
Ren Jianhua:LoveIs to Fill Your Home with Cooking Aroma
——The Aspiration of Robam


Ren Jianhua,chairman ofthe board of Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co.,Ltd,was recognized as one of tenZhejiang Economic Figures of the Year in 2012. Since Robam was founded in 1979,with development and growth over the past thirty years,Robam now has becomeone of the leading enterprises in the trade of Chinese electric kitchen appliances,which has the longest developing history,the largest production scale,themost complete product range,and the widest sales area. The Robam brand philosophyis:The more meals with love,the more happy families in the world. Cooking isa way of creating bonds and enjoying love and happiness.


问: 董事长,您好!我们是来自浙江大学宁波理工学院的学生,我们参加了我校“用声音叙事”的暑期社会实践活动,主要是采访浙江企业家,探讨中国传统文化对企业家的影响,走出国门的企业发展历程,以及企业家的创业之路等等。您是杭州本地人,请问杭州文化对您创办企业或是在企业发展过程中有什么影响?

答: 整个浙江有很浓厚的创业氛围,不然不会有这么多企业家的诞生,所以其核心就是创业文化。在这片土壤上就要不断地去创业,而且要有一种坚韧不拔的精神。面对机遇时的创新精神,面对危机和风险时的责任担当意识,面对资源时的务实精神,这就是整个浙江的创业文化。具体到杭州,她的文化就是追求更好的生活方式,一种高品质的、高标准的生活方式。老板电器扎根在这片土壤上,也就奠定了其制造的定位:有高标准,有文化内涵。

问: 我们了解到,老板电器自主创新,拥有超百项产品专利技术。您对自主创新有什么独到的看法呢?

答: 在我们公司一个印着“厨源”的石头上,写着三句话:传承良渚文明之源,驱动现代厨房之源,研发自主创新之源。自主创新就是一个学习的过程,学习很多先进的技术,然后再学以致用,用到我们自己的产品开发上,用到我们消费者的身上。我觉得自主创新需要我们在学习的基础上,把握中国消费者的消费特征和特点,用自己独到的产品和技术来解决问题。简单地说,自主创新就是要向西方学习,了解消费者的特征,提出自己更有竞争力、更有效的解决方案,我觉得这是自主创新中最重要的。

问: 您觉得你们企业是凭借什么优势在同行中领先并且被人们所认可的呢?

答: 如果从行业的角度来讲,我相信我们公司每个人都会说的第一个就是产品,产品品质好,产品还有一定创新性和经济性。因为产品不过关的话,就得不到消费者的认同和认可。第二个是品牌及品牌建立的认知。第三就是渠道。这三个是“老板”成长中非常厉害的地方。

问: 中国和国外的企业家的经商之道有什么区别?

答: 以老板电器为例,中国的企业家可能会有更多“家”的概念,倡导的是一种“家”的文化,管理机制上大家都有和睦的概念;西方企业的经营之道更多地会偏重于企业的科学化管理,会有理论的论述、科学的依据和管理的手段;我们相对比较“柔”一点,中国倡导的是一种“道”的层面,中国人的管理层面讲的是大道,而国外更侧重标准化、流程化、技术化,中国企业家也在学习西方这个特征。

问: 那我们中国企业家有什么值得国外企业家学习的地方?

答: 中国的企业家,我觉得包容性会更强一点,企业可以包容不同的文化、不同的群体。中国的企业家更多的优势是了解中国的这片土壤、本土的文化。包容性是对不同文化、不同人的一种包容,企业对不同员工的包容性很强。

问: 你们企业最初的创业目标是什么?而现在你们的目标又是什么呢?

答: 最初的创业目标很简单,就是为了致富,因为企业在创立的时候就是为了让村里有足够的钱去买几台拖拉机,让大家从比较贫困的状态走向比较富裕的生活。至于现在的目标,从理念上讲,我们公司要做一个受社会尊敬的企业;从使命上讲,就是要把中国的饮食文化与先进的科学技术相结合,让每个家庭都享受到由精湛科技带来的轻松烹饪;从愿景上来讲,是要成为中国竞争力最强的专业厨房电器百年企业。可能一个企业会长久,但是品牌需要消费者长期的认同和认可,我觉得百年品牌是一个终极的目标。

问: 在老板电器创立的30多年中,肯定遇到过很多困难,您觉得有哪些印象深刻的困难,可以举个例子吗?在这当中,又有哪些心得呢?

