
Day 02

音 频

Previous Check



cue / kjuː /

n. 暗示;提示 ‖ v. 发出暗示

That was the cue for us to save him by interrupting the interview. 那是给我们的暗示,让我们打断访问来救他。


hunt / hʌnt /

v. & n. 寻找;追捕;打猎

hunt out/down 找寻到

Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she's on the hunt for“cute stuff that isn't too expensive.”跟大多数顾客一样,她很少有时间去购物,每次购物她都会寻找那些“不算贵的漂亮衣服”。(2009.6)


typical / ˈtɪpɪkl /

a. 典型的;有代表性的;独特的

This painting is a typical Vermeer. 这幅画是典型的维梅尔作品。


occasion / əˈkeɪʒn /

n. 时刻;场合,重大活动,仪式;时机

on occasion 偶尔

Refined table manners, though less popular than before in current social life, are still a must on certain occasions. 优雅的餐桌礼仪在当前社会生活中虽然没有以前流行了,但在某些场合还是必要的。


license / ˈlaɪsns /

v. 批准;许可 ‖ n. 执照;许可证

Do not, under any circumstances, share your social security, driver's license and bank account numbers or other personal information, such as race or eye color. 在任何情况下都不要泄露你的社会保险号、驾照号和银行账号,以及其他如种族、眼睛颜色等个人信息。(2007.6)


applause / əˈplɔːz /

n. 掌声;喝彩

The audience here in the hall has promised to remain silent, no cheers, no applause, no noise of any kind. 大厅的观众都已承诺会保持安静,既不欢呼,也不鼓掌,不发出任何一种声响。


nervous / ˈnɜːvəs /

a. 神经的;紧张不安的

Most of us fear to make a speech to the public but if you think of it as simple communication or helping others, you won't be nervous. 大多数人都害怕当众演讲,但是如果你把它看成是一种简单的交流,或者是帮助他人,那你就不会紧张了。


guard / ɡɑːd /

n. 守卫;警戒;防护装置 ‖ v. 警惕;保卫;监视

under guard 被监视中 || stand guard 站岗

Three robbers were arrested and the one injured was under guard in a hospital. 三个盗贼被捕,其中一个受伤住院,处于监视中。


offer / ˈɒfə /

n. 提议;出价 || v. 提供;出价

It seems that the Dodgers are eager to have him, but he is still open to offer. 看来道奇队很想要他,而他却仍在考虑其他队的报价。


consideration / kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn /

n. 考虑;关心;体贴

take...into consideration 考虑到… || under consideration 在讨论中

Price became a more important consideration for shoppers in choosing which shop to visit than it was before the recession. 与经济萧条前相比,价格已成了购物者选择商店时的一个更为重要的考虑因素。


ambition / æmˈbɪʃn /

n. 理想;雄心

Many people go through lives with dreams, but with no honest ambition to see them come true, or with no real belief that attaining them is actually possible. 很多人一生都有梦想,但是没有真正的雄心去实现它们,或者没有相信这些梦想有可能实现的坚定信念。


wrap / ræp /

v. 包裹;缠绕

If you want to make your own bouquet, you'd better wrap the flowers in a matching ribbon or bow. 如果你正在操办自己的宴会,最好用相搭的丝带或蝴蝶结来包裹花束。


manage / ˈmænɪdʒ /

v. 管理;经营;成功应对;腾出(时间,金钱等)

The issue is more pressing because the buyout firms have become harder to manage. 事情变得更紧迫了,因为收购公司越来越难以应对了。


scare / skeə /

n. 惊吓;恐慌 || v. 惊吓;使担忧

Now that the swine flu scare seems to have died down, does this mean we are all over-reacted? 既然猪流感的恐慌似乎已渐渐平息,这是否意味着我们反应过度了呢?


