
Shen Gongcan:Entrepreneur
——NationalHero in Peacetime


Mr. Shen Gongcan,thefounder of Ningbo Enkai Holdings Ltd.,has an MBA degree from the University ofCanberra,Australia. He was awarded a number of honors,including the titles ofNingbo Labor Model,the “Ningbo top ten brand export sales staff” in 2002 and“2012 Brand Ningbo(Industry)Luminaries”. In addition,he holds the posts ofDeputy Secretary-General of the Ningbo New Social Strata Association,Executive Director of theNingbo Jiangdong International Chamber of Commerce,Vice Chairman of the NingboCommercial Development Association,Vice President of the Ningbo CorporateCulture Research Institute and also a member of the steering committee for theCostume Marketing and Management of Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology.


问: 据了解宁波恩凯控股有限公司以服装为主要产品,为什么您选择做服装这一块呢?

答: 哈哈,这其实不是我选择的。当时我大学毕业就被分配到服装厂了,专业也不对口,但我想既然到了这里那就用心做,好好学习积累,因为光埋怨是没有用的,三百六十行,行行出状元。

问: 您有在海外生活的经历吗?请问您是在哪个国家学习或工作的?您有没有经历过什么让您印象深刻的事?

答: 当然有,澳大利亚、日本、马来西亚等等。大学毕业一定要在海外学习工作,企业要国际化,首先要人才国际化。我在澳大利亚堪培拉大学念MBA,也带队去澳大利亚工作过。印象最深刻的就是当时我英文也挺好,带队的时候就当翻译,但是一到澳大利亚发现根本听不懂他们在讲什么。我们那时候见不到太多外国人,不像你们现在跟他们的沟通机会很多。

问: 那您是怎么解决这个困难的?

答: 这是一个过程,慢慢适应了之后也就听得懂了。

问: 就像和外国人刚开始交流可能会有困难,开始走向海外市场的时候,遇到的困难应该不少吧?

答: 有,遇到困难是必然的。但这跟我们的产品定位、从事的人才建设和企业文化等等有关系。我们在品牌建设方面就有很大的优势,生产销售模式由OEM到ODM再到OBM,不断在发展前进。

问: 您是怎么看待公司企业文化的呢?如何培育企业文化?

答: 企业文化是很重要的,而且是长期性的。我们公司会有员工培训,帮助员工成长,提升自己的价值,相比薪水这才是更大的收获。

问: 企业有外国员工吗?选拔员工主要是根据哪些方面?

答: 有的。我们公司海内外硕士有8个,选拔员工关键看的还是热情和能力。

问: 据了解您公司有许多自有品牌,比如PerfectGirls和Rosas Mode,尤其Rosas Mode是公司全力打造的女装品牌,面向20~35岁独立自主的新职业女性、文化精英。我想请问这个品牌名字背后的含义是什么?

答: 这个创意来自西班牙,这是一首西班牙曲子,我当时一听,很有感觉,于是就创建了Rosas Mode这个品牌。

问: 除了宁波本部,您在上海、香港都有分公司,您为什么选择这些地方设立分公司呢?您主要考虑哪些因素?

答: 考虑能否提供金融服务、供应链服务,这个地方工厂多不多,人才多不多,找员工容不容易,成本高不高,当然还有生活习惯等等多方面的综合考虑。

问: 您认为政府在发展企业的过程中起到什么作用,您是怎么看待企业和政府之间的关系的?

答: 政府是起引导作用的。虽说政治、经济、文化三者政治在前,但是这方面是很难操作的,这也是政府的职责。而在经济文化方面,企业家是能起到作用的,他们肩负着文化经济交流的责任,是和平时代的民族英雄。

问: 传统文化值得继承和发扬,在国际竞争中,文化竞争也是极其重要的。您也说企业家肩负着文化经济交流的责任,那么在走向海外的同时,您觉得如何能让我们中国的优秀传统文化也随之传播?