答: 我们企业大概在1998至1999年那一段时间是下滑的,企业进行了多元化的扩张,生产销售龟鳖丸、DVD、VCD等,很多东西都在做,但都没有做好,就在那个时候,迷失了,遇到了危机。但是,后来企业重新创业,又聚焦到吸排油烟机上,然后又回到快速发展的轨道。心得的话,就是在创业初期,要的是一种执着的创业精神,所有东西都可以找到方法来解决,所以创业就要有信心,要有坚韧不拔的精神。在高速发展的过程中,要保持清醒的头脑,聚焦自己的核心主业,不要轻易地去分散自己的精力,做什么就坚持做,要更加专业化,这个在行业中非常重要。

问: 我们从网上了解到你们企业有自己的网上商城,那您觉得你们的网上商城对企业有什么影响?还有什么需要完善或提高的呢?

答: 我们企业对渠道有一个基本的战略,我们很明确的是厨电零售,厨电零售是根本,是企业立足的根本。电子商务是未来的趋势,因为它便利,有价格优势。电子商务现在成长是非常快的,我觉得就是要把握核心,把握好电子商务成长的脉搏,建立起老板电器电子商务的特色,保持老板电器品牌本身文化的一致性。

问: 您的家人有没有对您创业或者企业的发展有积极的作用?

答: 创业的成功是以家庭为后盾的,家里把个人生活都打理得非常好,然后就有更多的精力放在事业上,我觉得家庭是成功的一个很坚实的保障。

问: 那您有没有什么商业上的榜样呢?如果有,它们对您创业有什么影响呢?

答: 从现阶段来讲,我觉得我们企业要向A.O.史密斯、格力这样的企业学习,因为它们非常专业化,非常聚焦,也成长得非常好。个人推崇的企业家,那种并不是很大牌的企业家,其实就在身边。值得我尊敬的、学习的就是万向集团的鲁冠球,因为他说虽然他把自己的企业做到这么一个高度,还是保持着创业的精神和激情,还是保持着比较简朴、简单的生活方式。对我的影响就是始终保持着一种创新的精神,保持自己简单、简朴的生活。

问: 您觉得设计并生产厨房电器对人们的生活品质提高有哪些作用?

答: 老板电器见证了中国人现代厨房生活的变迁,我觉得提高生活的品质和文化是很重要的。良渚文化中,很令人感动的就是一家老小聚集在围炉边去享受烹饪。所以我觉得厨房是家庭生活很重要的地方,因为每个人有各自私密的空间,只有在餐厅中享受烹饪的乐趣,一起吃饭一起交流。我相信吃进去的不仅仅是美食,也是一种爱。所以生活品质的提升不单单是数量或物质上的,更多的是精神上的。我们也有一个终极的品牌理念,就是“有爱的饭,为世界构建更多幸福的家”。通过烹饪的方式,连接情感,体会到爱和幸福。

问: 你们企业在海外的哪些国家和地区有投资项目?

答: 因为中国的烹饪方式太独特了,所以我们海外市场比较少,主要是集中在东南亚,如马来西亚和菲律宾,此外还有印度。

问: 您觉得海外的发展前景怎么样?

答: 这是我们的一个终极目标。现在来讲,中国的市场就已经是国际化的市场了,因为改革开放之后,各种各样的外资品牌都进来了,有自己国内的品牌在成长,还有外资品牌在成长。所以,中国市场是一个充分竞争的市场,要先把中国市场做大、做好,最终我们肯定是要走向世界。

问: 你们对海外员工有哪些要求呢?