admire / ədˈmaɪə /

v. 钦佩;欣赏

I particularly want to say something to our troops and their families: this country respects you, we admire you and we wish you a happy new year. 我特别要对我们的军人和他们的家人说,这个国家尊敬你们,我们钦佩你们,我们祝你们新年快乐。


fantasy / ˈfæntəsi /

n. 幻想;奇幻故事 ‖ a. 虚幻的

Sometimes we see our dreams as a fantasy, not as a possibility. 有时候,我们把梦想当作一种幻想,而不是一种可能。


optical / ˈɒptɪkl /

a. 视力的;视觉的;光的;光学的

Since a rainbow is an optical illusion, it doesn't have an actual endpoint. 因为彩虹只是一种光学幻觉,所以它并没有真实的端点。


heroic / həˈrəʊɪk /

a. 英勇的;艰苦的;男主人公的 ‖ n. 英雄壮举;逞英雄的行为

The movie shows us something else: heroic work by scientists and Homeland Security officials. 电影给我们展示了其他的东西:科学家们和国土安全局官员的英勇工作。


resort / rɪˈzɔːt /

v. & n. 诉诸;采取;求助 ‖ n.(度假)胜地

resort to 诉诸 ‖ as a first/last resort 作为第一招或最后一招

When people know how to solve their problems, they are less likely to resort to violence. 当人们知道如何解决自己的问题时,他们诉诸暴力的可能性就会小一些。


engage / ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ /

v. 参与;吸引;订婚;任命,雇用

Recent reports found that lodging with a student of a different race may decrease prejudice and compel students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships. 最近一些报告发现,不同种族的学生住在一起可以减少歧视,迫使学生与更多不同种族的人发展友谊。(2011.6)


explore / ɪkˈsplɔː /

v. 探测,勘察;探讨,研究

Few theatre roles explore the emotional range of humanity as fully in three hours as Hamlet. 没有几个戏剧角色能像哈姆雷特一样在三个小时里彻底探索人性的情感范畴。


intensive / ɪnˈtensɪv /

a. 加强的;集中的;密集的

They received weeks of intensive training here. 他们在这里接受了几周的集中训练。


shift / ʃɪft /

v.(使)移动;变动;换挡 ‖ n. 轮班;轮班职工

Around the turn of the 21st century, mankind's conception of the world underwent a huge shift. 在21世纪的转折点,人类对这个世界的认知经历了巨大的改变。


distract / dɪˈstrækt /

v. 使分心,分散注意力

At present these earthquake survivors really need some good news to distract them from the grief of life. 现在这些地震幸存者很需要一些好消息让他们暂时忘记生活中的悲痛。


severe / sɪˈvɪə /

a. 十分严重的;严厉的

The severe storm destroyed most of the crops. 猛烈的暴风雨毁掉了大部分庄稼。


fabric / ˈfæbrɪk /

n. 织物,布料;基本结构,构造

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress. 不能改变自己思想构造的人永远不能改变现实,因此也永远不能取得进步。


attractive / əˈtræktɪv /

a. 有魅力的;漂亮的;吸引人的

Smoking is still attractive to many young people who are easily affected by their peers. 吸烟对很多容易被同龄人影响的年轻人来说还是很有诱惑力的。


essential / ɪˈsenʃl /

a. 必不可少的;基本的;本质的 ‖ n. 必需品;基础知识

Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. 不管是在个人生活还是工作中,信任对任何重要的人际关系都是必不可少的。(2011.12)


persist / pəˈsɪst /

v. 顽强坚持;(不喜欢的事物)继续存在

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. 明白事理的人使自己适应世界;不明事理的人坚持试图使世界适应自己。


ease / iːz /

n. 容易;舒适 ‖ v. (使)(程度、速度、强度等)减少

Which is why digital textbooks, if they live up to their promise, could help ease many of these shortcomings. 如果电子教科书真如其承诺所言,这就是它可以帮助减少很多这种短处的原因。(2013.6)


approach / əˈprəʊtʃ /

v. 接近;临近;近似于 ‖ n. 方法,途径;接近

Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. 老师可采用“以男生为中心”的方式,例如,选一些会吸引男生的主题和人物来鼓励他们享受阅读和写作的乐趣。(2011.12)