答: 我觉得要明白在外国人的眼里,你就是中国,企业家是中国的代表,所以言行举止都应该注意,要给外国人带去正能量。外国人来我这里,我会帮助他们学习中文,根据他们的兴趣爱好让他们了解中国文化。

问: 请问您有没有曾经考虑过移民,将企业扎根海外?

答: 首先我们都要明白一个整体的概念,明白我们都在一个地球村。而且我们国家现在发展得越来越好,现在不是中国需要世界,而是世界需要中国了,我们为什么要住在海外呢?你们说是不是?哈哈!而且风俗习惯是不一样的,我们不一定能适应他们的生活方式。

问: 您说得对!那随着社会的进步,企业也在不断发展,要与国际接轨,您有没有借鉴、吸收西方的一些理念?

答: 这是肯定的。改革开放以来,我们国家对外交流多了,眼界宽阔了,综合国力也增强了。西方好的东西都应该吸收进来,和我们自己优秀的文化结合起来嘛,这样我们的文化才能发展得越来越好!

问: 您认为如何同客户建立长期的伙伴关系?什么是最重要的?

答: 诚信、真实。我们的理念是:诚信、负责、专注、创新。

问: 您是怎么界定“生意人”和“企业家”的,有什么区别吗?

答: “生意人”和“企业家”英文是不一样的,它们肯定是有区别的。生意人比较简单,牵扯三个部分,seller和buyer,关注的是products,而企业家除了这个,更注重的是产品的社会价值和责任。我们受益于社会,应该做力所能及的事来回馈社会。接受你们采访,帮助大学生成长也是我们的责任。

问: 请问您能给我们大学生一些建议吗?

答: 多参加一些社会实践,多思考,多与人沟通。许多人不善于沟通,导致事业上无所建树,赚不到钱。但一定要记住:凡是能沟通的人,即使他再穷,他穷的时间也不会太长,一定是会往富的方向前进的。分享也是一种沟通。通过与他人沟通交流,别人才能知道如何帮助你。

问: 我们学校将搭建“我是中国企业家”论坛平台,您是否愿意接受我们的邀请来和大学生分享您的创业经历?

答: 当然!这是我的名片。我觉得你们这个活动很有意义,要加油努力,精益求精。这对你们以后到社会上一定会有帮助的!



Q: It is known that Ningbo Enkai Holdings Ltd. is primarily engaged in manufacturingclothes. Why did you choose clothing?

A: Ha-ha,in fact,it’s not my choice. I was assigned to the garment factory when I graduated,althoughmy major doesn’t fit the job. But I thought now that I was here,I should do myutmost to finish my work,learn and accumulate knowledge,because complainingmakes no difference and everybody can perform well through effort in any field.

Q: Have you lived overseas?In which country didyou study or work?Have you undergone anything that impressed you?

A: Of course,I worked in many countries such asAustralia,Japan,Malaysia,and so on. You’d better study or work abroad aftergraduation. If an enterprise wants to be international,first the talent pool shouldbe international. I studied at the University of Canberra for an MBA inAustralia and also led a team working there. I still remember clearly that Ialso served as interpreter because my English was not bad on the team. However,I found I couldn’t understand what Australians said at the beginning,for inthose days we seldom had any chance to talk to foreigners while you have morechances now.

Q: Then how did you solve thisproblem?

A: This was a process. Gradually,I adapted toit and could understand.

Q: Like the case of communicating withforeigners,you must have met many difficulties when you expanded your overseasmarket?

A: Absolutely!But it is certainly related toour product positioning,talent construction we are engaged in,corporateculture and so on. We have great advantages in terms of brand building. Ourmanufacturing and marketing mode is constantly progressing,from OEM to ODMthen to OBM.

Q: What do you think of corporateculture?How do you foster it?

A: Corporate culture is important,and it is apermanent requirement for enterprises. Our company has staff training to helpemployees grow and improve themselves,which is a better reward for them thansalary.