答: 最基本的是要有沟通能力;第二是要有适应能力,因为每个地方的文化不一样;第三就是你要把公司的这种文化传播出去,使他们认同和认可我们的文化和产品。

问: 你们企业是否有邀请海外合作伙伴共同参与一些活动?

答: 有,我们每半年或每一年都会有海外经销商的会议,定期沟通,让他们感受“老板”的文化,知道“老板”新的发展,了解他们真实的想法和对产品的需求,有这样一个沟通的机制。

问: 您觉得企业家精神是什么?您在对待员工、创造的经济价值、环保和公益事业这四方面是怎么看待企业家的社会责任的呢?

答: 企业家的精神我觉得是两个,一个是创新,创新精神非常重要。彼得•德鲁克管理大师也讲过,企业家的核心精神就是创新,在不同的时代下都要有创新,这是一种责任。因为只有创新之后,才能给社会创造更多的价值、更多的就业机会、更多的财富;另外一个就是要承担责任,这样才可以真正称为企业家,就是说要有责任感。有的人只是做一个企业或者生意,但是企业家需要承担社会责任。讲到社会责任,以对待员工为举个例子。我们在博陆那边有一个老厂,那里都是当地的员工,我们新的基地启动之后,那边的员工迁到这边来,很多就会不愿意,觉得不方便。所以,我们那边的工厂并没有关掉,我们还是会让那边的生产正常运作,让员工继续工作,并没有把它抛弃掉。我觉得创造经济价值就是硬指标,我们企业是交税大户,交税也是社会责任的体现。环保的话,在生产过程中,我们本身污染就很少,但是我们在有些流程中还是保持严格的更高的标准,也会办一些环保的活动。公益事业也在做,我们每年都会给一些弱势的、有困难的人一些帮助。我觉得社会责任的核心是要为社会创造财富,有物质财富和精神财富。

问: 您对我们大学生,特别是要创业的大学生,有哪些建议和忠告呢?

答: 我觉得第一就是要学以致用,就是说尽量让自己所尝试的这个行业和自己所学的专业有一定的关联,这样的话,在创业的时候会有一些基础。第二就是要问问自己:真的是要创业吗?你能为创业付出多少?乔布斯在自传里说过,那些真正认为自己可以改变世界的人才能改变世界。你要改变世界,那你愿意为这件事情付出的时间和精力有多少?你能不能接受挫折?所以创业的关键是有韧性和执着,先把这些想清楚之后,创业的负担就会少。最后就是在这个行业里面要先专注钻研,然后才能创新。

问: 对于向海外拓展企业,您对后辈们有什么样的建议以及提醒?

答: 我觉得核心是要了解你想进入的海外市场的特点,因为像国际大品牌,在品牌的管理上是很成熟的,是一成不变的,但是它进入不同的市场会有变化,至少要了解当地的文化和消费者的特点。对于拓展海外市场,要了解外围的环境,可能会用一些简单的手段,比如网络,在立足国内市场的基础上,向海外拓展。

问: 那我们今天的采访就差不多结束了,非常感谢您接受我们的采访!

答: 不用客气!



Q: Mr. Ren,nice to meet you!We are studentsfrom Ningbo Institute of Technology,Zhejiang University. We are now takingpart in a summer social internship named “Beyondthe Voices” in our college. It is mainly about interviews with entrepreneursin Zhejiang in order to understand the influence that Chinese traditionalculture has on them,the development history of the enterprises that haveoverseas markets,and the entrepreneurial process. Since you are a native ofHangzhou,did the culture of Hangzhou have any influence on the development ofthe enterprise?

A: The culture of Zhejiang contains a strongentrepreneurial atmosphere;otherwise there would not be so many entrepreneurshere. So the core is the entrepreneurial culture. We should keep starting ourbusinesses with a perseverance spirit including the creative spirit when facingchances,the sense of responsibility when facing crises and risks,and thepragmatic spirit when facing resources. These apply to the whole province ofZhejiang. As to Hangzhou,its culture seeks a higher quality lifestyle.Therefore,our company took its roots here and set its goal:to manufactureproducts with a higher standard and cultural connotation.