household / ˈhaʊshəʊld /

n. 家庭,一家人;家务 ‖ a. 家喻户晓的;皇家的

They used statistical techniques to measure how changes in prices affected household buying habits. 他们用统计技术来测量价格变化如何影响家庭购买习惯。


penetrate / ˈpenətreɪt /

v. 穿透;跻身;打入;进入;领悟,洞察

Water is the softest substance in the world, but yet it can penetrate the hardest rock. 水是世界上最柔软的物质,但是它却可以穿透最坚硬的岩石。


merit / ˈmerɪt /

n. 价值;优点;功绩 ‖ v. 值得

I don't think there's any merit in the plan. 我认为这个计划没有任何优点。


ceremony / ˈserəməni /

n. 仪式,典礼;礼节,客套

We look forward to being invited to attend the opening ceremony. 我们很期待被邀请参加开幕式。(2010.6)


adequate / ˈædɪkwət /

a. 足够的;合格的

I'm sorry to say that none of your people is adequate to the work. 很遗憾,你手下没有人能胜任这项工作。


rude / ruːd /

a. 粗鲁无礼的,粗俗下流的;突然的;粗糙的

Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere. 大叫大嚷或是举止无礼不会让你如愿以偿的。(2010.6)


deny / dɪˈnaɪ /

v. 否认;抛弃;拒绝给予

The government has denied that the central bank would raise interest rates. 政府否认中央银行会提高利率。


manner / ˈmænə /

n. 方式;做法;举止

The manner in which you discharge a battery directly affects the life-span of the battery. 你给电池充电的方式直接影响电池的使用寿命。


precaution / prɪˈkɔːʃn /

n. 预防措施;防备

We should take all the precautions against accident. 我们应采取一切措施预防意外。


lease / liːs /

n. 租约 ‖ v. 出租

The lease is explicit in saying that the rent must be paid in advance. 租约上写得明白,租金必须提前交。


barber / ˈbɑːbə /

n. 理发师;理发店

The barber shows you the mirror but it's too late to raise a squawk. 理发师给你照镜子时,抗议已经太迟了。(生米已成熟饭。)


sake / seɪk /

n. 缘故;目的;理由

There is no man doing a wrong for the wrong's sake but thereby to purchase himself profit, or pleasure, or honour, or the like. 没有人单纯为了做坏事而做坏事,而是以此来为自己谋求利益、快乐、荣誉或这一类的东西。


withstand / wɪðˈstænd /

v. 经受住;承受;顶住

Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book. 它们(黑匣子)具有几乎能经受住任何灾难的能力,这使它们看起来就像连环画里的东西一样。(2010.6)


psychological / ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl /

a. 心理的;精神的;心理学的

A concern of psychological scientists is the extent to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture, by genetic makeup and the environment. 心理学家关注的是天性和教育、遗传和环境影响所有这些个性的程度。(2010.12)


bite / baɪt /

n. 咬;一口的量;(叮,咬的)伤痕 || v. 叮;咬;上钩

He has been fishing all day but hasn't had a single bite. 他钓了一天的鱼,但没有一条鱼咬钩。


yoghurt / ˈjɒɡət /

n. 酸奶;酸乳酪

I want to know how yoghurt is made. 我想知道酸奶是怎么制成的。


denial / dɪˈnaɪəl /

n. 否认;克制;拒绝

The denial of creativity has taken a toll. 否定创造力已经带来了损害。


evident / ˈevɪdənt /

a. 清晰易见的;显然的

The need for global cooperation is becoming more evident with every succeeding year. 人们对全球合作的需求逐年变得越来越明显。


shock / ʃɒk /

n. 震惊;惊吓;冲击力 || v. 使震惊;使不快

Cultural shock is a common problem for international staffs, which can be overcome through cross-cultural training. 对于跨国员工而言,文化冲击是一个普遍的问题,这个问题可以通过跨文化培训来解决。


