中国,钢琴的历史很短,技术水平较低,专业人才缺乏。这些现状与我们要打造高品质钢琴的期望的确有差距。但既然决定了,就要去做。要做好一件事情,是不能轻易说放弃的。

问: 先前了解到,习近平主席在任浙江省委书记期间莅临视察了海伦公司,还有宁波市众多领导也经常来视察。他们的亲切关怀对企业的发展提供了怎样的帮助呢?

答: 说实话,海伦的发展一直得益于政府和领导的关怀,无论是海外工程师的引进,还是技术改造的经费都得到了政府各部门的大力支持。尤其是2006年时任省委书记的习近平同志的到访,给了我们很大的鼓励。这种积极的大背景是政府创造的,更能够吸引技术人才的入驻,对我们需要技术支撑的钢琴企业来说无疑是最好的支持。

问: 在海伦所取得的一系列成就中,您个人最满意哪项?能否与我们分享一下?

答: 呵呵,别人的肯定是一种鼓励,对企业的发展是十分有益的。不知你是否看过北京奥运会的一周年倒计时文化盛典,当时郎朗和罗伯特•威尔斯在晚会上弹奏的正是海伦钢琴。我们这些年的打拼的确获得了一些成绩,但我认为能够为家乡、为国家做点什么才是最重要的。

问: 在经济全球化发展的大背景之下,您认为民营企业应该如何去扩大其影响力,如何去凸显其优势呢?

答: 经济全球化的大背景带来的是机遇与挑战的并存,这是无可否认的。民营企业需要发声,首先需要一个清晰的定位,比如说质量把控、营销策略等等。然后特色也是十分重要的,要形成特有的品牌。

问: 海伦钢琴是凭借什么战胜海外的其他竞争商的?

答: 靠的是坚持与创新,还有勤劳、踏实、肯干的拼搏精神。

问: 我看贵公司网站将企业文化这一板块放在海伦概况之下,您是怎么看待公司企业文化的呢?

答: 是的,企业文化很重要,它也是企业的一个立足点。我们的企业文化提倡诚信为核心价值观,怀中国心,造中国琴,创国际品牌,立百年海伦。企业文化的形成在某种层面上会提升员工的凝聚力,拉近彼此的距离。所以我们也很重视人文关怀。专家们在宁波工作期间,我们都尽心照顾他们的生活起居。这里还有个故事:曾经有一位外国专家来考察,期间生病住院,我非常着急,多次到医院看望,并安排员工24小时看护。出院时他非常激动地说:“在住院期间,感觉到自己就好像是海伦的员工一样。”回国后他发了一封邮件,里面写道:“在我退休后,如果海伦钢琴用得上我,我非常愿意为公司效力。”在修建新厂区时,我们也是多考虑员工的利益,花了很多心思修建了员工餐厅与宿舍。

问: 您作为一个中国企业家,有没有想过在产品走向世界的同时,让我们中国的优秀传统文化也随着企业文化一起传播呢?

答: 当然,这是必须的。不过在西洋乐器上体现中国传统文化是非常具有挑战性的。我们面临着技术、文化、品牌等方面的众多风险,这也一直困扰着我。但在研制奥运钢琴时,我们还是决心要打造一架钢琴制造史上前所未有的、体现中国特色的奥运钢琴,将中国传统文化——雕刻艺术与钢琴相结合。

问: 这真是一个不可思议的决定,这架钢琴又是如何诞生的呢?

答: 制作钢琴木材很关键,我们的技术人员先后到东北、海南等地去挑选原材料,用了近一年半的时间,才完成琴壳的设计和制作。其中,为了攻克一些技术难题,我们还采取了特殊的工艺加工。当然也很荣幸地请到了木雕工艺大师陆光正先生主持设计并主刀,才完成了创作。雕刻的作品非常具有中国特色,琴盖背后镶嵌了一块寿山石板,上面雕刻着《奥林匹克宣言》、五环等奥运标志。呵呵,能够亮相于奥运倒计时晚会,一切辛苦都值了啊。

问: 每年的毕业季,总是有大量的毕业生涌入社会去求职,贵公司对人才的择取标准是什么?