Q: We know your company values independentinnovation and has over a hundred production proprietary technologies. So doyou have any ideas about independent innovation?

A: At our company headquarters,there is a stonecarved with two Chinese characters “Chuyuan”,meaning the origin of cooking,and three sentences:inherit the origin of Liangzhu civilization,carry forwardthe origin of the modern kitchen,and start the origin of independentinnovation. Independent innovation requires a learning process—to learn many advanced technologies and thento serve practical purposes. It means that technologies should be used in theproduction and the development of our consumer base. I think independentinnovation needs to be based on continuous study,and we should grasp the characteristicsof Chinese consumers and use our production and technology to solve problems.In brief,independent innovation means we need to learn from the West and knowthe characteristics of our consumers. Putting forward the more competitive andeffective solution is the most important thing in independent innovation.

Q: What advantages do you think canmake your company lead all your peer companies and be well-received by thepeople?

A: From the point of view of the profession,Ibelieve that everyone in our company will say the first is our products. Theproducts should have good quality,innovation and economical efficiency. If theproduct does not meet this standard,we won’t be accepted by consumers. Thesecond is the brand—the recognition of theestablishment of brand. The third is distribution. These are the advantages ofthe growing process of our company.

Q: How do Chinese and foreignentrepreneurs differ in their way of doing business?

A: Take our company forexample,Chinese entrepreneurs may have a concept in their mind:family. Weadvocate the culture of family. In the management system,we all seek for harmony.Western entrepreneurs tend to have a more scientific management mechanism. Theyhave discussions of management,scientific references,and management means.However,we are milder. Chinese people advocate the way of “Tao”,but foreigncompanies pay more attention to standardization,process management,and technicalization.Chinese entrepreneurs are also learning this characteristic of the West.

Q: What should Chinese entrepreneurs learn fromforeign entrepreneurs?

A: I think Chinese entrepreneurs’ inclusivenessis stronger. Chinese companies can include different cultures,differentgroups. One advantage of Chinese entrepreneurs is that we know the country ofChina and the native culture. By the way,inclusiveness is to include differentcultures and different people,and Chinese companies’ inclusiveness todifferent staff is very strong.

Q: What was your company’s original entrepreneurialgoal?Now,what is your company’s latest goal?

A: The original goal was very simple—to become rich. We started the businessbecause we wanted to earn enough money to enable villagers to buy tractors andbe relatively rich instead of living in poverty. Now,from the perspective ofcompany philosophy,our company aims at becoming an enterprise respected bysociety;from the point of mission,we want to combine Chinese diet culturewith advanced technology to make every family enjoy easy cooking brought by thetechnology;from the point of future vision,we want to become a professionalelectric kitchen appliances centennial enterprise with the strongestcompetitiveness. Perhaps,an enterprise will exist for a long time,but itsbrand needs to be accepted by the consumers for a longer time. So I thinkbecoming a centennial brand is an ultimate goal.

Q: Since the thirty years of your company’sestablishment,you must have confronted many difficulties. What do you think isthe most intimidating difficulty?Can you give an example?And during theprocess of overcoming the difficulty,what did you learn?

A: Our company was in decline during the years1998 and 1999. At that time we expanded our products and sold soft-shelledturtle capsules,DVDs,VCDs and so on. We produced many things,but all of themfailed. At that time,we were confused and met with crisis. However,ourcompany started the business again. We focused on range hoods. Then our companydeveloped quickly again. What I learned was the importance of the persistententrepreneurial spirit when we started the business. We can find solutions toevery problem,so starting a business needs confidence and a persistent spirit.During the quick development of business,we need to keep clear-minded and focuson the core major work. Don’t easily disperse your energy. Stick to what youare doing and make it more professional. This is really important in this field.

Q: We know your company has on-line sites. Whatinfluence do you think electronic commerce has brought to your company?Andwhat needs to be improved?

