
Lesson 2
New Year’s Resolution


A year’s plan starts with spring. Research shows 45 per cent of Americans make a New Year’s resolution. 一年之计在于春。研究表明,45%的美国人都许下新年愿望。

1 At the start of every New Year, people in America often make plans to change their life for the coming year. Professor Jay says, “January 1st is a ‘ magical ’ date. If you make a resolution on this day, it will be much more powerful than one made on other days.” So, we all make a list of things to start, change or give up.

2 The most common resolutions include losing weight, volunteering to help others, quitting smoking, saving money, and getting fit. Others include eating healthier food, drinking less wine, and so on.

3 For the Kim family, things are different. Their New Year’s resolution is going on a trip with their baby. They know that for the trip to go well, they will need to be prepared. Their trip will include a long car ride and a stay at a friend’s home. The Kims must think about safety as they plan their trip.

4 First, they think about the long car ride. They must have a car seat for their baby. The baby must stay in her car seat at all times, even on long trips. The Kims will need to stop often for feeding times, diaper changes, and to let the baby stretch. The Kims plan to pack things such as diapers , wipes, extra clothes, water, food, and snacks.

5 Having toys for their baby to play with is also a must. Many toys can hook on to the baby’s car seat. This will prevent them from dropping on the floor. String should never be used for tying toys near a baby because it could strangle the baby.

6 Next, the Kims prepare for the time they will spend at their friend’s house. Before they leave, the Kims plan to call ahead. They will ask their host to help childproof the area where they will be staying. If there is no crib at the host’s home, the Kims will pack their portable crib. Babies must always sleep in cribs that meet all safety rules, even when on a trip. When the Kims arrive at their friend’s home, they will check the home for safety. They will move any unsafe items out of the baby’s reach. They may also bring along and use outlet plugs , safety locks and a baby gate if needed. Packing any medication the baby might need is also a good idea.

7 Travel with a baby is work, but it can be fun too. To have a good trip, parents need to plan ahead. Keeping the baby safe should be first on the list.

(431 words)

Word bank


The Kims will need to stop often for feeding times, diaper changes, and to let the baby stretch.


Babies must always sleep in cribs that meet all safety rules, even when on a trip.


They will move any unsafe items out of the baby’s reach. 他们会把任何不安全的东西放到孩子够不着的地方。reach, 够着,达到

Packing any medication the baby might need is also a good idea. 帮婴儿装一些可能会用到的药品,也是个不错的主意。


Ⅰ. Reading comprehension

1. “The most common resolutions include losing weight, volunteering to help others, quitting smoking…” What does the underlined word “quitting” mean in this sentence?

A. Escaping

B. Continuing

C. Giving up

D. Giving away.

2. What isn’t a must to travel with a baby?

A. Having toys for their baby.

B. Packing their portable crib.

C. Having a car seat for the baby.

D. Diper changes.

3. If there is no crib at the host’s home, the Kims will pack their portable crib. What’s the Chinese meaning of “crib”? __________

4. Why is Kim’s family trip a little different?


5. If you travel with a baby, what should be the first to list?


Ⅱ. Writing practice

After reading the passage, what do you want to change this year? Complete this table and share what you write with your partner. VUbERbHqQ+p+CPAI3JlEIxbepQD68pcpe7y+WSTx9494RxscpiTf2SdOUv98bcbj