Q: Are there anyforeign staff in your company?What are the requirements for recruitment?

A: Yes. In our company,there are eight personswith a master’s degree,some of whom received their degree abroad. We chooseemployees mainly according to their enthusiasm and abilities.

Q: It is known thatyour company has many brands of your own,such as Perfect Girls and Rosas Mode.Here I would especially refer to Rosas Mode. It’s a brand that your company sparedno efforts to create for independent new professional women and a culturalelite atthe ages of 20 to 35. I’d like to know the intended meaning of the name.

A: This concept comes from Spain. It’s the nameof a Spanish song. I experienced a nice feeling upon hearing it,so I createdthis brand—Rosas Mode.

Q: Besides Ningbo,you have Shanghai and HongKong branches. Why do you choose these places to establish your branches?Whatconsiderations do you take into account?

A: I consider whether the place can providefinancial services,supply chain services and whether there are enoughfactories and talent for us to find employees and to lower the costs. Certainly,lifestyle,customs and so forth are alltaken into consideration.

Q: What’s the role do you think thegovernment plays in the development of business?What do you think of therelationship between the government and enterprises?

A: The government plays a leading role. Politicsis prior to economy and culture. It’s mainly the government’s duty,but ratherdifficult for entrepreneurs to deal with. As for economy and culture,entrepreneurs can do a lot. They bear the responsibility for economic andcultural exchange. They are national heroes in peacetime.

Q: Traditional culture should be inherited and promoted,and cultural competition is very important in international competition. Youalso mentioned that entrepreneurs bore the responsibility for economic andcultural exchange,so what can you do to spread Chinese traditional culturewhen Chinese enterprises go overseas?

A: I think you should know “you are therepresentative of China” in the eyes of foreigners. Entrepreneurs stand forChina,so you should behave yourself and bring positive energy to foreigners.When my clients come to China,I will help them study Chinese and learn Chineseculture in the light of their interests and hobbies.

Q: Have you ever consideredimmigrating and having your company take root overseas?

A: First of all,we should view the situation asa whole. We should understand that we are living in the “global village”,nomatter where we are. And our country is becoming better and better at present.Now the world needs China more than China needs the world. Why should we liveabroad?Right,ha-ha?In addition,our lifestyle may not fit in with theirsbecause of different customs,don’t you think so?

Q: I agree with you!With the progress ofsociety,enterprises are developing constantly to be geared to internationalstandards. Have you absorbed some concepts from the West for reference?

A: Sure. Since the reform and opening-up,ourcountry has improved external exchange,and people’s horizons have beenbroadened,resulting in the increase of our overall national strength. Weshould take good things from western countries to combine with ours so that ourcountry will develop better and better.

Q: What do you think aboutestablishing long-term relationships with customers?What’s the most importantthing?

A: Honesty and sincerity. The philosophy whichour company believes in is:honesty,responsibility,concentration andinnovation.

Q: How do you define “businessman” and“entrepreneur”?Anything different between them?

A: “Businessman” and “entrepreneur” are not thesame word in English. No doubt there is a distinction between the two.Businessmen are comparatively simple,related to three elements:seller,buyerand the products they pay attention to whereas entrepreneurs are more concernedabout a product’s social value and their responsibilities beyond the abovethree elements. We benefit a lot from society,so we should do something in ourpower to give back to it. Being interviewed and helping college undergraduatesgrow is also our responsibility.

Q: Could you offer some suggestionsto us students?

A: Take part in more social practice,think moreand communicate more. Many people are not good at talking with others,whichwill lead to their failure in career and poverty. You should remember thatanyone who is good at communication will emerge from poverty soon,advancing inthe direction to becoming rich,even if he or she is so poor now. Sharing isalso a way of communication. Other people will know how to help you only whenyou communicate with them.

Q: Our college plans to set up a forum entitled“I’m a Chinese Entrepreneur”. Are you willing to accept our invitation to shareyour pioneering experience with us?