characteristic / ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk /

n. 特征;特性 || a. 典型的;特有的

Mutuality rather than independence is the chief characteristic of human life, whatever we'd like to believe. 不论我们是否愿意相信,人类生活的主要特征是相互性而不是独立性。


aspect / ˈæspekt /

n. 方面;朝向;形势

In the future, your computer is not only incorporated into every aspect of your life, but is a part of you. 将来,电脑不仅同你生活的各方面都有联系,而且会成为你自身的一部分。


cheer / tʃɪə /

n. 欢呼 || v. 欢呼;使振奋

cheer up 使高兴;使振奋

They cheer our players all throughout the year, so they deserve an opportunity to determine who the league MVP should be. 他们常年为我们的球员欢呼加油,所以他们应该得到机会去决定谁应该是联盟的最有价值球员。


applicant / ˈæplɪkənt /

n. 申请人

The key is to find the school that is best for the applicant; not what some publication thinks. 重要的是找到最适合申请人的学校,而不应该只听从某些刊物的看法。


incomplete / ˌɪnkəmˈpliːt /

a. 没完成的;不完全的

If you don't have a complete plan, you'll have to advance with incomplete information and be open to adapting as you go. 如果你没有一个完整的计划,你就必须在信息不完整的情况下前进,并在前进中随时调整计划。


settle / ˈsetl /

v. 解决;定居;结算;和解

settle down 安顿下来;平静安坐

I sincerely hope that you will settle the argument to your mutual satisfaction. 我衷心希望你们能以双方都满意的方式解决这个争论。


valley / ˈvæli /

n. 山谷;流域;溪谷

Not every place can be Silicon Valley, but nor every place has to be. 不是所有地方都能成为硅谷,但也不是每一个地方都要成为硅谷。


eternal / ɪˈtɜːnl /

a. 永恒的;不朽的;无休止的

You should think from the standpoint of the eternal truths and principles of life, not from the standpoint of fear, ignorance, and superstition. 你应该站在永恒的真理和生命的真谛上去思考,而不是站在恐惧、无知和迷信之上。


vast / vɑːst /

a. 广阔的;巨大的;大量的

The difference between development and production is vast. 开发与生产之间有着巨大的差异。


outlook / ˈaʊtlʊk /

n. 世界观,人生观,看法;前景 || v. 比…好看

One likely factor is that they regard the outlook for the economy as highly uncertain, particularly in America and Europe. 一个可能的因素就是他们认为经济前景很不确定,特别是在欧洲和美国。


authority / ɔːˈθɒrəti /

n. 当局;威信;权威人士;行政管理机构;(官方的正式)许可

That same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility. 同年,美国联邦航空管理局要求将所有匣子——实际上这些匣子从来都不是黑色的——涂成橙色或者黄色,使其更显眼。(2010.6)


decorate / ˈdekəreɪt /

v. 装饰;粉刷;美化;授予(荣誉)

They had been made to decorate classrooms, corridors, as well as move furniture and equipment. 他们被要求去装饰教室、走廊,以及搬运家具和教学设备。


deposit / dɪˈpɒzɪt /

n. 订金;押金;存款 ‖ v. 放下;寄存;存入账户

on deposit 存着的

He has a large deposit in the bank, which surprised all his relatives. 让所有亲戚大为惊讶的是,他在银行里有一大笔存款。


pill / pɪl /

n. 药丸

Teenagers were told the pill was good for them, helping with weight loss and productivity. 青少年被告知该药丸对他们有好处,可以帮助他们减肥以及提高学习效率。


deceive / dɪˈsiːv /

v. 欺骗;误导

She was a very clever lady who tried to deceive the police about her involvement. 她是个非常聪明的女人,在描述自己和事件的关联时试图误导警方。