A: For sales distribution,our company has abasic strategy. What we are sure is to retail kitchen appliances. Retailingkitchen appliances is the basis of the stability of our company. Electronic commerceis a future tendency because of its convenience and the relatively low price.Electronic commerce is growing very quickly now. I think we should catch thecore and grasp the growth of electronic commerce so that we can build up thefeatures of our electronic commerce and keep the culture of our brandconsistent.

Q: Did your family have positive effects on yourbusiness or the development of your company?

A: Business success needs backing from family. Myfamily makes everything smooth for me,and then I can pay more attention to mycareer. So I think family is a strong guarantee of success.

Q: Did you have any models in business?If youhave,what influences did they have on your business?

A: At this stage,I think our company shouldlearn from A. O. Smith and GREE because they are very professional and havetheir focus. They also expand very quickly. I think the respectableentrepreneur is not necessarily the most famous entrepreneur;in fact,he is nothighly visible. He is Lu Guanqiu of Wanxiang Group. Because he said that althoughhe made a successful business,he still kept the spirit and passion of startinga business,and leading a simple life. His influence on me is to inspire me tokeep a spirit of innovation and a simple life.

Q: What influences do you think the design andproduction of electric kitchen appliances have on the improvement of quality oflife?

A: Robam has witnessed the change in Chinesemodern kitchen life. I think it is very important to improve the living qualityand culture. In Liangzhu culture,it is moving that all family members surrounda stove to enjoy cooking. So I think the kitchen is a significant place in ourlives. Everyone has their own space,and only in the dining room can they havea meal together,enjoy the fun of cooking,and communicate with each other. Ibelieve that what they have is not only the delicious food but also theaffection. So the improvement in living quality is not only dependent on thequantity or material but also the spirit. We also have an ultimate brandphilosophy:The more meals with love,the more happy families in the world.Cooking is a way of creating bonds and enjoying love and happiness.

Q: Which overseas countries and areasdoes your company have investment projects in?

A: The way of Chinese cooking is so special thatwe don’t have a large overseas market. They are mainly in Southeast Asia,e.g. Malaysia,Philippines,in addition to India.

Q: How about the prospect for developingoverseas projects?

A: It is our final goal. At this stage,the Chinesemarket has already become the international market. After the implementation ofreform and opening-up,many kinds of foreign brands came in. The domesticbrands and the foreign brands were all growing,so Chinese market is acompetitive market. Therefore,we should do well in the domestic market first,and finally,we must expand to the world.

Q: What requirements do you have for the foreignstaff?

A: The most basicthing is the ability to communicate. The second is the ability to adapt becausedifferent areas have different cultures. The third is to spread the company’sculture to make people acknowledge our culture and production.

Q: Did your company invite overseas cooperativepartners to take part in some activities together?

A: Yes,we have meetings with overseas dealersonce every six months or once a year to have regular communication. We will letthem experience our company’s culture and know our new developments so that wecan know their true ideas and needs for production.

Q: What do you think is the spirit ofentrepreneurs?What do you think of the social responsibility in four areas:staff issues,commercial value,protection of the environment and publicwelfare?

A: I think there are two factors in the spiritof entrepreneurs. One is innovation. The spirit of innovation is veryimportant. Peter Drucker once said the core spirit of entrepreneurs isinnovation. With the change of the times,we need innovation. It is the chiefresponsibility. Only if we make innovations,can we create more values,moreemployment opportunities and,more wealth for our society. Another isresponsibility. Only if we have a sense of responsibility,can we be calledentrepreneurs. Some people may only set up a company or business,butentrepreneurs need to take social responsibility. For staff issues,forexample,we have an old factory in Bolu where all the staff are local people.When our new factory here started,those staff needed to move here,but many ofthem were not willing to move. They thought it was inconvenient. So we did notclose the old factory. We still made it operate as usual,and the staffcontinued working there. We did not abandon it. For commercial value,I thinkcreating the commercial value is the fixed index. Our enterprise is a majortaxpayer. Paying taxes also means social responsibility. For the protection ofenvironment,during the production process,our factory has little pollution,and we still have strict and high standards during many procedures. Besides,wealso organize activities concerned with the protection of the environment. Forpublic welfare,we are also making efforts. We will help the disadvantaged andpeople who are in trouble. I think the core of social responsibility is tocreate wealth for society,including the material wealth and the spiritualwealth.