答: 公司海外工程师在带来了新技术、新经验的同时,其新思想、新理念也逐步融入企业的管理和科研中。现在我们公司更看中一个人的态度。我们需要严谨、细致、敬业的人。

问: 非常感谢您能够接受我们的采访。

答: 不客气,祝你们的大学生活丰富多彩。



Q: Hello,Mr. Chen. Thank you very much foragreeing to our interview. We are very glad to share your story.

A: Welcome. Nice to see you.

Q: We are curious to know why youchose piano making as your career and made Hailun the leader in this field?

A: At that time,I was working at theNingbo Beilun Piano Accessory Factory,which made hardware accessories for theShanghai Piano Factory. On account of this,I came to know about the piano.With our joint efforts,my colleagues and I spent ten years in turning ourfactory into the number one in the area for producing hardware accessories inour country. However,Chinese piano quality was still at the bottom of theworld level,which deeply touched me. So our team and I devoted ourselves tothe job and tried to create Hailun pianos of the first class.

Q: According to the generaldevelopment mode,many enterprises will stabilize the domestic market first andthen consider expanding to overseas market. Why did your company do theopposite and manage to surpass the early starters?

A: The piano industry is differentfrom the general manufacturing industry. The piano is a musical instrumentoriginating in the West. Obviously,China occupies no dominant position in thehistory of piano production. In order to produce pianos that can match those ofthe West,we have to grasp the key technology. We focused our eyes on “MARK”,the core component of the piano,and we invested a lot of funds on it. At thesame time,we attached great importance to employee talent and offered highsalary to employ several masters of piano design and making from the U.S.,Europe and Japan. Accordingly,these experts rendered us substantial help.Without them,there would be no Hailun Piano Company today.

Q: Did your company plan its stockexchange listing at the beginning?

A: In those years,we made thecompany listed through years of ceaseless and concerted effort. Here,I’d liketo express thanks to every colleague for their hard work. It is because we havethe same goal that we have reached such a good situation. In the future,wecertainly will meet more challenges,but our ultimate goal will not change.

Q: Weare told that you spared no efforts to build a national brand in 2003. At thattime,did you have the worry that such a national brand would not be recognizedwhen it was exploiting the overseas market?

A: In China,the piano only has a veryshort history. We lack piano professionals,and the level of manufacturingindustry is low. So there is a long way to go to reach the target of creatinghigh-quality pianos. Yet,once we have made up our minds,we are sure to do itwell. If one wants to succeed,one should not give up rashly.

Q: We learned that when President Xi was the secretary of Zhejiang Provincial PartyCommittee,he came here for an inspection. And many leaders of the Ningbomunicipal government often inspect Hailun as well. What do you think of thegovernment concerns about the development of the company?

A: Honestlyspeaking,we have always gained support from the government,not only in the introduction of foreign engineers butalso in the investment in technological transformation.Especially that visit of President Xi(leader of Zhejiang Province atthat time)in 2006 encouraged us greatly. The overall support of the governmenthas attracted more technical personnel to settle down here. Undoubtedly,thisis the best support for piano enterprises that rely on techniques to a highdegree.

Q: Hailunhas made a series of achievements. Which achievements are you most satisfiedwith?Can you share with us?

A: Ha-ha…The approval of others is a kind of encouragement that is helpful for thedevelopment of the company. In the cultural gala celebrating the one-yearcountdown to the 29th Beijing Olympic Games,pianist Lang Lang and composerRobert Wells played the piano for the audience. The piano that they used was made by Hailun. Doyou know that?We have received many honors through these years of hard work,but I think doing something useful for my nation and my hometown is the mostimportant.

Q: With the background of economicglobalization,how should private enterprises enlarge their influence andhighlight their advantages?

A: It is undeniable that economic globalization brings bothopportunities and challenges.If private enterprises hope to have a voice in the matter,they first need aclear positioning,such as understanding quality control,making good marketingstrategy and so on. Besides,creating the brand with one’s own characteristicsis also very important. We should form our own unique brands.

Q: How can Hailun defeat otheroverseas companies in the competition?

A: Itdepends on persistence,innovation as well as the fighting spirit of beingsteadfast,willing and able to do hard work.

Q: When looking through the websiteof your company,we noticed a section entitled “Corporate Culture” under “TheGeneral Introduction to Hailun”. How do you look on corporate culture?