A: Of course!Here is my business card. I thinkyour idea makes sense. You should work hard to keep improving it. It will be ofsome help for you when you enter society in the future!

Group Members:Tang Tianxing,Jiang Yan,Chen Kaili,Hu Fenni


文:汤天星  文稿指导教师:卜霄艳  实践指导教师:刘杰



企业背景: 宁波恩凯控股有限公司是集服装设计、生产加工、内外贸易于一体的专业服装企业。公司成立于2006年,公司团队有着丰富的服装操作经验,有一大批稳定的客源,主要遍布于欧洲市场,包括瑞典、丹麦、挪威、英国、德国、意大利等国家。针对国内外市场需求,公司及时调整品牌战略,开展电子商务,进一步提升品牌的市场影响力。




作为这样的一位文化使者,沈总时刻谨记在外国人眼中他的一言一行与国家相关,他希望带给他的外国友人更多的中国正能量。在与沈总的交流中,他的言谈举止总展现出积极乐观的态度,散发着正能量。他说一个有能量的人必须具备两种能力:自燃与自愈。无论遇到多大的困难险阻,在他人面前能立马激情四射,散发出光和热。大成者都是大磨难者,具有愈合自己伤口能力的领袖才有机会接受更大的挑战,变得更加卓越。我想这样的人活出了一种沸点的状态,无形中一定能影响他人。具有这种能量的人,既是企业家,又是文化人。他能把优秀的传统文化理念源源不断地融入企业文化与企业管理之中,不仅能继承和发扬传统文化,还能使带有民族符号的企业文化铸就出企业的个性与特色。正因为有了这样的文化底蕴,才能有机遇觅得商机,有灵感创建品牌,有智慧汲取营养。例如公司全力打造的女装品牌Rosas Mode就来源于一首西班牙语歌曲《Rosas》,歌如其名,风格清新淡雅、明朗活泼,朗朗上口。沈总从中觉察到了时尚的个性女士所追求的优雅精致、浪漫自信的品牌价值。品牌自推出后,已在多个国家申请授权保护。



A Cultural Messenger in the“Global Village”

By Tang Tianxing Supervised by Bu Xiaoyan,Liu Jie

With the pride of being one of the descendants of the dragon and acultural messenger in the “global village”,Mr. Shen Gongcan shares with us theresponsibility and mission that Chinese entrepreneurs undertake in exploringthe market abroad.


Enterprise background: Ningbo Enkai Holdings Ltd. is aprofessional garment enterprise which combines costume designing,manufacturingand domestic and foreign trade into one single entity. Set up in 2006,thecompany now has a staff with much experience in clothing operations and hence gainsa large number of regular customers mainly in European markets,includingSweden,Denmark,Norway,the UK,Germany,Italy and so on. In line with marketdemand at home and abroad,the corporation adjusts the branding strategy anddevelops e-commerce,making further improvements in the brand’s marketinfluence.

The twenty-first century is theera of globalization. With the deepening of reform and opening-up,China hasbeen in constant communication and collaboration with the outside world in allfields,indicating an ever-growing and inseparable relationship between them.Many overseas-funded enterprises come to China for development. Meanwhile,inresponse to the national strategy of “going out”,more and more Chineseentrepreneurs go abroad to seek commercial opportunities. So this year,ourSchool of Foreign Language Studies drew up a social practice program called “Beyondthe Voices” for the students with the theme “I’m a Chinese Entrepreneur”. It isintended to enhance our comprehension of Chinese and western cultures byinterviewing Chinese entrepreneurs with overseas background and exploring theirexperiences. And I was lucky enough to have an interview with Mr. Shen Gongcan,General Manager of Ningbo Enkai Holdings Ltd.,one of the Top 100 Enterprisesin Ningbo.