Q: What suggestions do you have for us collegestudents,especially those who want to start a business?

A: In my opinion,the first is practical study. Thismeans that you should connect your major with the profession you will try;then,you will have some foundation. Secondly,ask yourself:“Do you reallywant to start a business?” How much will you pay for your business?I recall asentence from Steve Jobs’ autobiography:“Only those who think they can changethe world can change the world.” How much time and energy are you willing toexert if you want to change the world?Can you accept difficulties?So the keyof starting a business is to stay tenacious. After thinking these thingsthrough profoundly,the burden of starting a business will decrease. Finally,you should concentrate on this profession,study,and then make innovations.

Q: As for the expansion of overseas companies,what suggestions and tips do you have for the younger generation?

A: I think the core is to know the characteristicsof the overseas market you want to enter. The management of many internationalbrands is mature and unchangeable. But when they enter different markets,theywill have changes. At least,you should know the native culture and the characteristicsof consumers very well. For expanding the overseas market,you should know itsenvironment. Maybe you can use some simple methods,such as the Internet. Onthe basis of a stable position in Chinese market,you can expand to overseasmarket.

Q: Then our interview is over. Thank you for agreeingto be interviewed!

A: You’re welcome!

Group Members:Sun Yinan,Zhu Jinjing,Chen Xiangmin


文:朱金晶  文稿指导教师:喻旭燕  实践指导教师:徐志敏



企业背景: 杭州老板电器股份有限公司是老板集团的核心企业,专业生产吸排油烟机、燃气灶、消毒柜、电压力煲、电磁炉等厨房电器、生活小家电产品。自1979年创办以来,近30年不断地发展与壮大,现已成为中国厨房电器行业发展历史最长、生产规模最大、产品类别最齐全、销售区域最广的龙头企业之一。老板电器坚持“创新、和谐、上进”的企业文化,凭借领先的科技和优异的品质,现已成为市场销售的领先者,行业标准的倡导者,社会责任的先行者。老板厨房电器对科技、品质、销售、服务、人才、管理等诸多方面的完美追求铸就了企业发展的大厦。30多年来,老板电器持续专注高端产品,一路引领中国吸排油烟机行业大步向前。从最早进入厨电行业的企业,到成为行业标杆,再到高端厨电领导者,任建华带领着老板电器以技术创新引领行业发展,为越来越多的消费者带来轻松烹饪的厨房环境,同时也奠定了老板品牌行业领导者地位,实现了吸排油烟机销量16年第一的傲人佳绩。







Culture Starts with Family

By Zhu Jinjing Supervised by Yu Xuyan,Xu Zhimin

Rich in historical and cultural background,full of aromatic home-styledishes,Robam will become the staff’s harbor,like their own home!


Enterprise background: Hangzhou Robam Appliances Co.,Ltd.is the core enterprise of Robam Group,manufacturing range hoods,gas ranges,disinfectingcabinets,plug-in pressure cookers,electromagnetic ovens and other kitchenappliances and other small household appliances. Since its foundation in 1979,Robamhas been continually developing and expanding for almost thirty years. NowRobam has become one of the leading enterprises in the Chinese kitchenappliances industry with the longest development history,the largestproduction scale,the most complete product range,and the widest sales area.Robam maintains its enterprise culture:innovation,harmony,and progress. Byvirtue of advanced technology and high quality,Robam has become the leader inmarket sales,an advocate of trade standards and the pioneer in socialresponsibility. Robam has built its developing enterprise by constant pursuitof technology,quality,marketing,services,talent,management and other means.For over thirty years,Robam has continually paid attention to high-endproduction,leading the trade of Chinese range hoods to go forward. From theenterprise which first entered into the kitchen appliance trade to become thebenchmark of the trade,and then to the leader of high-end kitchen appliances,Ren Jianhua guided Robam to be the leader by innovating technology and byproviding an easy-cooking kitchen environment to more consumers. Robam hasestablished its leadership in the trade and remains the sales champion of rangehoods in China over the past sixteen years.