A: Yes,the culture of a company is of great significance. It’s a foothold for acompany. Our corporate culture views good faith asthe core value. With a Chinese heart,we are making a Chinese piano,creatingan international brand and erecting an ever-lasting Hailun. The formation ofthe corporate culture will promote staff cohesion and narrow the distancebetween each other in certain aspects. So we think highly of humanistic care.While the experts are working in Hailun,we will do our best to take care ofthem. Here is a story. Once,a foreign expert came to our company for aninvestigation when he fell ill. I was much worried and went to the hospital tosee him several times and arranged some staff to take good care of him. Afterhe recovered and left the hospital,he was excited to say,“I feel as if I wasa real staff member of Hailun.” When he returned home,he sent an email ofthanks,which read,“After I retire,I am willing to work for Hailun if I couldbe helpful.” When building new factories of the company,we put the interestsof the staff first,doing a lot to build canteens and dormitories for them.

Q: As a Chinese entrepreneur,haveyou ever considered spreading Chinese traditional culture to the world with your corporate culture when your products are exported?

A: Of course,it should be done. Butit is a big challenge to reflect the Chinese traditional culture in the westernmusical instrument. We are facing the risks in technology,culture,brand andso on,which always troubles me. When creating the Olympic piano,I wasdetermined to make a unique piano full of Chinese artistic flavor,combiningtraditional culture—carving art with the production ofthe piano.

Q: So amazing!But how did you give birth to this piano?

A: The wood for making the piano isvery crucial. Our technical personnel traveled to Northeast China,Hainan andother places to search for raw materials. We spent a year and a half completingthe design and production of the piano shell. Meanwhile,in order to overcomesome difficulties in technology,we adopted some special processing methods. Ofcourse,we were honored to invite Mr. Lu Guangzheng to be the designer andsculptor,who is the master of woodcraft. The engraving work is full of Chinesecharacteristics:There is a Shoushan stone embedded in the back of the pianoshell. On the surface of the stone are engraved some Olympic signs,such as theOlympic manifesto,the five Olympic rings and so on. Ha-ha… we felt what we haddone was well rewarded when it was presented at the cultural gala celebratingthe one-year countdown to the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.

Q: In each graduation season,a lotof graduates step into society to find a job,so what are your qualificationsfor the recruitment of new staff?

A: Our overseas engineers havebrought new technology and new experience to the company. At the same time,their new thoughts and new concepts are also gradually integrated into theenterprise management and scientific research. Now we think highly of one’sattitude. What we need are people who are precise,meticulous and dedicated intheir work.

Q: Thanks again for interviewing us.

A: You’re welcome. Wish you awonderful college life.

Group Members:Xu Zhouna,Tan Shixin,Zhou Fan,Hu Bo


文:徐洲娜  文稿指导教师:卜霄艳  实践指导老师:刘杰



企业背景: 中国海伦钢琴股份有限公司是中国名牌产品Hailun钢琴的生产企业,公司凭借自身实力,已成为国家火炬计划重点实施高新技术企业、中国乐器协会副理事长单位、国家级文化产业示范基地、国家文化出口重点企业。海伦公司生产的立式钢琴、三角钢琴在国际上已得到广泛认可和好评。目前公司生产的钢琴约有50% 出口欧洲、日本、美国,并被欧洲的近300家琴行、日本的40多家琴行代理销售。









A Small Hailun Piano;A BigChinese Dream

By Xu Zhouna Supervised by Bu Xiaoyan,Liu Jie

Because of an innocent heart,the love for the motherland lasts forever;becauseof the deep love for the motherland,the bond with our nation will never beuntangled. Chen Hailun will tell you the close relationship between Hailunpiano and his Chinese dream.


Enterprise background: Hailun PianoCompany Limited is famous for the manufacturing of Hailun Pianos. With its ownstrength,Hailun Co,Ltd. is authorized as an important national torch planhigh-tech industry. It is the Vice-Director of the Chinese Musical InstrumentCommittee,a national level industrial culture demonstration site,and anational culture export keystone company. The vertical and grand pianosproduced by Hailun Company have gained worldwide recognition and praise. 50% ofthe products are exported to Europe,Japan and America and retailed by nearly300 European piano dealerships and more than 40 Japanese piano dealerships.

