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Harriet: How do you like your comparative religion class? What are you studying?
Jenny: It's actually really fascinating. I like learning about all the different ideas that people have about religion. Right now we are learning about holy books. We've talked about the Quran, the Torah, Sutras, Hindu texts, the Book of Mormon, and of course, the Bible.
Harriet: The Bible is probably the best known of all of those, don't you think?
Jenny: In the Western world, sure! It's not only the best-known book, but it is also considered to be the best-selling book of all time. There is an estimated sale of 100 million copies of the Bible every year! It was the very fi rst book printed with the printing press, and it has had an incredible infl uence on literature and history. It is the book of books!
Harriet: That's what the word Bible means, anyway, doesn't it? The book?
Jenny: Yeah, actually, it does. Bible in English comes from the Latin word biblia which means the books . The Bible is actually a collection of books considered sacred in Judaism and Christianity. Each book is usually named for the prophet who wrote them. The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh has twenty-four books divided into three sections, the Torah, which means teachings or law, the Nevi'm, meaning the prophets, and the Ketuvim , or writings. Christian Bibles are divided into two parts, before the birth of Jesus Christ and after. The fi rst is the Old Testament, which contains the writings of the prophets who testifi ed of the coming of Christ. It has the same twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible as well as some additional books. The second part tells of the birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ and is known as the New Testament. It contains twenty-seven books.
Harriet: Are there that many books in the New Testament? I thought there were just four… Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John… Named for the apostles, right?
Jenny: You're thinking about the four gospels. There are also more writings, like the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
Harriet: Wow… a lot of books… and in just one little book.
Jenny: …one very important book!
哈丽雅特: 你觉得宗教比较课怎么样?你在学什么呢?
珍妮: 这门课实际上很有意思。我喜欢了解人们对于宗教的各种看法。现在,我正在学习宗教典籍。我们讨论了《古兰经》、《律法书》、佛经、印度教典籍、《摩门经》,当然还有《圣经》。
哈丽雅特: 《圣经》可能是大家最熟知的吧?
珍妮: 在西方世界,《圣经》当然是广为流传的!它不仅是大家熟知的典籍,也是史上最畅销的书。《圣经》每年的销量大概有1亿册!它是印刷机所印制的第一本书,对文学和历史产生了巨大的影响。它是万书之书!
哈丽雅特: “Bible”这个词本身就是这个意思,对吧?“书”?
珍妮: 是的。英语中的“Bible”一词源于拉丁语的“ biblia ”,意思是“书”。《圣经》实际上是指被犹太教和基督教奉为圣书的一套书。其中的每一本通常都以著书的先知来命名的。《希伯来圣经》共24卷,分成3个部分,《律法书》是法律的意思,《先知书》是很多先知所著的典籍,《圣录》是许多文章的结集。基督教的《圣经》分为两个部分,即耶稣基督诞生前和诞生后。第一部分是《旧约全书》,包括一些先知的作品,先知证实了耶稣基督的降临。它包括了《希伯来圣经》的24卷以及其他几卷。第二部分讲述了耶稣基督的出生、生命和传道,这就是《新约》,共有27卷。
哈丽雅特: 《新约》有那么多卷吗?我以为只有4卷呢 …… 《马太福音》《马可福音》《路加福音》和《约翰福音》 …… 是根据传道者的名字命名的,对吧?
珍妮: 你说的是“四大福音”。还有其他的典籍,比如,《使徒行传》《使徒书信》《启示录》。
哈丽雅特: 哇 …… 很多卷呀 …… 而且是在一本书里。
珍妮:…… 一本非常重要的书!
holy |
神圣的 |
printing press |
印刷机 |
Judaism |
犹太教 |
Christianity |
基督教 |
testify |
证明,证实 |
incredible |
惊人的 |