Culture covers a wide range and isan abstract word. To Robam,it is closely related to Chinese food culture andkitchen culture. For my part,since I was a child,I have felt that everythingaround me is changing all the time,including what we wear,what we use,andthe way we live. However,there is one thing that remains unchanged:cooking.Maybe,the ingredients of dishes are gradually increasing and become morecomplex,but cooking has never changed throughout history. “Fry”,“deep-fry”,“boil”,and “stir-fry” are special ways of cooking in China,and we are proudof them. Chinese cooking reflects our high standard in cooking. The combinationof color,aroma,taste and visual perfection makes countless Chinese dishes.The Chinese way of cooking stresses health. The food combination and thebalance of meat and vegetables reflect that Chinese people are healthconscious. Instead,the western way of cooking stresses nutrition more,sotheir manner of cooking is relatively simple. To Robam,I think it is necessaryfor the development of the company to know Chinese traditional culture profoundly.Only if we really understand the meaning that food culture and kitchen culturehas to every family,can we make a product enter each home and be accepted.

The Chinese way of cooking paysclose attention to family ambiance and a feeling of love. This is also the goalof the company. They advocate people going back to the kitchen and family andhope that they can help every family make dishes with affection,so thefamilies can chat with each other at the table often and bond. Then,thecompany can help encourage more happy families in the world. This interviewthrows light on such positive effects on families through cooking,a simple andordinary way.

Over the years,the culture shockthat western culture has had on Chinese traditional culture has been moreintense. Western culture is increasingly popular among young people,andChinese culture is gradually fading from their mind. It is the same withcooking. In China,western restaurants can be found everywhere. The westernspecial way of cooking—baking is very popular with young people. Because of theinfluence of western culture,our way of cooking has undergone a few changes.The kitchen appliance industry has offered some new products. And thiscompany’s innovation and research constantly conforms to the changing times inorder to integrate new products into every kitchen more quickly and be acceptedby more families. Therefore,ovens and many new products gradually enter intothe kitchen appliance industry in China. The influence of culture is powerful!

Now that there is the cultureshock between different cultures,the cooking will change a little. Whileinheriting Chinese traditional culture,we should combine our culture with theexcellence of western culture. Only if we innovate constantly,can we cater tothe changing times. Otherwise,we will fall behind. Innovation is a spirit thatthe entrepreneurs often emphasize,but it also needs culture to be its basis.Culture can be called the premise of all pursuits. Excellent culture can makeone’s life successful. The unique features of a local environment always givespecial characteristics to its inhabitants. Where it is filled withentrepreneurial culture,there must be more entrepreneurial talent and moreentrepreneurs. And it will make more commercial value for society.

In regions with totallydifferent cultures,there is still the same business philosophy of enterprise.Robam highlights that businesses should treat staff like family and clientslike relatives all the time. Western enterprises also attach importance tocaring about staff. Most successful entrepreneurs will definitely not feelthemselves superior;instead,they help one another,and the entrepreneursshould regard staff as friends or family. This is the common feature of Robam andall the successful enterprisesin China and the West as well. They all care about staff and clients withouthesitation. This business philosophy will promote Robam and other Chineseenterprises on the international stage and make Chinese traditional culturereach the world.

Our team and Robam director

This interview experienceimpressed me with the value of culture. Culture starts with family,and familyis the origin of love. However,our generation actually does not knowtraditional culture well,and we are more and more indifferent to it. I thinkwe need to know more about our culture and fully use the possibilities ofculture. At the same time,it is necessary to combine our culture with theadvantages of other cultures. Please take the responsibility of inheriting anddeveloping the culture,and make our homes full of the atmosphere of cultureand affection!

The staff is introducing the products ofRobam tXOxJeMVCzSk+BTB8mmyZtUdY7bfXNUArpEfsCArdTb6+sUWLuDGopxpnZFuGRZN