One day during the summervacation,I came to Ningbo Enkai Holdings Ltd. expectantly with my teammates.As soon as we entered,we felt the working atmosphere there was harmonious andinspiring. Mottos and slogans of the enterprise were hanging on the walls;photos about staff activities were exhibited on the bulletin board,all showingthe charm of Enkai people.

Mr. Shen received usenthusiastically in the meeting room and answered our questions patiently. Whatimpressed me most was his emphasis on the concept of the “global village”. Whenhe was asked if he had ever considered immigration,Mr. Shen replied at once,“The world is my home. No matter where I live,I’m living in the globalvillage.” Indeed,everyone lives in the global village. The world is oneentity,especially from the viewpoint of contemporary globalization. To gaingreat achievements,one should take the world situation into account ratherthan just a few details. China and the West should learn from each other andborrow each other’s merits,which is by far more important in externalexchanges in economy and culture. As Mr. Shen said,“The national heroes inpeacetime are entrepreneurs.” Successful entrepreneurs in the new age promotenot only the circulation of commodities but the exchange of culture. DeemingChinese traditional culture full of wisdom and value,in his communication withforeigners,Mr. Shen often deliberately refers to such things as Confucianculture,Chinese character,Chinese martial arts and so on. Culture istherefore being delivered with the export of products. Many clothes soldoverseas from Enkai(e.g. cheongsams)contain elements with Chinesecharacteristics,helping the world know more about China subconsciously.

As such a messenger of Chineseculture,Mr. Shen always keeps in mind that every word and deed of his isassociated with his country in the eyes of foreigners,and he hopes to bringmore Chinese positive energy to his foreign friends. During our talk with Mr. Shen,I felt a positive and optimistic attitude emerging from his speech andbehavior,and he was also giving off such a positive energy that influenced thepeople around him. He said that a person with energy must have two kinds ofability:self-ignition and self-healing. No matter what great difficulties andobstacles he is confronted with,he can be enthusiastic and passionateimmediately in front of others,radiating both light and warmth. Successfulpeople are those who have gone through great hardships. The leader with theability to heal his wounds has the opportunity to meet greater challenges andbecome more distinguished. I think such a person is living near the boilingpoint and can have intangible influence on others. The person possessing suchenergy is not only an entrepreneur but also a man of culture. He can combinesplendid traditional cultural ideas with enterprise culture and apply it tobusiness administration seamlessly. He inherits and carries forward traditionalculture. Thus the corporate culture with national symbols is formed,and thepersonality and characteristics of the enterprise are moulded. It is thanks tosuch a cultural foundation that people like Mr. Shen can find good businessopportunities,gain inspiration to create brands and have wisdom to absorbenergy. For instance,Rosas Mode,a frock brand of Enkai,created by Enkaipeople with all their strength,originates from a Spanish song “Rosas”. As itis called,the catchy song’s style is fresh and lively. Mr. Shen perceived fromit the brand value of Rosas mode:elegance,delicacy,romance and confidence ofwhich the individualistic fashionable ladies are in pursuit. The company hasalready applied for trademark protection for Rosas Mode in manyforeign countries.

With the acceleration ofglobalization,the world gets smaller and smaller and becomes a “global village”eventually. As inhabitants of the village,we should broaden our horizons,think more and communicate more. We should undertake a cultural journey aroundthe “global village” to make the fusion of national culture and great westerncultural ideas as well as incorporate things of diverse nature and learn widelyfrom others’ strong points during the trip. We also should inherit and promotebrilliant Chinese tradition and demonstrate the power and glamour of itsculture to the whole world.

Like the ocean embracing everystream and river,which has the capacity to hold it,a person is made great bytolerance to diversity. I hope one day I will become a cultural messenger likeMr. Shen and be confidently walking in the wonderful “global village”!

Shen Gongcan and our group BqhzE/LRVDmZZcODsUW/y+vlFuTaFY4QqprOOP+nr8vrKdCbmQqjaggG/2Kssoeq