This summer holiday,taking theopportunity of joining in the social practice named “Beyond the Voices”organized by School of Foreign Language Studies,I was honored to have aface-to-face interview with Mr. Chen Hailun,President of Hailun Piano CompanyLimited. Honestly speaking,it was a wonderful experience for me. Whether inthe early telephone contact or in the later face-to-face communication,Mr.Chen always showed an easy and friendly attitude. His sincerity and kindnesswas reflected in every detail in the interview,which left me a profoundimpression beyond words.

Making accessories for pianos ledhim to approach making pianos,and the piano inspired him to cherish hisChinese dream. When talking about the present achievements,he modestlyexpressed that the achievements shouldn’t be attributed to himself solely. Reviewingthe past,he owed the realization of the dream to the growing prosperity of themotherland,and especially to the contribution of the employees. All hissuccess seemed unexpected,but was really in reason.

As a successful entrepreneur,Mr.Chen always highlights that he is just an ordinary person. I can sense a strongnational responsibility and a loyal heart to the country in him. On August 8th2007,in the cultural gala celebrating the one-year countdown to the 29thBeijing Olympic Games,pianist Lang Lang and composer Robert Wells were givinga piano show. The piano that they played was made by Hailun. Desiring to putthe Chinese traditional characters into the piano,an originally typicalwestern musical instrument,and to create an unprecedented Chinese piano inOlympic history,Mr. Chen and his team spent more than one and a half yearstraveling all over China. Finally they succeeded in producing that uniqueOlympic piano full of Chinese artistic flavor with rare wood and Shoushan stoneby combining the traditional culture—carving art—with piano making. In thesummer of that year,the wonderful piano music sounded over Tian’anmen Squarein Beijing,and the glittering Chinese piano was played for the world.

Thousands of drops of waterconstitute the sea;thousands of people’s dreams make up the great Chinesedream. Only when everyone has their blueprint in their hearts and tries to workthe miracles of life,will our future be more beautiful and harmonious and canwe achieve the goal of realizing national rejuvenation. People have variousways to show love to our motherland,as the staff in Hailun fight to producethe piano of world-level quality,or as we college students study diligently atschool. Meanwhile,the harmony and the stability of society give birth to moreopportunities for us to realize our own dreams with all our strength.

During the interview,Mr. Chen didnot boast of his wealth or the legend that he created. He said he was gratefulto have met such good times and good opportunities. He stressed that as a groupthe voice of China today is getting more and more attention from the outsideworld. For Hailun,the increasing prosperity of our motherland plays animportant part in appealing to the overseas experts. The government attaches greatimportance to private enterprises. The efficient policies are cardiotonic,giving them boundless energy. No wonder Mr. Chen was so excited at recalling XiJinping’s inspection of Hailun in 2006 and felt the Secretary’s earnest hopeand kindly care,when Xi was secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial PartyCommittee. He stated with emotion that he would make up his mind to run thecompany well in order to create more profits to serve society.

Looking back on the past,he feels no regret due to his full devotion;looking forward to the future,he has a clear goal to build up an excellentteam. Hailun places great emphasis on the enterprise culture,that is,havingthe principle of humanism,treating people with sincerity and keeping employeeswith loving care. They persistently believe that each employee’s hard workshould be recognized and everyone’s contribution to the company should berespected. Here is a story. A foreign expert was in hospital during hisbusiness trip in Hailun. When Mr. Chen was informed,he went to the hospital tovisit the expert and arranged some staff to take care of him. After returninghome,the expert sent an email of thanks in which he expressed his appreciationof the company,and he insisted that he would like to be a member of Hailunafter he retired. If such an enterprise cannot get its staff united closely,who can?It’s no accident that all the staff of Hailun confidently have thesame dream,for all their energy is a struggle for the common goal.

To others,gentle and modest;tohimself,contented but strict. Seeing this generation working hard in startingbusinesses,as 1990s college students,how could we continue indulging infantasy?Considering that the present happy life is hard-won,we should embracedreams but not breed laziness. Furthermore,we are to learn practical lessonsfrom predecessors and bear the responsibility of national rejuvenation to bringabout a better situation.

From this trip to the Hailun PianoCompany,I have seen that the Hailun piano is advancing up in the world step bystep with the backing of the Chinese dream. I hear the graceful and smoothpiano music lingering in the air. Yes,the Hailun piano is playing its song ofthe Chinese dream. WWKqStA1u6acyGDpUpcbFd44cXmKlxxYtvn1YOLD5u0cgrtB4ka0JIyYjALKOjr0