recession / rɪˈseʃn /

n. 经济衰退,经济不景气

Economists fear a similar wave of protectionism today could make the world back into recession. 经济学家担心如今类似的保护主义浪潮会使世界经济重新陷入衰退。


crash / kræʃ /

n. 撞车;碰撞 ‖ v. 撞毁;撞击;失败,垮台;(电脑)崩溃

Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane—the area least subject to impact—from its original position in the landing wells. 然而,早期的黑匣子经常承受不了碰撞,所以1965年时,人们对黑匣子重新进行了设计,安装位置由原来的起落架舱转移到飞机后部——遭受冲击力最小的区域。(2010.6)


enclose / ɪnˈkləʊz /

v. 包围;装入信封

I had just posted the letter when I remembered that I hadn't enclosed the cheque. 信一寄出去,我就记起来还没把支票装进去。


complain / kəmˈpleɪn /

v. 抱怨,控诉

Mr. Jobs had a reputation as a control freak, and his critics complained that the products and systems he designed were closed and inflexible, in the name of greater ease of use. 乔布斯先生素来以“控制狂”著称,他的批评者们抱怨说,他设计的产品和系统打着使用更方便的幌子,实则是封闭且死板的。(2012.12)


active / ˈæktɪv /

a. 忙碌的;活跃的;积极参与的;主动的

Evidence was found indicating the base had been an active training facility for the terrorist network. 有证据表明该基地是恐怖主义网络的一个活跃的训练场所。


earnest / ˈɜːnɪst /

a. 认真的;真诚的

in earnest 郑重地,正式地;真诚地

Claire is a pretty, earnest woman. 克莱尔是一位漂亮的、真诚的女人。


astonish / əˈstɒnɪʃ /

v. 使十分惊奇

A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people. 像这种重复出现的事物不会使人吃惊。


extreme / ɪkˈstriːm /

a. 极其的;极端的;偏激的 ‖ n. 极端

go to extremes 走极端 ‖ in the extreme 极端;非常

They've survived the brutality of war, extreme poverty, religious and racial persecution. 他们经历了残酷的战争、极端的贫困、宗教和种族迫害而存活下来。


offensive / əˈfensɪv /

a. 冒犯的;无礼的;进攻方的 ‖ n. 进攻

Moreover, if a protein carries the wrong sugars—from yeast, for instance—the human immune system goes on the offensive. 此外,如果蛋白运载了错误的糖,例如酵母糖,那么人类的免疫系统就会主动防御。


insight / ˈɪnsaɪt /

n. 洞悉;洞察力

Perhaps if we analyze the creative process carefully, we might get some insight into what it is and how it might work in our lives. 也许如果我们仔细分析这个创造过程,就可能了解到它到底是什么以及它在我们生活中是如何起作用的。(2012.6)



thermometer / θəˈmɒmɪtə /

n. 温度计;体温表

This experiment needs a very delicate thermometer. 这个实验需要一个非常灵敏的温度计。


fossil / ˈfɒsl /

n. 化石;老顽固

The increasing consumption of fossil fuels drives people to look for new alternative energy resources. 随着矿物能源的日益消耗,寻找新型替代能源显得十分迫切。


clause / klɔːz /

n. 分句,从句;(法律文件的)条款

Please read and check every clause carefully before finally signing. 最后签字之前请仔细阅读和检查每一项条款。


preposition / ˌprepəˈzɪʃn /

n. 介词;前置词

You should delete this preposition in the sentence. 你应该把句子中的这个介词删掉。


anchor / ˈæŋkə /

n. 锚;靠山;精神支柱;新闻主播

The letter from his family every month was his anchor when he was on the battlefield. 每月从家里寄来的书信成了他在战场上的精神支柱。


amid / əˈmɪd /

prep. 在其中;在其间

Amid warm applause the Actress of the Year mounted the platform to receive her prize. 在热烈的掌声中,年度最佳女演员登台领奖。


butcher / ˈbʊtʃə /

n. 屠夫;杀人狂 || v. 屠宰;屠杀

Don't forget to go to the butcher's on your way home. 回家的路上不要忘了去趟肉铺。


coarse / kɔːs /

a. 粗糙的;粗俗的

This millionaire's favourite piece of clothing is a coat made from very coarse fabric. 这个大富豪最喜欢的衣服是用很粗糙的布做的一件外套。


condemn / kənˈdem /

v. 谴责;责备;判(某人…罪)

