The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
The Member for Arcis
Berthier, Alexandre
The Chouans
Bonaparte, Lucien
The Vendetta
The Seamy Side of History
The Commission in Lunacy
Jealousies of a Country Town
Cinq-Cygne, Laurence, Comtesse (afterwards Marquise de)
The Secrets of a Princess
The Seamy Side of History
The Member for Arcis
The Chouans
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Middle Classes
A Start in Life
Father Goriot
Colonel Chabert
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Duroc, Gerard-Christophe-Michel
A Woman of Thirty
Espard, Jeanne-Clementine-Athenais de Blamont-Chauvry, Marquise d'
The Commission in Lunacy
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Letters of Two Brides
Another Study of Woman
The Secrets of a Princess
A Daughter of Eve
Fouche, Joseph
The Chouans
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Giguet, Colonel
The Member for Arcis
Gondreville, Malin, Comte de
A Start in Life
Domestic Peace
The Member for Arcis
The Member for Arcis
Goujet, Abbe
The Member for Arcis
Grandlieu, Duc Ferdinand de
The Thirteen
A Bachelor's Establishment
Modeste Mignon
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Granville, Vicomte de
A Second Home
Farewell (Adieu)
Cesar Birotteau
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
A Daughter of Eve
Cousin Pons
A Start in Life
The Member for Arcis
Hauteserre, D'
The Member for Arcis
Lefebvre, Robert
Cousin Betty
Lenoncourt, Duc de
The Lily of the Valley
Cesar Birotteau
Jealousies of a Country Town
Louis XVIII., Louis-Stanislas-Xavier
The Chouans
The Seamy Side of History
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Ball at Sceaux
The Lily of the Valley
Colonel Chabert
The Government Clerks
Marion (of Arcis)
The Member for Arcis
Marion (brother)
The Member for Arcis
Marsay, Henri de
The Thirteen
The Unconscious Humorists
Another Study of Woman
The Lily of the Valley
Father Goriot
Jealousies of a Country Town
Ursule Mirouet
A Marriage Settlement
Lost Illusions
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Letters of Two Brides
The Ball at Sceaux
Modeste Mignon
The Secrets of a Princess
A Daughter of Eve
Maufrigneuse, Duchesse de
The Secrets of a Princess
Modeste Mignon
Jealousies of a Country Town
The Muse of the Department
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Letters of Two Brides
Another Study of Woman
The Member for Arcis
Maufrigneuse, Georges de
The Secrets of a Princess
The Member for Arcis
Maufrigneuse, Berthe de
The Member for Arcis
Michu, Francois
Jealousies of a Country Town
The Member for Arcis
Michu, Madame Francois
The Member for Arcis
Murat, Joachim, Prince
The Vendetta
Colonel Chabert
Domestic Peace
The Country Doctor
Navarreins, Duc de
A Bachelor's Establishment
Colonel Chabert
The Muse of the Department
The Thirteen
Jealousies of a Country Town
The Peasantry
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Country Parson
The Magic Skin
The Secrets of a Princess
Cousin Betty
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Vendetta
Rastignac, Eugene de
Father Goriot
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
The Ball at Sceaux
The Commission in Lunacy
A Study of Woman
Another Study of Woman
The Magic Skin
The Secrets of a Princess
A Daughter of Eve
The Firm of Nucingen
Cousin Betty
The Member for Arcis
The Unconscious Humorists
Regnier, Claude-Antoine
A Second Home
Simeuse, Admiral de
Jealousies of a Country Town
The Peasantry
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles-Maurice de
The Chouans
The Thirteen
Letters of Two Brides
Gaudissart II.
Vandenesse, Comte Felix de
The Lily of the Valley
Lost Illusions
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
Cesar Birotteau
Letters of Two Brides
A Start in Life
The Marriage Settlement
The Secrets of a Princess
Another Study of Woman
A Daughter of Eve
The Gondreville Mystery
The Member for Arcis