

The Toy Elephant

Tom and Polly had a new toy .

It was a little gray elephant .

His name was Jumbo .

“I like Jumbo,” said Polly.

“He is a good little elephant.

But I want to see a big elephant.

Big elephants are funny.

Toy elephants are not very funny.”

Tom said, “We will take Jumbo to the zoo .

Then he can see the big elephants.”

So Tom and Polly and Jumbo went to the zoo.

“I like the zoo,” said Polly.

“Jumbo likes it, too.”

They saw four big elephants in the elephant house.

One elephant was very, very big.

Polly said, “Look, Jumbo.

See that big, big elephant.”

Then a man came along and looked at Jumbo.

“Is that a baby elephant?” he said.

Polly laughed and said, “Oh, no.

This is just a toy elephant.

His name is Jumbo.”

The man said, “Jumbo must see a big elephant do some tricks .”

The man went to a big elephant.

“Up, up! Stand up!” he said.

Up, up went the big elephant.

“Down, down!” said the man.

And the elephant sat down.

How Tom and Polly laughed!

The big elephant looked so funny!

Then the man said, “Look, children!

Now the big elephant will stand on his head .”

“Oh, oh!” said Tom.

“That is a good trick.”

Polly said, “Oh, my!

I wish Jumbo could do that.

But he can not do any tricks.

He is just a toy elephant.”

The next morning Polly went to get Jumbo.

Guess what she saw.

“Tom, Tom!” she called .

“Look at Jumbo!

He can do one trick.

He can stand on his head.”

Tom laughed.

“Oh, Polly!” he said.

“Little Jumbo thinks that he is the big elephantat the zoo.” GFDTCS/sg+LQeTUQXyAd6QwL6J6E3cD9QdkV9jWVJwL4/UEf6w5Au79wa9Lkw4Sd