The media bitterly condemned the latest wave of violence against civilians. 媒体严厉谴责了最近对平民的暴力事件。


sausage / ˈsɒsɪdʒ /

n. 香肠;腊肠

A slice of bacon cooked thoroughly, has fewer calories than a sausage. 一片烤熟的培根所含的卡路里比香肠要少。


disgraceful / dɪsˈɡreɪsfl /

a. 可耻的;丢脸的

There's litter everywhere in the park. It is absolutely disgraceful. 公园里到处是垃圾,真是丢人。


metric / ˈmetrɪk /

a. 米制的;公制的;测量的

A meter is a unit of length in the metric system. 米是一个公制的长度单位。


penalty / ˈpenəlti /

n. 处罚;刑罚;罚球;报应

The death penalty has been abolished in many European countries. 许多欧洲国家已经废除了死刑。


curve / kɜːv /

n. 曲线;弧线;曲线球 || v. 使弯曲;沿曲线运动

Violent robbery overall is on a slow but steady upward curve. 暴力抢劫案总体呈现一个缓慢但持续上升的曲线。


flock / flɒk /

n.(鸟、羊)群;一大群 ‖ v. 蜂拥;群集

In the 19th century people flocked to California where they expected to make their fortunes. 19世纪人们涌向加利福尼亚,希望能在那里发财。


fashionable / ˈfæʃnəbl /

a. 时髦的;时兴的

The fashionable remarks of today may become the cliche of tomorrow. 今天的时髦话明天也许就变成了陈词滥调。


geometry / dʒiˈɒmətri /

n. 几何学;几何图形

He puzzled his way through solid geometry. 他煞费苦心地学习立体几何学。


automate / ˈɔːtəmeɪt /

v. 自动化;自动操作

This factory uses hi-tech equipment to automate the manufacturing process. 这家工厂使用高科技的设备来使生产流程自动化。


removal / rɪˈmuːvl /

n. 消除,去除;搬家,搬迁

When winter comes, snow removal is always a major expense for northern cities. 冬季来临时,除雪往往是北方城市的主要开支之一。


quiver / ˈkwɪvə /

n. 抖动;微颤;箭筒 ‖ v. 颤动;抖动;打哆嗦

Noticing the dim light in the distance, she felt a quiver of panic. 看到远处的微光,她感到一阵恐慌。


intact / ɪnˈtækt /

a. 完整无缺的;未受损伤的;原封不动的

Most of the cargo was left intact after the storm. 暴风雨过后大部分货物都还完好无损。


skeptical / ˈskeptɪkl /

a. 怀疑的

Some experts have a cautious and skeptical view to the existence of alien intelligence. 一些专家对外星人的存在持谨慎和怀疑的态度。


ritual / ˈrɪtʃuəl /

a. 仪式性的;传统的;习惯性的 ‖ n. 典礼;(宗教)仪式

This is the most ancient and holiest Christian ritual. 这是一个最古老、最神圣的基督教仪式。


cottage / ˈkɒtɪdʒ /

n. 村舍;小屋

The retired couple enjoy their quiet life in a cottage 50 miles from the city. 这对退休的夫妇在离市区50英里的小屋中享受着安静的生活。


grave / ɡreɪv /

n. 坟墓;死亡 ‖ a. 严重的;严肃的

It was as quiet as a grave in there, you could even hear your breath. 那里一片死寂,你甚至能听到自己的呼吸声。 rsUq09DpIqTKgtDATehtFlLI3W9+T4vY1iqc8cqy4oaB/YJDuQQLHXRIRuo7QBiW
